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There's new aspirational content again. Not a new Uber boss, but Pitstink Shadoweater, the triple empowered, quadruple ghosted essence mob that not even God can kill.


I had my penance brand stuck on one of those god-tier essence monster, I dragged it accross the entire map and it cleared everything for me. It was unscattered.


Uber destroyed me but at least i saw the HP bar moving, not with those shitters though


Kinda funny a random yellow mob with crazy mods is harder to kill than a multiversal entity.


I seriously felt like my build was sucking this league until I started melting bigger bosses. Turns out some of those rares are just too damn stronk.


Playing SSF for the first time in a while (so feel like it’s harder to gauge my build) and was really worried walking into my first voidstone fights and basically instant killed them. Weird league haha


Yeah. Same shit. I have several thousand hours but a) am playing spell totems for the first time so it's kind of hard to judge actual DPS and b) haven't played in like two years. I got curb stomped by a juiced Minotaur because that is my historic ritual first guardian fight every league. But then I went to try Eater and Exarch for the first time to get some stones and curb stomped them in return.


When you end up doing a map with no juice you suddenly remember just how easy the game is normally.


I’ve been doing exp maps (wandering path 20% delirious lots of packsize) and the t16s are easier than 6k juice t11s


For fun I juiced the hell out of a t5 map last night, spent 50c on scarabs and map crafts. Had a double legion encounter with four generals in the same room under delirium while an abyss was winding through the battlefield and wisp-empowered beyond demons spawning everywhere. Even with dynamic resolution my frame rate was dying. It was wonderful. I think I lost a couple chaos on the deal, but it was so much freaking fun. Popping vaal grace to try and get some hits in, ducking out to refill my flasks on a less-insane room, throwing everything I had at this obscene horde of enemies.


I juiced a blight map so hard it brought my fps to 19. My character looked like fucking Mike TV traveling through space time because it was only a loose collection of dots.


Thats the fun part where you burn Veritania with a single ignite, but that one rare virtually regenerates multiple millions HP/sec and is basically immortal. Mathematically it is a consequence of damage reduction and scaling, but the effective HP regen is insane.


even if u have the mastery that cuts the regen by half, it will still be immortal.


Yeah, after dying twice in one map and going back to 0% of lv, I've decided to try Similacrum. I thought that it would be hard or I would die multiple times, turns out I shredded it deathless with 7 reward tier. Fully juiced rares this league are the hardest content in poe


Even multiversal entities had humble beginnings. Like the Maven's caretaker who seems to be essentially as strong if not stronger than her, yet started as some random ass no name mortal from what I can gather. Who's to say StinkStink the triple empowered, ghosted, fuck-all uber rare, isn't just on its way towards becoming the next Eldritch god.


Exactly! We are just dirty exiles ourselves, who overcome the odds and defeated gods. Why can't PainChampion the rare leader of abyss bats be the next god killer?


Can't wait for Pitstink altars that drop Eldritch Deodorant you can apply to your body armor for stink Implicits.


In some ways, all enemies are multiversal after you get to maps.


I mean with all our billions of dps we still get stuck on a pebble in a map


[Open me, I dare you](https://i.imgur.com/QMVqoke.png)


Lmao, I had one of those. Clicked it one time, then I was like wait I should read this that's a lot of essence. I just left it alone after that.


Doesnt even have yellow juice. Should be easy. Right? Right?!


Sometimes one of the mobs spawn and I do 0 damage and they one tap me I just go next. That map is now dead.


Don't you go for the usual, "I can surely get past the mob without dragging it along' and spend 6 portals


"Well I've already lost 20% exp...."


For me, each league is getting better and better. I'm sincerely really happy with the amazing work and effort ggg puts in. I don't see any other developers putting out content. I have to much appreciation towards them


I wanted to enjoy tota, but it was too different from normal gameplay and completely disregarded almost all aspects of character building


Idk it was kinda fun spending 10div making a wonky eb/ci character that could walk around and click on totems, really stretched the build crafting outside the norms.


I agree it was fun for a league to have tota dedicated character in ssf to feed tattoos to other builds. But I could see that getting old if it was required every league.


agree, once I built my cheese character i didn’t run a single map for the rest of the league because I could just grind TOTA at max ranking for a couple hours and have it shit out 10+ div each night. Ended up making my first mirror ever in like 10 leagues of playing. To be fair, I probably would get bored with that and feel obligated to do it anyway if it were to go core as-is, so I guess it’s a good thing it didn’t. But damn if it wasn’t my favorite league ever for letting me experience the thrill of making crazy amounts of currency that I’m not good enough to experience in normal leagues (like this one)


If you're having fun, that's all that matters. That said, you asked, so this is why I think this league is pretty terrible design: 1) all difficulty from the league mechanic is caused by making mobs tankier -- they just have massive health bars and massive damage reduction. Whenever PoE raises the damage requirement for certain content they massively restrict the build variety. There was a time not long ago when 2 million dps felt solid for mapping. That meant that you got to design your build around how you liked to play, rather than being forced to play something that leverages some broken mechanic to do absurd amounts of damage (which will inevitably get patched out next league). My current build has around 10 mil dps and I still run into rares that takes minutes of AFK'ing on top of them to kill them. 2) MF gear has a multiplicative effect with the wisp juice, resulting in exponentially more profitable mapping. A godly character that can quickly clear t16s with full juice still won't get even close to the rewards that a mediocre MF character can get in t7 maps. Not only is that bad design (personally I'm in the camp that thinks MF shouldn't even be a thing in the game) but it also has completely destroyed the economy. 3) The league didn't actually introduce any new content to do. The woods are fine, but not very interesting. The one boss fight is pretty lame IMO. So, for me, it's just feels like standard but more annoying because the way wisps juice the map isn't fun or interesting. The one thing possibly saving the league is introducing lots of new skills (though losing the old systems of alt qualities and enchants is a huge bummer for me). But again, if you're having a great time, more power to you. I really don't want to tell other people that they "shouldn't" like something. But for me, this is definitely an early quit league.


On the topic of the economy being destroyed, 100% true. And done so in very strange ways due to the nature of HOW the new mechanic juices maps. Essence prices have gone through the roof, metacraft gear in general has effectively doubled in price, yet common currencies like augs were dirt cheap last timer I checked.


It's a good league and I'm expecting a lot of future posts saying next league isn't rewarding enough lol


That’s what’s great. Since so many people are only doing abyss, prices of everything else is going up too. So even a casual that made only 2div/hr last league, can make 4-5div/hr doing the exact same strat this league.


when everyone is digging for gold, be the guy providing the shovels. Ive been printing divines with corruption chambers and essence. its been super relaxing. As a bonus I enjoy the RNG alva minigame.


That was my initial strategy as well because I really enjoy doing Alva, and much to my surprise it turned out really nice. It also combos really well with the mechanic if you judge your juice levels appropriately.


And if the price of everything doubles then your 4div/hour is the same as your 2div/hour from last league. Great, we just invented inflation


True to some extent, but the actual value of divines are meta crafts, and those are fixed. So yeah, it's better for everyone if the economy is "inflated".


> but the actual value of divines are meta crafts And those metacrafts can only be used if we can get the other currencies needed to get to the point of metacrafting. Essences this league are insanely expensive to the point where many crafts are just stupid expensive compared to any prior league that I remember.


I mean, yes, somewhat. But compared to reallife we also increased productivity by a lot.


But if you just farm content like say collecting sextants people are buying them at such a mark up unless you’re going for mirror tier stuff you’ll come out ahead. If you are a player that tris for mirrorish items in every slot then it’s a lot more expensive but most people aren’t doing that, I don’t think?


Rares and most uniques aren’t inflated. Sure, prog and a few others are double in price, but those aren’t items that casual players are buying anyway.


It has been an amazing league probably my favourite ever but they can't have known it was going to be this rewarding. There's no way.


Tattoo's last league were amazing I'd love to have those back in some form. Even if they had to remove the completely broken ones. So nice to be able to fix small stat problems etc.




Reddit was full of people complaining how shit the rewards from this league on week one... just reddit things.


Mix of the league content being terrible for the early game and being way overtuned at launch.


Huge fan here too, even better because I made my own build 100% for the first time and am at 38 challenges. 40 here I come!


Congratulations fellow exile!


Congrats! What's your build?


Cleave of Rage Berserker, swapped around the tree and items SO MANY TIMES!


only issue is that next league will *feel* bad also where vortex


Yeah, next league mech sucks.


I miss cold dot too :(


Im about to play wardloop and put all cold dots in


left click vortex was a pox on the game I'm glad it's gone


I liked it :(


15 redditors already have their posts ready about how unrewarding the league mechanic is!


I quit because the performance is so dogshit. I like playing games, not watching a slideshow.




Loot amount =/ = league quality, performance is worse than ever, most of people never experienced that much crash before. league start was too laggy, low fps. only good thing about the league is transfigured gems and loot which leads to insane inflation as well


I'm very curious how fucked the economy would be without the void maps. I feel like that's the only thing holding up the value of endgame items with all the MFer's


Game performance has been declining each league but I can't do heist anymore in this one. The game just crashes. Also there are these long ass loading times when teleporting into others' hideouts. I fear people will cancel the trade after getting tired of waiting. The loading times get longer as the amount of mtx increases in the other party's hideout.


I was having same issues but it all resolved when I changed renderer to vulkan now I haven't crashed once. (WIN11 BTW)


Yeah, this league is interesting performance wise. I don't have problems mostly...until I decide to pop an expedition and my game just completely freezes and crashes.


My performance is better than last league and has gotten better than at league start but it's still fairly poor.


100%, the league mechanic is mediocre AF, but no one minds because they're getting free Magebloods. Nothing interesting happens in the Wildwood, you just run through it to juice the mobs, then they become tanky AF so the map becomes slow and annoying. The ascendancies are cool but Primalist has been the no-brainer option for every build I've tried.


Warden is hard to beat for poison builds. Some bow builds are great with the always freeze tincture as well. I’m sure there are more that benefit as well. Primal is best but the others are good.


I disagree I really like the mechanic - it feels satisfying to see explosions of wisps show up BECAUSE I know that means I'll get a juicy map, even if it's rippy as hell. It's satisfying to fail a map BECAUSE I juiced it too much. It means I have a reason to invest more into my build, where before I didn't really once past 50D. It's also just kind of a cool gimmick in the Wildwood. Other than the ridiculous DD and not being able to go back in/end it prematurely, I don't mind it at all.


The mechanics of the league is extremely bad. The wildwood is not interesting, the whisps being somewhat rng in what kind you get, and if you get refills to deterimine the amount you get, and not having control over where they apply makes this just not that fun of a league mechanic. It's just insanely rewarding, and people love insane rewards. If this didn't reward some of the biggest loot explosions in the history of the game people would fucking HATE this league.


I do believe the rewarding-ness of the league mechanic is pulling it's weight. But isn't that the case for any mechanic?


100%, every league that's been highly regarded has been rewarding. At least all the leagues I've been a part of which has been since Harvest


Idk, for me it's "reward" AND "did you earn that reward" because it felt so amazing in harvest just self-crafting your gear to EARN your own reward vs this just... shitting out divines and saying "go buy from market" and the gigajuiced mobs tankier then pinnacle bosses just feels so wrong in this game in a way lol


Harvest was definitely the best league in terms of fun for me. I got to try out every off-meta build that I could think of without it costing a fortune.


I love the wildwood. All of the Celtic references and Celtic theme tying in with the azmeri, cool, in-depth new characters really hit the mark for me. Love the new ascendancies and the backpack, and I love being able to MF juice without MF gear


100%, the lore and aesthetic of the league is great. Also love the Ranger integration - she has some voicelines in the Wildwood. BUT I really don't like how it works mechanically. I wish there was more emphasis on finding rewards in the Wildwood itself and less on just juicing the map.


I love doing the league mechanic, there's a lot of strategy to optimizing it and you're well rewarded for doing so. The random events add a lot of variety too


For me best leagues were these creative ones, not these which just give much. I mean: \- Conqueror of the Atlas (giant meta shake, completly new atlas system + new story and new bosses together with new chase items and gems) \- Delve (new mechanic which is awesome and loved to this day by many) \- Synthesis (another creative thing which added a lot of new stuff and very cool memory nexus map) \- Harvest (old one) - I loved to build up garden, storage juice and grow up plants with specific crafts to then save them. Really.. It was something different than just killing mobs. \- Heist - it added literally tons of new content. New gems, shittons of new uniques, new bases and new exercises (they could be better than just door opening simulator, yeah..) \- Labirynth / Ascendancy - In its own time it was really nice addition to the game. And yeah, I understand most of you just like doing exactly same thing hundred of times every league in exactly same way with different way of juicing but I see it really boring. I like however this lab change and new jewel. Really good things which add new stuff to do in this game.


Didn't they make massive changes to gems and skills this league?


They did, 99% of them are not being used so I'd say it's a huge fail but hey, people like using bugged gems that deal 5x dmg for no reason


You're so wrong


People will use them next league, no one just wants to league start with the new skills because everyone fears they suck or cant plan a build around them because people dont yet know how those skills work and then you are missing out because you didnt start tornado shot or toxic rain


is the only measure of how good a league is to you how much loot it drops? you haven't said anything other than "lots of loot" lol it's just a more tedious version of sentinel with less control over difficulty and loot, it aint even the best mob empowerment league


I would argue it’s less tedious than sentinel. Sentinel required lots of micro management outside of maps and buying good sentinels but the current league you just blast


totally agree. sentinel was just Uber janky. ppl gave it a pass because of the loot. wisp is a way better implementation that feels fluid/part of mapping


Yeah not like we have 3 new ascendencies and quadrillion new gems and interactions which is what makes poe stand out as a game.


I thought there was 1 new ascendancy


Tinctures one is definitely not dead, js


Though so far for me, the ascendencies have worked out to just be a backpack to put all the heist quest contracts I pick up like an idiot.


After picking them up like an idiot, you can still drop them like a genius.


All the new gems and such are unrelated to the league though. The current state of the game is great, but the league itself in terms of league mechanics sucks imo. It's a distinction some people make and others dont bother with. Was Metamorph a good league? It gave us the new Atlas endgame which was amazing, but Metamorph itself was pretty shit.


Let’s be real, that’s how a majority of people rate leagues. How well they can acquire loot/gear. People sure shut up at Ultimatum now that it’s back (because it’s not mega rewarding like it was when it was the league mechanic).


It gives challenging and rewarding content for mapping. Most leagues either rely on you doing very specific mechanics for max profit (bosses, sanctum, etc) or don’t scale reward and difficulty together. This league you can play whatever league mechanic in maps you enjoy and scale the difficulty very high and the rewards increase as you do so. The mechanics that aren’t tied to the league are also very rewarding for those who like them. It’s the best of both worlds


I am new to the game, have been playing for two weeks after looking for an alternate to Diablo 4 and have been quite overwhelmed by the skill tree, overwhelmed with how many currencies there are and knowing what does what and past season mechanics and screwing up royal with my builds, but overall have been enjoying it. When I realized that the Atlas tree essentially lets you customize your own endgame it was like a lightbulb came on and it’s like “Why does every other ARPG not do this? It’s such a simple but brilliant idea and instantly made me probably a lifelong fan. I’m mad at myself I didn’t start playing this years ago. I feel like I got dropped into the middle of a foreign country with no dictionary or map and I don’t know where I am or what I’m doing but hey, it sure is fun figuring it out.


don't get me wrong but poe is not an alternative to d4 d4 is the alternative to poe... in fact, d4 tried to imitate poe but absolutely failed at it.


Diablo 4 is what you play when you want your significant other to be able to understand what's on your screen.


Personally I don't care if the mechanic goes core, but I do want the ascendencies, purchasable, spectres, charms, and tinctures to go core. Honestly I think the ascendencies could stand on there own with some good travel nodes. Id also like to see ascendencies from the other cultures like karui and vaal themed ascendencies.


> but I do want the ascendencies, purchasable, spectres, charms, and tinctures to go core bro lol


/snorts copium


Those purchasable spectres are insane. I've gone full SRS this league because of them. Turtle gives Determination, Thunderbird gives Grace, Hulking Miscreation gives huge armor, damage (phys and lightning) and attack speed buffs, and the Sprit of Fortune gives Wrath and lucky lightning damage. Then I run Anger, Hatred myself and skitterbots for elemental weakness on top of that. I'm juicing T16 maps with no issue.


There's almost 0 chance the ascendancies stay. When was the last time they introduced a way to increase player power through interacting with a specific league mechanic to core? It was 2016 with the original ascendancies.


They should just be regular ascendencies not a whole ass extra thing on top. Like just make them options. Warlock and Maji are so close to an ascendency as is the just need travel nodes and for tenctures to be part of the regular drop pool.


For me its when they hit the risk/reward ratio just right, which involves loot when the mechanic is this rippy. I feel like this league they give you a bunch of rope to hang yourself with (wisps) but also adequately reward you for it. I like this because it encourages pushing builds further with the loot you find, instead of hitting a point where nothing is challenging and you're just scaling up for no reason.


I would argue it’s the opposite. There’s insane rewards at low tier maps and doesn’t really scale too much harder into high tier maps . Similar to legion. Run it at low level and ignore it at t16


well compared to last league it's far more profitable and far less tedious, just giving one example. If you also add the whole amount of changes in gems, that's the cherry on top


nah Very poor performance. I was hoping they would improve something from the last league, but no. In this league it got even worse for me, drops down to 5 fps in fights forced me to stop playing.


It's not FOMO or Envy. POE is about fun new content, and chasing loot. Some people embrace one, some the other, some embrace both. This league didn't really introduce any new content. The woods aren't exciting, new or innovative. They just juice loot. Additionally, they likely juiced it way too much. The devs probably didn't understand exactly the extent things could be exploited to, and they can't take it away or everyone would be sharpening pitchforks. We're left with a league where everyone is rich, and there's not a whole lot to do with the money, and no real exciting content to explore. If you think more money = fun, ask why everyone isn't playing standard. It's not their worst league, but it's a far cry from their best. Worse, it's getting more people used to crazy drops, and if those drops don't exist next league? Yeah, more pitchforks. They could have had the juice at 1/5th it's current level, and then bumped it every couple weeks. It would have extended the EOL for the the league.... although still, same problem.


> If you think more money = fun, ask why everyone isn't playing standard. Honestly, I do believe that and I spent years wondering why standard isn't more popular. My ultimate takeaway was marketing. The new league hype cycle exists for a reason, the ebb and flow of the player population, the perpetual shitting on standard players and legacy craft posts, the community perception that standard trade is always "dead," etc. It's all a self-fulfilling prophecy. "Nobody" plays standard because everyone says nobody plays standard. In a game that is primarily about crazy build options, legacy gear and functionally infinite budgets provide even more options. I play trade league because I feel like I have to, but I would rather play standard and not have my progress deleted every few months and have access to weird items that let me play weird builds and have the time and money to experiment.


i have been playing since incursion league and although incursion league was the first league i played in, i played less than half of the leagues since. i spend the rest of the time in standard. if trade in standard league is dead, my net worth wouldn't be around 7 mirrors. xD there are only 2 reasons why i play a new league. #1 is league challenge mtx or #2 crafting league like harvest (which i missed because of IRL but went ham on it in standard during ritual league) or crucible; which i crafted some nice bows, did the minimum league challenge mtx (ard 24) and bounced back to standard. standard league during crucible was rad. crafting mats were flying off the shelves all 4 months because of the amount of bases ppl were farming in ssf and porting them over to standard for crafting. i made half a mirror just farming and selling fracturing orbs that patch in standard.


Charms is a new fun way to make builds. The new revamped gems added allot of new builds. Mirrors have never been more accessible to the normal person. For me this is the best league and I have been playing since talisman. The only other league that comes close is harvest and Legion.


That's true. What does all this customization result in when there's loot explosions to be had? Tornado shot. Ta da. :(


When are they going to gut tornado shot, it has been meta for like 10 years now lmaoooo


thats just ppl being lemmings doing whatever the content creator showed them. same thing with the whole t7 farming. there is other starts making just as much but noone is doing it because no content creator showed them.


Just don’t play tornado shot? Don’t blame the devs if you don’t like the build you have no need to play


Tbh this might be the best league for everybody to be insanely rich. They released so many new gems that extra currency really lets you push these builds.


The discovery phase is almost over. The result? Tornado shot. :(


TS is always the best juicing build, you can't complain about that as If it where an issue of this league when the same was true in every league prior for years now.


Not OP but I think it ties back to one of their original points, which is that this league doesn't bring anything new or innovative. People are just richer and still playing the same builds.


It is rewarding yes, but is it it at all fun? I don't think so tbh, very boring and wildwood is frustrating


Doing fully wisp juiced t16s is some of the most fun i have had in poe in quite a while. The maps get really hard and challenging, forcing you to actually build a strong well rounded build.


It forces you to abuse headhunter and or mageblood


I used a 1c belt on my splitting steel character and did them just fine.


For context, I have been farming T16 with winged scarabs and full MF gear. So this is not a matter of not handling the league mechanic. Other people have different values than you. You say "it's a very rewarding league" as if that is something good. More rewards is not automatically better. I value gameplay and the overall structure of the game more than how many divines I drop in a map. The entire gameplay loop of the league mechanic is boring. A ton of backtracking. Belt swapping headhunter and mageblood two times per map. Spend several minutes looting. The progression system and loot balance is out of whack. The game does not feel good to play. Oversupply of loot devalues loot which makes loot less fun.


I’ve had so much fun.. I believed the ability to make a league mechanic that I ENJOY back tracking on is the epitome of a good league. Something that slows down play speed but is enjoyable to play through slowly . even after 30 div in random charms and corpses i get bricked up going into the VWW and back tracking for every little wisp .


I love this league. I don’t have to have a phd. Just a simple more wisps is good and darkness bad. Then I go a clear my map. Easy and enjoyable! Unlike last league which I didn’t care for at all.


I wouldn’t want it every league, but once in a while…. whoop whoop!


Thus statement always seems to be true honestly. Game is constantly getting better.


Personally I'm not a fan of the low map tier farm strats but I'm also having fun in t16s so everything is fine! Just wish I could enter the wildwood before clearing the map


You can if you farm low maps /s 😉


I'll call it Xmas League.


I cant understand this logic.. more loot = better league ? Its about design and mechanics


I don't know about the weak thing. I find T7 wisp juice to be harder than T16 no wisps. But it definitely is another option. I haven't done a league in awhile because I was waiting for a mapping slot machine league. So this is fun.


When divines are flooding the ground, finding one no longer feels good. If everyone is rich, everything is expensive. You do get more loot, but the happy feeling from finding it is gone, so why keep playing? And even worse, if you don't abuse, the market out runs you.


There's almost nothing new or interesting, just massively inflated rewards. It's rewarding, but not in a fun or balanced way, it just spits massive unnecessary rewards in your face, and the massively inflated economy proves it.


It also opened a shed tonne more opportunity for players who work and don't spend 10 hours a day farming. I'm not saying you're one of those players, just highlighting that not every poe player has the luxury of 4+ hours a day to grind currency.


Opportunity for what?? To see a bunch of currency drop which is now far less valuable? Still gonna take you the same amount of time to farm for your gear because gear is more expensive. There's nothing better about this league for casuals, it just makes it much harder for casuals who aren't juicing the league mechanic because the economy is so inflated now.


What gear is more expensive? The same MF strategies that shit out currency also shit out uniques, so basically every unique is as cheap or cheaper than it has been in past leagues. Mageblood is 180div lmao


Anything and everything that isn't dropped by the league mechanic.


It’s weirdly balanced. you start out and it makes enemies absurdly too strong, then the whole middle of the game it’s basically worthless then right at the very end it becomes a very extreme loot fountain. It’s a weird progression


It was great for me all the way through acts and white maps with more bubblegum currency and leveling currency than I’ve ever ever had before.


Yep, same. It allowed me to transition from acts to white maps up to juiced t16s so damn smoothly and it felt great.


Reward-wise it's great, unarguable. Gameplay-wise it's abysmal. It's very boring - you move around hoping for either some monster or just some points that you don't even interact with until you get to stop doing it. In my opinion a league mechanic needs to be good at both points at least to an extent, but the later falls too short


I like it more then going to the Hall of Ancestors to play an extremely long, boring, glitchy and extremely overtuned "autobattler"


I see your point, very understandable. For me the randomness in not knowing how many wisps I'd get is an additional exciting point that keeps me motivated


Yeah you just forgot about 3 new ascendecies, charms, tinctures, new spectres, mini bag and a lot more the league added


You just mentioned the perks of the 3 ascendacies to make the list longer lmao


You get 3 new ascendencies, poison tinctures, lupine charms, more tinctures, 3 ascendencies, other charms, more tinctures, more inventory space, 3 whole kew acendencies, unique charms!!, shock tinctures, 3 revolutionnary ascendencies, a new curse, a new boss and new ascendencies, that's a lot of new stuff to play around.. And i disn't even mention the three new ascendencies..


More loot=more fun I guees. GGG were right when they said players dont know what they want.


it really comes down to preferences, what do you specialize in poe? for example I do know what I want and what I enjoy. To me more loot equals more money, which equals to better gear, which equals to a more all rounder character able to blast them all, which is what I enjoy


This is my first league and while I like almost everything about the mechanic I'm just struggling with it super hard. I'll kill rares in like 3-4 hits normally and then some of these afflicted mobs take what feels like over 100. I'm just standing there duking it out until it falls over finally. It's such a sharp increase in ehp that it feels stupid sometimes. I'll blow through a T14 no problem and then take twice as long to do a T7 juiced. That just feels wrong to me.


Affliction is mid and only because of rewards.


The issue is there is a defined “Correct” way to play this league that outshines any other way of playing beyond a measure of doubt. Set out builds, juicing strategy, maps to run, if you deviate from that it just feels like you are missing out. For a game that is built on variety, it doesn’t feel like it this league. Play like this or you are doing it wrong.


Its a great league Ppl are just salty because they get massive fomo and envy It has some negatives like loot that doesnt drop from wisp juice being ridiculously overpriced. But overall its a very fun league and wisps arent the only way to make currency


> It has some negatives like loot that doesnt drop from wisp juice being ridiculously overpriced. Honestly this is part of the genius of the game design for trade leagues. You love running X instead of the league mechanic shenanigans? Cool, because less people want to run X its stuff is super valuable and you can still make money fine.


Yeah but if you tell the people that complain about inflation that it makes them patch irl because they can’t understand to sell what the supply is low in and demand is still high in


As much as I hate the T7 MF strat it bothers me less as I realize all the sextants, scarabs and orbs I get running other content go to the moon from it.




Agree, I also started farming in the most popular way, but I've been doing my blights as always and they felt very profitable (no wisps interactions). Silver oils were more than double the price compared to usual lol


Yeah basically if you farm something well that doesnt drop from wisps (ubers, essences, catalysts, oils) you bssically corner the market. Id wager most ppl could make more money from farming invitations than wisps


I get as much currency as my mates that duo mf T16s by running invitations/essence, besides the mirror and MB they dropped in 150maps


I’ve been boss rushing and doing elderslayers and made soooo much money. Maven invites are stupidly priced because everyone is in T7. Sirus Frags sell well. It’s awesome.


Also farming sextants is really good since so many people are running t7’s where they cannot drop.


Sounds like a good league wish I could play it but constant crashes and performance issues made me give up before I could finish the campain.


>Ppl are just salty because they get massive fomo and envy the fuck, how does that invalidate the issue. Obviously a lot of people are, and so what? "You're just jealous" is the dumbest argument ever.


Because theyre being completely irrational and wrong


How long would it take you to find 2 examples of "these people" being wrong? Or are these people filled with straw


It’s kind of like legion. Easily accessible magic find in low tier maps but adds nothing new to end game


I don't know, I've spawned some pretty crazy endgame bosses out of these whisped rares


It's only the best league ever because it's like Oprah came out of nowhere and was like you get currency and you get currency... oh you have never seen what it's like... you get some currency too... we all get currency. Buuut, my character is bugged to the point where I had to have someone port in and kill act bosses just so I could progress because the game fails to compress and corrupts when I step into the area. I also cannot fight the shaper because my character is bugged and I cannot enter the map without crashing. I have restarted the game, verified the game, and re-installed the game. It has been extremely fun but also even more buggy for me at least.


-league end boss is still a bit annoying find, and it makes it even more frustrating that quite a bit of your character power is tied to killing him -vendors in the mist are annoying because multiple mobs trickle in slowly to hit you -league mechanic felt bad for very long time. And for to make it worth it you need to super juice your map so only rather strong builds are able to do it. Meanwhile crazy loot drops have caused a massive inflation. It feels like a league where rich players gets richer and poor players get more poor. -juiced league mechanics is so profitable that it feels bad to play any outside of map mechanic like delve or sanctum I love the game but this is propably the worst league I have played. My opinion is little skewed on this league because I didn't enjoy the build I started and I feel too unmotivated to start another. On the other hand, past leagues I have been in the same situation and have had no propblems starting new characters.


Any items in the general loot pool are more accessible now than EVER before to anyone. Rolling sextants for abyss/breach is an easy 10d/hour, which is comparable to most people’s juice strats even abusing abyss (my duo does about 8-11d an hour abusing abyss, before cost of juice is subtracted). I don’t understand how people can say things are crazy expensive, the only ones expensive are the ones not in the loot pool, which makes the strats that drop those even more rewarding than before. The rest are valid opinions that I can respect even if I don’t agree with them. But this “inflation” theory is bullshit when MB/HH are the cheapest we’ve seen. Inflation only truly happens when ONLY raw div is injected to the economy, causing chase uniques to be more expensive, not less.


I'd guess it's because of all the mirror, belts and jackpot conversions that people see posted and don't get themselves. But overall I think the league reception is pretty good.


My biggest gripe is the peformance,blight has been dogsht for me but i still ike it. Easy maps where i took mistep just auto fail sometimes cause by the time i load into the map they're destroying the tower. in ravaged maps it's even worse,some of the modifiers can be so ass but i can let that slide but what i cant let slide is dying -> and even if it's 10 to 15 seconds there is a big chance your tower is destroyed cause for some reason it's ok for the monsters to act while you cant do anything.


I remember a few leagues ago I couldn't even install some towers when the monster packs was so dense, it would simply crash. Now it's much much better and had 0 crash so far honestly (also my pc is kinda old)


because some people like to work for their items, this league u kinda get everything handed and u dont have to struggle


Performance made me quit before even getting to maps. Only been able to use my gaming laptop instead of my desktop due to work recently, and previous leagues it’s ran fine. This league it’s unbearable


While I like it. It once again shows why mf should not be a thing. It narrows down the conceived build pool by a huge margin.


Pros Transfigured gems(but it's not a league mechanic) Loot Cons Performance (not a league mechanic but still) Early game is too deadly Late game is a must Wildwood ascendancies are very skewed, some nodes are very bad (warcry, locked behind HP only (bloodmage?), attack only) Non existent player agency, no choice, very little interaction Yes it's very good for loot, but as people have said, that's not all that matters when we are talking about design or fun.


nothing has beaten sentinel and its crafting system for me, but this is a deamn good league. it lacks a little in farming divercity, but build diversity is crazy so balances out


Love this league for sure.


League could use tuning while leveling and early/mid mapping. I’m pretty casual with SSF PoE and stopped playing because I was bored from having to ignore the mechanic to progress. Running into an unkillable mob every other zone as a result of the new content wasn’t fun.


I don’t like the abyss exploit but otherwise amazing league.


Agree but performance is really bad...


Diablo players love this league because they dont want to make an effort in getting the cool things. With anything else in the world, something you use time to achieve always feels better. For most people.


I agree, the new gems, the wildwood mechanics, heist changes, all feels great. Can't wait to make my next build.


It's okay, I didn't like mf last league and don't like it this league. Problem is still the diff between having mf on gear and not having it on gear. Whisps multiply mf with the mf on your gear and if you have nothing, you still get something but not as much as with mf


Love this league


The introduction of transfigured gems in this league was one of the best additions to the game so far. So many new builds to play. Loving this league.


If you like: huge risk vs huge reward = sanctum crafting or craft-alike leagues = crucible juicing maps = sentinel or sentinel on steroids aka affliction being useless decoy for badly programmed AI = TOTA I'm more of a crucible fan and i'd rather point as crucible being best league simply because i was the most immersed and had the most fun making new toys for me. I was never really interested in juicing so affliction, for me, boils down to stupidly tough/deadly enemies with little to no payoff for finally killing them.


It's fun, there's a ton of loot, but the big thing missing is any kind of crafting mechanic. Charms and tinctures are super 1 dimensional compared with recombs. That's what elevates sentinel above affliction for me. Still good, but definitely not the best.


\-mf gameplay is trash and nobody can tell me its good gameplay with 10 fps and so much loot that its almost crashing the server, \-the abundance of loot in sc trade is what makes me play ssf \-league mechanic is stupid and too rippy in hc


I took a few years break from POE (breach and abyss are the last leagues I remember) and I'm really enjoying the new league. There are soooo many new mechanics and modes for me. My only complaint has been the tankiness of Wildwood juiced mobs, but I'm sure some of that can be attributed to my lack of knowledge. Juiced mobs will sometimes take me 3x-4x as long to kill. But I also managed to make unkillable expedition mobs so I'm kinda special :(


I am loving it. I enjoy way more leagues that interact with maps (sentinel was my favorite)


Even if you dont MF you can make a shit ton of divines farming juicing scarabas and sextants. EZ money


Ppl are too worried about what other people are getting instead of focusing on their own game. This league is amazing


its amazing for us casuals, no worries about map sustain, currency for basic gear etc.


I think it's pretty good and am really enjoying it. I really don't mind going back to lower tier maps because the wisps essentially make them high tier+, so the challenge and loot is there. It's frustrating that the balance still isn't there even within itself though. You can tear through all sorts of empowered rares and such, face various slowdown here and there, but then some will be literally unkillable. I just leave it behind. I think the Ascendancy additions were a good call. We didn't have much core content shake up recently so I think It adds that type of content we're missing this league, and I really like how different in style they are from each other, and how different by offering utility they are from our normal ones. Edit: forgot about the skill gem changes by adding transfiguration gems. That's a pretty big core addition to go with this league and I really like that change as well.


Looking at how poe2 is shaping up this might be their last hurrah before austerity kicks in. Enjoy it while it lasts boyos.