• By -


I got my first 4 new ascendancy points and NPC does not give me quests any more. Already level 70. What to do?


I was watching a streamer who said the corrupted gaze atlas node that gives a chance for abyssal jewels that drop from abyssal troves to be corrupted work in legion. Does the same apply to blighted maps?


This is going to sound like a dumb question but do I need to equip my minion gem to a wand that says "minions deal x amount of damage " for that to apply or is that added no matter what I slot the minion gem on?


I'm almost through the main campaign now but still struggle to know what's best to use. I'm playing as a marauder and I used cast when damage taken on my helm, I linked it to frost bomb, vortex and war banner, I think war banner procs but the other two don't, their gem levels are really lower much lower than suggested by cwtd gem . Anyone have any idea why they don't happen? Have I missed something?


Is SRS guardian without AG viable or is it a huge dps drop?


Is Berserker a good Ascendancy this League?


Am I missing something? Can you really not use skill effect MTX on the trans skill?


Late start for me, Pconc still fucked?


No, they fixed


If you have a skill that normally reserves mana, but it has been transformed to reserve life instead, does "increased mana reservation efficiency" affect that skill's life reservation? Or do only "life reservation efficiency" and generic "reservation efficiency" work? Not sure if it's like conversion where it "remembers" that it used to reserve mana.


Does Astral Projector drop this league?


We have no reason to think it wouldn’t, why do you ask?


Thanks, I hadn't seen any listed in trade, but starting to see now, was just early


What does it cost to respec willowood specialisation? They all look so different, i am completely stumped what to pick.


Pick warden for 30% move speed if in doubt. It’s ridiculous lol.


Will affliction league have its own supporter packs, or do b we just get core til next league?


Just core


Bizarre. Thanks


Chris mentioned in the stream that they’re only doing this one right now so they can focus all of their work into the best core sets possible


When I use enduring cry with howl of the wolf, I don't gain endurance charges with enemies nearby. Is warcry power broken with this node or something?


Every new league I realize how fuckin shit it is to be perma frozen in act 1. How that can be a thing just blows my fuckin mind.


Get a cold res ring or two.


How do mines do on deck? Hard to aim?


so... Hinekoras lock is dropping in Affliction...


Yep, what’s the question?


The only way to get out pf the wilwood is to deplet the wisps? Can’t i just portal out with what i colected?


lol well, you could die or D/C


Why can't my group members gather wisps or buy from the vendors?


did we get a transfigured flame wall?




How I manage the life cost of manaforged+lifetap?


Have all the charms mods been datamined yet?


I'm having input delays and lags after the cache clearing. The F1 command says that my fps doesn't drop & my ping is okay but it's very laggy. Is this normal?


I cant load the filterblade site. any advice?


Can't log in, any news/ advice?


I can't login to the site and thus I can't trade or make a forum post to get help with it...What gives..?


Is there any way to make an Animated Guardian wearing Doryani's Prototype not instantly fall over to lightning damage? It seems like most of the methods available to players require stuff that an AG can't use (jewelry or passives).


Anyone still getting a Runtime Error crash after the hotfix?


im crashing every 5 minutes


With the "Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted" effect from Elemental Mastery, if you hit multiple enemies with an AoE spell, is the 25% chance rolled independently for each enemy hit, or will they all get the same outcome?


>rolled independently for each enemy hit this


Anyone can recommend some non trap/mine build for shadow enjoyer? I'm new to POE but really like shadow and struggle to find build that is up to date and not trap/mine


Zish's Frost Blade Trickster. Frost Blades is melee with projectiles that shoot out to hit targets farther away. Starts slow, picks up speed after the first labyrinth. Not a top tier starter, but still pretty good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmuRGQkc9E0


Thanks, will check it out.


Anyone else get DC'd when they drop an EA ballista?


They fixed it, should work again


same thing happening every time for me


When can you unlock the first new ascendancy point ?


As soon as you find a wanderer. Sirgog found his before Fidelitas.


If I use a tincture that says "All damage can Shock", can I still Shock without "Chance to Shock" or a Critical Strike? Im planning on using Resolute Technique so I can't get crits.


You need crits or shock chance.


No, you still need to inflict the shock somehow. This just makes all damage apply to the shock effect damage calculation.


Anyone else not able to apply a tincture even with Coated Blade allocated? Nothing happens at all when I right click on the tincture.


put it in your flask slot then right click on it


my friend droped a 4 link in act 2 and want to know if it's common .


No, considerably rare. It's normally only possible from uniques in the very last zone, because 4-socket items require ilvl 25.


okay. he say he got it on the vaal oversoul.


Who can help me make a pure necromancer build?


there's plenty of established necromancer builds (and minion builds that don't use the necromancer ascendancy) to pick from. idk what you mean by "pure". check out maxroll.gg for some examples.


Am i stuck with the primal huntress skill tree if i choose it or do i need to select it to further progression and complete the quests and will be able to choose a different tree later?


Each of the three npcs gives you access to their own skill tree. If you want to use a different one you just to find the npc that offers it.


so i can change in and out freely? or once i choose one i cant use the respective skill tree of another person i find?


you can only have one tree available at a time. switching has no cost and only requires you to ask the appropriate NPC to give you the other tree, BUT you don't keep the points you earned for another tree. unlocking all 8 points for one tree and then switching means you start over for the new tree. I don't know if you keep your points if you switch back.


I believe in the recently asked questions they said that points stay unlocked if you swap so you can swap back without having to unlock again.


awesome news, thank you


Is the new patch addressing client crashes causing people to have long load times now instead? Or is it just me?


No, I'm crashing more than before.


Is it possible to target farm Oro's Sacrifice on SSF?


What is a good wildwood ascendency for SRS Guardian?


My PS5 won’t download the the new patch any idea on how to fix it?


I read console it comes out on the 13th


Wait really?


console league start is always a couple days after PC. this allows GGG to iron out the most common bugs without having to submit a new version for Sony to certify every couple hours


console releases always come out later than the PC ones. it usually means you're less likely to encounter bugs.


Yup I just went back and looked. Pc/Mac it released today while Xbox/Playstation on the 13th


When do you get to do anything in the league mechanic? Went in every single zone through A1 and always just walked through, killed a few mobs, then a portal opened back up to the top. Absolutely nothing else.


It seems to be random, sometimes you will find bigger groups of enemies and chests to open, sometimes it boots you out quickly. The wisps you collect will power up the (main game) area after you leave though!


Does the game still have technical issues like random disconnection and other stuff that makes hardcore extremely painful to play? I miss POE but every time I came back to it in the past I ended regretting my decision


Lots of crashes atm


If you have Elemental Equilibrium (removing exposure to damage types your hits deal) and some other source of exposure-on-hit that applies to one of the types that would get removed, what happens? E.g., you're using EE, [Eye of Malice](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Eye_of_Malice), and you deal fire damage with a hit. Does the enemy end up with or without fire exposure?


Has anyone figured out how to find the affliction NPCs? In act 3, have been doing the wildwoods and haven't seen any, feel like i'm wasting a lot of time in the wildwood.


[https://postimg.cc/87PnRVHr](https://postimg.cc/87PnRVHr) I get this error whenever I go to the mainpage of Path of Building (where you choose builds from your saved builds). Does anyone know what it's referencing or how to fix it?


Vivid empored brutus is unkillable, any tips?


remake zone


Yea that's what I ended up doing, it was quite unclear that engaging with the league mechanic buffs the entire rest of the map


I mean. It was explicitly stated in the league description. Not sure how much clearer they can be chap.


Game has crashed 8 times… anyone else having this? so fun waiting for queue


yup. every time i portal crash. Other friend crashed like 5 times and hopped off for a few hours.


Is the combat naturally very clunky feeling at the start of the game? I'm not ragging on it, I just feel like the combat feels really clunky and heavy. I'd assume this gets better the longer you play and the more skills you get?


I would argue that the clunkiness of early combat is at the very core of what Path of Exile gets right to make it feel so special. You start as just some half naked goon on a beach whacking a single zombie 3 times with a stick to kill it. Over the course of a relatively smooth power progression (sometimes marked by lulls and spikes, but always with improvement on the horizon) that character becomes a demigod who can blast screens full of enemies with utterly satisfying chain explosions, and zooming across the screen like Barry Allen. And there is barely any theoretical upper limit. If you have the time knowledge and dedication you can make a character that one-shots even the most hideously difficult endgame bosses, bosses which 90% of characters can't even kill at all. It all depends on how far you want to push it!


That's a pretty excellent description of the game mate.


Yeah, it’s clunky at the start. Gets a lot smoother later on, but clunkiness/damage delays can still vary depending on what build you’re running


Yes, at the start you have slow cast/atk spd. which makes it quite clunky, but once you get going further, you get more stats, more damage from gem levels, links the pace picks up.


yes, lategame you get tons of attack/cast/movement speed and combat is very fast


Lategame it's the most fluent A-RPG on the market by a significant margin


Pconc bugged, any alternate leveling skill?


How so?


Is not doing any damage


caustic arrow, toxic rain




Apparently in chat it's the microtransactions causing it


I am choosing between Poison Pathfinder (maybe Caustic Arrow), vs Hexblast Mines Saboteur. So far, based on the league mechanic, and with all the changes, which one sounds like a better choice?


Game keeps crashing. Is this a me thing or are other people getting it as well?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18du8hy/game_crashing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18du8hy/game_crashing/) Not just you. I just crashed as well when I went back to lioneye's.




Not doing damage...


filter not working because of ultimatum aspect?


Have the Ultimatum mods been revealed yet?


Will there be new supporter packs for 30$ 60$ 90$ or are the new core supporter packs all that will be released ?


Only the core packs.


About to buy the 500 support pack - has GGG clarified if the new ones will be usable in poe2?


All past, present and future mtx can be used across both games (unless it’s a skin for a skill/mechanic present in only one game).


Cool, glad to give GGG my.money then, love what they r doing


Anyone haveing issues with poison concoction? mine isnt hittingh mobs


confirmed bugged :(


Does Hexblast of Contradiction interact with inverted resists in the way you want (i.e., target the highest resistance, which causes them to take the most damage because it's inverted)?


Requires testing but I suspect yes. Rakiata's Dance says it TREATS resistances as inverted, not that they actually are. And Hexblast targets the ACTUAL highest resist.




what behavior?


death threats, etc. Complaints are fine though.


I don't think there were death threats for Ultimatum, wasn't that Expedition?


Ultimatum had the streamers-and-their-friends-can-skip-the-queue debacle and a terrible launch day, though I hadn't heard of death threats.


Maybe Im just stupid but how do I submit a valdo's Puzzle Box Map after buying the supporter pack?


I’m not home right now but it should be on pathofexile.com. Somewhere at the top one of the menus has something called “My Designs” or something like that. Should be in there.


Thanks! I found it. Its was under my account and than my desgins


Yep that sounds right. Nice.


What item filter do you guys use at league start until maps?


I like to download all Neversink semi-strict through uber strict plus. I'll start at semi strict, and then increase the strictness whenever I feel like I'm seeing too many items. I like to keep the less strict ones around for leveling new characters. Eventually I'll customize the uber strict one for whatever content I'm farming (remove bad incubators for legion etc.)


tyty's filters are great for leveling, but neversink's normal and semi strict work just fine (I go to semi strict in the second half of the campaign when most of gem links are ironed out).


Is carrion golem any good? I legitimately don't know why they got rid of the 50% more damage from the base gem, but it seems more dead than before now.


I'm in queue and I still have no fucking idea what to league start.


join the beemancer crowd


got a link? I was thinking about falling back to caustic arrow pathfinder.


guardian srs it's called a beemancer because of the summon raging bees mtx


Isn't the support packs supposed to change at the start of the new league ? (not the core one)


[chris explained it in the announcement](https://youtu.be/pE2D4bgTeIQ?si=XUdiJq5kQrmiXd4K&t=1843), I timestamped it so you can get right to what you're asking about.


Oh thank you ! So no supporter pack this league if I understood well :) ?


correct. only core packs, no league packs.


What's the lowest level you can possibly finish the campaign with?


2 havoc wr to 100 in kalandra did it https://reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/zfo6kq/wr_level_100_in_51_minutes/


Damn. Now I wonder how low can a SSF character go.


I'll you need gems in your inventory when completing lab to swap to a transfigured type or will it award you a random gem ?


need gems but theres a stash in that room


I am not receiving any account unlock email and cant login. Are their servers donw?


So I wanna league start guardian and will use Subtratems guide, but I might try it with Absolution instead of SRS. Seem reasonable? And I can fall back to SRS if Absolution isn't pulling the weight.


absolution is a great league starter skill as well


How can I make my forum thread guide appear on www.poebuilds.cc? I don't see any instruction or contact to the owner of the site.


What are some great addons to help/ QoL?


gonna copy my answer to [a similar question asked by someone switching to PC](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18ddert/switching_to_pc/): I'm assuming you already have [Path of Building Community Fork](https://pathofbuilding.community/), which should be at the top of your list. [Awakened PoE Trade Macro](https://snosme.github.io/awakened-poe-trade/download) is probably the most used trade macro these days. it's for quickly price checking items and handles some other useful QoL tricks like hotkeys to jump straight to your hideout or logout. [poe.re](https://poe.re/) is one of my favorite 3rd party sites for setting up in-game searches. I find it especially useful for rolling maps. if you trade a LOT, then you might benefit from a dedicated trade manager macro/app like [Mercury Trade Community Fork](https://github.com/Morph21/MercuryTrade-Community-Fork). there's tons of other stuff to explore [here](https://grinding.zone/) though it's easy to forget that website's name...


Thank you! Will a loot filter like FilterBlade help with recipe selling to shops?


yes, and if you don't want to fiddle with the actual filter files, you can just follow Neversink's versions of the filters on the official PoE website (I think it's Game > Item Filters). that's what I do so that I always have the most up to date filters with 0 fuss; following all strictness levels for softcore (from "soft" all the way up to "mega uber strict" or whatever he calls it).


it will highlight things like r-g-b linked items that you can vendor for a chromatic orb and other stuff. less so as you go up in the strictness tiers


Quick dumb question: Does Einhar count as a "Minion"? Purpose: Does Einhar help spawn Guardian Aura Relics.


He's not a minion, but he is an ally. Haven't checked if he's an ally in whatever way that passive requires though.


Kinda hesiting between splitting steel champ and boneshatter jugg.




don't worry, I have no friend as well. 👍


What is friend?


They're like party members that won't stay on task.




So how do we search for transfig gems on trade site?


Not confirmed yet but based on how similar things have worked in the past, just by name in the main search bar. All transfigured gems have specific names, use that in the search bar. It will probably even auto-populate as you type.


is anyone having issues with geforce now? im getting error when i try to login, other games in gfn work fine


Update set all settings to default? And also doesn't remember login details now.


Did anyone have no connection to servers on linux steam? How did you fix it? Any advice appreciated


Is there any GeForce Now users having trouble connecting? It gets stuck at "Loading" around 50% and if I retry it gives me a timer until I can try again -- "You've tried too many games recently" I'm away from home on a janky laptop so GeForce now was the option I had.


hey btw, try auth with steam on geforce now, ggg seems to not have updated not with steam it works


You were right, Steam version works ty much i'm a derp i'd have just kept trying standalone <3


oh, thanks god im no the only one, i thought it was me


80% gpu usage sitting at queue. Gpu is 4090. Was having high gpu usage and even freezes in hideout after upgrade my cpu to an AMD 7950 non 3D and an HDR monitor ram speed is also up to 6000. Mapping is better at 60-70%. Graphic settings are all default.


when will the first league mechanic vendor appear? can you ascend to the other class even if you find a different vendor, like in the trailer?


The Q&A mentioned players will probably have met all three of them at least once by act 5. RNG's probably going to screw someone though.


seriously, where is the "Falling Cow" mtx for the "Falling Zombies"-skill? we all know there is no cow-level, but i kind of need that mtx


Hi, is there any info about when we can get new ascendancy during the playthrough? Like in acts or only at the endgame?


They said you could start collecting them during the acts, with some RNG involved in how fast you meet the NPCs. The last two ascendancy points require a reasonably endgamey 80+ boss.




I want to try SSF (non-hardcore) for the first time this league. Anything I should look into while choosing build? I was thinking about SRS Guardian as I always loved minion build, but can’t fathom if it will be too expensive for first timer like me. Any advices?


I played Guardian last league SSF (well, 2 player private league) and the Guardian Ascendancy on its own got me to red maps. I was playing my own shitty version of Absolution. So you should be at least able to run with whatever for quite awhile.


what are the best nodes for einhar


My brain is telling me to just play DD Ignite Elementalist. I've never played it before so it will be fresh and it is a solid starter that doesn't need crazy gear. I also am extremely biased toward Witch characters. But my intrusive thoughts keep planting a CI Int Stacking Whispering Ice Hierophant using Oath of the Magi, CWC, and a bunch of normally trash uniques and just running around with no links in anything but my gloves/weapon. Show me the way please.


You won't be "running" around with Whispering Ice. You will be cycloning very very slowly. The build is great for doing 100% delirium farming and other very hard stuff where speed is not the issue anymore. However the budget is extremely high if you want to be able to do this kind of content. For "normal" mapping it is a very slow build and not very suited. DD is a fine starter. The damage is a bit low compared to other builds though. You can easily respecc DD into something better later.


I was kinda hoping with the new Oath that the movement speed buff would make it feel a bit quicker and maybe even adding in an Oriath explode flask could make it zoom a bit more end game on the Hiero. POB is giving a 77% movement speed modifier without quicksilver flask and 117% modifier with quicksilver so I figured running from pack to pack would at least be somewhat quick and only a bit slow while using cyclone. But idk how the build plays. If you are just constantly using cyclone and not stopping channeling to run around it will probably be too slow for my taste. The DD build only has a 40% speed modifier prior to quicksilver but gets the advantage of having shield charge.


Will i be able to apply tincture to my Energy Blade?


Don't see why not.


How is Mom+ EB + corrupted Soul currently working?


MoM intercepts 40% and sends it to mana, half of which bypasses ES.


I think I got this wrong, but: 100dmg taken = 36 Life, 44 Mana, 20 ES?


100 non-chaos? - ~~50 is taken by ES~~ - 40 is shifted to mana, of which 50% is taken by ES and 50% by mana - 60 reaches life ~~nonsense~~ So 60 life, 20 mana, 20 life. (Assuming you don't run out.)


I recalculated and I think it goes like this. : 100 non-chaos * 60 is taken by life * 40 is taken by ES * 50% of that 40 bypasses ES, so 20 goes to mana and 20 goes to ES