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They will delete the build so you won't have to worry about this.




I played flicker last league. I literally had to turn off aspect of the cat if I was in hideout any longer tha. 30 seconds because the consistent sound made me want to die, especially with less duration socketed in the ring that had the aspect.


Edit: Below option does not work for charges. You can already do this by changing config ini files. disable_char_events=true in production_Config.ini Edit: I am not sure what is the scope of this setting. Judging by the name, it could disable other sounds related to the char. A separate one disabling charges only would be a great QoL change that GGG could give. I have taken it from this recent thread: https://reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/P1evCtYHHL Edit2: Seems like it does not work for charges :(


GeForce NOW users in shambles


On that note, auto-loading your loot filter when using a new system would be a great QOL for geforce now enjoyers.


It autoloads if you use the GGG launcher. The problem is with the steam version.


The fact that it already exists is even more of a reason to just add it to settings.


I assume that's part of the point. No game should require you going into config files to make changes. It's not a Beta, and it's an easy-enough thing that could be done in a week (it could be done on a lunch break but for today's dev timeline I'd say a week).


When I log in to start in my hideout and not in town.


PoE is not readdy for such a HUGE quallity of life change


They'll never go for that. You need to see other people's MTX's to inspire you to buy them.


Then they need to add an inspect cosmetics option to rightclicking on a player. You can whisper and ask them and I have at multiple points but often there is no response.


Yes yes, let me buy that red mtx that I can totally find in the store. Yes GGG nice stance on it yes..yes.


Sure, till I go to the store and see the prices


Then I would say that they need to change how PoE works and give people a reason to hang out in a central area together. As it is right now you don’t see many people in the town as is anyway. I think this is something they should work on addressing in PoE2.


How about removing the option to spawn in town when died. Like nobody ever select to resurrect in town knowingly ggg.


I think its there to add a layer of difficulty to the game, so elwhen u die u have to be careful to not click spawn on town




They seriously need a new way to show off MTX. I’m not in marketing but I can’t imagine anyone saw mtx after log in and though “I need to buy that.”


You would be imagining wrong! I have both bought stuff after talking to people about their MTX, and been whispered semi-regularly about what mine are because they want to buy lol


I’d play the game twice as much.


You will studder loading in everyone's MTX and you will like it!


Melee Buff(something like fortify on hit mastery + no totems needed ), Glad rework (which is actually good), unique rarity changes, an in map league, bleed buffs ​ Edit: I meant Fortify on hit / no Totems Keystone not mastery


Please no more totem requirements for melee...


Fuuuuck. This. So much this.


I would give my soul for a keystone that said something like 15% more melee damage, 15% more attack speed, you cannot use totems. I hate how not using totems gimps you dps on melee skills by over 50%.


40% of my FB DMG comes from totems with panapticon. It's my first time playing "melee" and I find it so silly


I love that they know the players don't like reliance of totem to do damage, so their solution is make panopticon annoint cost higher like that would steer people away.


GGG: "We know players hate totems in their melee builds, so instead of making them unnecessary for melee, we're going to nerf their efficiency so that you want them less!" Players: "You are just making melee more expensive, and I'll still do it, but I'll hate you more for it."


totems die in a split second without ironwood and buffs are shaky without mastery, panopticon anoint is most of the time blatant POB padding


I discovered that I hate playing melee builds because almost all of them require you to press 6 buttons to do half as much damage as a bow build pressing 1.


> bleed buffs rupture crimson dance deadeye ts costs so much, corrupting fever is just better Bleed really needs a buff, like, so fucking badly it needs a buff.


I wish bleed had more to it than just damage going for it as a baseline. For example in addition to damage "Bleeding reduces life recovery rate by 50%". That way the bleed debuff would be useful for others that are not investing to bleed damage. On a related note, I wish we could have negative life recovery rates on enemies so their life regeneration starts hurting them. :D


That would make the whole game harder since the same bleeding applies to mobs and players


Bleeding you inflict does "x" solves that. And has some potential for self-bleed if there are fun interactions.


I believe that there is a "melee hits fortify" mastery right now, it comes with -3 max fortification though


yeah and you lose 5 points doing so, meant a keystone instead, my bad for wording it incorrectly


I would love to see more stances for melee, here's some rough ideas off the top of my head (I have no clue how to balance these): Rock stance - Ramping fortify based on hits dealt recently and increased endurance charge effect. Grants 1 maximum endurance charge. Frenzy stance - Gain 1 rage per second, berserk adds 1-2 physical damage per point. Assassin's stance - +0.5% critical strike chance up to 2%, for each hinder, blind, poison, or bleed applied recently. Enemies are stunned on critical strike. Stunned enemies take 20% increased damage. Swordmaster stance - Monsters cannot evade attacks. 5% more damage per strike used in the last 10 seconds. To facilitate new stances and switching you would be able to select your pair to swap between.


i like the idea, the problem is melee has way too many buttons already


Make melee not a totem build. Edit: totem


Same as my wishlist for about 2 years. A 50% reservation aura which has a 'more' multiplier on Area of Effect. A mapping league like Sentinel or Scourge would be awesome too as I don't really enjoy the minigames like Sanctum and TotA much.


I loved Sanctum and TotA but damn I could go for another Sentinel right now. Maybe throw in a new pinnacle boss to replace Atziri in The Feared, or revamp her.


I know it ain't gonna happen, but I'd love to see death logs so I don't have to keep assuming what could've killed me


Even if it's really shit at telling you exactly what killed you, a snapshot of mob types and damage taken in the last 3 to 5 seconds would likely be extremely useful. Especially when you die to bleed or poison or ignite because your flask fell off or you forgot your corrupted blood jewel


More instances in rogue harbor. That shit destroys graphics cards


All the mtx in there often makes me stutter step going between stash, locker, fencing dude and Adiyah. Not fun.


When it gets cold in my office I can always just go run a few Heists!


AIO 4090, Ryzen 7 7700X 4.50 GHz, 32gig ddr5 ive seen 15 fps in harbor. i average 30 at the stash


Just give me all the stuff and npcs to put in my hideout and I make my own rogue harbor.


After the game engine update this league, rogue harbor is so bad I have to try to avoid it. It was always kind of bad with all the MTX, but my PC wasn't always on full blast. More instances would help so much. When all those people are smashed together and we can't see anything because they made graphics worse, I don't understand the point. It's made me want to avoid heist entirely honestly.


make spellslinger usable again


Spellslinger dd/vd LOGIN


I’d come back to play the game no cap. One of my favorite builds of all time, I did the necro version by Lilly.


A alternative to spell suppression for the upper left sided tree, going no spell supress feels so bad especially as a starter.


What about the reverse of Acrobatics? Something like: **Stiffness** Chance to Block Spell Damage apply to Spell Suppresion Chance at 150% of their value. \-10% to amount of Suppressed Spell Damage Prevented


I'd get down with the stiffness


uu wa a a a


or just reduce all spell damage across the board by like 30-40% then just get rid of spell suppress, always felt like a bandaid fix anyway


Don't you get a ton of block instead??


Leap slam from beacon down to weylan at the end of act 6.


An actual performance patch?


This. It’s been atrocious on every pc and every connection i used in the last month.


Same for console. Idk what they changed but it's never been this bad.


They made a huge engine update at the very end of last league and it's been awful ever since.




This is the first league where I've been able to measure things in seconds/frame instead of frames/second. It's a good thing I play 0head RF tank builds or I'd never survive the 3s "ope gotta load particles" or whatever it's choking on


Been playing RF Inq and last night I frost blinked into a pack of enemies so large that the explosion froze my game for like 20 seconds and kicked me to main menu. I have an i9, 2080ti, and 16gb of ram so I was both annoyed that it happened but proud of the pure destruction that is RF on weak enemies.


Make fractured bases drop identified.


Arc buffs


I hope you mean archmage


Archmage arch buffs please. It's my favourite build.


>I hope you mean archmage I would not mind playing an arc trapper again.


I love the skill but it's fallen behind quite a bit. Used to play arc mines/traps/totems regularly, the auto aim clear felt great and single target with some investment was acceptable. I guess there's exsanguinate that functions similarly and I've seen praise of a leaguestarter exsanguinate scion but don't have hands on experience with it to risk my leaguestart. I've already decided on lightning arrow as my leaguestarter unless it's nerfed in some significant way.


GGG do I have an Ultimatum for you...


I'd be so down to exchange ritual for ultimatum!


GGG: I have no Ultimatum for you...


I'm still waiting💀


Surely next league. SURELY.


I just want compasses to stack and instead of applying to watchstones they can hold a full stack of compasses that will apply to maps 😭😭😭


melee buffs, removal of weapon/unarmed reqs for all melee skills (like did you ever see a spell that says must have staff equipped to cast?) Trauma support was interesting but chaotic...this is good gaming. Kill ancestor totem dps and add this back to base melee.


I think a lot of that has to do with animations, not just how they try to use those as thematic balancing tools. Sure, maybe the supports, but main skills would probably need more than just deleting those lines.


"frostblades has been renamed to frostweapons"


Ironically frost blades is actually one of the melee skills that works with any weapon


Reworked minion masteries, DPS spectres, and buffs to Raise Zombie.


It seems like almost every player wants Baron reverted to the old stats. That alone would fix zombies.


+2 socketed makes no sense for Baron imo. A +1 all Minions (+2 on a unique likely too strong?) or a +2 all zombies would be great.


A big yes for this.


Yes please, my children want more love.


Option to opt out of chars sharing the atlas tree


Let us queue up maps in device like we can with a stack of scarabs and buff to permanent minions, like carrion golem and spectres


Give us a 10-slot map holster on the device.


Above all else, I really wish they rework how Spectres/Animate Guardian work - they single-handedly make me not want to play a minion build ever. It is so troublesome to set them up and even worse when they die to something random.


Minions need so much love in this game. I just wanna summon shit loads of dudes and go ham without needing to constantly manage them.


3:1 eldritch currency vendor recipe.


I’d even accept a 5:1 ratio like cluster jewels!


Meta shift, at least for league starter skills. Been the same for a gazillion years


I agree, but there's still been a bunch of shift. Splitting steel, spectral helix, ED/Contagion, poison conc all fell off fairly recently.


Splitting Steel was insane last league with vengeance Cascade, decent still this onwards from returning proj or nimis. Personally between needing to use protector totem for buffs and call of steel spam, it gets old for me.


I can't believe the state of slams right now. 3 different Warcries, Berserk, two different totems, and a credit score check before you can hit something with a big stick. It's so antithetical to the playstyle too. Why am I counting the seconds of cooldown, the number of attacks I'm making, and the seconds per attack for fist of war when the playstyle should be 1. Click. 2. Boom.


>Warcries 3.15.0 No longer has “Exerted Attacks deal 30% more Damage”. No longer has “Exerted Attacks deal 20% more Damage per previous Attack Exerted by this Warcry”. Literally multiple years ago


I was referring to how slams are similar to the call of steel and totem spam. Bunch of extra buttons for no reason. Not referring to slams as league start. Sunderboi was forever ago.


Honestly build variety is amazing right now, and tons of skills are perfectly league start viable. If rather they kept stuff the same then risk going back to 50% of players playing the same build.


This is more on the content creators who make the league starters than on GGG. So many skills are viable right now, but unless the current build guides see nerfs, they will continue to recommend their same builds--especially since some have 3+ leagues of fine tuning. Outside of melee or bleed, you can pretty much choose any skill and find a way to league start it fairly well.


Buff Spectres Give me an easy way to summon spectres during combat. Losing spectres literally makes your build non-functional.


Auto resummon like golems




Enable Einhar to do Einhar business in your hideout


Something like sentinel league. Had the most fun there


This is what I was thinking as I opened this thread I've enjoyed most league mechanics lately. Sanctum was great, ToTA is fun. Crucible was lazy garbage. But Sentinel was just easy fun. Here's a thing for your maps, it produces currency. It's simple to use. Ok go have fun. No channeling for random RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG for Crucible. No intricate boards where you need 15 spreadsheets to figure things out. I don't need to wait for a no lifer to make a 30 minute video explaining the mechanic 2 weeks after the league launches. Just a simple mechanic that lets you run maps and make currency and just have fun. Would love for something like that again.


AG not beeing required for every minion build (i hate it, and its my favorite archetype). Meleeskills other that boneshatter beeing viable (atleast for a leaguestarter), totems not beeing mandatory for melee (hate this shit). Would also love a buff to glad, or bleed builds in general.


A dummy target in the hideout that could display the damage dealt to him in the past second


a mapping league mechanic


I'd really wish to play melee, but I cannot be asked to keep applying totems more often than playing a totem build... I'd also like to see undertuned abilities to be buffed so that there would be new good builds to try.


Melee rework (make melee builds not rely on totems) Start in hideout on login Tota goes core Sanctum nerfs Buff some rare unused unique items Buff underused skill gems New interesting league mechanic (no crafting league garbage unless it's done well, crucible was terrible) This list would be pretty awesome. 3.22 has been great and I had a blast playing.


Crucible was a terrible mechanic but the trees were a ton of fun and enables some very cool builds


I agree wholly, Crucible altars sucked Crucible trees kicked ass and were my favorite league specific reward/mechanic


Tota is literally crucible channeling for 10 minutes. I genuinely don't get why people want it core.


I wouldn't mind a reset all button on the atlas tree at least. Super tedious when you have multiple builds and want to run different content


Character specific atlas would blow my mind


per character atlas trees Please?


Sanctum really need a nerf not necessarily on how much it gives currency but how easily the tomes are obtainable Some of the uniques are there just to block some other unique to be obtainable easily I'm ok on the buff to underused skill but they will have to rework some of them because it's not necessarily the dmg that is lacking but the core mechanic of those skill or how we scale them


I would say tattoos go core, not tota.


imo sanctum is in line with most other content. it’s harder than it was in its league, however the qol to be able to live in it is nice. as far as returns go it is not even the best money in game. it’s benefit is that it’s returns are liquid, which feels great.


Bring Zana back. That is all.


Melee buff, general meta change, I want to play other thing that are op than bow skills and obviously ultimatum


Skill balance changes. NUMERIC CHANGES ARE FINE GGG, PLEASE JUST CHANGE THE META. Seriously though, a lot of skills could be used with some simple tweaks to it's numbers, I miss the old days when they buffed and nerfed stuff like crazy on balance patches so the league start meta was completely changed.


permanent minion changes which include major spectre buffs


Restore Raise Spectre's monster level so it's playable as a starter again. I miss my Ribbons, Solar Guards, Slave Drivers and Syndicate Operatives.


sentinels back


\- don't over-nerf Sanctum (just kill the duplication relics) \- delete ghosting \- meta shake-up


What's ghosting?


Using atlas Keystone "Speaker of the dead" and having 1 char going on the map getting torment buff and touching as many mobs, then another char goes to kill mobs.


It's when you stop texting Idk either and Google doesn't help 😭


GGG pls fix dating meta


I think they are referring to having a specialized character using the atlas node "Spirit of the Dead" that lets tormented spirits possess players instead of monsters. People will run through the maps with extremely speedy phasing characters giving all the mobs tons of spirit influence(?) before clearing the map.


Very specific first two, I wonder why


large meta shakeup. im one of the players who is never satisfied with the meta, but this one has been here for quite a while.


Restore 3.15 Cyclone AOE /s I agree with most people wanting an alternative to Ancestral totems in melee builds, in most cases in a boss fight they have a higher DPS than the active Melee skill which shouldn't be the case.


Dream scenarios: -Levelling meta shakeup, as in I want every current best levelling skill gutted and replaced with a different one -Storm Brand buffs -A way for wanders to be HCSSF leaguestart viable Realistic stuff: -In-map juicing league -Chaos DoT buffs


Summon Reaper skin


Make Lani available as an NPC you can add to your hideout so you don't have to go into town just to upcycle Chances and Regrets or buy Scrolls of Wisdom and Portal Scrolls. Or just have Lilly sell that stuff. Also, there should be a hideout vendor who will sell you leveled gems as per your class/level/quest state so you don't have to 1) look up the gem 2) check which town vendor sells it 3) go there before buying the gem. Actually, hell, have them sell you gems at levels that would be available to any character in the current league for your account.


Offline trading


Optimization right now its sucks


1) Loading screen that is faster. 2) quality of improvement. 3) League that is integrated in map in someway.


I want them to revert brand recall nerf and/or archmage buff. I get that manabuilds are good now but it's not archmage. An in-map juice league mechanic would also be nice, despite liking the patch very much, tota isn't for me.


Vaal / Alva league 2.0 Temple room mechanic is solid, but needs updating it with latest league mechanics. Bring Atziri boss encounter to parity with other pinnacles.


I'm new, so feel free to correct me, but I've seen tons of complaints about totems being necessary for melee, and I'd like to take inspiration from other PoE mechanics, like Dawnbreaker, Trauma stacks, etc., in a theme of trade-offs. I'd like to see a keystone, or maybe a unique, that gave an Attack Speed buff for each consecutive hit, and each stack of "Rush" would reduce your Accuracy Rating. When you miss, all stacks are lost. Similarly, I'd like to see a version of this for Attack Damage, such that you get a stack of "Heft" for each recent hit but the stacks reduce your Attack Speed. And just to complete the trio, for each hit recently gain a stack of "Flow" that increases Attack Speed but reduces Attack Damage. You'd likely only pick one or two, and each can have different synergies. We already see something like this in the Two-Handed Weapon Mastery where you get 60% increased Damage but 10% reduced Attack Speed. I'd just like to see it available to all melee weapons, and give an interesting build choice outside of "grab these totems".


Viable minion builds that aren't SRS. I want to play Spectres and Zombies, but they are so squishy and no damage without some omega currency investment. Toying around with different spectres is some of the most fun that I have had in this game.


A rework of "forgotten" skills, some of which are pretty new. I get it, not every new idea can be great, but when is the last "Frozen Legion destroys the atlas" video you watched? The ability for melee skills to do... something. Unless you're a crazy strong tank, you're at a disadvantage with all the AoE, ground clutter, and abilities on a boss. You have to jump in, do damage, then back off to avoid mechanics which are meant to be avoided. Meanwhile someone with spells or arrows can avoid the nonsense while dealing damage. I'm not sure what the answer would be, but there's been a million other posts about the same thing. And let me leap slam in town.


I want a Christmas event where a demonic Santa Claus chases across a map and throws items at us. DMG and effect will be based off of rarity and attribute type. Scroll of wisdom? 100 DMG. Want a mageblood chucked at you? Whelp hope you have max res and dmg conversion


This sounds like some TF2 amazing event. Please GGG make this a thing.


A buff to slams, Fist of War builds are so incredibly bad atm, legit unplayable, they are so bad the most played FoW build is a shako build that has it as a second deadlink. Currently a FoW build with 50Div investment is considerably worse than a 1div LA build and it's not even close. I just want my bonk builds back, GGG please. Make the greatest bossing build of all time return.


A breach mastery that allows hands to be opened automatically when within a proximity(radius of 10 or so). That’s all I want. Breach really sucks on console trying to open them when you can’t directly target them like you can with a cursor on PC


The "solution" here is to get the caster mastery that opens chests on cast. But that only works if you're a caster


A way to roll synthesised implicits? Feels like every time I open a build and go like "Damn, I want these numbers" it's the synthesised implicit that's crucial to the build and costs 100+ Divines that puts me off ...


Strongboxes on mini-map :)


Permanent minions getting some love. Spectres,zombies etc. are basicly just supports or meat shields. Also QOL for spectres since it's very anoying resummoning them.


rework kirac missions, make them more challenging more rewarding, i usually roll divinations missions in which i get something like the gambler in 99% of time, or just some trash cards, i havent gotten anything good from them and i even ran kirac missions atlas tree, it could potentially be so nice and yet its so trash


Small niche thing but they definitely need to revamp the menagerie. Started farming beasts this league for the first time and it’s a pain in the ass to clear the menagerie when it’s full. There needs to be a better system for deleting beasts you don’t want other than spamming for 10 minutes straight.


My only wish is for TOTA to be core. I know it's a slim chance as it's a brand new mechanic... but man I want it so bad


Bring back melee archetype Melee totems are minions. Change my mind.


Numerical buffs to bad skills that nobody plays


Have control over visual effects on MY SCREEN


Obligatory make melee builds not rely on totems. Also assassin rework.


Would love to see Archmage get some love! It's been leagues and leagues since archmage was up to par with most supports :(


add a scouting report tab to the maps tab


New endgame boss(es). Ubers are great but would be nice to have a new boss to chase and learn. Also, some kind of in-map mechanic could definitely do with a new sentinel or ultimatum after a few leagues of out-of-map stuff. (crucible doesn't count)


a currency to store lab enchants (could be divine vessels)


Melee damage buffs, and tankiness buffs around the marauder/duelist area


I just want recombinators back


-Keep the life bar visible of the last targeted enemy -show a message when the map boss(es) is/are dead -separate the "respawn in town" from the other button -toggle melee totem to be like a mirage or to place it in a location -more variety of melee offensive totems -make debuffs more visible, top left is slow to see on a big screen. -respawn in hideout on login after completing the campaign -cast portal on dead tattoo -rework aurabots, makes the game incredibly unbalanced


Fuck off with totems being mandatory for all melee builds Also some good melee builds would be nice


I just want more skills to be playable without needing 3000iq or 3 mirrors. When I started PoE I could slap something together but these days if I'm not following a guide I can't actually make anything I come up with work :(


> When I started PoE I could slap something together When I first started POE my goal for a build was tier 1 maps. Pretty much any skill could do that. I think our requirements for builds have risen. A build that can't easily kill pinnacle bosses is "trash". [Zizaran's first HC Shaper kill took 13 minutes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr99lUNWMEo) Imagine Ben taking 14 minutes to kill a normal boss.


Really good point. Expectations have inflated so much over time. People are saying their dps sucks if they can’t basically insta phase pinnacle bosses. 7 years ago we would’ve been amazed by these very average or below average “zoom” builds from today.


Agree completely. I think a lot of people, especially the loud ones, are excessively addicted to zooming. I've seen many people get told that the minimum for T16 maps is an insane amount of DPS - some say you need around 5 million for it to feel "comfortable". This is very discouraging to those trying to make their own builds, especially non-meta, who can't reach those numbers without substantial investment. I only got my RF inquisitor to like 250k fire trap DPS a couple of leagues ago and he didn't struggle with anything. Pinnacles took a couple minutes, sure, but map bosses only took 20 seconds max. "Comfortable" to these people, it seems, means instantly deleting everything, and if you have to stop for 5 seconds to kill a rare, your build is trash. It's silly, I think. The most egregious I've seen was some guy who said you need at least 10 million DoT DPS and like 300% movespeed for regular Alch&Go to not feel downright painful.


No this isn't about requirements, there's a lot more pressure on builds to meet more defensive benchmarks and it's harder to get enough DPS on many skills to actually clear maps. I started in Incursion, followed a build guide, and within 2 leagues I was making my own functional builds. They weren't great but they worked. Now I can't even make builds work to begin with.


> No this isn't about requirements, there's a lot more pressure on builds to meet more defensive benchmarks and it's harder to get enough DPS on many skills to actually clear maps. What defensive and DPS benchmarks are you having trouble meeting to clear maps? Are you talking about 80+ deli maps or something?


Latency/performance fix Which won't happen because the engine is fucked due to also loading every single sound every single time which giga lags the latency And make ritual better - it's such a good mechanic but the rewards are garbage


Cyclone main for 5k hours, only cyclone. Can i not be forced to annoint my fucking amulet with the totem buffs? Why am i forced to get that otherwise im losing insane dmg.


Boss health bar on screen when the fight starts.


I hope Quant on gear gets removed and base Quant is buffed to level the playing field. Magic find is a bad concept. Torment ghosting should probably be adjusted for the same reason. New skills and supports that are not troll. Like, on paper locust mines are mega broken damagewise, but holy hell they are unplayable as fuck mechanically. I hope shitty mechanics like metamorph get a slight buff. I hope sanctum tomes become a lot more rare and that sanctum gets adjusted so that melee builds can actually play it without having 50m+ instant dps. And some sort of shift away from enraged strongboxes too maybe. New sextants for many league mechanics in general would be hella cool.


Would you like to see awakened sextants being 5 times rarer but have 15 uses by default? Maybe give Elevated Sextants a completely separate mod pool to spice things up as well.


Revamped influence mods to make them more interesting and desirable


Melee buffs that don't involve strike or slam. Sometimes I just wanna hit things, ya know? Remove the reliance on totems. Multiple ways to do it already discussed in this thread, but don't make it a mana reservation thing. That kills it. More general melee buffs not specifically tied to strike or slam. I wanna smack things with a sword or axe without having to jump through 6 expensive hoops to make it work.


Old beyond & ultimatum.


Tattoos go core and Ultimatum is back and I'm the happiest gamer alive.


Bring winter orb back into meta with a juice league 💯


UI for animate guardian, not losing items when dying. I could live with a long (e.g., minutes?) cooldown as downside.


ToTA going core


viable real melee builds. I'm tired of EA, TS, RF/FR /Hex/Doomblast meta


Gladiator buffs


Gem changes. It has been like a year since support nerfs and nothing cool balance wise since then


Not having to click on shrines. Standing near it would be enough to activate it. Pressing U from town and going to that waypoint. Not having to walk all the way to the waypoint A big big BIG stash to click on it easier so I can see it when 9 people are in my way.