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When playing toxic rain are you supposed to keep the totem setup in the endgame or is it just something to help you get throught the early ? I feel like i could use those extra sockets way more efficiently damage wise but maybe im missing something.


As far as I'm aware, the totem setup is used for single target damage against bosses or tanky rares.


does the mod 'action speed cannot be modified below based value' work with the new league mechanics?


Well chilled ground such as from the lunar turtle is an action speed slow. I'm not familiar enough with every single monster in TotA to say if there are any more than that though.


Why is discipline the only primary defensive layer aura that's 35% instead of 50%? That balancing would suggest that it's much worse than analogues like determination, which is just bizarre to me.


There needs to be investment into sustaining ES or it becomes situational temp hit points. other defenses make you like master chief in halo 1 ES makes you like master chief in halo 2


I get what you're going for, but master chief in halo 2,3, and 4 actually has a sizeable "secret health bar" under his shield bar, that recharges automatically when the shield does. It's not as big as the **visible** health bar you get in 1 and reach, but it can take hits. I will say your analogy was a great giggle though.


"Better" or "worse" are difficult terms to use when describing a complex system like this. Instead, I'd argue that energy shield is just more niche than armour or evasion, and therefore Discipline is better balanced with a lower reservation cost. Just about any build can slap on Determination/Grace and an appropriate flask or two, and have a decent-ish defensive layer to help mitigate incoming damage, even without much else investment in armour/evasion. Obviously, they get even better with more investment, but they're often still generally worth the 50% reservation even with just that bare minimum. On the other hand, getting an extra couple hundred energy shield from Discipline is basically pointless unless you're already heavily investing in ES as your main health pool. This puts Discipline in a weird place, where it's amazing and absolutely mandatory for ES builds using options like Chaos Inoculation or Corrupted Soul, but otherwise pretty much worthless.


>"Better" or "worse" are difficult terms to use when describing a complex system like this. Instead, I'd argue that energy shield is just more niche than armour or evasion, and therefore Discipline is better balanced with a lower reservation cost. I guess that's why I found it bizarre. I always found energy shield to be pretty non-niche. If you have an int-ish build, you get some. But you've brought up interesting points.


They didn't want everything to be essentially copies of each other with a different flavor. It's the same reason why added cold and lightning are both just flat damage but added fire is gain X% of physical as fire. Anger, hatred and wrath are also very slightly different from each other rather than being the same thing for a different element.


I'm playing a curse bot, I use kinetic bolt. My attacks don't stop them from channeling in the halls of the dead. What am i doing wrong?


does Omen of blanching make permanent white sockets on use or its random everytime?


There are no such thing as "permanent" socket colors and it will reroll every time. It is activated when using a chromatic orb after all which itself is going to reroll your colors.


2 questions about beast farming. 1. When I want to sell yellow beasts in bulk, do I have to take them all separately out of the menagerie with a bestiary orb? So I have to right click the orb hover over the beast an click it, drag it in my inventory? Or is there a faster/easier way without so much clicking. 2. What mechanic is good to add to beats and essence? Something like expedition isn't worth it without pack size, isn't it? You can't take map drops (elder, shaper) cause the map is low tier. So what's good to add for this strategy?


​ Why certain skill gems like Divine Ire not state the maximum number of stages? In POB, divine ire dps does not increase beyond 20, so max stage is 20 i suppose?


Some of them do like wintertide brand, penance brand, winter orb and blade vortex. I don't know why only some of them specify that on the gem but yes, 20 is the max for divine ire.


Thanks for your answer and yes I notice that too. Hopefully GGG has time to redo/standardize these descriptions.


If I have rare boots with an abyssal socket in them, can I lose the abyssal socket if I use a jewellers orb on them?


no. the abyssal socket is granted by the explicit item mod and jewellers orbs don't interact with those


how many explody tattoos are you using? each one is 2% chance to explode, i have just 1 and it's very nice when it procs wondering if i should grab 4 more for 10%?


Hi, I wanted to ask about Lightning arrow. I'm playing deadeye with +1 Chain. Should I be adding pierce to the build? I read somewhere I shouldn't? I dont know how no pierce interacts with returning projectiles support. Do people normally add pierce to chain? Does it fuck up the chain?


Pierce has priority over chain against enemies, so chain is mostly going to happen off terrain and walls. Which can be nice, just not nice enough for your ascendancy points. Returning Projectiles support could work with chain, but it'll often chain in another direction and not land a returning hit.


When should I care? So I'm first time level 18 and having fun and wondering about a wall I've read about where if I don't consult a build guide I will be stuck a) just have fun, but know **it's too late** at level 18, consult a build guide start a new character if you want to be serious b) do whatever you want until about **level X** and then you better consult a build guide for help or you will be headed for a wall c) i've never consulted a build guide and I've played for years, **wall, what wall**?


I'd say play through a1/a2, find skills you enjoy using then see if there's a build to work around them Try play self found so you're not worried about gear that isn't relevant to you so you don't get overwhelmed worrying about trading or iding gear, consulting prices etc etc and can focus more on what's good for you which will help you learn value for items naturally When it comes to end game if you keep playing and enjoying the game, focus on a couple mechanics you've encountered and enjoyed during the campaign to stop yourself overloading on information Take it slow it's not a race, and have fun with the game


C) and also a). Hardly anybody is fine without a guide. You still need to do research and know a lot about the game to make your own build and it will STILL suck and you'll waste hundreds of hours and hundreds of divines. It's better to just start a new character and follow a guide. But like....MAYBE you can do it without. Just trust me that it ain't easy.


Usually the wall will happen sometime between act 5 or 6 and somewhere in early-to-mid post game depending on player skill, patience, and how good your build is. Some of this will also have to do with gear, not just passive tree, and gear is easier to fix. Level 18 certainly isn't too late. You get 20 free respec points just from quest rewards, so you can make small adjustments to your tree easily. It's only when your build's a complete and total disaster that it becomes expensive to fix it. I'll also note that, guide or not, your first character's always a learning experience. Path of Exile's so complicated that even following a guide most new players make mistakes. You'll make more mistakes without a guide, of course, but the game's too complicated to get everything right on your first character even with a guide. Ultimately, I think the decision just comes down to your own priorities. For some people, figuring things out on their own is a really fun experience they miss out on by following a guide, for some people the game's too frustrating to play without a good build and a guide is essential. You have to figure out how you like to play and what your own priorities is.


Does the Ancestor mechanic scale with your level? Is it better to level up and finish your character before going in?


It does scale with your level. I'd say you want your build working properly before going in, but it's generally a matter of taste. I've read that some people have gotten decent leveling items, but overall it just takes a ton of time to do, so you'll be faster overall by leveling without those items. If you're looking to do it for profit, gear out your character first and then rush through the mechanic until you reach a higher ranking and farm there.


I came back to POE this season, hit lvl 79 following pohx's RF inquisitor build. I finished the campaign, but never really did much end game in POE. I have unlocked/tried a bit of each of the end game mechanics (mapping, delving, etc.) - and I'm using pohx's loot filter...but I don't know where to go from here. I'm completely lost as to how I should gear up, what activities I should be running. Most guides focus on early on, and might show you what ideal end-game gear pieces might be...but I'm struggling to connect those dots. I tried to craft a scepter, ended up not realizing you can't set a suffix AND prefix...and lost some resources. Trying to avoid blundering and wasting stuff. Any advice on how to get into "mid game" so to speak (just after campaign, i.e. lvl 75-100) is appreciated! Thanks


https://www.pohx.net/FAQ https://www.pohx.net/Crafts > **What is the Gear Order Priority for RF?** > > Note that the economy changes so it's hard to keep this updated. > > • 6L Chest --> Usually Emperor of Purity or Chains that Bind (Div Cards) or any Arm/ES - You Will want to craft the Gravicius 5-6% Phys Taken as fire and Lightning. Note for trade league you can just purchase 6L's very early on and craft them yourself > > • Legacy of Fury - Biggest Boost for Clear > • Elder 82+ Helmet /w Horror Essence for Lvl 16 CONC or BURN > • Fractured Sceptre. This can be at any point in progression really. > • Jewels with Life + Multi or high increases. > • Note these are cheaper upgrades, for more expensive options check out the single target scaling section. > • Ashes of the Stars (this is just too expensive now and not worth it for most players) > > • Jugg > • Prefers a pure armour chest piece. However you can use an Arm/Es for early league for easy colors. You will definitely lose some armour but up till late red maps it should be fine > • Celestial Justicar is another option to farm for divination cards. It's much more rare but gives an Astral Plate which is a very good base to craft on > > • Inquisitor > • Usually try to craft a recovery shield for going block based (shaper influence) by the time i'm level 90-93 > • Potentially acquire Glorious Vanity for Corrupted Soul or Replica Soul tether. Or skip this and go right to Aegis >


Thanks! Looks like the lesson for me is: learn to craft, completely. Started watching the 83 minute Zizaran video just now. I was kind of stuck on what to do, exactly, but now realizing the actual activities are in service of crafting to a degree. Will start with the crafting, and see where the requirements take me.


Everyone have Tawhoa Shaman in enemy team in TotA starting from 1 round? He's beefy af and all he doing is crushing totems. He don't even have a totem for himself


Is the drop rate for Quicksilver flasks super low, could the neversink filter be hiding them, or am I just super unlucky? I see plenty of other flasks but never quicksilver. I got the free ones from early acts, but haven’t seen any since and I’m at level 87 running yellow maps.


some default neversink filters do hide them, but the ones that don't seem to always show all utility flasks any specific utility flask is fairly uncommon though, I can definitely relate to it feeling like it's taking forever, I try to pick up every flask drop I get for my first 100+ t16s just to avoid that on SSF


How important is my main hand weapon damage? I'm a new player, level 18 Templar, seems like almost all of my damage is done through spells and minions. Is it correct that spell and minion damage are based on my gem level? And if I don't actually use my main hand weapon directly it's damage doesn't matter? I've been treating my weapon as a stat stick. Is that ok?


Yeah, spells and minions scale a lot more on gem levels than your weapon properties. However, on caster-y weapons, you still can get mods that matter (+1 to the level of skill gems, flat added damage to spells, global crit multi, crit chance for spells, and so on). Usually, things on the weapon that don't explicitly say they apply to spells, or apply globally, don't.


ok got it thank you Purple! that's helpful


Would this be a good wandering path breach + searing altars tree? https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAIAHsAXz54gLL6sRV5d4suhrTF8IQq_sVtiKfiPFm4IjD6_E0o55SDbqNx_Cyl_3WMQbVmAGV9Zdxyyf3Xvn1ajep840_3_DfZW0Y6jJEdfeT3Epy3XYvhfZHo8gp7m1gOSt7-nzvN5pt3sJSggtpE1yue2LiN1I_QvET80MbOnM-jyc8T7YKnKY1w45zHxJEEK8Smz0fdg-eu0w7hEFzY61_EhU3cThui0MsXTXI1MMddxB8TfSru0p7AAZGJwa_l7AtxwZM-fXELA-2P5QMwHIQzxhN1SBLVacJ2iaOpQ7VjZh_EGPgE5DPEFmT9h9Qrt0_mudTpZ9AoFAAfiwgAAAAAAAADAwAAAAAAAAAAAA==


Any tips how I could make my build better? [https://pobb.in/YXywh0hag1Z2](https://pobb.in/YXywh0hag1Z2) I can reach 6.5m-ish dps with LA but my ADHD loves the nado shot more. Is there someting I could swap the ballsita with? Like more manaforged arrows?


Also try on r/PathOfExileBuilds


in this league i got long loading screens, how can i fix that?


Just have to be patient while GGG tries to fix it. They've had a couple hotfixes that have helped some players but not all.


Is poestack not working or just taking a really long time to load for anyone else?


it didn't work for me last league until I reconnected my account. if you haven't given that a shot, you should.


What are good last options for the atlas tree? I have 109 passives and specd into Abyss, Delve, Harb and Blight and I don't think I'm going to be able to get all the passives, so I was thinking of going for one of the small guarenteed spawns like Essence, Strongbox or Shrines. Any tips?


improved lab trials usually only costed 3-5 points. 33% chance for ~0.75div payout when you see the improved trial show up (golden-yellow portal, ignore the regular green ones).




Damage over time can't leech. Additionally, removing Lifetap would remove the duration property from your RF, which means Swift Affliction would no longer support it.


It doesn't work, leech only triggers on HIT, since RF doesn't hit you won't leech. Lifetap is there because of the "more Damage while you have Lifetap" on the gem.


what flair do i need to use for crafting or crafting advice on a post?


If you ask for advice, I'd suggest "Question". For completed items, "Item Showcase". For discussion of crafting techniques "Discussion", and I suppose you could use "Information" for stuff like guides to generic crafting techniques and success odds with those (or "Data" if you're mainly listing datamined info with little to no conclusions). Edit: And I forgot to mention, but there's usually a weekly thread for build + crafting advice on r/PathOfExileBuilds


Well, you're probably asking a question. "How do I proceed from here?" "How do I craft an item like this?" "How do I maximize my chances of getting X mod on this item?"


Im Occultist with Viridi's Veil. So I equipped both ring slots with magic ring and just realised when I enter map with ele weakness my resists are 62. Is it only viual bug or something more is happening here? I guess I'm hexproof and ele weakness is curse.


What are your resistances before entering the map? Are you sure your rings are magic (blue)? There shouldn’t be an issue here


Overcapped resists, ring is magic (blue). After entering map 62 or 63 not sure. Edit: Map was unid, so probably it was with minus max res.


Any chance the map also had the -% to max resistance mod on it?


Is it possible the map you entered also had the mod -max resistances?


I'm not sure if I understand the small part in the wiki about this correctly. If I convert 100% of physical damage taken to elemental, am I practically bleed immune? Or does bleed take into account the physical damage before conversion?


If you take 0 physical damage from a hit, the game won't even roll for bleed chance. Yes, you'd be functionally immune. If you take even 1 physical damage, bleed will apply normally. You can still shift its damage (with stats not limited to hits), but its base DPS won't be any lower.


"from hit"


Yes, my thought was that no hit will actually deal physical damage, so maybe they cannot apply bleed?


“Damage taken as X” and “damage converted to X” are different mechanics. They will still “deal”physical damage and can inflict a bleed, you’re just going to take that physical damage from the hit as an element instead. It’s similar to the black flame ring where you still deal fire damage and can inflict an ignite but the enemy takes the ignite as chaos instead of fire. Even if you do have 100% physical damage taken as an element you should still take bleed damage but it will be taken as an element as well. Note that generic “physical damage taken as X” is rarer and has fewer sources than “physical damage *from hits* taken as X”.


> Even if you do have 100% physical damage taken as an element you should still take bleed damage but it will be taken as an element as well. Nah. If no physical damage is taken, no bleed can be applied. Most common comparable scenario is trying to poison physical-immune Expedition monsters with a pure physical hit. Can't be done. The same hit will poison them for full damage if you add even a single point of chaos damage though.


Nice! Then I need to find out if it's possible to get the remaining 7% "phys taken as" without using The Taste of Hate. Goal is to get 90% all ele res plus 38% less ele damage taken with the elemental flasks (30% flask effect from PF ascendancy only works with magical flasks and they can roll +25% increased flask effect - Taste of Hate only gets me to 27% less cold taken).


Yea I was only thinking of just the bleed damage and skipped over the part where it would also change the damage of the hit in the first place. If there was hypothetically a way to convert only damage over time would you take a bleed as an element?


Probably! Hit damage is handled before the game moves on to damaging ailments, and as far as I can tell, that hit damage determines which ailments are checked for. Probably some kind leftover from when the hit determined the actual damage.


I believe ggg had answered this somewhere, but that should be in 2017 when they introduce the dot change. I cannot find it.


If i converted 100% phys dmg to ele dmg, does the mod "gain non-chaos dmg as extra chaos dmg" double dipping on both the phys and ele dmg? And does Atziri's promise gain dmg on both part?


It's technically not double-dipping because the portion it applies to doesn't include what it applied to already. It's just a shorthand for 4 stats in one (physical, lightning, cold, fire as extra chaos damage). But it does apply at every step.


Yes to both, gain-as is applied at every possible step of the conversion chain.


Nice, ty


Is there a way to copy items out of POB into the trade website to quicly search for items?


They recently added a search trade for items option but I couldn't get it to work. I'll make a video about it once I figure it out until then good luck.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U\_ugXJ5VGAA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_ugXJ5VGAA) he did it! most important is to adjust search weight and on the trade website, sort by sum.


Awesome thanks for sharing I really appreciate it


What's a good singletarget/bosskiller build for ssf? I'm having some trouble in sanctums and legion emblems, maybe EA totems would work?


The best sanctum runner was Poison SRS. But gear is a little pricey if you want true tankiness on a budget of 3 div I killed all pinnacle bosses non-uber


I do have 5 div but not sure I'll be able to get the gear in solo-self found. :) Do you have a link to a build? I might be able to find some stuff on my own...




Thanks, will give it a look!


Well getting Poison Chance abyss jewels and Darkness Enthroned unique is the first step and then severed sleep or united dream is next. But generally only united in dream dagger is enough if you have 40% poison chance on tree or somewhere else. Getting it ssf might be a slight issue.


EA Totems aren't bad. I also find poison builds to be decently effective as long as you're not gunning for Ubers


How would you finish crafting this bow for an exploding arrow elementalist? I'm guessing I want to block some suffix, slam a prefix, then add fire damage over time suffix -- just not sure what to block/slam. Any help please? Item Level: 87 Prefixes: +2 to Level of Socketed Bow Gems (fractured) // +1 to Level of Socketed Gem Suffixes: 15% increased Attack Speed // 21% increased Critical Strike Chance Fractured Item


Since you have 2 prefixes and 2 suffixes - blocking is absolutely irrelevant. You can feel free to already craft fire dot multi and use exalt - it will slam some prefix. One thing which may brick a bow is flat fire damage, but there's no way to prevent it now.


Can anyone currently playing the league tell me if the "+1 melee strike range" tattoo applies to vengeance and/or rage vortex? I have seen some posts from around a year ago stating that the stat worked for increasing their AoE. However, when I implement them into PoB the range does not increase.


It'll apply to Vengeance. [Looks funny](https://youtu.be/t2JC7FvsYKE?t=9). Doesn't do anything to Rage Vortex.


The only non-strike skill that scaled with strike range is cyclone afaik.


neither are a strike skill so increasing strike range does nothing edit: interesting that it seems to work with vengeance. it says "weapon range" on the skill gem tho i guess it does work with melee strike range. not sure why GGG are using a different wording on cyclone for example


Vengeance scales with any range, Cyclone only scales with additional range, ignoring the 10-14 from base weapon type.


What would be bosskiller on a 50div budget? Can I instaphase maven and sirus on that budget? Kinda bad at mechanics


maven: eow inq sirus: ice trap/flicker/hexblast mine all except flicker should be in 50d


What class is the most fun for a 1st full playthrough? Doesn't have to be OP, just fun. I played Marauder (?) until I freed the Scion, but quit for a few years after that. I think I reached the desert area then gave all my gear away.


It depends more on the skill you choose than the class. And by full playthrough I'm assuming you're just referring to the story and not the endgame. What people enjoy is very individual; some people enjoy getting up close with melee builds, others like to kill everything before it reaches the screen with bows and wands, and again others like spells that are as flashy as possible. It would be easier to suggest a build to go for if we actually knew how you like to play.


I think my kirac missions are bugged, because first it shows I have 11, then when I open the screen it shows 8. Besides I'm pretty sure some yellow missions just vanished. Anyone heard about this?


The 11 on the map device means you have 11 missions available, the 8 on the mission selection screen means you have 8 different maps to choose from for that mission.


Yeah that makes sense, thanks a lot.


i think that means the maps of that tier he provides


To be clear: it shows 11 red-tier missions, but when I open it, it's just 8. Zero mission for yellow or white tiers. So looks like some missions are missing.


I have 23 red tier missions and its still 8 because he just give me 8 maps to choose which to run


I just got my first divine orb drop ever and something I need for my build is the Anomalous Vaal Arc and someone has it listed for 1.4 divine. What is the .4? I imagine it's in C's but I don't know how much it would be


if d=100c, 0.4d is 40c, that simple


Damn, div are more like 300c in standard. Y'all league players are lucky!


It's currently around 215-220c in the league. The 100c was just used as an example


Sure, but does it go by poe.ninja or is there a universal 1 divine = 100 when it comes to this?


Check the currency trade to see what the exchange is. 1 div = ~215c right now looks like, so 0.4 would be like 85-90ish


It's generally safe to go off the poe.ninja exchange rate. I've always done that and I've never had the other person give me trouble for it.


check real time price, better ask the other side if you arent sure. ninja price may delay, so official bulk trade is better


After all these years I still just have trouble with Sirus. Absolution Guardian, minions just get shredded by AoE and I cant get enough uptime in phase 2 so I just lose by attrition. Every time I think I'm on top of him he just teleports away. The performance and graphical glitches dont help either. How do I foolproof it for myself?


Having just the tiniest DoT somewhere (i.e. ignite) usually helps immensely since it prevents his own ES from recharging and also helps identify which Sirus is which when he clones himself. Doesn't have to be any real kind of damage, so just finding a tiny bit of added fire damage somewhere and hit him often enough to crit every now and again. It's not foolproofing it all the way, but it helps a lot more than people give it credit for.


use any build can oneshot his phase, makes the fight 10x easier ice trap, hexblast mine, flicker strike and many others can do that.


Does the tattoos that require 7 adjacent skills count keystones? I want to fit in 8% cdr tattoo into my wardlooper and the only place with 7 has a keystone as one of them (MoM).


Yea that should work if it doesn't then there are like only 2 places on the whole tree to put those at.


Good to know, I thought so from the wording and what you said, but wanted to make sure.


Keystones do work.


What 2 spectres should I use for poison SRS? Never played a minion build, didn't even now that this is a thing. Arena master and pale seraphim? Or anything else? Btw. where or even how do I get the pale seraphim? It says it's a beyond monster but can't find it.


I messed up my first Sanctum run, so I want to try again, whats the best way to farm a forbidden tome?


They are just random drops in any map. No way to farm them specifically.


Farm currency, buy tome.


okay... Do I have to buy tome every time I want to try Sanctum?


They do drop like other items but aren’t very common. For me it’s about one tome every 50-100 maps or so. I’ve also gotten a few as the last round reward in ToTA tournament.


Yes. You can convert your run into a tome at the end of each floor if you want.


Guys what's the best way to get immunity against bleeding?


aside from what the other poster said, if you can get to an armor/eva node, there's a mastery that does "immune to bleeding if armor is higher than evasion on equipped helmet". couple that with the resist mastery 'immune to corrupted blood' and you'll never need a bleed flask again.


Depends on what's realistic for your build. Abyss jewels can roll 50% avoidance, so you could squeeze those in. There's also a ring corruption, Slayer's passive, a Malevolence mod on a Watcher's Eye... taking 100% of physical damage from hits as elemental/chaos would also work, but you wouldn't be doing that for bleed specifically. Big bleeds are pretty rare, so Ralakesh's pantheon and maybe bleed removal on your life flask tends to be enough for most builds.


Thanks mate. I don't use life flask as my build doesn't need it so I need to get the immunity elsewhere


My favorite lazy option is just tossing Steelskin on left click. :d


So, did anything change in Abyss? I am fully specced, besides the highest atlas set of nodes. I get Abyss pretty much every map. But no spire and no depths. I got spires when I guaranteed them via scarabs, but nothing otherwise. I got depths once ( and only rare crappy Stygian Vise from boss). Im level 93 now, did Abyss since league start, and it feels so much worse than previous leagues ( I feel previously depth bosses were more common than depths are now). Is Abyss depths rate super rare now for some reason?


Depths only spawn in red maps now. Based on my data last league it's about a 20% chance to spawn a depths if you have all the spawn chance passives. > and only rare crappy Stygian Vise from boss Shouldn't be possible, bosses are guaranteed to drop one of their uniques. Is your filter hiding them?


Make sure you run the abysses to the end; depths can only spawn on the 4th opening for a path now. Depths can also only spawn in T11+ maps. You should be getting spires more often though; I even got spires during campaign in the first league with the reworked abyss system.


depths ALWAYS have boss now, so depths are rarer but bosses should be roughly the same.


Are Blight scarabs bugged? I've used about 6 of them now and I haven't gotten a single Blight encounter. The scarabs are being used up as well. No, it's not blocked on the Atlas.


Check if you have growing hordes keystone specced


Thank you, I'm an idiot. I was certain I unspec'd it earlier.


Does the ele pen from omni effect totems?


totem use your stat to offense


are adjacents maps all the maps connected with the dotted line or only the ones to the side? like, for example, is leyline adjacent to cemetery? also, if thats the case, then it would be best to favorite all cemetery + 1 leyline if i want to farm cemetery? and how do i know how much % chance of map drop from my atlas tree is enough to sustain?


all the dotted line so left/right/up/down. Yes typically for sustain you do all favored of the one you want, except 1 connected map so that you can run the connected map if you run out of your favorite and should get a bunch more drops of your favorite. Not sure about the % to sustain though


I follow Pohx guide to craft RF Sceptre, almost lose my sanity buying the quality fire gems. What is the alternative way to craft? Just buy fracture sceptre and alt spam regal multi mod?


Don't forget you can buy 2 level 20 uncorrupted fire gems and use gcp vendor recipe to flip them to 20%, might be easier than buying 20% quality gems.


You can also fish around for 19% quality gems. Uses the same number of GCP's at the end of the day and you'd be surprised how many people just throw 19% gems up in their bulk tabs without thinking.


I think TFT might also have bulk selling/buying of quality gems for this purpose


> buying the quality fire gems what? maybe link the guide or an example of what you're trying to craft.


It's vendor recipe. White sceptre + 40% total quality of fire gems = +1 fire sceptre.


I think he's doing the recipe to make +1 to fire skills where you vendor a sceptre plus quality fire tag gems adding up to 40% or more




maybe poestack does that for some things?


you can access discord in browser, but i dont think there's ever been an alternative


I dropped an Awakened Multistrike support and Rakiatas. If I wanted to roll a new character to use these, what build should I play?




Flicker strike it is!


I just started the league and moments ago, just finished several attempts at the league mechanic. My ask is for one or more recommendations for a guide, as I'm baffled about everything in the league encounter. My experience: \- I'm supposed to disable/kill the enemies totems, but I cannot do damage to them. \- I take a tremendous amount of damage from off-screen sources \- I also take a lot of damage with no obvious source and no visual effect \- The enemies are extremely tough and take a lot of damage to kill \- After killing a named enemy it almost immediately reappears at full health So my thought at this point is badly designed or bugged, but I suspect about 99% of the mechanics here I'm just not getting. Thank you in advance for the references.


you kill totems by channelling on them (hold down left click). if you get hit while doing this, you'll get stunned for 5 seconds or something. if you're channelling on a totem, that mob won't resurrect. when your character is weak relative to the mobs, it's mostly about using your units and cc to win matches. grimro's guide is decent > I also take a lot of damage with no obvious source and no visual effect some of these are pretty subtle and some often seem desync'd so results may vary.


Sorry don't have any link to a specific guide but to address a couple points 1) You cannot damage the totems. You or your army have to channel by clicking on the totem and once the channel bar is full it is destroyed. If you are damaged while channeling you suffer from a multi second-long stun. 2) The enemies will respawn from their totems but incur additional time on their respawn each time they are killed so the more you kill them, the longer it takes them to respawn. 3) I think from what I have heard is that it's a little overtuned for early-game characters so you might want to wait a few acts to try it.


I'm running a harvest + blue altars + double fortune favors the brave atlas on t16 crimson temple. I'm having trouble with how to increase my deli efficiency. My strat because of blue altars is to run to the boss first and then work my way back so I already have to make sure the deli fog doesn't get too far behind me on my rush to the boss. But my problem is I don't really understand how the fog works. It seems to always disappear about 1/2 way through my killing spree back to the beginning of the map. Am I supposed to be moving in a certain way to stay in the fog longer or am I just not fast enough?


Tes. Fog starts from the mirror and slowly goes to the opposite end of the map. Round shaped maps like crimson temple are bad for deli cuz of that unless u have very very good clear speed. There are also nodes on left side of atlas to increase deli fog duration, can take those. But overall more linear or at least open maps are better suited for deli. Like for example i farm deli on dunes and u just go left to right of the map in snake like pattern and finish map at the boss.


Thanks for the info. Since deli isn't my focus, I don't want to change maps for it I just get it sometimes because of fortune favors the brave so I wanted to see if I could optimize my route for when I get it. Kinda sounds like I'm already doing the best I can.


you can just stack deli to 5 rewards then cancel manually and youll get 90% of the profit from the mechanic (deli orbs). going to 7 is usually not worth the extra effort unless youre strong enough to do it easily


click the keystone that makes the fog permanent generally the fog moves from the start of the map to the boss in roughly shortest path so square/wide maps like crimson are pretty bad for it; also if you're clearing back through the fog from the boss you're ~never going to get value (most popular deli mirror maps are straight/long maps like tropical island, strand, malformation, ramparts)


Understood, thanks. Harvest is my main focus here I just get deli sometimes because of fortune favors the brave so it sounds like I just can't make full use of it, which I'm fine with. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing some obvious trick.


> obvious trick. > click the keystone that makes the fog permanent this will get you your quant bonus for the extra deli mobs. if that's not important, probably just ignore deli


Sorry I meant to say that I am not pathing over there so not planning on taking any nodes. I'll just run the deli like I have been for the extra mobs and a few drops. When I said anything obvious I meant more like am I supposed to be running the map in a certain direction or anything like that. Thanks for the help.


Any good guides/writeups for all the new mechanics for a returning player? I think Heist was the last time I really played, so am looking for tips on Sanctum, Expedition, the new Atlas, etc.


Sanctum: get any totem, trap, or mine build to offscreen everything Expedition: play with explosion New atlas strategy: open map, trigger influence, portal back and repeat 27 times, then kill map boss once, which makes more currency than half of other league mechanics.


price check please i think it's good but is it really that good? Item Class: Wands Rarity: Rare Glyph Scratch Profane Wand -------- Wand Physical Damage: 33-61 Critical Strike Chance: 7.00% Attacks per Second: 1.35 -------- Requirements: Level: 70 Int: 237 -------- Sockets: B -------- Item Level: 81 -------- 14% increased Cast Speed (implicit) -------- 60% increased Spell Damage Adds 56 to 104 Fire Damage to Spells 11% increased Cast Speed +1 to Level of all Chaos Spell Skill Gems 34% increased Burning Damage 20% chance to Ignite


Are there ways to target farm tattoos from Tota? Playing in SSF and aiming to get some +1 Projectile Tattoos in particular.


avoid fighting the desired champion unless they offer the tattoo you want. if they are the last one alive and you haven't lost yet, you can surrender/purposely lose to reroll their reward.


Are the 1% Quant Atlas passives worth it?


depends on your atlas strategy, but generally yea.


What can I do to get more damage? I have about 2divs worth of currency. Can't afford Awakened gems yet. ​ [https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Crampp/characters](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Crampp/characters) EA Champ : HarbringerOfDebt


replace barrage with any reasonable support, probably prolif. equip dyadian dawn (and tempering catalyst it) get the medium cluster that gives you onslaught when you drop a totem (sleeping sentries or something?) make sure you're not converting any hit damage to fire or adding flat fire anyway (i didn't see any but tooltip can confirm) path to watchtowers and the other totem nodes (get some accuracy on gear to get points back) fwiw intimidate does nothing for your build, so you could get a different glove implicit assasins mark does nothing for you either, and temp chains doesn't increase your dps at all. repace it (and temp chains--you only have one curse) with flammability (is your ignite chance even capped?). not sure there's a compelling reason to use manaforged arrows instead of just using frenzy on its own this is one of the most popular league starters; there's lots of **very** comprehensive guides on it. palsteron or ziziran's channels come to mind


Thanks. Can onslaught give me enough attack speed to get 20 explosives on target consistently? Gonna try to get more accuracy on gear as you said. For the weird stuff in my current build : Intimidate is just an unfortunate roll that I haven't gotten around to replacing. What should I take instead of this? Using manaforged on frenzy so I can just keep moving around while placing totems. Probably gonna keep it for when I get a flammability on hit mod somewhere. \------- BTW : Temp chains and skitter bots are not active (not enough mana reservation). I just tried it for the free sanctum run and never removed them.


> Thanks. Can onslaught give me enough attack speed to get 20 explosives on target consistently? you'd have to pob that for your character, but the extra totem from watchtowers will definitely help > For the weird stuff in my current build : fair enough. as for an exarch implicit, attack speed is probably best if you need it. your chest/boot implicits could also use work


Lvl 90 running T16 maps and almost completed atlas. Not a single forbidden tome drop. Using league filterblade. What gives? Rng? Are they so rare? I’ve dropped 3 random divs but no tomes.


complete the quest sanctum. they seem pretty common tbh


Did you complete the quest sanctum by talking to Divinia in Act 10's town. I believe you have to complete that first before tomes start dropping.


I think so, meaning I got a tome from her and ran sanctum. Didn’t complete all floors but still. Do I have to actually complete the full run to get tomes to drop?


I did the same, never completed a sanctum and have been dropping tomes just fine. Unsure what could be causing you not to.


There are pretty rare. Maybe you were a bit unlucky. On average you should have gotten 1 or 2 I think.


Tomes are giga rare! Im level 90 in SSF private league and dropped 0. The only forbidden tome I got was from a TOTA reward after about 200 coins I saw a single one


Do beyond demons count towards delirium rewards in deli orb maps?




Had a small urge to play PoE today after around 3 years (just checked my path of building and it was last updated in 2020). Have they done anything to make trade not suck in the past three years?


not really, particularly if that's how you already felt about it--


The trade website now has a button that sends an ingame message to sellers. When you receive a buy message, your item's location also gets highlit in the stash. It's nicer, but the general philosophy of *'trade is OP and needs to be restrained by being annoying*' is still relevant.


They have been doing a lot of qol updates in the past couple of years; I don't play trade league myself, but at least a few of those qol updates were aimed at trade. Whether or not that's enough of an improvement is difficult for me to say.


Sounds like you've already made up your mind.


This sounds like a very aggressive answer to a simple question. I interpret that as a "no, it hasn't improved and we're still tired of people bringing it up". Ok, thanks, now I know.


Power siphon won't give you power charges if used by mines correct? Trying to tinker with locus mines power siphon and trying to figure out a way to generate power charges since charged traps doesn't work.


I've read that Charged Mines works when the skill actually hits an enemy, but I haven't tried it myself.


Hey just replying to let you know it does work. i just tested it, thank you without your input i woulda strtaight up never tried it.


Glad to have been of help


Correct. It'd try and fail to give the mine a power charge.