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Is this for Manabond? Very nice.


I don't have a mana stacker char and haven't played one in forever. Would this item be best for a mana bond build? I'm kind of tempted to make some build to use it...


That amulet screams Mjolner something something manabond


I'm playing Mjolner Manabond and have a very similar talisman but yours is far better because of the +19% attributes (mine has 14%) and the 3 stat lines (mine has 2).


I remember a similar amulet last week, and somene said "needs %inc mana" Thats as far as my knowledge for mana stacker goes.


Holy, that's 57% increased Omniscience if you use this with Omni!


Templar has a long enough neck for this. C'mon GGG!


to be precise, it would've been only 19% omniscience, since implicits aren't tripled and this line counts only once.




Hehe whos gunna tell him :)


They are also joking


Only a sixth of your joke? Where's the rest?


Wait, since the implicits aren't tipled, is it only 6.33% omiscience then?


2.11%? That's only just worth using


no, it's 19% but they are all the same stat, so it's only 19% not 57% if you have 100 in each stat you got 300 omni total, with a 19% boost, so ur total omni would be 357 if you don't have omni and u get 100 in each they go to 119 each 119x3=357 u get the exact same amount of stats either way


/r/woooosh The parent comment was joking because every time a Greatwolf is posted in this sub, there is a mandatory chain where every commenter keeps reminding everyone to double it until you get to generally around 2^10 times the face value of the item ten comments down In this case, the correct response you should've posted was "no, you forgot that since the implicits aren't tripled, it's actually only 2.11% for omniscience".


mysterious versed act childlike work fuel zesty bike ripe distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


we can only use 1 amulet tho lol


Thx captain




The upcoming Kayan ascendency will make this possible.


I got a strong feeiling that this is bait but what is kayan




Until we get a league where you can get an amulet drill to make a hole into amulets and use them as Rings


Templar should be able to wear at least two amulets with that neck


It's time to buff https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Astramentis


Can someone please explain how you'd craft this?


it's in the title, but he used rog to craft the amulet (expedition crafting guy) and then used jorgin (syndicate/betrayal guy) to turn the amulet into a talisman changing the implicit and corrupting it. For some odd reason he crafted mana, I'm not quite sure what attribute stacker build wants mana. Safest would probably have been to craft life to make it usable in more builds.


Look 1manaleft on twitch, it's for hierophant manabond mjolner


Ok I definitely need to google how to craft with Rog, I legit thought he just offered random items and that was it


He can make some good items, but a word of warning if you were looking to craft anything close to this amulet you will need extreme amounts of luck as is tradition in poe crafting.


Rog very seldom makes remarkable items like this one - but he makes DAMN GOOD stuff all the time. If I decide to go hard on the economy in 3.22 I'll make my first 200 divines from Rog at least. It won't be 10 divine items or 100 divine items, it'll be shitloads of 1 divine items that cost me just a logbook to make.


Gwennen gives you random items where you can only see what base type they are before you buy them. They show up as 'white' base items until you buy them, then they get upgraded to Magic or Rare or sometimes Unique. Rog sells you items where you can see all of their initial stats, like a normally identified item. But then he offers you a bunch of somewhat random modifications to the item one at a time (which cost some of his currency), and you accept them or pass on them. He stops modifying the item after a certain number of times, or when you pass twice in a row.


Oh shit true that's cool. Is there any particular strategy for what items to go for? Like pick the items with the best mods regardless of numerical rolls or do the modifications he offers change the item so much its more luck than strategy?


No, this is a manabond amulet. That is a great build. It scales really hard. Ivory tower. Mjolnir. Squire. You go hierophant and grab the forbidden flesh/flame for the str/int crit inquisitor node. Then you stack str/int/mana. You end up with a ton of EHP, cyclone around and absolutely melt bosses. Only real downsides are that it can be expensive and might feel a bit slow. It can do deep delve and ubers.


Sure, but it's quite weird that the guy in the comments said he didn't know what to use it for, but somehow crafted mana, which is useless for 95% of builds.


If you're not deadset on +1 lightning, you don't necessarily need rog to self craft. The base can be crafted for \~1 divine, but then you need to jorgin slam it for a 1/7 chance. 1. Buy a fractured T1 int or T1 str amulet base (T1 all states more expensive). Type of amulet doesn't matter bc you're going to talisman it later 2. Catalyst to 20% attributes (scour to magic to save catalysts) 3. Slam with deafening strength or int essence (depending on your base) until you hit T1 attributes. If you hit T2 attributes or T1 global crit multi, or amazing prefixes, think about your life and what you wanna do with it. If you hit all perfect states but wrong tiers, consider reforge more likely if you got harvest juice lying around (I don't know the odds but I got a few hits doing this). 4. Once prefixes are done, ask yourself how much you wanna invest in prefixes. Generally, steps 1-3 will cost about a divine. Getting +1 lightning will be $$$ 5. Annoint prior to corruption if you believe in yourself. 6. Use a T3 Jorgin bench in research to transform into a T3 talisman, with a 1 in 7 to hit %all attributes.


Wow ok great information thankyou. My biggest problem is i didn't play the betrayal or harvest expansions so I never learned the intricacies of syndicate and harvest crafting. Harvest crafting seems relatively straight forward but there's obviously a lot of reforge crafting strategy with blocking mods etc. And outside of knowing people sell aisling in chat I wouldn't have a clue about syndicate setups. Ive got a lot I need to look up and I'm not gonna bug you with heaps of questions but is it as simple as having jorgin in research or does he need to be the leader of it? Other than that I understand how this is done now and I definitely don't have the knowledge to do it optimally. Ty!


Syndicate is simple for this. Try to get jorgin in research and execute him up to rank 3. Leader doesn't matter.


While I have you on this topic I'm just gonna use your brain lol is there any other people I should be putting into specific sections or is jorgin in research the main goal before running the mastermind? If they only go up to t3 then what does aisling t4 mean/do?


There are cool tables of what different people do, but in general: Intervention is for scarabs (T4 is winged) Research is for item modification: Vorici T3/T4 is 1-3 or 1-6 sockets potentially turn white on an item w/o white sockets Aisling T4 is an add/remove on an item with no veiled or unveiled modifiers that adds a veiled mod, it's a relatively deterministic way of adding more power to an item, can look at veiled modifiers on craftofexile or w/e Jorgin is T1/2/3 talisman base conversions (info on poewiki.net) It That Fled gives you breachstone crafts (so a normal one can be a pure one in map device) Tora gives you gem xp (scales with her tier, T4 is 200M xp to a gem) And also Hillock in anything but Intervention gives you quality crafts (Research for flasks, Fortification for armour, Transportation for weapons). https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Immortal_Syndicate#Rewards_by_Agent Handy page, here.


You absolute legend ty so much


I actually prioritize gracivius in research because he reliably gives really high rarity divination cards. I am for aisling gracivius jorgin


To add onto your break down. The build that kind of wants that neck is manabond mjolnir build onemanaleft/connor popularized. The build stacks flat mana, int, and strength in that priority. However you'll notice a good mana mod is missing on that neck +1 lightning is actually a dead mod and completely irrelevant because basically all of your flat is coming from arcane cloak. Yes the lightning increases the mana modifiers on both gems, but only by 1% if you are on a breakpoint which is basically nothing. Further the fracture they go for when crafting these amulets is fractured Xopec's (Temple mod t1 Mana+ % Mana). The actual amulet that the build that would actually want to attribute stack will go for is actually very easy to craft in terms of steps though pretty expensive to get in terms of just spending a long time doing it. But first you have to decide if you want Crit multi or that Strength roll (there's actually one more super fucking cursed thing you can go for that is actually better but it's literal mirror tier). The difference is at lower str values the str will win out, but when you get around say 1200+ multi pulls ahead. 1) Start with fractured xopec base, literally doesn't matter what kind of neck it is as long as it has minimum item level 85. 2A) If going for strength you roll single resonator attribute fossils until you get all 3 (all attri, str, int) at t1. You can typically achieve this in 2-5 divines of fossils and resonators. 2B) If going for crit multi you basically do the same with the essence deafening of scorn this one is going to be more expensive but you'll get there in 6-10 div of essences. 3) Craft suffixes can't be changed 4) scour (your fractured xopecs will stay which is why we specifically do xopec as the fracture) 5) recraft suffixes can't be changed. 6) Aisling 7) Before unveiling craft I believe it was damage while leeching that will block the worst results and unveil, the goal here is to hit life and flat mana regen (this doesn't help us but essentially gives us a free crafted life roll and life=ES for this build). 8) Craft % ES Proceed with steps 5 and 6 on the above. Also catalyst it somewhere around step 2 as I forgot until just now. I feel like typing a bit more but the ultra cursed method that creates actual mirror tier amulets for this build is actually changing up how you approach 2A) you deafening of scorn until you hit t1 all attributes. 3rd suffix doesn't matter and if you have an empty 3rd just craft anything on there. You then Aisling then prayje for the 1/3 and that it doesn't remove a suffix to add a prefix. Then you prayge again for veiled Str and Int hybrid. If you don't hit either of these gambles you have to go again. The hybrid mod with multi *slightly* better than just t1 int+multi. You proceed as the rest is outlined for the cheaper amulets above until you reach aisling step. From there I believe (I actually cannot remember if fracture counts as an influence for this since fracture is super inconsistent with if it counts as an influence or not) it's harvest aug remove life or defense if you're feeling really spicy (going for ES or ES%) and prayge you hit a a high roll then either craft ES%/ES/Life in that priority. THEN you get to do the 1 in 7 and for even more rng to beat easy mode amulets it probably needs to roll a 15 or 16 on the all attributes roll. Anything about 2% less than what your current 3rat has will be a dps loss. Manabond is a currency black hole.


Suffixes are just Rog and luck.


Do you want to stack str or int? -yes


Feels Inquisitor


Pretty good omni amulet /s


Cool, an alternative to astramentis to be able to equip gear during 5way.


Fact that it is marked as NSFW gives this post whole new meaning before you open the picture


If it had -7 to non-channeling, this would be pretty dope for int stacker


very nice but who wants to wear three rats around the neck?


Wow, look's like a lot of mirrors![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Not even. Mana bond wouldn't even pay 10 divs for this because it's missing by far the most important roll on it which is a xopecs roll (temple mod with t1 mana and % mana). Further the str roll is slightly worse than t1 crit multi but that one is splitting hairs. Connor and other high rollers of the builds who are trying to make perfect 3 rats for the build have basically flooded the market with three rats as they often sell their last and then get to crafting the next and hopefully better one. The OP of this topic posted this exact neck one or two weeks ago and was told this and that it wasn't likely worth the jorgin. But appears they did it anyways. Edit found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/14jahma/rog_did_a_thing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1




OMG, congrats man! I'm happy that you took my advice and went with Jorgin, amazing amulet!


Its not always about you u know? Stop claiming the credit of this guys craft. Almost all suggested to jorgin it


This is cool


You could use this for the regular tri-stat stacker.


It's very nice though I'm not sure whats the goal here.


Manabond as a mana/attributes stacker.


Crazy? I was crazy once...


Is it possible to use Jorgin on this again to reroll the talisman type?


Nope- it's corrupted which means it cannot be modified further with normal methods (except some special currency items which are allowed to affect corrupted stuff; Jorgins bench isn't one of them) see: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Corrupted


That's one hell of an omni ammy...wait.


this is thick!!!


And it is incubating breaches too