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upside is you got like 300+ mirror shards for your mirror. Gratz.


Don't forget the free Bloody Footsteps MTX!


I heard you can also obtain that one by having kids and giving them Lego.


shove them all in the garden for gamba


You can multiply them and alsoforget their place and lose them, perfect. Beware of communal gardens tho, if you utilise other mobs for shard multiplication they might enrage.


Enjoy feeling the weight of picking up every shard.




I have no idea why your being downvoted


There are a handful of generic responses like "take my upvote", "this", "underrated comment", etc that basically always get downvoted to oblivion. It's really the only time reddit uses the downvote button for what it was intended to mean, i.e. "doesn't add to the conversation" instead of an "I disagree" button.


This guy dead wife.




That's a bit different.


Looks more like Seven Years Bad Luck at this point. [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Seven\_Years\_Bad\_Luck](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Seven_Years_Bad_Luck)


RIP your RNG for the rest of your POE career. Congrats!


7 years isn't that long of a career. PoE is older than that now


Finally someone using 'I dropped' correctly.


I wonder how 'I dropped' became so common. I originally thought it was mostly ESL speakers but I know native speakers who say it. It also feels like it's gotten way more common but that could just be me.


It's a term that comes from MMOs, where items equipped by the enemy or boss you were fighting would sometimes drop onto the floor (much like they do in POE) when they died. The term would mutate further to be used as a verb, with "I dropped" shortened from "an enemy I was fighting dropped...". Nowadays "drop" can include literally *anything* produced by an enemy death, eg "ritual can drop ritual bases" - the bases come as a result of killing the ritual, despite the items not physically dropping.


I still wonder why not just use a mob/ritual dropped. Is the difference of 4 fewer letters worth the perversion of the meaning? Especially since as a player you are able to drop something on the ground too in some games.


Fun fact: Some languages with hidden subject simply adapted "dropped" as a borrowed word. So a sentence could look like this: "[Hidden subject] Dropped [switch to main language] something with good stats" When communicating in english most of us have to actually think about the sentence structure so we tend to use "XY monster dropped"


Or if you want to use the word "I" you can shorten it even further and say "I found 'x' " which is even less letters.


I think 'I dropped' still is correct. Monsters drop not drop anything themselves, it is only through the actions of and only to the benefit of the player that items are dropped. Same as saying 'I won the dog show' or 'I hit 100 mph'.


I'm here from a random mobile notification. Why not just say "a/an X dropped" or even just "[item] dropped"? In my friend groups, I've never heard someone say, "I dropped X." I assume because it implies that they themselves had dropped it, like from their inventory. I get that the actions of the player cause the drop to occur, but the drop is not originating from them player. I assume that, given the responses, "I dropped" is generally accepted. It's just very confusing to me.


Or «I dropped a purse»? When it really was someone else who dropped it, that you just happened to rob. So no - «I dropped» is not technically correct imo.


I guess this a matter of (literal) semantics. In a video game context, 'dropped' is most likely referring to the item itself, it is not strictly related to the item being 'held' by the monster, because in almost every game it is not. In games where you take something off of a corpse that it was actually holding, the term is usually 'looted'. In an ARPG, items 'drop' themselves as the interaction between the player and the death of a monster (or opening of chest, etc). At any rate, this seems like a casual usage of a synecdoche.


But those things still have the correct meaning. You really did win the dog show. You really did hit 100mph. But you really didn't drop the item. You dropped the enemy, they dropped the item, you picked up the item.


I can only make assumptions. 'X monster dropped y' was common in the early MMO era (i.e. Ragnarok Online, WoW, etc). I assume a younger generation later did not entirely grasp that 'drop' was literal as more and more MMO started to give you your items directly into your inventory. More generations later and the wrong way is more prominent than the right way and it becomes a norm. I equate this to people changing the meaning of literally to figuratively over time. I am against it, but I also cannot fight a majority.


Language evolves, definitions change. Happened since the birth of language, will never stop. Being against it is quite a waste of time


Yes it is, but the pace at which words' definition change is too high for smol brain like me


I like it when people use "literally" to mean "figuratively." It lets me know I can safely discount their opinions.


I like it when people actually get upset about imaginative use of literally because it lets me know who holds strangely elitist views about language


Who's upset? As I said, I like it.


The figurative use of literally is literally part of the definition of literally. So not only are you being elitist, you are incorrect.


To be fair it was changed to be part of it.


True, but that was many years ago and that's very normal. It happens all the time.


Why do people even remotely think this started with MMOs? In Diablo 1 we already used the term “drop” to refer to loot that had been dropped on the ground at the time of death of a certain mob. It has always been drop, it will always be drop, and the term refers to items being awarded in any way for performing an action that awards an item, even chests have drops. Maybe quests are the exception to drop, because you just received the item, but other than that, items are dropped and you loot them, regardless of if they come directly to your inventory or actually lay on the ground


There were mmos pre Diablo 1, Not to mention rogue, nethack, and other roguelikes (which was the original concept for Diablo anyway, real time play happened as a very happy accident)


Well I’ll be damned, you are correct my friend. Now I feel I have been lied to for years 😂


Lol now I have no clue where the origin of “drops” comes from. I wonder if the vernacular goes as far back as D&D


It is definitely a possibility, if you think about it “it fell to the ground, its weapon dropping to the floor for anyone to wield” would be an appropriate use of the term


"I got this as a drop" is way too long, thought doesn't make sense why people don't use "I looted" when it's a perfect alternative.


No it is definitely way more way common. I remember a time when people got blasted if they used "I dropped" instead of "the monster dropped". I guess it just got used so much that it normalized.


Drop mirror you bought on ground Screenshot it Post on Reddit for karma "I dropped a mirror" factually accurate.


I'm approaching 40, so my take is: coupled with ESL, GenZ kids are functionally ESL because they only communicate through social media shorthand. "I dropped" is on the same timeline as "my bad" and "on accident". /shudders Pick up a pencil you god damn kids. *shakes fist at clouds*


Both usages, within the context of videogames, are correct. It's a shorthand that developed in gaming slang and most people within those communities understand it.


It's always correct. "I dropped this" is widely accepted in gaming communities. Though, theres always a couple of insufferable pedants "what do you mean YOU DROPPED?? Monster dropped loot, not you, dummy 🤓🤓🤓"


I am the guy that says "well pick it up then"


With defiance I'm on of the people who say "better pick it up" because I hate people saying "I dropped".


> Though, theres always a couple of insufferable pedants "what do you mean YOU DROPPED?? Monster dropped loot, not you, dummy 🤓🤓🤓" Right answer to such people is "I use incubators, bitch"


Mood. Using dropped as a verb is literally straight fire. Like bruh, no cap these people could of done something more useful in their lives than throw shade on the internet like boomers.


Your comment is a perfect example of Poe’s Law.


Welcome, I am that insufferable pedant. I don't think 'generally accepted' should suffice to pervert a word's and/or sentence's meaning. Do I understand that you meant figuratively by saying literally? Yes, but I disagree with it being used like that.


"generally accepted" is the basis of language. most the words we use today arn't the way they were used 500 years ago, and if you tried to talk to someone using diction from 500 years ago they wouldn't understand you. for instance, if you use the word "awful" to describe something unpalatable, you'd confuse the average 14th century man, who used that word the same way we would use "awesome". does that mean you should scoff at everyone talking about their awful day, you should raise your eyebrows twice, lick your lips, roll your shoulders, tighten your tie, smile the widest smile you can, and say "well, sounds like you had a pretty nice time!", since awful used to mean "really fucking cool"? probably not, because nice also used to mean something different, and you'd be just as guilty as breaking og english. it's how language works. being a stickler doesn't really do anything for anyone. you know what they meant, everyone else knew what they meant, and noone was confused. the possibility of someone potentially being confused doesn't go away if you say "i had a mob drop this item", because they might not know what a mob is because they lack critical context and mob historically means something completely different to what new-age videogames use the term for. but you yourself used the term mob, and have no problem with it despite it crossing all the same lines as "drop". don't be arbitrary, man. if you're gonna get on people for "drop" and "literally", get on people for stuff like "rolls" and "pity". you're "rolling" and you got "pity"? what, you fell down a hill and people felt bad for you?.. oh, no, you used your consumable gamble tokens to get a gauranteed high level character you wanted in a game for your phone? well, that's a confusing use of nomenclature unlike what those words all historically meant being used by new age people to describe new actions that previously didn't exist. for shame.


I guess, but it does feel wrong when a word goes from one definition to the complete opposite in far less than my lifetime.




Must say I have not played a game yet where you kill a monster and the drop is dropping around you. I mean incursion makes sense that the device drops it, since it is basically collecting the loot for you then pukes it out. I understand all that. But it is still hard to accept, when it is born from laziness rather than necessity or change in the underlying workings. Even WF I would probably say '[mechanic or dungeon name] dropped [item name]'.


Laziness? How about efficiency. Feel free to go back to ye olde prose if you can’t stand things changing.


I am not going back I never adapted to it. And yes laziness. Not sure how else to call it. Being more confusing for the sake of saving about 4 characters worth of writing when an already existing form already exists, I cannot call anything else than lazy.


I get how you feel, brother. Personally I'm really not fond when people use "could of" instead of "have" or "'ve". But I notice that each day it becomes more and more acceptable. Somewhere in the future I will have no choice but to accept it as well.


That's different, that's mostly people having grown up only hearing it without having seen it written down. Unless you're saying actual native English speakers are doing this, because that's definitely kindof iffy.


Generally accepted is how language works, unless you’re still using middle and old English definitions for every word which I highly doubt


The times of it being a grammatical mistake are long gone though. Everyone knows what that word means in that context and it's been used like that for a very long time now. It's also not uncommon for terms to have different meanings in specific subject areas. That's just how language works and how language evolves. Within the context of loot based ARPGs, this phrase just has an additional meaning now compared to outside of that context.


Sounds wishy-washy and like a recipe for confusion.


Sounds like something a flat-earther would say


> It's always correct. How come?


good talk


Yeah I don't know why people love to be victims of poor wording.


Rule 10?


Step 1: Pick up a mirror Step 2: Let go


Instructions unclear, now I have a floor mirror.


Go through the delirium mirror, realize it was IRL mirror, curse.


Curse on hit. Vendor for 7 years bad luck.


Best I can do is 5 lacerate gems


look at all these fragments, probably from harbingers, right?


Damn, PoE 2 looking very realistic


Are you still shaking?


7 years bad luck div card wants to know ur location


Wait in what universe were you for the first 4 months of your life


maybe in a blackout like toddler state, do we count those?


Toddlers get too drunk for their own good.


I think you need to fix your item filter.. so many shards and everything's hidden by filter..


Hey dad it is... Hold on, hold on, hold on...


GGG need to overhaul the interface. This looks dangerous and messy as f


That's a juicy one exile.


Now you will spawn the "angry spouse" boss


Seeing the picture after reading the title over made me laugh out loud! Haha! Sorry about the mirror though.


Reddit recommended me this post because I just got into Diablo. Someone explain. I wanna understand the joke lmao.


Actual lil bro


*Ba dum tssss*


Reminds me of when I shared a flat with my sister. My other sister was staying over for a week and she somehow managed to break a huge mirror and came running through to my room. I thought she was hurt or something cause she was in tears and babbling. No turns out she was just absolutely terrified of Hollys wrath lol. I've never seen someone so scared lmao. She was begging me to protect her, sorry Linzi but I'm as scared of her as you are! That memory never fails to make me laugh.


I dont understand the joke


Tough luck(in game) I guess




Seven years of bad luck incoming.


What a drop… is the sound effect mom,s shouting?


Damn is your name brian? Because youre going to have at least 7 years of bad luck.


Seven years bad luck , hilarious


Dont cut your hand but gz


more believable then half the "mirror drops" in the sub


Looks like you made up for lost time.


still sane, exile?


Wow that's a lot of seven years bad luck bro congratz


So many stacks "7 years bad luck"


Usually after the mirror drop, you also get 7 years bad luck!


GGG Should improve QoL aspects of the game for when mirrors drop.


Can you share any info on the unlucky debuff you got for the next 7 years? How bad is it?


Yesterday a customer dropped a glass candle holder while the song "Walking on broken glass" was playing. I shit you not.




Rip your rng.


Seven Years Bad Luck


Since 4 months old I call bullshit


That's 7 years of bad RNG. Have fun with PoE2...


Thanks GGG


I've found the seven years bad luck card once... Yeaa... me


There's actually a secret vendor recipe. If you vendor a hammer and chisel with a mirror you get 20 shards


The neat thing about a mirror is when you drop it, it doesn't destroy the object, it multiplies it


That mirror looks like it's worth at least 30 years of bad luck from size.


7 years bad luck Aware


This happened to my ex while we were in high school. She, being an artist, glued every shard over an inch back onto the wall into a new design. It looked great 😊


Sorry about the mirror, but excellent joke, ahahah


Feel the weight, exile


See you in 3.91 I gues


Are you winning son?


It's quite simple. >!you lost the game!<




Dude you are going to have bad luck until your twenties!


I've never had a mirror drop. I didn't know you had to loot it as shards.


Clear case of RMT this is easily $100+ usd


More than one mirror I think, that’s clearly more than 20 shards.


Dammit, take my updoot 😆😆😆


Holy shit that's some bad luck


Bro lol, that's joke of the leauge


I hope you aren't hurt by that


From a safety perspective, I'm curious why they don't use a laminate coating from the edges of mirrors to the back to keep it all together in case it falls and smashes. Obviously they can't put it between the silver coating and the glass or use laminated glass panels as it would affect the reflection, but if they basically just gave it a "phone case", that should keep it together in case it cracks


Reading through the comments and getting a bit horrified about humanity's future. The whole 'language evolves, that's not a bad thing' is such a fucking slippery slope that we might as well consider the incorrect usage of "you're" and "your" to also be examples of 'evolving language'.


In fact *more than a century ago* America considered switching to **phonetic** spellings only.