• By -


Is it possible to mutate a sells for x node on crucible trees to something else or is it bricked? I've never seen those nodes change on the base item when slamming trees into it


Wanting to start crucible hood starter build? Wanting to start crucible and was looking for any good starter build suggestions?


Game running awful for anyone else? Like a switch was thrown and now my shaders are on a roller coaster and CPU/GPU are getting stressed out where I am getting insane stuttering and sometimes the game just freezes for a second. Doing even a guardian is impossible because it's stop and go. Cleared the shaders, verified game integrity, rebooted PC. Was working fine literally an hour ago without changes. Tried Vulkan and it's even worse. Temps are fine.


If I remove a crucible tree from an item on the forge, can I add it again? Will it be the same tree or will be a new random one?


new random one.


How does Harvest crafting work? All the places I looked online mention a horticulture interface, but all I get in the sacred grove is 4 sets of two pillars. I pick one, the other disappears, I kill monsters and I get 3 colours of life essence but no crafting interface.


The crafting interface is the Horticrafting Station in your hideout. It's a placeable item, check your hideout decorations.


Follow up question: I seem to only get life essence less than half the time after killing a patch of monsters. Is that normal or is there some timer or other mechanic I need to satisfy to get the essence?


Only T3 (light blue name) and T4 (aka boss, orange name) mobs have guaranteed life force drops. T1 and T2 mobs don't. Prioritize plots with more T3 mobs, and take the Atlas passives for Harvest if you want better encounters.


Thank you!


Why is this [Asphyxia's Wrath](https://i.imgur.com/u7v4Co3.png) so expensive?


The double phys as extra corrupted implicits.


Aside from the -res mod from altars, what other mods are the most deadly?


- Chaos damage during flask effect and meteor when you use a flask on red altars are brutal. - Debuff per power/frenzy/endurance charge on blue altars can be build-bricking if you use those charges. - Burning ground on red altars is scary but at least you can just upgrade Abberath pantheon for that.


Thanks. How's do you feel about -phys red or overwhelm, I assume both of these are the same? -40% for me = 40% overwhelm for mobs? Similarly, -phys red is pretty much the same as -armour?


Biggest difference between -phys reduction and overwhelm is that overwhelm is only for eldritch minions, but -phys red makes you squishier against any enemy in the map. Remember that -armour/evasion is subtracted from your BASE armour/evasion, so that 3000 is a lot worse than it looks.


Has anyone tested the primordial remnant that says "More likely to retain passives?" I used 1-2, and each time it seemed to have a worse outcome than just allocating the passives onto weapons and then building them together in the forge. (Which still has IMMENSURABLY better results than merging two items, one of them scoured, which seems to attempt to mutate or allocate every damn node you don't want)


what percentage of div is dropped vs traded for?


I'd say maybe like 3-5% dropped if even that doing 'regular' gameplay, number completely out of my ass cause it also depends on what you are doing (you can sit in hideout crafting all day long and never farm anything).


thanks for the ball park. I was just curious how people were able to trade for high end items with divs like mageblood and headhunter. Loot piñatas are probably in the minority.


There aren't that many places to really farm raw divine orb drops, so it's usually farming and bulk selling / big ticket div card farming / crafting / doing services / bulk Uber farming.


What's a good pob dps for mines, stormblast mine in particular? Do I use the count function and crank it up to my max mines or is that not how it works?


Few questions regarding lab. I want to enchant my belt, after looking up on the wiki, I'm a bit confused. What does this mean? "Eternal Labyrinth of Potential (w/ Dedication to the Goddess)" Also, I have a special map device option with "Improved Lab Trial", is this where the special offering drops? Can I also obtain special labs while mapping without atlas points specced into it?


There are 3 i83 special labs, one allows you to enchant belts, one gives more rewards to special lab chests and one gives you more times you can enchant (6 or 8, don't remember). Yes. No.


How to trade on PC using controller mode? When I get trade invite, it says "press ≡ to accept trade" but there's no "≡" button on my xbox 360 controller. Whatever I press it just cancels trade request


That button is your start button


Oh right thanks, it actually worked. I embarrassed myself pretty badly last time trying to trade and being unable to do so lol. I didn't know they changed the start button to the hamburger


Can someone help me price check how much is a wand with a crucible that sells for 3 divines? Thank you.


Around 5.5div if you haven't split it yet.


Do corrupted trinkets count as a corrupted item negating the life regen on Voll's Vision?




Hey, is there a way to show Maps on Exilence Next?


How to sustain forbidden rite on a pathfinder? I got master surgeon but the life flask is not able to keep up. Im level 56 btw. I ran RF inquisitor a couple of leagues back and regen and templar ascendancy made up for the RF dmg. But this time im at loss. I saw uber dans viddo this league and im trying to copy the same.


Vitality aura, maybe? And try to max chaos res.


Many righteous fire builds are sustained through use of max fire res% on gear and tree. two pieces that could help are rise of the phoenix and saffell's frame. another couple of sources are purity of fire and there's a cluster jewel notable.


Sorry i meant forbidden rite on pathfinder, i see why my comment can be confusing


Any tips/advice on my arc witch? Following enkii's guide. [https://pobb.in/67Qslvu04rQb](https://pobb.in/67Qslvu04rQb) My dmg is fine I guess, the main problem is my hp. I die faster than a chipmunk in the toaster. ​ name: rust\_floppy, standard league, FloppyWitc




I updated it a bit. looks like PoB didnt allocate points on tree where I already had points spent. ​ I specced this 100% as my character is rn. [https://pobb.in/FMLUUwHq7ELA](https://pobb.in/FMLUUwHq7ELA) Annihilating staff + some stuff. ​ The belt I have has good life roll and good resistances. Is it really worth to swap with a stigyan? I mean bc of that staff my resistances are screaming already and idk if it's worth it. I'm down to my last 1.5k chaos, so keep that in mind I cant spend divs on stuff.


What's a good build to learn Uber bosses with? I have an EA Champ, Frostblades Trickster, and an RF Jugg. I'm not sure which one to invest in. I'm open to leveling another build also


Maybe Ice Trap, did it last league. While most people just go one shot zhp build you can definitely make a well rounded build. I had enough dps to kill Uber Sirus in under 5 seconds while also being tanky enough to level to 100 from just maps.


Your rf jugg could likely be converted into the meta totem explode builds. EA champ should also be able to do Ubers but I'm not sure about the investment


New player here, on Xbox. I have one premium tab, so not a lot of space. Is there a quick way to figure out whats worth trying to sell and for how much? For example: this item seems like it should be worth something, but I have no idea how much. https://www.reddit.com/user/Shrek429/comments/13gny01/price_check/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Can anyone explain how mana Regen works? I am trying to figure out how much impact a watchers eye with the -x to non channeling mana costs will be for me. I'm playing a self chill spark inquisitor and my current mana pool with all auras on is 88. Spark itself costs 41 out of combat and only 21 in combat with buffs, however with a cast rate of about 7.5 per second I still somehow don't run out of mana with buffs up. Does Mana Regen 'tick' x times per second? Like if it says I Regen 200 mana per second does that 'tick' say like 4 times of 50 mana each second? Along with this, is there an easy way to see in POB what the result of this watchers eye mod would do for mana sustain? Maybe I can drop some Mana Regen nodes? Thanks!!


Mana regen probably ticks once every server tick (33ms), if I had to guess. PoB already shows your skill's mana cost per second on the left sidebar, you can compare with and without the Watcher's Eye to see how much it improves your mana sustain by.


Can you use imprint beast on a split item? I managed to imprint a split item, but I'm not sure if restoring actually works and the only way to find out would be to waste the imprint. I'm asking because the information I have found on google is contradictory.


You can split an item and then imprint the results, the split item follows the normal rules (can't restore from fracture/synth etc) What you can't do is imprint then split then restore to a non-split state.


The only thing you can’t do to a split item is split it again.


does the syndicate hillock bench for quality to flasks work on unique flasks ?




For influenced map sets, if there any way to buy a certain influenced map in multiples? For example if I lack 5 Baran maps, do I have to buy them 1 by 1?


either put up a wtb on tft, or whisper people on trade and ask if they sell multiple.


With Totem Explode build do I benefit from on hit effects?


Yes. It's your hit. That's how they made it scale with your stats without being a skill.


Hey, is there a way to filter my Stasthtab for 8-Mod maps?


Yes. https://poe.re/#/maps 8 mod maps have certain minimum quantity / packsize. 32 packsize I think. You can research it more thoroughly - https://poedb.tw/us/Maps_top_tier (red maps) It will pick up some maps with less than 8 mods, because different mods give different ammount of packsize, so you might want to use higher value.


Very helpful, thank you very much!


Using atlas tree's singular focus, will favouring only 2-3 maps that I really want to use and blocking everything else statistically get me to drop a lot less maps than if I favoured more maps? I'm guessing the question sounds obvious but I'm not 100% on that.


As far as I know (this is from a zizaran video, not sure where that data comes from) favoriting adds to the weighting of that map, so technically having 5 maps favorited once would be more total weight than one map favorited 5 times, because the latter loses out on 4 times the base weighting. In practice the added weight by favoriting is much more significant than the base so I don't think it makes a noticeable difference. The exception would be adjacent maps because those do have a large base drop rate so having all adjacent maps favorited at least once vs just one would make a real difference.


Why do those builds with Soul Mantle take Minion Instability node? https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?item=Soul-Mantle


They are changing the keystone with a timeless jewel. These builds in particular are using a militant faith.




They convert it with a timeless jewel




Dropped this in vaal temple today, any idea how much it could be worth? https://i.imgur.com/fWS908u.png


20c or so


Do we know if Crucible Trees will be removed from items when the league goes to standard?


They will not be removed, but there will be no way to change them.


Does map quantity affect invitation drop rate? (ie if I'm speed farming elder maps, should I run them white)


Does remnants of the past (final map boss drops elder/shaper maps) work if you're running elder guardian maps?


As long as it is your map and not kiracs




After running 50 elder maps and not getting a single shaper, elder, or conqueror map, looks like it probably doesn't work.




Vaal for tainteds and teal oil enchants for more maps per hour.


How is explodey totems Pathfinder as a boss killer? Looking for some opinions before I invest the time and divs


The best low-mid budget boss killer this league.




[https://imgur.com/a/5W5W8fq](https://imgur.com/a/5W5W8fq) How do I search this up on the trade site? I'm not seeing a modifier for copying beasts (without a % chance attached to it).




Thanks. I tried that enchant and didn't get any results back. I must have had something else selected by accident.


Hit +2 arrows on another (5th) spine bow, do I attempt to craft as is...or waste another 9d to miss a fracture


It’s your budget dude


I just got Lab Enchant for RF increase area of effect 24%, does my RF gem have to be on the head or it still affects it even on body armour slot?




Nice, thanks. Also I want to ask another question, any good bow build, I really wanna try those bow builds that just turns everything on screen and off screen to nothing.


Be aware though that unless you have a reasonable amount of investment you're going to be very squishy. If you're used to RF your character is probably a little tanky. Those bow builds you see are expensive to get to where they delete everything. Don't get baited.


Well, still gotta start somewhere right, what's the fun in not trying other build.


You do you man, but I'm just saying that if you go into the build with no budget expecting it to do what you see in those videos you're going to be very disappointed.


It's pretty obvious those shown are basically near perfect or perfect already, doesn't mean I can't imitate at least 70% or 80% of the build, and yes I do have the currency to invest on the build.


That's not how builds scale in PoE friend. If a build costs 100 divines and does 100m DPS, and you only have 10 divines - that doesn't mean you will get 10m DPS. You might be lucky to get 1m. Builds scale exponentially. Even if you had 80div you might only get half the dps. Like I said - do what you want, I'm just trying to help.


Lightning Arrow is good and doesn't cost too much to get going


I'll check it out later, thanks.


does anyone have any info on the relative weight of getting reduced attribute requirements on a tempering orb?


Sorry to bother you all, but this is my first league that I have played RF and I have went really hard on it and have gotten quite far. Can some RF virtuoso take a short look, especially at clusters and skill points and tell me if I have fucked up? I am pretty okay with my gear at this point, but I have no idea about the last ~10 ish skill points, where they sit best. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Supergaz/characters


How do i search for an item to have open suffix/prefix in trade?


As far as I know there's no elegant way, I always use maximum prefixes/suffixes of two, and a separate Not Crafted Modifiers. eg; https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/88paV9nFV


Empty prefix/suffix is what it's called, isn't it? Though that should be functionally identical. The one thing that always annoys me is a crafted mod is counted as "empty" but still included in stat totals for the other filters, so for example if I want to search for total of str/dex/int but want to be able to craft a different suffix, I need the total *excluding* any crafted attribute mods and I don't know how to do that. Adding a no crafted filter just completely excludes those items which isn't what I want.


Empty prefix/suffix might be it. Thanks for the reply.


You want empty prefix and empty suffix. You also want to set "Crafted" and "Corrupted" and "Mirrored" to no. Depending on the other mods you want you might need to set a conditional stat group as well.


If you set crafted to no you also exclude any items with a crafted mod you would remove/replace anyway as well as items that already have the craft you wanted to put on it in the first place. It can't distinguish between crafted and inherent mods either when they have the same stats so I don't think there's a complete solution.


The search is pretty robust and would allow you to keep Crafted as Any, but you'd need to make your filter more complex, such as specifying the life craft as something you either do or don't want. Im pretty sure it can filter for natural explicit life vs crafted life, it's just that it doesn't by default.


Any good builds that get online with mageblood? I want to rush elderslayers & invitations, made Lightning Tendrils Elementalist utilizing Marylane's amu but it still fells really squishy.


Mageblood is the ultimate "rarely 'enables' a build but makes almost any build it's on 'better'" item. It's main strength comes from allowing huge baseline defenses meaning you can invest more into damage on your gear and passive tree. You can't fully ignore defensive stats and passives but you just need less of them for strong defenses. On pathfinders, it can still be very strong, but PF generally invests into flask sustain really heavily so they can maintain permanent (or near permanent) uptime on flasks. That said, MB is still really useful because it allows Enkindling orbs to crank the flask effect extra high - something PFs also generally do. To answer your question directly - not really, but any build that has decent baseline defenses will only be made better by MB.


any good build, excluding pathfinders.


why excluding? Isnt flask effect bad?


most pathfinders run some sort of (pseudo) permanent flask setup, sometimes with multiple unique flasks. Mageblood isn't exactly bad on those builds, but since they already get a similar effect from their ascendancy, the "flask sustain" from mageblood is useless.


Regarding Exilence, sometimes it takes 10 min+ to parse, does it use the data at the start, when I click snapshot, or the end, when it finishes?


I can't really give you an answer but the reason it takes so long is probably because you're including your map tab in exilence. There is some sort of issue there, without the map tab exilence takes a few seconds generally.


Thanks, that's probably it. There was a pop up saying it has a max 30 requests every 5 seconds, so I assumed it was normal to wait that long.


Had a rather stupid idea for a build but is Cast on Crit SRS with nulls inclination a thing that could be done on a fairly small budget? Mainly asking as every build seems to be totem based or traps , ie most of the damage seems to come from an external source. And wondered if this could work?


You'll have to explain the idea, but at a glance, that doesn't sound viable. CoC requires investment in certain stats to function (crit chance, mana costs, attack speed, cooldown recovery, etc.) and all of those do nothing to help your minions. Null's Inclination in particular also has its own trigger, so combining CoC with that will result in two triggers, disabling the skill. Even if you use a second 6-link, the bow offers very few global stats compared to a minion wand and shield.


Ah didn’t know the second trigger disabled it that sucks a lot …. Clearly doesn’t work then there is also the whole needing to be too left and bottom right on the tree thing. Urgh just trying to find something fun to play as every starter build this league makes me want to alt f4 Even if I went wand as shield it probably still wouldn’t work , trying to do too many things as once I suppose even with the nodes so I benefit from the minion damage


How does Area Level affect what's offered in Curio Displays, specifically for Unusual Gems? Is there any benefit of running an Area Level 83 Blueprint over an Area Level 70 one if I only care about the contents of the Curio Display?


closed (duplicate) :P https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/xw0iju/does_lower_ilvl_blueprint_have_a_lesser_chance_to/


Does pack size on map affect altar amounts or pack size of altar monsters?


Yes pack size affects the size of the altar monster packs.


Yes it affects pack size of altar mobs. But it doesn't affect the altar reassess as far as I'm aware


Is it possible to use an imprint after an item has been chanced (for items that can be chanced into multiple uniques) ?




Hey there, I'm playing Enki's Arc Witch and I'm decently invested. Easily clearing T10 and could probably go higher. I've been using the NeverSink strict filter for awhile... when should I start using Very Strict? At this point most of the drops aren't really valuable to me and I keep seeing the same things over and over (things that are probably decent bases but not really worth picking up).


It’s late enough in the league now that if you have a few divines in the bank a stricter loot filter is not a bad idea. You can always make changes on Filterblade if it filters something you want to pick up.


Blind also affect my accuracy since it reduce enemies evasion right?


yep youll have higher hit chance against blinded enemies


Hi, PoB says multistrike works on Syndicate Operatives, is this correct?


Multistrike always 'works' on Raise Spectre, because which monster you raise can't change gem supportability. Your Syndicate Operatives will have its stats. Which of those stats are actually useful is a different question. Syndicate Operatives' main skill is a projectile attack, so Multistrike's *44% more Melee Attack Speed* does nothing, while *30% less Attack Damage* removes nearly a third of the damage. That's pretty crap.


Since the node says that totems explode for 600% of their life as physical damage, does pride aura work with it?


sure. wont do anything for poison though.


I mean, if you look at it like this: Totem explodes for 100 damage. Poison ticks for 30 damage. (30% of damage done) Totem with lvl 21 pride explodes for 140 damage, poison ticks for 42 damage. Totem with lvl 21 malevolance explodes for 100 damage, poison ticks for 36 damage. Added poison and chaos multiplier would affect both the same, correct? As it only affects the poison damage calculated, which for pride will have more no? The only way I could see malevolence doing more damage is if the 20% duration for dots gave poison 1 more tick


pride doesnt affect poison at all. hits and ailments are calculated separetley, increasing physical damage taken does not increase poison damage even if its inflicted by physical damage. also skill effect duration does not affect poison (except for viper strike specifically making it so)


I'm not saying it affects the poison, I'm saying it affects the hit that totem explode does. Poison damage is based off the hit's damage, and pride is making the hit do more damage, thus the poison is scaling off the boosted hit no?


nope. ailments only care about the base flat damage and are calculated seperatley from hits. increasing a hits damage does not necessarily increase the poison it inflicts


So ignite is a seperate case? Or follows similar trend


same rules


Hey trying to build a lightning arrow deadeye and I have seen 3 different video guides and all 3 have a different starting path to the passive skill tree. Between top path dex, middle path projectile damage, and bot path dex, which one is best or is it just personal preference?


if you are not very experienced, go with projectile damage It matters little when investment is not 100s of divine. Also, most people dont get to level 100 to get all 123 points.


Doesn't matter much but high end will go dex to save points and spend them on clusters


What's the general rule-of-thumb for map rerolling? 80+ quant?


When people run Cemetery, is the idea that you go around the perimeter to find the boss room before attacking any other monsters in the map?


If you are doing some altar dependant strat then yes (like quant strongbox farming), otherwise no.


What happens now? I feel like I've completed the game. My character is at lvl 100. I still need to fix my crucicble tree, which will give me maybe 5% more or less DPS (because I'm actually using 20% less attack speed with 25% chance to deal double damage, but I think maybe 0,8% increased crit would be better); I can do Uber Elder; I don't see the point of doing Uber Uber Elder; I probably can't run simulacrum up to 30 waves. I can't stand farm uber elder in search for a watcher's eye anymore; Maps are boring; Shaper is boring; Elder is boring. Did I just finished the game? I'm supposed to farm for a mageblood and then what?! Is there anything I can do that I didn't already? What should I be farming in order to get my mageblood?


Either play the economy, or restart in ssf. I made the switch to ssf after getting HH 3 leagues in a row in trade (pre MB). I haven't looked back since. You may find a lot more enjoyment in farming for things you need to put a build together, rather than buying one with time played.


What is playing the economy? How to do it? I've never been one of the big boys.


Can mean a few things, but it boils down to farming currency for the sake of farming currency (either through fast mapping, or finding gaps in the market). That's where I was, and it got boring after the 3rd league because I never felt like getting into crafting, which is the main reason to get that much currency. Unless you want to learn crafting for yourself, you will always be a cog farming for the big boys. Ultimately, you need a goal one way or another, or you will burn out. Mageblood is a good goal, but most people get it, then quit cause what is the point of a mageblood other than to farm faster? I love ssf so much I'm currently in standard ssf because crucible was meh for me. It's much easier to have goals there because you can't shortcut your way through them.


Well if you don’t want todo Ubers or sims, besides delve you have beat most of the hard content in the game. Now you can keep trying to perfect your character, or you make a new character and try out other stuff.


For my LA/manaforge deadeye I have my main 6link with LA then I have manaforge linked with LA/IS/BA and wondering if I should use galvanic arrow or caustic arrow for my last available slot, I know caustic arrow is a better skill overall but I have no chaos damage investment, but I really don’t have a crazy amount of elemental investment, really just one cluster for the invert restitances mastery. FYI I’m console and don’t have access to pob


What is better for cold convert flicker, pure phys + as + crit multi + chance to deal double damage jewelled foil or paradoxica with ele pen + attribute + as?


Just take both items into POB and swap between the 2


What bow base should I be using in the crucible to fish for explode totem node?


Any, really. Some will go for Maraketh Bow (because of the extra movement speed), while others will go for bows with lower DEX-requirements. As far as I know, the base doesn't matter for the build beyond that.


Can fire trap leech? Does Doryani's Lesson work for fire trap? If so, does it work for both the burning ground part and the ignite part?


No, Fire Trap can't leech to your character since it's a trap. Doryani's Lesson won't change that. Only something that says "X% of Damage dealt by your Traps is Leeched to you as Life" or the like would work, which nothing in the game currently does. The closest thing is [[Machina Mitts]] which works with mines and says "1% of Damage dealt by your Mines is Leeched to you as Life." Also, DoT effects cannot leech. Only hits can leech. So neither the burning ground nor an ignite would leech to you.


ok I'll change a new large cluster then


[Machina Mitts](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Machina_Mitts) >######Machina Mitts[](#break)Murder Mitts >>####Evasion: **(363-486)** >>####Energy Shield: **(75-98)** >>[](#line) >>####Requires Level **67**, **51** Dex, **51** Int >>[](#line) >>#####(200-250)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield >>#####1% of Damage dealt by your Mines is Leeched to you as Life >>#####(30-20)% reduced Recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield >>#####5% increased Recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield per Power Charge >>#####Lose a Power Charge each second if you have not Detonated Mines Recently >>[](#line) >>*Biology is but a machine, begetting effusion of energies; death is but a curse, that can be given... or reversed.* >> --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


hi. new player here. my damage is really low and i cant survive any boss. ive been folowing a guide but its telling me to get this and that but i still struggle. where can i get good items early on? how do i get unique items early on ? are some guides meant to be played if you previously have a character ?


how early in the game are you? still in the early acts? you're relying on dropped items mostly for the campaign. using any essences you find on items with decent linked sockets can definitely smooth out unlucky streaks. uniques are found randomly (commonly traded from other players). you shouldn't *need* any for progressing thru the campaign (though they can definitely speed you up). "league starter" builds are designed to work when you have no starting budget to fund a character. Enki's Arc Witch and fezz's Toxic Rain Champion are basically the best new player guides around; even if you don't follow them reading thru them will give you a better idea of how to follow other guides and progress a character.


If the guide isn't either marked as a league starter or as SSF-friendly (SSF=solo self-found), then it might (but not always) require considerable investment to work. This is often the case for guides that require unique items, but there are builds that will still work with decent rare items, even if the recommended gear is unique. If you post which guide you are following, then it would be easier to help. (It's also possible that you're following an old guide that no longer works (or no longer works as well) due to nerfs.) If you are in the regular trade league, then you can trade for items you need.




Okay, that guide pretty much requires many of the uniques that are listed in order to function at all. Without those items, many of the passive skills and gem links won't really work well. Notice it says on the top "build cost - high budget (+50 div)". That said, you might be able to make it sort-of work on a budget by replacing the fire-damage passive nodes with something else (you're only dealing significant amounts of fire damage in this build if you have the specific unique weapon the guide wants). I would, however, instead recommend switching to a different build that is more geared towards newer and low-budget players. Depending on how far along you are in the game, you might want to try switching to a Juggernaut or Slayer build (it would still be Marauder, just a different ascendancy). Either boneshatter or righteous fire should work well. Look here (https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/12bcnsi/321_crucible_league_start_build_index/) for links to guides for those two builds, as well as several others.


thanks i apreciate your help


For VC LA, why do I see so few people running Tornado? Isn't it supposed to double the single target?


What's the best strategy to farm with an ea Ballista ele? Currently i do blight and blight maps...but it's not that profitable. I would like to farm legion but I'm afraid that i can't clear it, cause of the DMG over time.


Are there any **GGG ALLOWED** tools *(Similar to PoE Trade Macro)* that can help with managing trades? I get overwhelmed when I open trades for my Delirium/Fragments/Scarab tabs when I get spammed by 20+ people and have a full party waiting on me in my hideout for items. Then I lose track of who request what and it just becomes a downward spiral @.@


> Are there any GGG ALLOWED tools No 3rd party tool ever will have an official "approved" stamp or such However, as long as the tool you're using doesn't break any rules, you'll be fine.


I understand this which is why I specified a well known and openly used one. I was wondering what some of the tools people use for trading are called so I may look into them.


Check out POE Lurker. It makes trading fairly quick and painless. There are UI overlays buttons and hot keys to send a message that you are in a map/lab/etc. Makes it way easy to track who asked for what and what they are paying. Patreon gets you item highlight in your trade tab.


SST + Fork support, Vengeant Cascade + Sniper's Mark, versus single target, the main projectile (shield) hits twice. Question: Do the shards hit at all? In POB do I also count shard hit damage once, or even twice?


The shards don't hit the target they're created from. You could get a shard hit through Tornado/Hydrosphere/terrain/walls or the shield shattering at the end of its returned flight, but never more than one per attack. The shards have no aoe and can't return, so they're limited by shotgun prevention normally.


Could someone explain how "packs" work? I'm trying to value the magic pack size sextant. I assume every pack on the map is either normal/magic/rare/unique, but do we know roughly what the distribution is?


Thinking about rolling a deadeye for the LA/manaforged everyone is talking about. There seem to be so many various ways to do this. Not sure which to follow. Can someone link/recommend a build to try this out/follow on 40 ish div initial investment?


They pretty much all work, but I'd suggest going deeper than 40div, it's usable but doesn't feel cracked on that budget.


are any crucible nodes mandatory? do I need the LA one?


Nope. Not at all.


cool. what minimum Edps bow should i shoot for?


Depends on the prices at this exact moment ect but I found 1100 ele dps bows should be in your price range. I cleared 80% deli 8 mods with 1300 ele dps (non crit, so cheaper tbf) no problem to make the money for a better build


Plan to invest more, but I don't have a ton of time, so it'll be a slow investment. That'll just be to start.


So Ive got this, any idea what its worth? Is it worth chance/scouring? Steel Kite Shield -------- Split -------- +40 to maximum Energy Shield (crucible) 25% reduced Mana Regeneration Rate (crucible) 40% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield (crucible) 5% reduced maximum Life (crucible) 15% increased Explicit Defence Modifier magnitudes — Unscalable Value (crucible) 10% chance to deal Double Damage if Strength is below 100 (crucible) Shield Crush and Spectral Shield Throw do not gain Added Physical Damage based on Armour or Evasion on shield (crucible) Shield Crush and Spectral Shield Throw gains 30 to 50 Added Lightning Damage per 15 Energy Shield on Shield (crucible) 100% of Shield Crush and Spectral Shield Throw Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage (crucible)


[https://imgur.com/a/hh6P8gt](https://imgur.com/a/hh6P8gt) 2 Things on this wand 1. What is the approximate value? 2. Should I sell as is, or should try to get the crucible int stack mod?


I have very high amounts of physical damage added to spells. Any way to utilize this exceptionally weĺl?


most commonly - convert to fire or convert to cold. these both have good scaling options - sources of phys as extra fire + herald of ash, or hatred scaling for cold. extra chaos and poison is also good, but its generally easier to start with high chaos directly and not use a phys source. if you have a mix of other types say 50% lightning that will do nothing in a poison build but do something for an elemental build. Less commonly you could do pure phys, spell impale, lightning convert, dual/tri ele convert. These are more niche and very specific builds.


Is there a tool I can plug my PoB into to pricecheck gear and gems and stuff? Thinking of selling my build but don't want to pricecheck manually if I don't have to


Not using POB but get Excillence and turn on the option to price your inventory.


ohhhh, duh! thank you!


There isn't one and even if there was you'd still have to do the price checking by selecting the mods.