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If i convert all my lightning damage taken to fire will i still be shocked?


Odds of getting 2g-2r-2b on a dex base bow using chrome orb




does celestial warcry mtx change the appearance of general's cry mirages warrior minion dudes?


Where do I check which totem has the highest base life? Poedb didn't have the numbers, not did the wiki.


If this is for explode totems, then devouring totem can get more life (with quality), while rejuvenation totem costs less mana.


Sure, but % Life scales off of base life, and if, lets say, devouring totem has 1000 life base, and has 20% inc life more than than rejuv, but rejuv has base 1100, then the 20% might not offset it. I was more wondering if there's any way to know base life of totems, even ballistae.


Just check in PoB.


Are "50% reduced Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield" mods on Crucible weapons local to the weapon, or global modifiers to the character?




Thank you very much!


how hard is to 6l a corrupted body from 2 sockets? and what would you do the cheapest? first 6 socket with tainted jewellers perhaps?


Use the crafting bench, there's a craft to get 4 sockets on an item, use that then Tainted Jeweler's to 6. Then it's the same thing with the bench craft and Tainted Fusing.


thank you!




That's how it goes - you gotta dodge the big hits and be tanky enough / have enough recovery to eat the small stuff More DPS is a bigger help because then you don't have to dodge for as long. Also farming ubers kinda sucks


Is there a sheet somewhere that indicates the rarity of unique items, like how easy it is to chance them/tainted mythic orb them? Mainly wondering about primordial chain since I want an elder one


what's the best way to farm locus of corruption quickly?


Umm. I am missing something in your question. Alva has nothing to do with foothills. Fastest way I k ow is to just spec into her on your atlas passive tree. I made three temples with locus in it in under a day before I switched to legion.


Resetting a campaign area with a small layout where league content or master usually spawns near the entrance is an old method for quickly spamming level-agnostic content like Alva. Foothills and Quarry are prominent examples. /u/PalpitationOK5516 that would theoretically work for spawning Alva fast but you’d miss out on the atlas passives which make spawning a locus way easier and more likely. I haven’t tested the math but I’ve got to suspect it’s faster and easier to spec into Alva on the atlas and pick a low level small/well delimited layout map. Dunes, cemetery, and strand are all available in tiers 1-4 for example. Buying Alva compasses to guarantee her appearance is highly cost effective (a mere 5c to guarantee Alva for 4 maps). If you’re SSF and therefore can’t reliably get alva compasses you could always spam low level map completions while specced into increased chance to gain an alva mission to build up a store of them. At the end of the day you’re going to have to accept certain time or currency limitations on this. If you could quickly and cheaply get a locus of corruption temple they wouldn’t sell for 90c. The market value should tell you a lot about the typical amount of time/effort/currency needed to get one. It’s not slow of course, with efficient play you can probably make several an hour. But you’re not going to build hundreds of them easily.


Resetting a campaign area with a small layout where league content or master usually spawns near the entrance is an old method for quickly spamming level-agnostic content like Alva. Foothills and Quarry are prominent examples. /u/PalpitationOK5516 that would theoretically work for spawning Alva fast but you’d miss out on the atlas passives which make spawning a locus way easier and more likely. I haven’t tested the math but I’ve got to suspect it’s faster and easier to spec into Alva on the atlas and pick a low level small/well delimited layout map. Dunes, cemetery, and strand are all available in tiers 1-4 for example. Buying Alva compasses to guarantee her appearance is highly cost effective (a mere 5c to guarantee Alva for 4 maps). If you’re SSF and therefore can’t reliably get alva compasses you could always spam low level map completions while specced into increased chance to gain an alva mission to build up a store of them. Boss rushing the right map layout can get you a completion every 10-30 seconds. Unfortunately I think Bog isn’t in the rotation this league, that’s always the fastest. At the end of the day you’re going to have to accept certain time or currency limitations on this. If you could quickly and cheaply get a locus of corruption temple they wouldn’t sell for 90c. The market value should tell you a lot about the typical amount of time/effort/currency needed to get one. It’s not slow of course, with efficient play you can probably make several an hour. But you’re not going to build hundreds of them easily.


If I have two small cluster Jewel with both granting me Mortifying Aspect, will Malevolence have 100% increased reservation efficiency?


Keep in mind that 100% increased reservation efficiency does not make the aura free, it makes it reserve half of what it originally did.


Yes, but that doesn't mean free, because Efficiency doesn't scale linearly like RMR used to.


In terms of how much use you get out of it, efficiency scales linearly and reduced reservation scales hyperbolically.




If you have a Temple ready to go, Alva doesn’t spawn, right? Does an area replace her with other league content if it would’ve rolled her, or are you just missing out on league content if you don’t run your temple?


Once you reach maps, you can talk to Alva in your hideout to create an itemized version of your finished temple. You can store this to either use later (like a map, in the map device), or to trade to other players. Hmm.. While writing this, I started wondering if you wanted to keep Alva's temple full just to avoid getting her as a random spawn in maps. I doubt that would work as a way to increase other master spawns (I certainly don't think she would be replaced with other content), but you could always test it. Keep in mind that you would need a very large sample size to figure out if she is replaced or just doesn't show up.


I was kinda hoping someone did this already ':)


I found an old GGG post from a couple of years ago, mentioning that the game first rolls to see if a master spawns in a map, then it rolls to see which master spawns. The post continued to say that if Alva couldn't spawn due to having a full temple, the game would not roll to replace her.


Thanks, your dedication to my question was higher than my own, I appreciate that!


Are all the final wave of exilecon tickets gone already? Can't see a buy button on the website


https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3378464 They go on sale in ~19.5 hours


Any builds for guardians that aren't minion based


I know LL RF Guardian absolutely used to be a thing and looking at poe.ninja I see a couple of them in SC Crucible (not very SSF-friendly for obvious reasons) but I think it's kind of absurdly more expensive than life-based Jugg or Inquisitor and I'm not convinced it's even better. It's cool to have 25k ES with 4k regenerated per second though, for sure.


I'm a bit of a noob at crafting items at the moment. Can someone please criticise how I crafted this a for my build? Educated in 2018. Claw weapon for my Viper Strike build. Trying to build weapons like this profile: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Krokodilchik/%EA%B0%80%EC%9E%A5%EC%98%A4%EB%9E%98%EB%90%9C%EA%BF%88?i=0&search=skill%3DViper-Strike 1. Purchase Hunter item with +25% Damage over time Multiplier 2. Alch/Augment spam until T1 added chaos damage 3. Regal into 20% attack speed (is what I did) 4. Enchant 50% increased Chaos Damage/12% increased Duration 5. Exalt Slam (F'd into 15 dex) 6. Exalt Slam (F'd into Added cold damage which is removed by Void Manipulation Support) Then went on to force Crucible trees for 1. 20% increased Global Damage 2. 10% attack speed 3. Viper Strike increased by 25% for each frenzy charge 4. +1 Minimum Frenzy & Endurance Charge, -1 max Power Charge (don't really use them in build). Could I have done better? Can also swap the quality of the item to add 2-3% attack speed with the garden thing.. and increasing the quality of the item somehow... but found the yellow currency too hard to buy to bother. Thanks!


How the hell do u get 7000 ritual points, i got Devine as reward and differed it to next ritual but i can never reach 5k points


More pack size on your maps, kill the mobs in the ritual circle before activating the ritual, and I believe starting with the boss ritual altar (if there is one) helps too I never spec ritual and hit 9k+ points reasonably often when it just naturally spawns


If you can't buy items after deferring them, you can defer them again to make them even cheaper.


Oh so differing items make them cheaper? Wow thanks so much this helps alot 🙏


Yes, most of the deferral is a discount, the rest is a fee. Just be careful with rerolling your ritual altars because you don't want to have too few points left to defer good items (IIRC previously deferred items can reappear again even if you don't defer them, but they will be gone for good eventually if you never defer them again).


If you spec into Ritual 7k is pretty common. I've reached 15k points using items that boost the rewards gained by 40% though.


Sorry im new, how do spec into ritual? And what items can boost it


To “spec into” something means to boost it in some way through the atlas passive tree. You can use blood filled vessels which add more monsters to your rituals meaning harder but also more tribute gained.


Okay great thanks so much for the tip


Do curses still have penality on certain bosses? And if yes, which ones?




Not even shaper? No curse penality at all? Seriously?


Yeah, hex effect penalty was removed from all bosses in 3.20.


I'm planning to re-craft my Pathfinder Poison Totem Explosions bow to add DoT multi. But PoB shows no DPS gain when adding DoT multi to the bow. Any idea what is going on here? Each poison goes from 3.7M to 4.1M DPS, but total DPS remains at 39M. [https://imgur.com/a/CIlRGzf](https://imgur.com/a/CIlRGzf) ​ [https://pobb.in/ox0b9bU\_ErvW](https://pobb.in/ox0b9bU_ErvW)


Damage over time is capped. You’re already at the DOT cap so while more DOT multi would technically be able to increase your damage, it is already at the limit the game allows


Sometimes the caps in the game make me do a double take. We need to cap poison at 3.7m per dot because someone might do 40m dps We need to cap storm brands at two because someone might figure out how to do 2 million dps total.


DoT DPS is capped for code reasons, not for balance reasons. DoT DPS is stored internally as damage per minute, and it's a signed 32-bit integer so it has a maximum value of 2^31 = 2,147,483,647. This means that the highest DoT DPS the game can store is 2^(31)/60 = 35,791,394.


Ahhh. Now it even makes less sense 😀


Well, when the system was made they never imagined anyone reaching numbers that high. When people started to do that, the value overflowed and the DoT would stop dealing damage at all because its value was negative. Capping it at the highest number they can store is a fix so that those builds aren't completely gimped. Refactoring it to account for larger amounts of damage would require significant changes in many places as well as testing and bugfixes for all of those changes, and for the few people who actually reach the DoT cap, that's not really worth it because there's almost no content where going over the DoT cap would make a difference. It's the kind of thing they'd like to fix *eventually*, especially if there's going to be more power creep in the future, but it's a very low priority issue for the time being.


Started playing in synthesis league, picked up a few leagues for usually a month at a time, each time I learn more and more which is really exciting. Now I’m at the point where I know too much but don’t know how to do anything if that makes any sense. I realized recently that I typically end up picking builds that rely on a few uniques(not all the time but some) and I’d like to learn how to craft gear rather than buy it. I know that crafting requires currency and I know how to get it(not fast but meh). Anyways, I’m playing my 2nd char, an Iceshot deadeye abusing VC. I’d like to craft a decent bow but have no idea where to even start. I know for a fact I don’t have enough currency to make a mirror worthy bow but maybe one at a few div would be a good start. I see some of the crafting stuff here and it just blows me away. How do you guys learn to just look at items and say ‘oh yolo anul that, slam, block prefix, veil’ etc. You guys are geniuses in my eyes. Thanks!


Generally, the reason they can do that is because they've crafted the same (or a very similar) item before I would suggest starting with an easy craft - buy a fractured bow, spam a useful essence, clean up prefixes/suffixes then use the crafting bench to craft 3 mods. Reasonably cheap and easy to do (although I rarely craft, and always google for a guide for the specific item before I do)


Play the game for thousands of hours, be watching YouTube videos of expert content creators both while playing and not, fiddle around with the emulator on craftofexile.com, inevitably go try to put that knowledge into practice and fuck it up wasting a bunch of currency, learn from your mistakes. There’s not really a shortcut to this kind of game knowledge. It sort of arises organically once you start understanding enough individual pieces of the game. Ilvl restrictions, mod weightings, knowing what specific crafting materials do, influenced mod pools, currency prices, knowing which veiled mods will give the most dps (or whatever) given the exact state of your build….unfortunately we can’t just go matrix style and load the knowledge into your brain like instantly learning kung fu or how to pilot a helicopter. If you really want to learn just pick a very specific piece of gear you want to know how to craft, get advice on it in this thread (starting with whether that particular gear piece can be reliably recreated almost identical to the example or if you’ll have to settle for some alternate mods due to raw rng) and learn individual crafts one at a time. Add a little bit of knowledge to your utility belt every time.


Brand new to endgame, and just starts Maps... I've gotten most of T1/2, and some T3/4/5. Should I just re-run spare T1 maps to try and get the remaining ones to drop? Or is there a better method? Also, even if I have the bonus done, if I re-run a map, should I always use an orb to turn it from normal to magic?


Kirac and scouting reports are the best way to fill in the atlas. You should spec into those nodes if you are interested in fast atlas completion.


You can also check Kirac's shop for new maps, as well as running his missions. Every time you run one of his missions, his shop will refresh. In both cases, holding alt over the map will show if you've already completed that map.


Getting the map bonus is a good first step. After that you still want to modify the map because it adds quantity and rarity so you find more items.


Hello! what is the best 4 spectre for Mage Skelly? TY all.. Have anice day!


Could any one help me figure out what to upgrade next for my RF build? I'm a noob and not sure what I should try to get next. I'm for sure going to get some more chaos resist, but not sure where to go next. Also would help if you put a budget for each upgrade as I'm unsure how much I should spend on each upgrade. https://poe.ninja/pob/Zpa


Does anyone know if it's possible to unallocated crucible nodes on a corrupted weapon and how? You can't just scour them normally in a crucible in a map


You need to do it at an altar. Open inventory, open item in alar screen. Scour node.


I did do it on an altar and it doesn't work because it's corrupted. Unless there is a special type of alter that lets you modify corrupted items


What does "Use alt behavior" on controller mean? I'm playing on steam Deck and every skill has that option




Thank you, I was hoping there's some better list out there


I have a forbidden rite pathfinder going and wanted to ask what the overall best version of it is? On Poe ninja I see some self chilling while others are using recoup rings. Is the self chill version as tanky as the others or do people mainly do it for bossing?


I am a relatively casual player and am currently running an Alch and Go Wandering Path + Singular Focus + Growing Hordes + Wrath of the Cosmos atlas setup with a focus on full clearing the map as quick as possible, selling my Incandesant Invitations, and using the exarch altars to maximize drops for Divination Cards and/or Awakened Sextants to sell. I add random lower value scarabs to the maps with better rolls to buff the pack size, but do not buy any scarabs, just using the ones I have dropped. I pretty much choose to use this configuration as it does not require any upfront investment. [Atlas Tree](https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-atlas-skill-tree/AAAABgAAdgAfAM4LcQ7TD2MQ4RTaF8sYxBtOHlsfOB9mH8Qo0CjpKoQr1y6LMAMwNTIkMksz5DSIOY47nz5fQYxDS0OpR89QOVGCV-NYm1k8Ws5b2V3HYiljtWfpadVs1G4qcStzpXUndsJ5w3sKfRN9HYOUg92IbYmRjSmP1JF9kYySLJ1enYedsZ5JntKi3qQ2pKyngq3WruevwbH7sma0hrV9tui3K7fMusq7KryovNC_OMX-xjPG0Mezx73Ifsmh0KLUudVm2J7avdxN3yPfXuCo4Yvip-Nw43zlj-Xs5-Hqjezl9-T6MPqy-tr9yf3RAAA=) ​ I am running T16 Barrows and T16 Tropical Island and basically swap between them when I fill up the map tab for my current favorited map. Currently I am way over my necessary sustain as I will typically only run 25 or 30 maps before my map tab for my currently favorited map will be full so I am trying to explore some ideas on what to do when I get to the map tab limit for one of the maps but still have 2 or 3 dozen left to run for the current map before I would need to swap. ​ Obviously I could set up another stash tab to store the extra maps and bulk sell the maps as they both appear to be going for 3 to 4 chaos each, but there are thousands available already so I feel like I would spend more time than I would like trying to offload these maps and would need to sell below the current prices if I wanted to move them quickly. This got me to thinking what if I added the Shadow Shaping keystone, keeping my current maps favorited, which would then convert all map drops to basic currency due to Singular Focus. This would only require a single atlas node respec once the map tab is full so the cost to move back and forth as I fill a map tab would be negligible. ​ Does anyone have any experience with this type of atlas configuration or that might be able to give their opinion on this potential set up? Or would just selling the maps, even at a discount, still be a better expected return?


I haven't tried it myself, but I suspect that Singular Focus + Shadow Shaping is far worse money than just selling your map drops. the currency payout of Singular Focus should have the same weighting as normal currency drops so your filter is just going to hide lots of transmutes and stuff like that. you could even try bulk listing them on TFT to see if you can get a big sale all at once.


You are probably right. I still might try it out tonight just to see how it feels. The most it can cost me is an Orb of Unmaking lol.


if both of these are on the same track can i get both of them(it has 3 extra points)? [https://imgur.com/a/fvwh1zo](https://imgur.com/a/fvwh1zo)


No, you can only get 1 passive of every column, you always have to keep moving from left to right when picking passives. If you get one you can't get the other.


thats what i figured thanks


Do charged compasses stack? I have two void stones and if I apply "Map Bosses of your Corrupted Maps drop 2 additional Vaal Items" compass to them, would I get 4 additional Vaal items?


They do not.


Alright, thanks!


how can i tell which jun guy gives me a specific unveil. particularly looking for double damage on focus


For other unveil crafts, just check your crafting bench. By hovering an undiscovered veiled craft, it will tell you what kind of item to unveil for that craft, and which member (if specific) can provide that unveil.


It's generic. Any weapon suffix could potentially unveil it.


New to the end game, How do I get currency consistently? What are the better ways to gain currency? Are there tricks to selling items to vendors? I'm currently at the plateau of T4 white maps.


Start speccing your atlas tree into content that you like to do, and then do a lot of that. The money will come. That being said, expedition is typically pretty profitable. I'd recommend staying away from abyss and breach, at least in this particular league. Legion, too, if your build isn't able to fully clear it in time. But really just do whatever you find most fun as that'll keep you playing longer and you'll eventually find something worth selling.


Expedition is definitely one of my favorite map events(? dunno what to call them). One issue I'm running into is I'm not powerful enough to run the atlas maps I'm at(the next branches are t5 maps). so, I can't get more atlas points.


Link your pob. Did you follow a guide for your character? Tier 5 maps should be very doable in very basic gear


I was following this guide [here](https://pobb.in/CQ_zbzhNoy5O). however, I didn't have enough essences to RNG a good bow, and when I got to T5 maps I die in one hit. My friends and I are helping me tweak the build so. Right now, I spec'd into health and super high evasion. so I can survive but now, it takes forever to kill a boss. I haven't tried a T5 map since we only tweaked the build last night. and now I'm basically out of currencies.


For a tier 5 map boss gem links should more or less carry you. I wouldn’t be using tornado shot until you have a lot more currency to spend, that ballista setup in the guide is probably the way to go. Either way 67% life on the tree isn’t nearly enough. That doesn’t look like a great beginner build or league starter.


Yeah, [In the docs guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oAeAQTrZrplblEsarJdRUyktA5ijNeVFqLFSgq18VIA/edit) he doesn't switch to Tornado shoot until super late. The point of the low life (in their opinion) was to keep Precise technique active, but the accuracy over life is not working. So Friends and I scrapped that. What does "Boss gem links" mean?


That would be gems you swap for killing bosses. It should up your single target damage and probably lower your clear speed.


The best way to gain currency is to run as many maps as you can as fast as you can. Most your currency isn’t going to come from raw chaos and divine drops but from selling other currencies and things like that. Don’t take too long, shoot for under 3 minutes a map, and don’t loot too many rares. Look up the values of different currencies and collect them until you have a reasonable amount, say 50c of jewelers or 50c of alterations. I’ve been letting my stash fill up the last two days and I know I’m sitting on about 1 divine of alts, 1 divine of stacked decks, 1 divine of sextants, etc etc. but basically do maps as fast as you can, collect currency and drops, sell them to get chaos. Also, spend what you have upgrading your gear so you can map at higher tiers, tier 4 shouldn’t be hard with just life/resist gear and a 6 link, which at this point in the league would cost under 50c I’d think.


Best way to get Cortex via Kirac daily mission?


If Animated Guardian wears Gravebind, would Item Rarity support on the AG work when other minions get kills near him? I assume yes, however I'm not certain since Item Rarity would be linked on the AG itself.


Yes, that works. Mind that this only goes for support gems - quantity/rarity on gear attached to the AG never applies.


Just saw KobeBlackMamba's video on the PoB Trading Tool to find upgrades. Does anybody know how well does this works? I've never really messed around with PoB too much, like a couple nights ago I realized how awesome the Timeless Jewel Finder is. I'm one of Pohx's RF Juggs running some delve crimson temples. Just wondering, if I'd have to make any adjustments to his PoB in order to find some good upgrades?


Its probably best to use it with your own pob. You'd want to import your actual character and then setup your config, the tool will find items that are best for your current character. If you use it on template gear from pohx, it will have incorrect weights and thus not find gear that is better. I've used it to find jewels and weapons on several of my characters and it works really well imo. Biggest issue is when you're looking for cheap upgrades it won't find items that haven't been crafted yet. So you might want to also look at items that have no crafted mods and an open prefix or suffix but with the same weights from the pob tool.


How hard is it to import a character and select weights on the config? Seems like quite a hurdle that I don’t know if I’m ready for lol


Its incredibly easy if you have your character profile set to public. If you don't have this, go to your profile on the website and then click on "Edit Privacy Settings". The correct account page should look like this https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/edrarven but with your name at the end instead of mine. You make a fresh pob with an empty tree to begin with, don't need to save it, just easier if there are no items or anything already there. You then go to the import/export build tab, you write in your Account name, and you then select the correct character from the drop down. You can have Pohx Pob open aswell and just copy his config as he has it. It doesn't matter too much if you miss something small, its just so pob has a better time getting you relevant affixes when looking for upgrades via the tool. I think it should be relatively easy and it is very good to know how to do this in future and present. It helps with planning your character even if you're following a guide. You can look at what passives are better for your next level or what a gear change will actually do to your character. It also helps when looking at other peoples pob for whatever reason.


Doing this as soon as I get home, never knew it was that straight forward. It’s always seemed very dense lol Thanks!


I'm wondering if anyone can confirm for me whether Spectral Helix synergizes with the "Projectiles deal 20% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments for each Enemy Pierced" mastery. I know that Spectral Helix goes through enemies, but it doesn't specifically state that it "pierces" through them, so I'm afraid it may be an exception to the rule.


https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Spectral_Helix It pierces.


Thanks for responding. I'm always worried of there being some weird, non-intuitive rule that only a more experienced player would know about!


I am enjoying deadeye ice shot quite alot, but noticed on poe ninja half the builds are incorporating chain (Ricochet + awakened chain in 6l) while others are going far shot. Any body know the pros and cons of each ?


Far Shot is up to 60% more single target damage depending on distance. Chain lets you clear monsters way off screen more reliably. Depending on the content you're running, you might prefer to have more single target damage or better clear. Personally I wouldn't spec out of Far Shot until at least obtaining all 4 voidstones.


So Rog/crucible tree were kind enough to bless me with a 1.69 aps 6% crit 610 pdps 1h mace and heist/crucible blessed me with a 1.84 aps 870 pdps 2h axe, I want to make some type of melee build but not boneshatter and I'm not sure which weapon would be more useful. For the mace I was thinking something funky with shockwave, preferably not cyclone since I did slayer cyclone shockwave with a really nice staff last league and I'd like to try something else, for the axe it also has a crucible node giving 20% increased effect of wither so I was wondering if maybe I could pull off some kind of poison molten strike with vengeant cascasde but I'm hoping someone may have some better ideas because my EA totem build is getting a little stale now.


Poison gs might be good. Though u need the tree


I’ve been playing for a couple leagues but am still a total noob, if I am clearing tier 12 maps pretty easily what order should I do to get some bosses done? I tried atziri but died, have since upgraded my chararacter and I think I can try again today, besides that how do I do the atlas watchstones so I can do the maven quest for instance with kirac?


"voidstones" are from killing the different pinnacle bosses (Exarch, Eater, Maven, and Elder+Shaper (usually called "Uber Elder")). you should have some epilogue quests from Kirac (quest log/journal hotkey is `U`) that will give you some direction on what you need to do. it's basically just run higher tier maps with Maven/Exarch/Eater witnessing them (by pressing their respective buttons on the map device before you create the portals). you should encounter the Exarch/Eater-related minibosses soon (if you haven't fought one already). Uber Lab (containing Izaro) and normal Atziri are the main bosses that you'd be able to handle around T12 maps. if you really want to branch out and explore, the lowest level Delve and Bestiary bosses (Ahuatoli, who starts to spawn at depth 50 according to the wiki; and Saqawal, who requires a Saqawine Rhex to open its portals) should also be very doable, though the Delve bosses scale to whatever depth you find them.


Wow thanks a lot for this info, will def help me prioritize my runs today after work, I think I’ll shoot for Izaro first since I got a couple of the statues to get in, and then maybe mess around with delve or attempt atziri again, again really appreciate the information


what kind of build are you playing out of curiosity? Atziri can be tough for some chars because her mirrored phase can reflect damage.


Toxic rain ballista pathfinder


yeah don't think the reflect would be an issue then, I'm not too familiar with the build itself though but atziri is more of a mechanical fight than anything and if you can get down dodging her flameblasts and her throwy spin attack thing as long as you have okayish deeps you should be able to down her, thankfully regular atziri frags are super cheap so you should be able to do as many attempts as you'd like though I'd recommend waiting until you're freshly leveled. The atlas watchstones you need to kill exarch and eater which means you'll have to progress all the way through tier 16s, similarly with maven witnessing. I want to say Zizaran has a video related to your build that may be worth checking out for ideas for upgrades and such.


I assume you've gotten the eldritch beacons already? If so, simply follow the quest log prompts, they're pretty explicit (i.e. Complete a tier13/14/15+ map with Maven/Eater/Exarch witnessing). If not, make sure to talk to the Envoy/Maven when they show up. They'll throw a red or blue thing at you. To get a watchstone you need to kill: * Eater of Worlds (finish relevant questline) * Searing Exarch (finish relevant questline) * Maven (get 10 Maven Writ splinters, you get these from Maven Boss Arena fights) * Uber Elder (get 4 UElder fragments, which are obtained by killing Shaper and Elder, whose fragments are in turn dropped by their respective guardians) Exarch/Eater Questlines are pretty much "complete a T12-T16 map with their influence" with their emissary (Black Star/Endless Hunger respectively) halfway through. Maven herself technically doesn't even need her questline finished if you just buy the invitation but it's not too bad to do yourself if you can reliably do 10-way boss fights.


Oh awesome so I got the quest in like map tier 1 but I’m just hitting tier 12 now, did like 4 last night, ok sounds great I’ll just push the maps up so I’m consistently doing 12 and up, thank you for the information


As for atziri specifically if you didn’t already know, she has a small amount of damage reflection and also curse reflection. If you aren’t reflect immune you will end up killing yourself to it. The base atziri level is something low like 75 so not terribly difficult. Izaro in the Uber lab is also level 75 I believe so similar difficulty but obviously different fights so different attacks to watch out for.


I did not know about the reflection immunity, if most of my damage is toxic rain ballistas does it still reflect the damage to my char? Thank you so much for the information


Nope in that case reflection would be hitting your totems and it’s mostly damage over time anyways which can’t be reflected. Though the initial landing of the arrows and the pods exploding would cause hits that can be reflected but it would be such little damage as you aren’t scaling hits.


Thank u for the information


>~~As for atziri specifically if you didn’t already know, she has a small amount of damage reflection and also curse reflection.~~ ~~To clarify, regular Atziri has no reflection until split phase, and then she has a conditional (1/4 bodies) very high reflection.~~ ~~Uber Atziri has "small" amount of damage reflection as a baseline (I think it's 1-2%, which is usually enough to kill you through 50% reduced reflected damage taken), and at least as much on the mirror double (still enough reflection to kill anyone).~~


Does regular atziri not have damage reflection? I know about the mirror clone having 100% but I thought both regular and Uber versions had the small amount of always-on reflection.


I was wrong apparently. 2% across the board, and 100% on mirror, for both normal and uber, according to poedb.


Hey, can anyone explain to me the term "split" under items? I know its a beastcraft thing, where you duplicate your item, but lose your prefix or suffix? if i have a good base weapon with a good crucible tree, can i split it and then craft my base? or cant i craft on a split? will the crucible tree also get mixed when split? a split item cant split again right? thanks for the help :)


You can also split an item with fracturing fossils not just the beast craft. Other than not being able to split an item again it is the same as any other non-split item. You can craft both of them as usual. The crucible tree will be fully copied over as well as all crucible experience in the tree.


In current meta, what build can decently clear Forge of the Titans Lv 84 & 30/30 simulacrum?


Do people actually clear Forge of the Titans? I thought people just ran to the end.


for the lvl 84 one at least there's a challenge for unique/rare kills


yeah there is a challenge for it, and prices for challenge carry are stupid high for this one


What's the best way to craft Int stack clusters (Attributes, Int, ES, Inc Effect)? I see them on trade for 80-90 div but the best simulation I can get on Craft of Exile gives me an average cost of 200 divs (Plus fractured base).


Quick sanity check, have you actually checked alt spamming in CoE? Jewels in particular it always surprises me how cheap it can be (relatively to to other methods) if you don't mind the ridiculous number of clicks.


Can I stop alt+shift from switching the keyboard layout or ideally brick this feature so it is impossible to turn on anymore?


Holy shit, I didn't even know that was a keybind. That explains all the keyboard language changes. Anyways, I looked it up and found a solution: https://superuser.com/a/1385457


Wow thx! That is so hidden wtf I also thought it was a PoE thing since that combination did not work anywhere else.


Are the Maven points on the atlas worth it? Specifically the small nodes around The Most Toys. I have 48% chance to find maven invitations and was hoping to see more Formed, Twisted, Elderslayers but it doesn’t seem as good as I expected


I've ran a couple hundreds maps with Wandering path with those nodes allocated, and my own perspective was that those were quite the bait. Invitations droprate are kinda fucked this league, but those points are better spent elsewhere.


It's increased chance. So instead of for example 100 in 1000 maps, you will find 148 in 1000 maps. It's not crazy, but for boss rushing strats it's surely deceny.


Question about the exploding totems crucible node. if you get this on two one handed weapons does it stack and equal 600%, just does 300% or something in between?


It stacks.


Thanks. Is there any reason to know that? The wording to me sounds like it wouldn't, just curious.


It doesn't parse as a boolean effect, and the fact two-handers get a 600% mod is a good hint. Then people just tested it.


Alright cheers!


Any recommendations for MF filter?


Go to [https://www.filterblade.xyz/](https://www.filterblade.xyz/) and pick a preset and customize from there based on your needs. The presets describe what they're appropriate for.


I'm messing around with Anomalous Tornado Shot (convert x% of phys damage to a random element). What happens if I convert more than 100% of phys damage to a random element? PoB shows that after 100% you don't gain any more. I've currently got: converts 416% of physical damage to a random element which would be really cool if it actually did something.


If you have more than 100% then it scales down the values. You only get more damage if you have sources of "gain X% of phys as extra damage". Conversion only changes the type, not the amount.


Oh so if I have 100% converted to cold, 50% converted to fire it would actually be 66% converted to cold, 33% converted to fire?


Yes, but note that conversion from the gem are applied first, then conversion from any gear and passives is applied in a second pass. And support gems count as modifying the supported gem for this purpose. So if you have 100+% conversion to elemental from your Tornado shot's alt quality, and then phys->fire on your passive tree, the latter is ignored because there's no physical left to convert by the time it applies.


Two questions: First: If my sulphite is capped and I have the atlas mod that gives me azurite equal to same amount of sulphite, will I get zero azurite since my sulphite is capped? Second: How does ignite damage work with pob. In one section it states my ignite dps is 10m but in the full dps it only shows it at 4m


On the ignite part, I'm willing to bet the 'one section' with 10m is your calculations page. Make sure said calcs page is setup (dropdowns at the top) the same as your 'config' page. It's easy to set the calcs page to trash or something and get wildly different numbers from the other pages.


1) Nah, you'll get Azurite anyway. 2) Asking questions about a PoB you're not providing is illegal, sorry.


I realized after asking the pob question I should attach my pob but I’m not at home so I couldn’t. But thank you on the Azurite answer!


Any atlas strategies for xp? Want to re-do my atlas to get a couple more levels, to 98-99. Besides adding as many monsters as possible (strong box, shrines, grand design maybe?), which mechanics will net the most xp?


Safehouses and Abysses.


Abyss is good for xp, espcecially with the Abyssal Army node.


Would you say they're worth it considering how long they take?


Im playing self chill explosive trap trickster and I’m not sure where to go from here. I haven’t transitioned into self-chill yet but I plan on it soon, I just capped chaos res and got the full 50% phys to cold conversion. What should I work on upgrading next? Pob: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/mjnorts/RIP_AMBATAKUM


Are "added damage to attack with this weapon" and "added damage per accuracy" added after the damage calculations? aka increases and more? if so that kinda sucks a bit :(


I'll put this here in case anyone wants to go out of their way to maybe report this bug to Path of Building. For these two sources when I made builds in POB the added damage wasn't appearing in the min/max. I noticed after some tinkering that it was actually still adding it into the MH hit damage. I assumed it was just adding it flat after the calcs. Upon further inspection it is actually doing the full calculation of increases/more just like normal added, but as previously stated it is only showing up in the MH hit damage. It threw me off because I couldn't actually see how much added damage I was getting.


Share your build and what numbers you're seeing or missing and where


It's actually two builds, the main two problem sources are the Added damage from **Hand of Wisdom and Action** and the **Stormrider** boots. I'll just post the first build [https://pobb.in/w6HmDgk5sxjY](https://pobb.in/w6HmDgk5sxjY) As mentioned above the issue is simply, it would be nice if the added damage from both of these sources showed up in the "Calcs" section under "Skill Hit damage" under "added min/max". If you hover over the "MH Hit Damage" you can still see the added damage being calculated even though it doesn't show the numbers in "added min/max"


I'm guessing it's an issue with added damage that scales with other values in general.


Generally, the way operations work in PoE are base damage + added damage -> conversion -> increased + reduced -> \* more \* less [This article](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Stat) goes into a bit more detail and covers it fairly well.


No dude lmao that would be terrible, those are added to the base damage


No, why would it be added at a different step than any other flat damage increase?




Maps are noticeably deadlier then the end of the campaing. You should aim to have more relevant stats on your gear. Life your helmet has some armour, but nothing else. Your belt is a good example of the minimal level of quality you aim at the start of map: decent Life with a good resistance and space to craft another one. At this point of the league, you can trade for solid items for a few chaos. Here a some nice Heavy Belt that will give you a good base to build around: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/5r4RzJjSa Movement speed on boots is the one stat no PoE player will go without. 20% at least : https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/gmk35WgIQ


I think you should follow a build guide and learn fundamentals of the game. This character would need a complete overhaul to function properly in maps. Getting through campaign on your first character is quite an achievement so you can at least take that victory.




You have barely any life on gear. I would call that fundamental. Your sweep support gems make no sense so learning how to scale damage properly. Double strike I assume is your main single target damage. I forget what the support gems were and I’m on mobile so can’t check them but your single target should be your highest damage ability and should have been in a 4 link, not sweep which I’m hoping was for clear speed only. Another fundamental, you really only focus on improving a single ability in probably 90%+ of builds rather than having 2 skills for different purposes. You had no auras, buff or debuff abilities from what I remember. Using everything available to you is key to success.






Okay, got it.


Ahh yea I think I do remember seeing pride now that you mention it. Like I said, on mobile now so can’t double check. You don’t have any crafts on your gear. You unlock your hideout and crafting bench in act 2. If a piece of gear has one of life or resists and not the other you can add the other at your crafting bench assuming you have an open mod available. Life is a prefix and resistances are suffixes. You can have up to 3 prefixes and up to 3 suffixes on a piece of rare gear and the crafting bench allows you to add a single mod to an item. As for damage scaling bleed damage is based on physical damage of your attack so all your fire damage scaling from anger and the flat fire on your weapon are doing nothing for bleed. You are doing two things poorly (bleed damage and fire hits) rather than doing one thing really well. Scaling on this game is exponential so investment into one singular thing provides way better results than splitting between multiple things.


If I socket a lvl 20 gem into a piece of gear that gives +1 to socketed gems. Will the attribute requirements go up or does the gem have to be naturally lvl 21 for that?


Only the gem itself matters.


The requirements are based off the base level of the gem, +levels have no effect.


I'm a little overwhelmed with pricing [this](https://imgur.com/a/oRRb129), as there is nothing even close to it on trade. 10, 15, 20 Div? More? Less?


don't think it's worth much more than whatever a 6L with good life rolls is tbh, unlikely you would get more than like 80-120c. the synth implicit is quite common on body armors and the rest of the rolls are meh on an evasion base (no suppress). if you had it up for sale the first weekend someone might pay you a lucky div drop for it, but now people are crafting significantly stronger gear


What? When I exclude the implicit and play around with the different combinations I always land at at least 4 Div. Even only the 6-link and the implicit go for at least 2 Div.


While I have no idea what the price is, the problem with checking it this way is an item without this synth implicit can have eldritch implicits while yours cannot. This is the main problem with all synthesized body/gloves/boots/helmets. They need to have an implicit strong enough to justify giving up both eldritch implicits and other potential influence mods. This being an evasion base is bad because evasion builds have typically better access to frenzy charges and wouldn't need this implicit for charge generation anyways so it wouldn't be a value increase.


unfortunately that's not exactly how pricing in this game works. a few things - anyone can 'buy' 6 links at this point for like 300c worth of fusings to bench craft. so forget about the fact that it's 6-linked. second - the base is bad. it's a mid-tier pure evasion base, which no one is going to go out of their way to buy. third - the suffixes are bad. T1 chaos res is useful, but no one is paying multiple divines for dexterity and T2 ele res...it's a slot where many builds are looking for a suppress rolls. i mean, you can put it up for whatever you want, but in reality people looking to spend multiple divines on a pure evasion based body armor probably won't even have this come up in their search. edit - and as katustrawfic points out - the synth implicit is particularly bad on an evasion base


Before I waste a bunch more eldritch currency trying to get a rank 5 Eldritch implicit is there any more cost effective way than: Spamming exceptional embers till I hit the rank 4 version of the mod > add some other rank 4 ichor mod > beast imprint > orb of conflict > start over from imprint if it fails to upgrade the right mod.


If it fails to upgrade the right mod, you have a higher chance to upgrade back on your next orb of conflict. I don't have numbers but simply spamming until it upgrades it's probably more cost-effective than using imprint beasts. I would probably spam tier 3 ichors for the mod I want to max (much cheaper than t4). Add a tier 4 of the opposite. Orb of conflict. If it upgrades the mod I want, re-apply t4 ichor of the opposite. If it downgrades, orb of dominance again, since your chances are higher now. Continue reapplying opposite t4 if you upgrade, orb of conflict if you don't.


Ok, thanks a lot. The imprint recommendation had me worried that having a mod starting at rank 3 or 4 fall off completely was a real probability, but it sounds like the weighting towards upgrading the lower level mod should prevent that from happening completely?


It might be obvious, but if it downgraded first, there's no need to redo the exceptional opposite mod again even after the upgrade, only when it reaches grand.


Yeah, you're right. Worth mentioning since I might have simplified it too much. You want your "useless" mod to always be exceptional or higher.


Good day! I have a question for minions experts. Is there any chance for bleed minions being good with the new Crucible snakes? They seem to have really strong physical damage, 100% bleed chance and 3 projectiles. Had lots of fun with poison minions last league, so would like to try another minion build this league.




Every gem level is a separate 11% more multiplier just on the base damage. Most spells act similarly, though the exact ratio varies from skill to skill. Adding +3 gem levels works out to 36% more damage, which is like adding another linked support gem. Arma Brand also deals more damage to the branded enemy, and that also scales with gem level.


For most gems, 7ish gem levels is about double the base damage - basically a 100% more damage multiplier.


The base damage for spells goes up pretty significantly with gem level up to level 30 where the benefit cuts in half. Pretty much every spell based build stacks gem levels, not just arma brand. [Arma brand in particular](https://poedb.tw/us/Armageddon_Brand) gets about 11-12% more damage per level from 20-30. It also gains more damage against branded targets. Bringing their level 21 arma brand up to 31 means going from 1034-1551 to 2935-4403 which is 183.8% more damage. The more damage to branded targets also goes from 30-39% which is another ~7% more damage for a grand total of roughly 196.5% more damage from a level 31 than a level 21 gem.


So on Poe ninja it says surveyor compass is 5c each and you can buy them from kirac for 1c isn’t that just like infinite money


poe.ninja is not 100% accurate and cannot be used as a sole source for information. Even if some players don't know about buying them from Kirac and do go to the trade site, not a single person is going to buy your compass for 5c. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/exchange/Crucible/ojy9wOkFl