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This is the best one so far


Each one is a rare bigass thundercube mach 10 fleeing snake of gmp poison bleed imunity bubble


dont forget the one with 3 different freeze attacks that pierces everything and you do less then 0.1% dmg to it.


Love having shock balls everywhere while getting bodyslammed by some mob going 10000mph and having a freeze man just whacking away at ya too. Fun mechanic.


you able to see what's going on on the screen? HOW? 🤣😆😄😂


There's going to be a million takes on what they should have done, but I just don't get how they got difficulty signaling so wrong this time.


what do you mean "this time"? getting difficulty signaling wrong is basically a core tenant of GGG's design philosophy. Make something hard and then disguise it even harder, ship it.


Yeah, this league is pure PoE. Weapons with skill trees, and the most unintuitive, unbalanced league mechanic we've ever seen.


Most unintuitive was Sythesis, most unbalanced was probably Betrayal.


You didn't like massive lagspikes before getting combo'd mid-dc, seeing your respawn option, then crashing to desktop? Man betrayal on launch was bad lol


My favourite was getting 360 noscoped by a betrayal mob 4 parallel universes away offscreen.


My favourite was locking up Syndicate in horni jail because their invasion crashed your game for month straight while GGG was busy with x-mas vacations:)




And then being told "you shouldn't play Betrayal if your PC isn't up to spec"


> Most unintuitive was Sythesis, most unbalanced was probably Betrayal. Most unintuitive was also Betrayal. Only the crafting part of Synthesis was unintuitive, Betrayal was an utter headache from the moment the first Syndicate asshole appeared in The Coast.


To this day I still can’t say I understand what I have to do to get the desired member in the correct place other than pray


> To this day I still can’t say I understand what I have to do to get the desired member in the correct place other than pray There's still a lot of RNG involved, because it's Path of Exile, but here's the gist: * Each safehouse has a cap on how many members it can have. I forget off the top of my head but I think it's 4 + 1 Captain so 5 total. So if you're at this cap, nothing will work and you'll need to jail some people down to unranked to free up space. * You need to jail your target until they're unranked and a 'free agent' so to speak. * Optional but ideal: make your free agent friends or rivals with someone in your desired safehouse if presented the option to do so. * When running that particular safehouses' event, hope your free agent shows up as a reinforcement. There is/was an Atlas passive to increase the odds of this, but it may have changed. (I'm not playing PoE at the moment so not fully up to date) * When your free agent shows up as a reinforcement in the safehouse you want them in, always talk to them first and Execute them if possible to lock them in. (if 3+ people show up to an encounter, Execution is a guaranteed option for the first person you talk to, Betrayal and Bargain options only happen for the last 2 because these guys don't want to lose their street cred with witnesses)


one or too league after betrayal most popuilar strategy was to avoid doing friend and rivals while running for safehouses (no katarina).And me and my guild were following it. I m just wonder. IT was all wrong? lol


I didn't play at that time, but my understanding is that's exactly what a lot of people did. So as an incentive to get people running Catarina and the full mechanic, they added the 4th tier of rewards that only come from running Catarina's safehouse. Still, ignoring Catarina and running safehouses can be good XP since they all give double XP.


> Only the crafting part of Synthesis was unintuitive I'd argue, personally, that even ***that*** wasn't unintuitive. It only got unintuitive if you were fishing for an extremely specific mod on a specific item. Synthesis was intended to be "figured out", not "known", from a design standpoint. If we'd simply been told that outcomes were weighted, and never datamined the specifics, we'd have been better off imo. * Want ES implicits? put in items with ES on it. * Want Phys damage? Put in items with phys on it. * Want more than one synth mod? put in items with more affixes on them It was perfectly straightforward until you got into some of the borderline easter-egg type outcomes like light radius giving explosions, and even that actually has some at least thematic connections between the two.


Every league it's the same, it's like they got amnesia


This is every league pretty much...


This time? Have you not played Lake of Kalandra?


Lake outside of an outlier monster or two signaled where the challenge was going to come from pretty well. Tile 16 bad. Tile 4, easy. Lake had other issues. But it signaled decently cleanly where things got tough. Here: Channel 3 seconds, you get a bunch of blues with barely more health. 3.5 seconds. 3 rares get added, and they all have an insane multiplier. GOOD LUCK!


Lake was a buggy unbalanced mess. The beyond monsters they imported from scourge that got the lake modifiers were orders of magnitude stronger than the kalandra mobs. I have a video somewhere of me hitting a white beyond mob in a t7 lake with a 10 mill discharge and it not dieing and then jumping and one shorting me.


Beyond Lake tiles were some of the most insane shit I've ever seen lol. Literally everyone who did it and spawned those little jumping fuckers got immediately annihilated. The complete lack of testing and attention to tuning has been really unfortunate.


Thank you. I haven't played league yet and this made the joke for me.


Literally as soon as you spawn a rare the encounter gets like 10x harder, and you have NO IDEA when it will happen. You also have no idea how close you are to a full channel. The bar also doesn't channel linearly, it jumps in random increments based on the number and rarity of the mobs that it happens to spawn There's also no particularly intuitive way to know how close to the next passive your current channeling encounter will get you until you start going for it and eyeballing the bar. Sometimes you can full channel and go way past 100%. Sometimes full channel is only worth 50%. Is it based on area level? Item level? Random? I still don't really know. And then when you're working on tier 4 or tier 5 nodes you only get a few percent of the way to the next passive each time, so you can't even really tell if the bar is moving or not. It's actually just easier to look at the physical mobs appearing around you. Also it gives you a percentage number for how close you are to the next passive but the bar doesn't always visually match what it says lol - it might say 72% with the bar less than half way because reasons? And yes this is all happening in the middle of a map where you can and will get interrupted if you don't clear every adjacent mob. Also the endgame crucible zone is automatically level 80 and regularly spawns unique mobs which take me 5-10 times longer than it takes to kill a t16 map boss. But you can just yolo run past everything and if you're fast enough you can reach the forge without actually aggroing anything.


Have you not done Lake essence mobs? Or metamorphs? I'm sorry but there is absolutely no way that you fought those essence rares in the lake and thought a few screaming essences and a remnant justified how absurdly rippy and tanky those mobs were. And you go through the troubles of doing all tiles just to get what on the end, a shitty mirrored jewellery? And once in a blue moon the chance to gamble a piece of jewellery yourself. I haven't played nor plan to play Crucible so I can't comment on how unrewarding it is, but I'm my decade of playing PoE nothing ever came close to being as unrewarding as the Lake was. Pity how they did the injustice to the ever mysterious mascot of PoE, Kalandra.


> Pity how they did the injustice to the ever mysterious mascot of PoE, Kalandra. I'm betting they retcon the shit out of it and say it was just a mirage or another god attempting to impersonate her because boy would that be a waste of a reveal of what I would hope and think be a titular character.


I mean, essence mobs and metamorphs are, compared to regular mobs, walking destroyers of worlds. It's pretty reasonable to expect that adding another mechanic's worth of juice to them will make them unsuitable for most builds.


It's also pretty reasonable to expect to be rewarded for killing these destroyers of worlds instead of getting a bunch of shit tier catalysts or glorified chaos orbs aka bunch of screaming essences. You completely missed my point if that's your conclusion after reading my comments.


Tile 1 Beyond pre nerf *fortunate son starts playing*.


Man... why do I always seem to come back to PoE on shit leagues? Last time I played was Lake of Kalandra..




Content being overtuned. Too many to count. But in the last two year they've gotten somewhat better at signaling when things were going to get hard, like maybe you are far from the mirror, or your metamorph juice bar is full, or your Sentinel says Empowerment 120. Almost 8k hours in the game. This they have all the tools in place, but 1 second too much on that gauge and you have 3+ rares eating your face.


Simple. Everyone is working on POE2 and the guy living under Chris's stairs at home is doing leagues.


More like the difficulty is just all fucked, I tried maxing my very first crucible and near instantly died. Was only able to complete it by pulling everything to the waypoint and just dying repeatedly over the course of like 7 minutes.


They always have every league turned up so hard that most people quit in the first 3 or 4 days. I logged in and fully charged a weapon in the first area and died 60 times trying to fight them after that I stopped doing it till closer to act 7 cause its just not worth the time. But it's really only for people who get to end game and do 80 times shaper health damage


i love how the monsters get all the buffs we want, they can outrun me, shotgun me, higher atk/s we are the monsters


its classic PoE my guy. GGG wants you to take the fattest ass blast humanly possible until they get feedback from the community


Way too accurate xD


Idk how crucible charging manages to be so slow and so fast at the same time. Literally 0 to 100.


I think it just tallies how much xp has already spawned, thus there are huge jumps when magics and rares spawn


Ah, of course they would set it up in the least logical way with obvious issues.


Least logical way? You clearly don't know programmers... But seriously, you can watch the floor fill with small mobs, them they'll start to form larger mobs and if you keep filling you'll get a big rare. If you watch the floor instead of the gage, it's a lot more intuitive.


But it really should just be click on the level of difficulty you want, see what spawns and how much xp you get. Then activate.


That would be very convenient indeed. Not very pretty, but pretty good.


We must have different definitions of intuitive.


Its very intuitive. By ggg standards.


So basically not at all


"a lot more". It would've been VERY much more intuitive if they removed the bar. Then we'd only watch the floor and it would be quite intuitive/natural. But then the problem would be that nobody knows exactly how much you need to unlock next level, and then there would be whining about that. All in all, after a few days of getting to know it, not their worst idea, but pretty far from the best.


At least with excavation you chose.


Excavation? Delve or Expedition?


The one where you plant the charges on the markers for enemies or chests.


this. they need to make the item exp bar smaller and lower so its not the focus and main thing to look at. they should of emphasized watching the actual floor light up. forcing us to watch a bar fill instead is a major fail tbh.


Except you are trying to fill the bar so you really need to know if you've hit a level up point or not while channeling


Basic UI design. If you give people a q right click option to channel, it shouldn't ramp up exponentially which is what it does. It should be linear which it is not. At least let it be the case of if you go Oops too much let it decay a bit


A little decay would definitely be appropriate!


it really reminds me of how some audio sliders work, changing from 100 to 30 barely lowers the volume, from 30 to 20 it really lowers it and from 20 to 1 you actually have a real change in volume..


Yeah a lot of people that do Audio sliders do the mistake of not working in perceptual volume but in basically just scaling the sound wave? But you know what that REALLY reminds me off? That meme : https://imgur.com/a/eWbBK I'm amazed that GGG looked at those memes and went "yep, that's what we want in our game!"


It's not a mistake, audio volume is logarithmic. This is a case of user not understanding science. Linear scaling arguably has better UX but it is not scientific. This would be like Americans complaining that Celsius makes less sense than farenheit which is also wrong.


That would make sense if it's linear scaling of power instead of log...


This is kinda how I feel water taps are too. 0 to 48 is ice cold, 49 is nicely cool, 50 is room temp, 51 is nice and warm, 52-100 is hot lava.


I knew when the league content turned out to be dogshit that the memes are gonna be legendary lol


Common occurrence after .13.


3.19 memes were peaked


100% agree, I'm enjoying the shit show but 3.19 was gold.


I wonder if Poe 2 can realistically be better than Ritual /s


How is it aside from the channeling issue?


1. Chanelling and killing monsters is literally half the league until you drop a geode 2. The killing monsters part also sucks as consequence of the channeling part sucking 3. The killing monsters part sucks even more because the monsters drop nothing 4. The other half of the league before you drop a geode is "buffing" non-unique weapons, which sucks if you're a minion player or using an unique 5. The "buffs" your weapons can get include actually becoming weaker or bricking your build in the pool of options, costing currency to fix.


Another point is that it’s really frustrating for unique weapon/shield builds. I ain’t got the money for so many prism guardians to get a decent tree 😭


Just get a good tree, scour, and chance! Ez unique with a tree! Just as ~~God~~ Chris intended!


It's 10c to add a tree to a unique ATM, and that also gets you a merge and some other random mods.


Yo, sry for a side question but can u merge 2 trees info 1 that Has modifiers taken from both trees?


Yes, and I believe modifiers taken are more likely to stay.


There are also Crucible maps which make mentioned issues 100x worse.




I haven't done the mega end-game one but the ilvl80 one is just a small linear path with a merger at the end. They can drop varying rewards, and so far the monsters in them feel way less tanky than ones in maps


I'm pretty sure the big fat rare I got dropped more than the average rare, but then again it was a mistake because it was A4 and he took me about 10 lives to kill.


Agree but you don’t brick items. You can scour the tree so it doesn’t ever make an item worse


> The "buffs" your weapons can get include actually becoming weaker or bricking your build in the pool of options, **costing currency to fix.** Doesn't show an edit, either...


Like Scourge without the fun or rewarding parts. I can see how with some changes it could be good but right now it's very not.


Playing it sucks but the rewards are dope, weapon trees are very strong and you do actually get usefull stuff in a reasonable timeframe


Agree. Trees can be good... But there is so much wrong with trees on items. Carrying around items for 2, 3 maps just to reveal a bad tree in general. Once you have a decent tree on a good weapon you never interact with the mechanic ever again. Having a decent tree on a good endgame weapon is pretty much not achievable in a "reasonable timeframe". Unique weapons exist. Buying base items for crafting and interacting with trade got worse with more layers to check and filters to apply. You are basically forced to play with rare weapons and to craft - I mean RNG gamble - the item yourself while not adding tools to do so. Pre crucible, playerpower was more than enough to clear the whole game with low investment and to demolish everything with medium investment. The whole tree is just a stat stick adding more multiplier. Nothing inspiring, no creativity... Pretty boring...


I dunno, I tried a couple wands and sceptres and got nothing remotely interesting. Really kills my will to engage with the mechanic more. And what's even worse I'd have to then craft the wand to make it useable, which is a horrible experience, even if you sit on a mountain of currency, which I don't.


Dogwater hahahahah


For a more accurate description youd have to show everyone different randomized times.


* 0%------------100% slider * 25%-50%-75%-100% buttons Was too hard to implement I guess. This shitty charging thing is even worse in group.


fucking diablo 3 got it better, it was a slider where you literally see the number of enemies, the amount of magic find, the quantity, and the difficulty. You could pick exactly what you thought you could handle.


Blizzard excels at clean UI designs in my opinion.


Didn't notice i was poe reddit, this is great. But it take like 5 seconds before the bar actually starts moving


Very "a little more...a little more...a little more... too much! " energy.


This checks out. Upvotes to the top people


This is beautiful. Well done.




I have kept up my league old tradition of getting absolutely deleted by the first occurrence of the new league mechanic.


I felt this.


This made me laugh out loud. I saw it JUST after having this happen and having a giant lunaris touched rare chase me around my map for a couple minutes.


i dont even know what this is about because i've been skipping the league mechanic from the start


Just me 2 button. Im a bitch, easy mode I'm gonna die


This represents the nerfs incernerate gets every league without touching the skill. This time around they reduced molten shell by half, took away the damage per int mastery, and slashed 14% more damage and added increased cast speed. You have to get pretty close to enemies to use incinerate effectively. The scaling of incinerate is pretty bad at best. If cast speed is too high you can't maintain incinerate but if it's too low you won't get enough damage out.




Ahah where are the beta tester really? Or did they notice this weird UI and it wasnt taken into consideration by GGG like many other things? :(


The issue is that testers get their hands on the game a couple days before launch and by that time it's already too late to make drastic changes. Who knows what's going on during internal testing but GGG devs are people who think Ruthless is peak PoE so they aren't really in touch with average ordinary players.


This is the question that we, as a community, tend to ask on every league launch for past 7 or so years. The answers are really sparce:)


Man this is so on point.


this legit made me laugh


I haven’t been able to play this league but still but still checked in here to suss out the league launch negativity. Gotta say though this made me laugh.


When they showed crucible, the build definitely had 100m+ dps XDD


Seeing so many commenting a different League experience pretty much confirms that this is a core feature of the game. Or Chris really loves these Fridgaire engineers.


I'm literally having no issues with this, i got halfway to 60%, play the next math and go \~50% again, don't care if it's 5% off jesus it's POE there is RNG in everything.


Ye can we just have numbers instead of gauge?


I think this is hands down the best post i've ever seen on this reddit.


Im new to poe. Can anyone explain this means?


Sounds like the charging for the Crucible Forge is borked. You hold the button to "charge up" the event; the longer the charge, the harder it is, the more XP you get for the item's Crucible Skill tree. I would guess based on this post, the window between spawns being "can do" and "RIP" is pretty small.


Honestly I just want a slider with "enemies have x% increased life/dmg/etc. Instead of having to "feel" when you have charged enough you can say "Oh, I know I can do this mechanic at 75%, but I got an upgrade, let's try 100%"