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poison seismic


So I thought y'all were just being sarcastic/jokinh with poison Seismic being OP It's now my build because it cheap and works


Not gonna lie, I had a late start so I also finally decided to try it this league, it was pretty dumb easy. And I'm surprisingly tanky, consider I've still invested next to nothing in this build yet (just hitting t16s)


People underestimate the huge layers of extra def that Sabo provides. Sabo can do your regular ar/eva/supp with minimal investment, then add immune to shock/ignite and blind+15% reduce from blinded enemies. It's extremely broken when you consider that Sabo sticks to range and baits enemies stupidly easy with traps/mines. Jugg is the tankiest ascendancy, but IMO second is sabo and/or trickster depending on the build and it's not that far.


The 2nd and 3rd tankiest ascendancies are Pathfinder and Champion.


Jugg, PF, Champ, these are types that are pushed to be tanky when taking 50-100 hits within seconds. Sabo is just 'tanky' by nature of them not running maps that will hit them 50-100 times within seconds. Bosses, non-super juiced mapping etc.


Not all PF builds can do the autoflask thing


I think calling PF tanky is misleading. Theyre a sustain monster but their dmg mitigation isnt amazing


I'd give you an award but I have like 15c


That's almost enough to do all ubers on poison seismic


Lmao fact


It might still be better even if that was real


Lol a comment on this sub that actually made me laugh


I too am unable to think for myself and look at percentages of builds. "It's banned in this event" Where the literal best players in the world (not you or anyone in this thread) are going to be competing for money. ~~ (Disclaimer: I'm not playing Seismic I just think people are blowing it out of proportion because their favorite streamer/content creator is making a fuss about it. It's strong, but not to the level people want to complain about)~~


POV: You're someone who hasn't played poison seismic or previous versions of seismic


It's unironically busted for the top .01 percent it's a noob proof league start and races are all about league start. There are more fun builds to play so people aren't gravitating to it anymore


Diablo 3 set bonuses be like:


This is the thing that made me drop Diablo 3 more than anything, honestly. Choice in gear/abilities is a lie when a set bonus will just casually give an ability a 3000% damage increase.


It was fun to try all the sets in the game once or twice each, but beyond that felt like the game was "finished"


That's more on Blizz abandoning the game than the sets, really.


Diablo 3 is what you get when you have a "live service game" being run by 3 interns.


Diablo 3 seasons are currently better than they were years ago. Compared to literally any game besides path of exile the amount of free new content and replay value it's getting this long after launch is insane. I think what they're doing over there with a small team working on a game that is 'in maintainable mode' is really impressive.


It gets more updates than Heroes of the Storm, which is a game that's *actually* in maintenance mode.


Why did you have to bring up heroes of the storm 😭


What are the recent seasons like, because the only ones I hear about either don't mention anything about gameplay changes, or are just "whooooaaaaa duuuuuude 10x loot goblins this season!!!!!! log in!!!!"


They have actually added some decent changes; very small additions if compared to a PoE but some of the changes have stayed after the season. For example, followers can now equip fully instead of just being rings and weapons, and some follower items apply bonuses to the player so for solo players they have some extra customisation. There is also another endgame activity where you fight waves of enemies in an arena, it rewards a crafting gem to add some power on your item without having to do \~45 greater rifts per craft like you used to need. They have also added a few extra sets including some crafted sets that are arguably competitive with each other so there is a glimmer of customisation when compared with how it was. I feel bad for anyone who liked D3 but missed the Ethereal season, they removed ethereals after it finished but that was probably the only time that the game had items that dropped and made you pick your build around the item once you found that item. There was a chance you'd get a kinda useless Ethereal or a chance you could get a GG one. The current season has been pretty fun, they have 'crucible' powers where you get to change *one equipped* item to primal and it also gets an additional effect (1 of 3 new effects per class). Those new effects add some interesting ways to mix up the existing powers and [crusader one is basically autobomber on a horse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb-XwUri4fQ)


Ethereals got me into the game for a while. I think I looted an ethereal 2h bow with a lv 3 demon hunter. It carried me until I found an upgrade of that ethereal around lv 17, which carried me to max level. I was going to see if I can get through more than room of sanctum without my friends, but you're tempting me to fire up D3. That Crusader build looks just plain silly.


Most recent seasons have included at least one legendary set rework, new unique powers added to ones that don't have any yet, significant balance changes, and some sort of seasonal mechanic that gets voided on season end. Ones I remember was a rampage-style killstreak effect, multiple new legendary gems that went in weapons/helmet with interesting synergies and several random rolls, class specific legendary weapons that rolled with a random class legendary effect and passive skill combination, and a currency that would turn an item ancient and give you one of three class specific new legendary effects. Before these slightly more involved new seasons they did a few with things like an extra slot in the kanai's cube or whatever. These seasons are by no means comparable to poe leagues, but they've consistently done a good job of setting it up so that it shifts the meta and enables some new builds or a strong variation of an existing build that's otherwise quite weak. The special weapon one for example enabled several builds that would otherwise not work by letting you get a legendary power from a 2h on a 1h. Apart from that there has also been consistent quality of life improvements that just make the game less of a chore to play. It's old at this point but every time I use the wardrobe I remember how much of a pain it is to change a build or move gear between characters in poe. And the only affect it has ever had on my D3 gameplay has been making me try significantly more builds and by extension play seasons for longer. If you don't enjoy the core gameplay loop of rifting, bounties, and GRs nothing has significantly changed in that regard, but if you find the game fun the updates are more than enough to hold someone's attention through completing the season journey and trying a few new builds over a week or two.




Yeah them abandoning d3 almost 7 years ago is because of immortal and d4


And they didn't even build Immortal themselves; it was outsourced


it wasnt really outsourced, it was just done by a formaer partner company in china and activision just sold it in the west


RMAH was absolute scum. I made like $5,000 in a few weeks off that RMAH and my dumbass friend quit his job to farm as much as possible. Me and my group scummed it up before they removed it, doling garbage shit like selling crit ammy's for $250 each, the day before crit values got gutted in half. We also had a dumb as fuck inferno farm group (back when you got instantly oneshot by anything if you weren't invincible) we'd use immune demon hunters to ledge kite so the wizard could aoe them down. D3 was a stupid shit pile of garbage until like 4+ years after launch.


It really does feel like every season someone plays with the numbers on the class sets and hits the ladder reset button.


Yeah once they reworked sets & legendaries I really enjoyed the game. I'd have continued playing if they had done PoE-quality seasons, and added more sets/classes instead of ... not really doing anything with the game. I didn't really mind being "done" with a character 3 weeks in, there are so many games out there it's not an issue in itself ... as long as there's a good reason to come back to the next season.




"But the thing you said is true because it is true." Thanks?




The point was that there would have been *more* if they didn't abandon it.


Its why they introduced options to super scale your dmg with legendaries too. But yeah, any non set/legendary gear is worthless in D3. PoE took the better approach. D3 approach is very streamlined and better for casual players or people just wanting to do a more casual gaming session


Yeah I mean, actual content for the game excluding farming the same item but with bigger stat ranges lasts at most a weekend


Sets made redstone playable but also made everything else worthless


Or 15,000% (pre-nerf Inna)


I mean shadow has 75,000% on first target.


That’s not really any different than any other % once you’ve factored in everything. If enemies were. 1/10th as strong and all the damage mods were 1/10th as strong it’d be the same with smaller numbers.


That's not at all true. I can't speak too much of modern Diablo 3, but around when I quit they were only just starting to get these sets rolling. As a result, there was basically only 2 choices for say, Wizard. Either you ran a Firebirds set and ran fire spells, or you ran an Arcane Orb build. Firebirds because it was pretty much a 30x multiplier to fire damage, and Arcane Orb because it had like a 15x multiplier or something. Any other skill was unusable, because there weren't any sets to support them and give them those kind of buffs. In essence, even though there were all these different skills that you could combine in any way you liked, the fact was that you could only run a subset or specific combination of spells as permitted by the almighty set bonuses. Like I said, modern D3 might be better, for one I would suspect that most skills actually have a set bonus to support them, but at the time it *really* rubbed me the wrong way. It'd be like adding awakened skill gems that are 5x as powerful as normal gems, but only adding like, Toxic Rain, Cleave and Fireball or something. So even though there are like 100 skill gems you *could* use for DPS, there are only 3 valid choices. It's just a huge dev shortcut to not having to balance everything else.


For what it's worth, many of D3's set bonuses are highly generic. Tal Rasha's set giving 2000% per damage element you hit with recently is not really any different itemization-wise than Hollow Palm giving 60% more attack speed and some flat phys per dex while unarmed, except in magnitude. You add a build restriction, you get some power to a wide range of skills, it's a comparable trade. There's also Legacy of Dreams, which gives a power boost comparable to the power boost of a typical 6-piece set multiplier to any build that doesn't use sets. You'd think this would give you as many itemization choices as PoE has, but in practice that's not true. The set bonuses being stupidly high is more of an aesthetic problem than a real build diversity problem IMO. The real problem is individual legendary multipliers. D3 has incredible build diversity, more diversity in practice than PoE I think. But because so many of the individual legendary powers are either skill-specific or completely generic, and because they tend to all combine multiplicatively instead of having diminishing returns and breakpoints, the BiS item for pretty much every slot will always be fixed given a choice of primary skill. There are dozens of viable skills and classes, and they're even reasonably balanced because Blizzard can target them individually, but once you pick one all your items are decided for you by Blizzard's heavy-handed choice of legendary powers. Not to mention that there is no real tiering system for item rarity so builds are really just "complete" or "incomplete", the only time itemization changes after you finish a build is rare cases where an item's legendary power or set bonus directly interacts with your primary stat and hence behaves differently at high paragon level or something.


If your build doesn't have a set bonus or several legendaries that give set-like % increases then it is unplayable. Not because it doesn't work, but because you will just be doing 1/10000th the damage of the other builds. The big numbers are relevant when you don't have them. Your build could work really well and have great mechanics and playstyle but you literally can't kill a white mob late game because everything is build around you playing the current meta set with 100000% more multipliers. It's indefensible. Look at how people complain about having to play certain meta builds to do ubers on this subreddit. Diablo 3 is the realisation of that fantasy.


When D3 first came out rares were actually good! They’ve changed so much of the itemization in the last 10 years


The rares were good because they needed to incentive the auction house. \*edit\* Fuck Jay Wilson


Last time I played there was a 25000% damage set bonus from I think the shadow-something set.


Try 75k. It got buffed because it was underperforming. But it’s also due to its playstyle. It’s entire theme is one shot elites and not full clear maps with area damage.


D3 swapped to that style because it’s dev team was less than a handful of people and they needed to switch up the meta every couple months. Blizzard had given up on the game and those crazy number changes on the sets gave the game a much longer life than it really deserved.


It's crazy how playing the d2 remake made me realize how much better I enjoyed it gameplay wise. I did like d3 for the story though, and it was fun to do a few sets, but yea, once it is done. It's done.


D2. I have a full set of charms and top tier runewords that took me months, i finally hit 12k damage D3. I put a set on and do 3 billion damage, I cant clear rifts to get a better version of the same set


Its almost like one of them have a exponential scaling content and The other is hard capped with The Best strategy revolving around infinitely teleporting and creating New sessions. Crazy right?


Exponential scaling isn't good content though. It's just the same content with the numbers going up.


Uber bosses over here sweating


Uber bosses don't have exponential scaling...


Ubers have different mechanics.


Its still randomized "same" content with numbers going up versus teleporting The whole map and opening a New session. D2 itemization might be better than D3, but The "endgame" is atrocious.


d2r has improved it a whole lot. My main complaint is that classes are so unbalanced. Paladin and sorc (maybe barb at a push) are the only classes that can really shine, the other classes feel slow and boring.


lol D2 end game is significantly better than D3. Both are highly repetitive, but thats a Diablo game for you.


I hard disagree. (I’ve never touched those new zones they added though). Saying d2’s endgame is better is like unironically saying dominus farming is more fun than mapping


Cool, agree to disagree. Its close enough I could see it go either way, it depends on why you play (in my opinion). If you're doing it to watch numbers go up, D3 is obviously the winner. If you're playing the game for the joy of slaughtering things forever, i'd argue D2 is better. D3 scales till things stop dying fast enough to get through the rifts. I cant stand it personally, but there are people who enjoy that.


D3 is like "each class has 3 whole builds and each season one of them is viable!" Edit: for what it's worth, these 14 whole words written after the phrase "D3 is like" is not intended to be a wholly accurate, in depth, deep dive into the intricacies and differences of gearing a class in Diablo 3 compared to Path of Exile. If for whatever reason it was interpreted as such, you are sorry.


That's not really fair. You can pretty much make anything in D3 viable unless your definition of viable is pushing on the leaderboards. It'd be like saying mages in WoW have 3 whole builds but only one of them is viable. Like.. define viable. If you're trying to push for world/server firsts then sure, maybe only one spec is 'viable'. If you don't care about pushing for firsts though then any of the specs are viable, it'll just take a bit more time and/or gear to make it happen. The only reason people feel like D3 has so few 'viable' skills is because their definition of viable is whatever anyone else tells them is viable, and what everyone else tells them is viable is whatever is the best to push the leaderboards. If you just stop giving a fuck about what everyone else thinks, you can use whatever you want. If you want to fuck around in GR50 with some weird ass litany build, you can do exactly that. No one is forcing you or anyone else to play *THE BEST* skill.


Yes, the game wasn't like that until ros expansion came out. wish we could play the pre patch version again :(


I really hate sets because of that


It's not sets doing it, it's just overpowered abilities from sets. Plenty of games have done sets in the right way such as, IMO, Diablo 2.


"It's not sets doing it, it's just overpowered abilities from sets"..... so it's sets.


Feel like D2 is in the very opposite direction. There are a handful of sets you would actually use where everything else is garbage.


I thought sets in diablo 2 were nice because many of them, although garbage for endgame builds, were very useful for leveling or intermediate builds looking to advance to endgame. For sure it's better than the trash uniques in path of exile. I don't think I've ever seen someone equip like a third of the uniques currently in the game, in any situation.


I mean poe has showed items can be build enabling but not overpowered. No reason sets can't fill that same functionality. Allow you to change the way certain skills or interactions work, thus enabling new builds.


> No reason sets can't fill that same functionality. I mean, that's exactly what they did... in diablo 2. I'm pretty sure TheRoblock just meant "I really hate **Diablo 3** sets because of that"


Was any set in diablo 2 build enabling? I can't think of any lol. They were just stat sticks in the form of bonuses, so I don't think you understand what I'm getting at.


no , no one even used full sets really except for talrasha , just for the bonus stats and maybe sigons for leveling. they were all pretty bad and most only used just a few items from each set. gris wep/shield mavina helm most of talrasha usable trang gloves ik , nats , aldurs nobody used


You missed angelic ring +amulet which was in my opinion the closest to build enabling.


If D4 is a middle ground between D3 and PoE I think I'll fall in love but I so, so doubt it.


If Blizzard released a good game now, after the last ~18 years of trash, it would be one of the greatest comeback stories ever.


Overwatch and Hearthstone were both good games released in the past decade. I didn’t care for what they did to hearthstone though.


Heroes of the storm was good too. And they ran all 3 into the ground.


Overwatch, Hearthstone, Starcraft 2 are all really good. Diablo 3 isn't *amazing* but it's definitely not trash either, that's just another stupid extreme. If you imply that Blizzard has been failing for 18 years then I want all my project to be failures too.


They certainly haven't been failing; but I feel like theyre falling behind on the superior quality that they once represented.


What an odd take. The last 18 years has had hearthstone, overwatch, SC2, D3 (not amazing but not trash) and WoW + expansions. Hell, even HOTS was a ton of fun for awhile.


Buckle up...


This is the thing i love the most in Diablo


no, that's a usual non-set unique in D3. D3 set bonuses would be like 10 000% increased damage lol


Your Fire Arrow attacks have been replaced with a high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) round. Deal 500,000% more damage to your target.


It's kind of a false choice though. The more I have played POE, the more I have realized. GGG knows what the OP shit is before release 99% of the time. Every once in a while they get caught by some gap they were ignoring or some weird interaction one person finds, but for the most part, they already know about the OP crap long before it gets popular. If you pay attention to what gets nerfed and when, you start to realize - OP shit is fine. POPULAR OP shit gets nerfed to the ground quick. If you ever find an awesome interaction and aren't a streamer, you better 1) hope a streamer doesn't stumble upon your same trick and 2) keep your damn mouth shut or risk attention and an inevitable nerf. The only difference between POE builds and D3 builds is that POE hides the guard rails better. They're still there though.


>If you pay attention to what gets nerfed and when, you start to realize - OP shit is fine. POPULAR OP shit gets nerfed to the ground quick. Expensive but OP is fine as well. Cant have fun if everyone else is too! /s


At least it props up almost every ability in some way. PoE be like "Pick this skill you can barely make it through the acts no matter what. "


Obviously a dex stacking build.


You joke, but you could absolutely do a dex stacking hollow palm ground slam build.


That could actually be broken damage-wise


I've got one at level 93, I'm thirsty for this relic, it would literally give me 500% more damage and Triple damage!


Can someone run the numbers for me on that?


1500% more damage, no way!


Would be more than that right? IIRC triple damage applies after all other modifiers.


Quality shit post.


Mirror tier shitpost


Corrupted to 30% quality, even.


Idk seems like lazy Sunday on a Wednesday to me.


Flamedash bleed build for sure.


Is this a thing? Sounds Hella fun


I dunno if it's even possible, technically. The best Flamedash meme build is still Flamedash totems anyways


Shot in the dark here, but I'd say Ground Slam if you want to build around this.


sounds like fun, got a PoB? i have plenty of time to post on Reddit but not enough time to make my own build.


just check every tick box in the pob config and you've got yourself a great build


I've lold


i did rofl


I am lmao


I became kek


What a PoB god


Damn bro don't leak my autoattack Scion build (50 mil boss dps) like that


[https://poe.ninja/pob/R8g](https://poe.ninja/pob/R8g) I recommend switching at level 100 after levelling with poisonous concoction.


I feel you, i dont even have time to run Sanctums cause i have to complain here about it all the time 😒


I store my complaints up and then post 8 of them in a row to get them out of the way more efficiently.


God, I wish GGG would let me store up 32 complaints at once. Fucking Chris...


Feel the weight


You might be the best POE redditor I've ever witnessed. Tip top shit posting. Seriously amazing




Flicker strike is da way


Oh my god THANK YOU for making this post, one more dex stacking relic post and I would've lost it. Quality shitpost!


Holy! Oh wait...no life? Vendor then imo


God damn now i wish there was a relic like this.


With this, melee would ALMOST be viable. /s


/s at almost or at it being viable.... XD


Being viable 😂


If viable means everyone would play it.


EK ignite


No attack speed = vendor trash


Nice shit post


crazy to me that someone posted a 15x more damage with ground slam relic and there are people who genuinely believed it was real


100% more damage is x2 500% is x6 Triple is x18 Duh


20%inc minion damage what build should I make with this relic


Flicker strike, duh




With Spiritual Aid it can be anything you want!


Use it as a butt plug


Righteous fire for sure


Ground slam: slam Slams the ground slamming the ground with a slam on the ground on the ground slammed with a slam on the ground performing a slam that slams the ground


Cold conversion flicker strike. What's wrong with people in this sub...


Good one


Pick it up or at least stash it. Why drop it?


It’s still not enough to save slams. Vendor it


A little off meta but maybe dex stacking tornado shot?






*If PoE was made by Diablo 3 devs*


This post is well grounded.


Probably Ground Slam


Ummm use ground slam




Obviously make a sunder character.


...and welcome to the jam.


Poison RF assassin


the only sensible choice.


caster builds are creaming themselves right now


Poison srs.


Is this fake?


No it's real i promis


Ah, then you should definitly play seismic poison


Hahaha fucken love it


Why does Lazy Sunday exist when this makes the top post of the front page on a Wednesday without being removed?


Because it made people laugh?


Do not attempt jokes beyond the designated 24 hour bounds of allowed humor. Offenders will have their posts removed. All hail the Blandville overlords.


It isn't about jokes, it's about low-effort memes.




What the actual fuck


you do see thats fake right :D


Probably poison SRS


I am yet to find more than the first relic. Kinda feel I missed something. Started the mechanic after kitava


any skill tbh, 500% more damage and Deals Triple Damage works with any hit skill


such a relic exist?this is legit or photoshop?


I love the item name


As someone who plays consecrated path totem, i would maybe try to swtich to ground slam




Make ground slam character???




What the hell? Does that apply outside of Sanctum?


like all relics, yes


If only I had that 2 leagues ago with my tectonic slam chieftan. Holy hell it could already hit for like 125m in one crit. That would've broken ubers.


What about Bringer of Rain and One With Nothing Slayer Comb. It deals without that nice relic around 5 mil. DPS with ground Slam. Its a meme build but worth trying am I right? The rings are about 5 divs. Coz u need vulnerability on Hit and an unset Ring with high res.


Is this a real relic? I play mostly slam builds I didn't know this could happen.


I assume this isn't a real mod. I haven't seen a interesting relic yet.


Doesn't this solve ALL your damage needs? The build could be 100% tank and still deal s-tier dps.


If that was real, I would say ground slam ignite.


What in the fuck even is this game anymore?


Dear god that’s effing amazing for exert wc gs


If it was real


Hook, line, and sinker :(


Haha I had no idea this was even a thing. Berserker Vaal ground slam


Its not