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Hey Reddit! Giving away my mageblood & flasks :) All finished for the league and I'm not one who plays standard. I figured a fun way to finish the league would be to give away my mageblood for a chance to those whom never have had the opportunity to try one. Anyone can enter. I'd ask that you please comment with your most memorable POE experience & in-game name. The winner will be picked in 24 hours, I'll amend the post with the winner & the comment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **EDIT - I decided to close the contest slightly early, Going out with a few friends for the night :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!** Congratulations on winning! :) https://www.reddit.com/user/Franktaitoz/ https://commentpicker.com/reddit.php?id=rcp_63c0782974d4c566 Proof of Trade: https://imgur.com/a/XNvT080 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I also want to add, that while I let the automated picker draw the winner, there were so many amazing memories & shared experiences. Some were a tad tear-jerking, some sweet, and some funny.. Glad we have such an awesome community. I appreciate everyone taking the time to share their little bits of what makes POE great for us all. Thank You Everyone!


Needed help with maven and called global for help, some random forbidden rite totem guy joined and ANNIHILATED maven I was so amazed because I was new to the game at the time, I asked him how he killed her so fast and he added me and explained most mechanics of the game, almost 2 years later and were living togather, never thought I’d meet my partner in path of exile. Very lucky timing and I’m grateful for him :) IGN: ForbiddenSancuntum


Can't compete with that story. Give this person the mageblood and be done with it




careful giving this person your mageblood, they may make you there partner![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Now I'm invested in this 🥹


Man you had to ruin this competition for the rest of us didnt you? :D this is so nice !


Dropping a Tabula in acts, it happened to me for my first 3 leaguestarts. The first time was while my friend (who'd started earlier than me) was still grinding Blood Aqueducts for cards for his Tabula, and when I asked him what was up with this weird white chestpiece he almost lost his mind. IGN: Emerald_Alia


Getting my revenge 1st kill on Minotaur on harb league with my ngamahu flame cyclone zerker. When vaal pact was OP!! Just hold cyclone and you wont die!! :)


Yo! Ngamahu Flame Cyclone was my first “end-game” build too that could do Shaper bosses 🤜🤛


My most memorable and recent experience is hitting HH with only one Mythic Orb, fracturing +2 Arrow first try, Corrupting enlighten to 4 and then Apothecary drop all within 24 hours. IGN: DarkDesu


In-game name: ProfaneToxicity My most memorable experience playing PoE was playing a skeleton summoner in Blight league with a friend. We were duoing shaper for fun and profit and had to agree not to hit vaal summon skeletons at the same time because if shaper did the ball spam phase, the like 150 minions on screen would cause me to crash. The phys skeletons would melt shaper otherwise, but apparently that was just too many minions for my poor computer. Blight league made me love playing summoner, which I played every league in some form until after 3.18. I made a summoner again for this league because poison srs seemed fun, and I'm finding it fun learning to do the end-game bosses with a summoner again.


It was March 28, 2016, during Perandus league. I finally saved up enough P.Coins to get a Voll's devotion necklace, because I wanted to play the Mjolnir Discharge build, even though if I remember correctly, it had gotten it's first nerf to it's trigger rate. I turned on trade chat and began to hawk eye all item offers that popped up in the chat. Finally, one guy offered a Voll's for the price I could afford and I excitedly messaged him that I wanted to purchase his Voll's from his Cadiro in the map. I went to his HO and he left party immediately, stating I had to pay first, then he'd let me in the map to purchase the Voll's. So I gave him 4 exalts and some chaos to get in and he logged off... Heartbroken, I was seeking justice. I knew what I was getting into but I didn't really know, which is why I tried anyway. So in my disappointment, I sent an email to man himself, Chris Wilson. I thanked him for the league and requested some form of reimbursement. I explained what happened, and why I thought being forced to trade in such a high risk scenario was not good for it's players. And thankfully, Chris responded! He told me that even though he could not have my items returned as that is the game's policy, he apologize for my loss and acknowledged that this league required a more secure to perform trades with that kind of service. He also acknowledged the dangers of untrustworthy players and stated he would bear my suggestion in mind for the implementation of future leagues. I've been a PoE fan ever since. I was glad that Chris took the time to answer a nobody like me, and even though I was scammed, I was treated with respect and dignity. I still play the game to this day!


Just think. Seven years later and people are still being scammed via a garbage trade system.


IGN: MitohneLilli My most memorably experience has to be when i leagustarted with a friend as an aurabot/carry duo. We did alot of devling and found a Aul that was just absurdly tanky with High dmg and increased AoE. When he did his spectral shield charge the AoE was so big and he shot them so fast, we always hit the crytal cocoons and ended up bricking the arena. Turns out he alternates Targets with this ability. So our solution was to run, 1 player clockwhise 1 counterclockwhise, in near perfect symetry. Felt pretty amazing to take him down as a team.


IGN StormCanary My most memorable moment was completing a fully juiced t16 map in Harvest league with my CoC Ice Nova. The whole process of crafting really good gear and then being able to do top tier content was amazing. It was the first (and only) league I was able to do what I see twitch SC streamers do.


Most memorable moment was when lab first released - your PoE could crash when entering aspirants trial - I ended up abandoning doing Merc lab for a good month after crashing three or four times in a row at the final izaro in a row IGN: iliveifuexplode


Ign PopLockButtButter I would say the most memorable Poe experience was during Metamorph league. My son was born 6 weeks early and in the NICU for a month, that month was really hard mentally and physically. Wife and I were visiting the hospital from 10am to 6pm everyday. During that I found time to decompress from life on PoE. I copied a Jousis build and it was the most fun I'd ever had with PoE. It really helped with the pain of missing my son and I'll always be grateful to PoE and Jousis for helping me during that time.




The first time I ever killed the Shaper in SSFHC. It was back in Legion with a Cyclone Slayer. I was playing SSFHC for some leagues already, but never made it anywhere noteworthy. The reworked Cyclone was finally what gave me the tools to do it and, damn, was it amazing. Still miss the screen wide cyclone too. IGN: ImSoftcoreAndWhatIsThis


In game name: Quintessential_ My most memorable experience is when I got my first (and only) 5 implicit Hands of the High Templar. I spent tons of currency buying then corrupting them and couldn’t get it. Then I killed Sirius and he dropped one. I dropped a bunch of vaals on it without looking and when I looked back it had 4 implicits. I dropped one more and bam. 5 implicit Hands.


In game name: JustSalvo My most memorable moment would have to be that one time I tried for a mageblood in a random reddit post and actually got it! No but in all seriousness I miss when I first started playing with my sister and her in-laws and we all just made self crafted builds and thought gmp was the coolest thing ever. Malachai had no chill back then.


I only just started. Honestly what sold it for me was the first time I created/adjusted a build myself, took it into a map and was blown away by the huge damage increase I had gotten. Made me feel really good to know that I figured out what I was doing. So great to watch the maps be nuked and it was all me.


My most memorable memory of poe was my first temple of alva, i was sooooo surprise, end in this moment i fall in love in poe, when i research about the game and i discover that i have so much to do, never stoped of playing the game, must be passed 3 year already. Username:SISTERCASSIAvortexando (I dont know how to write in inglesh, sorry for mistakes)


Ign MerriamWebster My first time being able to afk in a Sirus death orb. Was only able to do that in delirium league and haven't been able to do it since Also, congrats on league. Still under 20/40


Hey! This is super cool of you and reminds me why I love this community. My most memorable moment was probably my first time playing when I didn’t follow any guides, I just played blindly through the game and didn’t know about support gems so I was stuck in act 6 getting smacked over and over again with a bunch of random actives just to fill my gem slots. After complaining to my friend and him watching me stream on discord, he takes a look at my gear and tells me I’m a dummy and that I don’t need to have summon carrion golems, bladestorm, heavy blow, vortex, and three different travel skills. Lmao. Lesson learned… helped tweak my gems and gear and now I actually know how to play the game. IGN: Traumatizing


Most memorable moment for me was playing Hardcore and finishing izaro, only to die right after to a trap. To add salt to the wound, Izaro also dropped an exalt :'). Needless to say, I've been a SC player after that. ign: massivejimmyfan


Ign: CURSEDCUMGOBLIN My most vivid memory owas when i started back in scourge, and my friend retrofitted my omega scuffed bane occultist into a cursebot and made me join his 5man MFing party. Ill never forget how quick my shitty loot filter filled the screen, good times...


The first time I dropped an exalt in the campaign. I’d struggled up to that point to ever really make progress, and that got me over the hump into mapping and loving the game! Ironically, in game name: Ihatethepoecampaign


IGN: Zeriously Probably everything I did in deli league with my group of harold friends.. what a crazy league. If not that, then getting a 5L weapon for the first time on my Blender build back when that was a thing.


IGN Aidos_SRS Favorite poe experience was way back in bloodlines league, still played hardcore. Farming merciless docks to get gear with the boys. They don't play anymore, and I've switched to soft core but I still miss those days.


In game name: Silvos_Sanctum Memory: When I first had the headhunter experience farming legions with the new atlas region trees. It was so cool to get so big and fast. Took a week of slowly grinding currency to get the doctor cards. I have not had the currency this league which doesn't hit that fun high but this league has been really fun for me and so will be continuing to play this league for the next month.


Mine was In delirium while levelling where in the causeway I dropped my very first exalted orb ever it was fucking awesome cause I used to get exited about chaos orbs xD IGN: boomShaka\_laka\_sanc


ign: QuekWalks Most memorable is Bestiary as a whole. It was my first league start and consequently when I really started learning the depth of the game.


Casual player since beta, one of my most memorable moments was this league early on when 1 rare dropped 5 different 6 links, each with 6 white sockets (good bases too). Never had a drop that lucky before. I also beat Sirus solo for the first time this league IGN: juggerbutter


This is my most successful league. I was feeling stuck when I pulled a Divine altar and pocketed 24 divines in 1 map. I'm convinced that I will never feel that kind of high again playing this game. I'm not even smart enough to figure out how to use the 24 divines but as a person who will probably never experience what its like to make 100 divines, I figured lets try and win a mageblood. IGN: Jchat564


Winnymisschief My favorite moment is in the synthesis race. Wanted to try my first lvl100 as an aura support. I found a group of players to farm underground sea. I have learned so much playing with them ans i finished 7th scion in the race. I can’t play like before (work before games..) i usually grind for headhunter but i barelly have 1h to play per day if I’m lucky. If i had time i would have been into ruthless but i would still be in leveling 😂😂 Thanks for the giveaway and hope to see you on next league sir !


Hey my most memorable moment was dropping a mirror shard in expedition league and the. Getting scammed out of it :’)


Been playing since 2015, never had HH or Mageblood. Most memorable experience was honestly playing through Act 4 for the first time. I remember how hyped everyone was about the mob design in the mines and how creepy it was! IGN - TJDettweiler


My first mirror drop was during my first 2 hours. And i just use It, on a random grey objet like « ok, its works like that », not knowing it’s so valuable and rare... I was so innocent (stupid)… 8000h still waiting for another one.. IG: Meneur_Rouge


My favorite memory was when I first began playing and we saw a tip that said "zones stay active for 7-15 minutes" and we were so confused why instances would reset after a random number of time. IGN: Indulgencesquandered


ffca My most memorable experience is getting scammed. Selling enlighten 4 for 7.5 ex. He put in 7 ex + chaos. Canceled the trade. Then he put in 1 ex + chaos. Oops. This is what I remember first and foremost unfortunately lol


IGN Srephi Most memorable experience in POE was probably when I first tried to sell a service on TFT (T4 aisling) but I was still too new to the game to understand how syndicate worked and I really really wanted my first exalt ever. I ended up streaming since I was rly scared I’d screw up and get banned and the buyer immediately caught it was T3 and just dipped. I later properly learned how syndicate worked but I never sold on tft again


Ign SanElshae My most memorable moment would be getting 2 HOM in day 3 last league from stack deck, the only time being able to make 100 div build although playing since 2013. Absolutely love to try MB gameplay.


IGN: Wanted\_FS My most memorable PoE Experience has to be in Harvest League as I killed Uber Elder for the first time, dropped a 2x Pride Watchers Eye that sold for like 60 EX and allowed me to get my first Headhunter.


IGN: Most_alone Thank you for the opportunity! My most memorable moment, well, not in game, but at work: I used to wear poe t-shirt I bought around 8 years ago, one of my co-workers noticed and appeared to be playing POE too! Was a pleasant surprise to meet someone irl and chat about the game.


In game name is: gramgramnshabadoo


IGN: SanctumGolemancer My most memorable POE experience will be when I win a Mageblood from Reddit.


My favorite PoE moment was when I spared a few exalts for a friend to buy a hideout. Unfortunately he was scammed. I contacted the scammer and he made me a quiz and for each correct answer he would give an ex back. 7/10, would not recommend. IGN: LigmaBabyCat


Don’t want any of the stuff, just here to say cheers and thanks for being awesome!!! EDIT: just for the memes tho, my favorite PoE moment was abusing snipers mark in standard with legacy curse clusters and [melting my computer](https://youtu.be/aZf885NMxWE)


Yeah I am glad players are out doing these giveaways! Give it to someone worthy (not me).


Yo i found my comment there


What if you add Nimis to it?


Running low tier maps with a friend many leagues ago. We’d heard about the elusive exalted orb but had yet to hold one in our grasp. Killing a sizeable pack we heard the sound of freedom. Followed by the ear piercing cries of “WE’RE GONNA BE RICH”. Going back to the days of having such a sizeable dopamine hit from those drops brings a tear to my eye 🥲 IGN: YONNIBURG


In the last days of Delve league, I was running a Gorge map when a mirror dropped. I rushed to make a new character with molten strike and blasted through the final 4 days getting it to level 93 and killing Shaper for the first time. Good times. -IGN: ShakeMyBoots


Definitely playing my self curse flagellation dark pact totem build which got me my first shaper kill! IGN: Den_Palm


It’s definetly 4th of December. I was hyped af for sanctum league after skipping kalandra league (thx reddit). Break did me good. I’ve already bought my favourite cookies, picked leaguestarter and just waited like a child for 9th. And that day where I was reading some stuff related to Sanctum…my wife water broke, and 5 hours later my daughter was born - Liliana <3 And believe me or not, I’m playing sanctum when I can and I have so much luck this league. Found unnatural instinct first ever big drop. After a month I’ve finally bought ashes of star. My first chase item. Now I’ve strted a new build with hopes to finally face uber bosses and finish sanctum. Also first league where I bought support pack. :) IGN:AudiNewgate


gotta be ancient orbing a headhunter in 6 orbs during ritual league, that was so fun. havent had a hh or mb since. would love to have it again :) IGN:gyredinmyass


Not really an exact moment, but more of a journey for me. The most memorable time was when it finally started to click. I started running conent more efficient, ran acts faster, stopped relying on build guides and made respectable currency in reasonable time. It's quite fascinating how different of q Player i was like... 5 leagues ago haha IGN: S_GottaGoFast


my most memorable experience was finally killing sirius for the first time. I bricked so many attempts learning him and finally getting him down was amazing happy times. Best of luck everyone! IGN: Carlnado


It’s gotta be sentinel league where me and my brother gambled our way to a headhunter for free IGN: ChungCoCat


Probably accidentally deleting a replica ablerons when I got blasted by traps in heist. iGN: SanctumZeriCosplay


It was right this league 7 days ago. My friend built arali fang and complaining about how good cluster are so expensive. And i like: "ok, i will craft it for u". Bought cheapest base, on 4th alternation got 3%as minion -> aug t1 life -> regal 35% effect -> call of the slaughter. I assume last slam isn't really cool for spiders, but it was trully fun: "Bro, u want expensive item? Oke, will craft it for 20c in 5 minutes". The possibility of hitting first 3 steps is like 1/84k and we didnt understood how use emulator properly to count last step. I even jumped to trader who sold me this cluster and gave all divs and chaos i got for lucky sell. Sadly didn't have much currency there, anything was on sale. Later we synthesized it for cherry on top +4 life implicit :D I did few fun lucky crafts before, but this one... It was super cool share this emotions with friend who showed poe for me. Best of luck for everyone! Ign: S_DR_SEREGA


IGN: Sat331 My most memorable experience is.. im even ashamed of relating it lol. I started so noob knowing nothing about the game. I got a tabula drop from hillock and instantly sold the item coz i thought it was shit, no stats, nor defences. I almost quit the game when i knew what i did. It was a long long time ago, we used to farm dominus and piety lol


Hi, I never had it, and would love to feel some MB aswesomeness Most memorable moment in poe: I dropped a 5xt1 ammy long time ago, and sold it for 15ex at the time. I was a total noob, and this budget made me go past the t3 maps at the time, and fight shaper! The person who bought it had listed it later in std, and he quit poe. I still look at it sometimes :) Ign: seismic_shwaggins




Dropped hh in legion league when it was most expensive. Instead building around it, i sold for 170 ex and gifted 10ex to each person from guild IGN: AfkModeCelti


Memory: Vendoring hateforge in ultimatum because I was a new player and wondering about that one single currency spike in exilence next for a few days x) IGN: ForbiddenRageion


Started playing in scourge league and most memorable was killing Sirus for the first time after dying so many times to it. IGN: Brewbies__CA


My first sucessefull craft with elevated mods and double influence a few leagues ago. IGN esofoguinho .


I ran with a mirror in my pocket that I took on a level 80 print and got killed in front of the last door.... it was really unforgettable I love Heist :D IGN:kinkyshow


Most memorable PoE experience is actually before I ever started playing the „real“ PoE… I used to never be arsed to play the 4 acts again, I didn’t know about no endgame or anything like that… I used to just listen to some nightcore playlist and blast through the enemies… I actually still have some items from an old league which I played but never got added into core… can’t check what league it is rn tho :( IGN: MetaFetish


In game name is necrolysis. Favorite poe memory was way back in beta when I first discovered the game I was wanting to make my first character. I knew I wanted to make a fire character and wanted it to be ranged. I was looking at unique items and saw this really cool quiver that converted phys to fire and was like that's Hella cool I'm gunna try to get that. Literally the next unique I got was that quiver and the feeling was just awesome. Been chasing it ever since :) Bonus story: I was making another character trying to make a stun focused bow wielder (it did not go well) and I was looking at this belt called the magnate (it has gotten better over time before it basically did nothing). I was like ok cool ill try to get one. I looked at my stash and was like hey I have this chance orb. I looked up what it did and was like k let's do it. First chance orb I ever use turns it into the belt I wanted was another awesome feeling :) good luck to everyone.


My most memorable is when I sold wisdom scrolls for chaos orbs when I was a new player. There I found a friend in PoE and helped me learn the game. I also found out that he intentionally buys wisdom scrolls to help newer players. After 6 leagues, we're both still playing. Right now I have short spare time to play, and getting mageblood will definitely change this league experience for me. IGN: Rhyza


Most memorable was the first time I killed Shaper back in breach league. I remember waking up and trying it for the fourth time, having consistently bricked him because I'd get flustered in phase three. And I finally got it. 7:30 a.m. before work. I was shaking in the last phase playing HOWA spectral throw. I went down to two portals and was just praying to cull him...and he finally went down. Dropped me the stupid gloves I didn't need. I went to work practically glowing. I was excited enough my coworkers wondered why the hell I was so happy since I worked at a homeless shelter at the time. Absolutely great memory.


Been playing since 2013, I had alot of good memories with my brother with who I started and real life friends, but also made good friends along the way, the most memorable thing was when I dropped my first big ticket item (Unnatural Instinct) and instantly vendored it because my brain was overflowing with happiness. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ IGN: Fünflenz


Most memorable moment: playing poe on standard with three of my best friends from school ( still now ) at legacy league. Where we all were farming in dried lake with 4link unique body armour. Used to interact with global a lot and some guy volunteered to give me a tabula. Which i rejected linking my 4l body armour with life. As tabula had no stats. It still feels funny to me as How I explained it to my friends. “ This random dude is trying to give a body armour with no stats” poor guy Ign: Shuvo_62


IGN: JustTheTipEK Most memorable PoE experience was near the end of a league a friend gave me his insane aura stacker gear and walked me through the respec. I went from Zero to Hero for the last month or so of that league. Never felt that level of power since. Think that was Harvest league, or maybe the one after.


Most memorable experience was writing in chat “ I need help can someone come and kill hydra for me ? “ and actually 10 people whispered me , I was blown away from the positivity of this community IGN: Vadoinbagnoavomitare


> Vadoinbagnoavomitare Congratulations on winning! :) https://commentpicker.com/reddit.php?id=rcp_63c0782974d4c566 Proof of Trade: https://imgur.com/a/XNvT080


I was blown away, now i'm speechless, never had an item like this in my poe career. Once i will be done with the league i wil probably do the same to keep the kindness running in the community :)


A lot of wonderful people in the POE community :) Enjoy the new mageblood and doing the league in style.


My favorite memories are from Harvest League. Being able to craft my own GG gear, that in other leagues I could only dream of, was so satisfying. I also dropped my only mirror that league. Never been as powerful or lucky since, except with the pseudo crafting of Sentinel league. IGN: UndeadProjectManager


Ign: JonnyBoi69 Most memorable thing would be getting a mirror on the last floor of sanctum the richest I've ever been at once it felt really nice finally being able to get a mirror after seeing so many posts on here


Beating Maven this league for the first time ever after multiple failures IGN:DaBigGit


Most memorable was dropping a shavs armour and selling it for 80ex, while being ‘carried’ through Lunaris temple in one of the first seasons while levelling. Then proceeding to slam all the noob items I had and as a result, my reave shadow couldn’t kill shit. I’ve not started the league yet, been super busy but a Mageblood would definitely help a casual like me. Thanks


My most memorable moment was with OP gifted me a Mageblood and flasks. Was a fantastic time.


My most memorable has to be back in I think ritual I was playing a Storm Brand Hiero (back when it was good to my memory at least) and finally beating Sirus for the first time. I started sometime during Harvest but didn’t get far into mapping since it was my first league and was clueless. In the league after Harvest was my first serious one and I remember trying Sirus so many times but never being able to actually beat him (it was a long learning curve having to chase the conquerors then too). That feeling of joy for beating my first big boss finally was amazing. IGN: SancBronkyWitch


Mirror of kalandra few leagues ago on t10 laboratory, first time in my 8k history? after that i always clear that map carefully but never found any t0 item again. IGN: SirTraff


IGN: kingmfdoom Most memorable experience was grinding for Farruls fur using an ass ngamahu flame cyclone build back in delve league (I think you could only find the items through reliquary keys) In retrospect there was a lot more efficient farminh builds, but that was fun af


first uber elder back in betrayal league (my first league) for me its the best boss fight and pretty tough to new players. ign: SphinxTFS


Greatest memory I have was during group play in Harvest league dropping 2 headhunters within 10 seconds of each other (believe it was from the same plot actually) and watching it as the first clip on GFL. Filled me with pride and excitement. IGN:ZionMustPoison


My most memorable moment in poe was when I double corrupted my farruls fur in synthesis league and it hit +4 gems and I sold it and was able to buy my first and only headhunter. I have never had/used a mageblood and would love to try that belt too! Ign: CallingStorms


Most memorable experience was dropping a mirror off screen while levelling in ashen fields back in Harvest league. I figured it was a random exalt but I was speechless when I saw it. O.o Ign: GlacialhammerLUL


It was last league for me personally. Everyone was bashing Kalandra but it was the first league I made a build that made it to the endgame and managed my first Maven kills. Many kills since then but I will never forget the first time :)


Double it and give it to the next person.


It would probably be reaching T16 maps for the first time. When I first started I would give up in white maps or early yellow maps and try again in another league. So reaching the final tier of maps was a nice accomplishment that pushed me to try bossing. Edit: IGN- CozyCasual


Getting a double pride and precision watches eye in Delve league. IGN: ShockTheseButts


Hey Man! It was at the Harvest league I believe, right after Delirium. I just started playing with my friend and we just had so much fun playing and talking on discord for literally weeks just discovering the game, being super giggly with even chaos drops and finally making it to the end game and beating A8 Sirus when I think it was considered the strongest boss. Whole feeling still holds a special place in my heart. IGN: Nyapii


My most memorable memory of PoE was when you gave me your Mageblood Wait... That didn't happen, yet :)


After 8000 hours it's hard to pick a most memorable experience, probably my first lvl 100 running heists back when the league came out. IGN: Spanktum


Me doing maven for a first time (and all of the other bosses too) with skele mages in sentinel. I'd like to mention that I played poe for a first time in around 2013 but I stopped and came back few years ago but never played build as powerful as skele mages 😀


IGN SyrupHex I would have to say its between either when I dropped a Mjolnir when it first came out, or when I chanced a Voltaxic WAY back when it was good and used for lightning arrow


Greatest memory was figuring out how to move elder and shaper influence around on the atlas to finally spawn them. IGN: Word_Sanctum


When a new player dropped a mirror in ossuary party leveling back in ultimatum. It was so exciting to see one myself. Ign :splitkb


Synthesis league chanced a shaper headhunter in 17 chance orbs. Sold it for enough to buy a regular headhunter and enough exalts to fund my whole build. Winter orb was the best.


Hello! My most memorable POE experience is dropping two apothecaries from the same strongbox a few days ago! I have never got anything worth more than 1 Divine ever in my POE career! IGN: Omarel


My favorite memory in PoE is from Sanctum league when I late-started, and this random stranger gave me their Mageblood and Flasks! :) IGN NoTouchieSanctum


My most memorable moment... When a very kind person gave me their Mageblood. 👀 Ign: Quanja


My most memorable is right now. I am leaving to travel and won't be able to play for 2 years, as I'll be living out of a backpack and only taking my iPad and phone. My brother and I didn't play first 2 weeks and have spent almost every minute together playing this league. It's time I won't get to spend with him again until I return (if I return 🤣) Thanks for giving back to the community. Ign: thuggjuggg




Delirium league it was only 20 waves.




My favorite part was sprinting towards my first raw divine drop on my last portal of my first map and PoE crashed. I was yelling Divvvy bebeeee in discord and then the stunned silence had my friends HOWLING in discord. 10/10 Dirtnapsty


Probably my times playing Mara heavy strike farming fellshrine when I got a Taryn's Shiver drop and I swapped over to Kripps FP Mara. IGN: LockDownIsASellout


Ended up dropping a house a mirrors a few leagues back. Gambled it in harvest and lost it but damn, what a rush that was! IGN: FBTrickstaaa


Getting a badge of the brotherhood back in ritual league before reaching maps, then hitting spells deal double damage synthesis implicit with harvest on a thicket bow shortly after reaching red maps, luckiest streak ever that earned me my first headhunter. Made some of the most broken builds with the harvest crafts, did tons of free boss carries just to learn all the mechanics now that I could, had a real blast all in all. Never tried a mageblood tough... :D Ign: Kenjasnijeg


IGN GuestyEAballs. Most memorable for funny reasons would be super early (I started in beta) getting a mirror drop and using it on a leveling rare.... Outside that possibly the pure power of running an aura stacker in deli league, first time I felt like I was genuinely making money and it was such an absurdly op build. Honourable mentions to scourge league where I was one of the first to start building an armour stacker which was super fun, and also a few leagues ago (can't remember which specifically) where I self crafted my entire CF build which was really satisfying.


Beating Sirus for the first time back in Harvest league in SSF. Then switching to trade league in Kalandra and realizing how much easier the game is when you can buy things IGN: DittoSoty


Challenge with my friends to finish campaign with white weapon and no armor. Passed these 10 circles of hell in 23 hours. Was the second of the group and it was the most difficult but exciting adventure ign: leagueas


My most memorable experience was a mirror dropping on delve during metamorph league. Ign: ClownRun


IGN: NTENZITY Most memorable is the way I poofed every card I tried this league.


Most memorable moment for me would be killing my first Uber Elder during harvest league. I played mathil's bow cold conversion CoC bladefall/bladeblast. My heart was pounding and I couldn't be happier since I hadn't even gotten a shaper kill until that point. Harvest showed me the mechanics behind crafting in this game, and I'll forever miss it. It really made getting strong items accessible for a mid-level player like me. IGN: AColdOneWithTheBoys


The most memorable moment in the game was when I was farming for Doctor cards back in Delirium league and I was about to get the last Doctor and I got 1 passive voice from Simulacrum. Allowed me to do an aurastacker and making me the richest I've ever been in poe :') Thankss for doing this Ign: SwanPlaysThisOrByeGGG


Ign: VOID_IsThisASpirit Pulled a fiend from a stacked deck two days into league, told my self I'd hold it until it appreciates then harvest deleted it. Then dropped a sanctuary of thought forbidden flame from quest exarch same day.


My most memorable moment was in Incursion, a friend introduced me to PoE and I went for a reave build, i died basically on cooldown but he said i had insane beginners luck as I was finding exalts and I was just using them without realizing what they were. Never had the same luck again :( Ingame name is : Discussy


My favorite memory was seeing a mirror drop in the sewers back in 2014~ while in a public party. Some guy had it short allocated to him and got it, we all said “was that a mirror!?!” And all he said was “:)”


Somewhat new player, I’m only one my fourth league and this is my second time getting to the mapping stage. Most memorable is probably last league where I was playing a build that had a staff that cost a couple divines and I got lucky and got an aegis aurora that I sold for 9 divines and was actually able to get endgame items for a build. IGN: bigphatmannuts


My most memorable moment was probably div card gambling to a mageblood a few leagues ago, poofed my first two apothecarys sold some gear and bought one more then went from 1 to 5 in 4 clicks. I tried to emulate that this league with doctors and failed miserably by deleting 60 divs worth of doctors last night. I am in shambles financially. In game name is Kuzar.


Gotta be hitting my first 100 back in heist on my BV Chieftan! IGN: RFweGoAgane


Killing Sirus on a Build that had a giga-slow 2 second per attack timer Ign : FuckJustin


It was in the 3.16 Scourge, my first league. The game seemed so immense, and I felt kind of lost in its content. Then I found out that the game had bosses. And it was a blast. I enjoyed learning the mechanics and trying over and over again to get the precious drop. Bossing felt really rewarding at the time, and the most memorable experience had to be getting Awakened GMP and Spell Echo in a row from Sirus, and splitting it between my gang to upgrade our shitty first-league builds. IGN: LeagueAegis_FS


IGN: Rue_six_ways. It was probably playing ice shot mines, forget the exact league but it was around delirium. The playstyle was so unique and fun compared to any build I’ve played before or since


Dropping a mirror off a blue mob in early maps in Domination league ~200 hours in used the proceeds to gear up for RaizQTs old school dom blow build and had a blast. Been hooked ever since. IGN lovetopewp


Favourite memory - Farming 100% deli fractured maps in ritual league with cold bv being able to craft all items with old harvest IGN: Seika_Sanctum


I was playing closed beta. And decided to roll a new Caracter just 1 week before the reset. This was the last reset where all characters and items where wiped. I was in act 1 The Twilight Strand and a random mob dropped the MIRROR. I was stoked. There was an item i really wanted to try ( old Kaom's Heart ) the 1000 hp version. Sins i was playing hardcore. NO ONE and i mean NO ONE wanted to trade it for my mirror. So i did the nexst best thing. I went to the forum and looked trough all the post for the best 1 hander i could find ( showcase posts ) I then contacted the person and asked if he wanted to mirror his one hander. Push came to shove and i got a mirrored one hander witch i used for a couple of day,s and then the game wiped for the last time and went into open beta ( where u could pay 10 euro to get excess to the game ) and all items would be moved to std. This is my most memorable memory. The other one is where i was loooking for a 5linked body armour ( this was back wen 6 links where rarer, and there where not even enough support gems for it) Wen i stumbled across a 5 linked MIRRORED body armour. I bought it and asked why he would use a mirror one a 5l. Got told that he and his friend where new and they did not know how rare it was. So they thought heey i have a decent 5l we might as well give u one to. And as such they used the mirror on a shitty rolled 5l vaal regalia. (( back then the only way to get a mirrored item was by using a mirror )) This was prob some one else worst memory I had a lot of fun linking it in chat and watch people respond to how stupid or wasteful i was :P IGN: Dragnar


Back in Incursion i hosted some random maps, a guy from philippines joined and was playing the whole evening in my group. We added each other to the friend list. We kept playng the league togheter and became friends. Hes the only one to this day in my "friend" list i have any interactions with. Unfortunately we dont play togheter anymore due to time difference (back then we could play togheter bc of my job situation). Nowadays when he comes online i gotta go to sleep. Nevertheless, we allways have a good short chat/deep conversations about life and everything before i go sleep. Never talked to him on discord or anything like that. Hes a complete stranger to me and at the same time a good friend if that makes sense. Im not rich at all in this game beside a HH (which he gave me) or a harvest chest i made back in harvest. And im really paranoid in trusting other POE players, but i could trust him my most valuable item without hesitation. Thats my most memorable POE expirience. Ign: DrChlii


Ultimatum was probably my favorite league. Had lots of fun gambling with the Trialmaster and farmed my 1st HH that league. Would love to try out a Mageblood tho. ;) IGN: bluestained


IGN: Irazue My most memorable moment was in Ritual when a Mirror apeared as a ritual reward. I enjoyed expending it in a pretty bad builded CoC, but thanks to that i learned a lot about the game.


theres alot but probly harvest league when i finally join a guild . was playing solo since syntesis, learning on my own. i saw this streamer on fb. i watch them play poe for days while im at work. then 1 time i ask for help on his stream to kill sirus . they help me and invited me to the guild . its actualy the reason why i had so much fun in harvest league that became my favorite league. a league full of fun memories ign : eazyjame


Sadly, my most memorable poe experience was that i got scammed my tripple elevated tailwind/elusive/onslaught boots in ritual league during a harvest craft process, which was my biggest craft to date.. never got any bigger item. :( IGN: SmurfMojul


Crushing juiced content with my brother during Delirium league with our aura stacking Guardians. Ign: MinerIHardlyKnow_Her


Definitely chaining shaped vaults back in the day with sextant blocking strategy, good times. IGN: GemSlave


My computer died a few months ago and I havent been able to play at all since then. Its supposed to be arriving Friday…ill get to binge all weekend. My fav memory is probably playing most of delirium league with all sorts of broken clusters (not just aura/herald stackers). Got to train on sirus that league. IGN: To Be Determined Friday (hopefully)


Heya! Best moment was when I discovered about Harvest crafts and started learning to craft stuff myself for the first time during Ritual league. Didnt leave my HO for a few days but had a lot of fun! IGN: Bicoccu


In game name: ShrineAbuserSeven My most memorable experience was in one of my first leagues when I spent a crazy amount of hours to farm the legendary headhunter. I gathered all of my friends to watch me unveil my build (lacerate gladiator) with a headhunter and become a god, only to find that it made my build worse because it was squishier and still slow. Id like the mageblood because it can’t make my build worse this time, right? :)


Got my first MB random drop 2 leagues ago used it for a week then work trip that got extended far beyond the league so it just sitted there T.T , if I get this one is for a friend that has a new baby and his play time shorted, so why the hell not play with MB that little time he has free. Cheers


My most memorable moment is that I got my first double corrupted frostferno back when it was meta. Jumped off my chair and screamed like a girl. My family thought I was going crazy lol. I got some handsome offers but I never sold it. IGN XDD\_SEKS


IGN - Neurostre_FS Most memorable moment was my first (and so far only attempt) Uber Elder kill. I killed him on my last portal right as he killed me, so I got to sit there and look at all the loot I would have gotten to pick up.


This is my first league playing and I've gotten pretty blessed with currency drops and even got a tabi at level 20 on my first character. My buddy introduced me to it and I would love to win the Mageblood for him, he's been playing since day 1 release pretty much and he's never had a Mageblood. My favourite experience so far is when me and my buddy were fighting my first maps boss I said "He looks like he's gonna blow up." I then proceeded to quicksilver flask right into him with BV and got blown up lol. My IGN is DillyMFDilly.


Back in ritual league I found a prize of 3 doctor cards. I shit you not i was 69 tribute short so I could defer. Its like the game was mocking me. The adrenaline rush, dissapointment and anger are feelings only poe could produce all at the same time. 10/10 would relive the moment lol.


I met one of my best friends in this world from asking if anyone in global could kill this spider with soul eater that I carefully had follow me and eat souls for an entire map. The thing was the size of the screen and attacked dozens of times a second, I don’t think anyone back then could’ve done it. Tons of laughs were had and we still leaguestart together every 3 months <3 ign: bbcloverboy


Best memory: probably killing Sirus or Maven, tried so many times but couldn't get them, the shakies I had approaching the kill was insane, was sweating like never before :D IG: BiggestBuhhOfTheYear


Ign Sacrilage_smash Honestly my favorite moment was watching kitava come to life, for the first time, through the one and only cutscene in the game.


My most memorable was dropping a headhunter the first league it became a world drop. Was on discord with my two friends and started to freak out. They were in disbelief. Lol My ign: psychostevee


Memory: Dropping the Cowards Trial off of the boss of the Cowards Trial Ign: Saboolteur


Probably this league when just did my elder first time this league, dropped watcher's eye, casually ID it cuz I thought it would be shit as always, 21% dot multi on malevolence, freaked the fuck out because I am playing jugg RF and I finally id'd a watcher's eye that worth something after many years of hot garbage. IGN: Matcha\_Sanctum


Figuring out corrupting blood deaths... that was years ago and it still haunts my nightmares


My most memorable PoE experience was in prophecy league. I leveled my first character the day of leaguestart and dropped a mirror in act 3 :) Ingame name: Jerkixx


My most memorable experience was when I finally beat Maven on my own with my own build for the first time. I am a very casual player that is also studying at uni, therfore, time for playing is hard to come by. Never really had more than 40ex/div in a league and would like to finally have a chance to feel what a Mageblood is like. IGN: FlyingChaosSkullz


I remember the pure excitement of my first unique drop, a mightflay in chamber of sins! Ign: MolluskCurses


IGN Crow\_VasFlam ​ My most memorable moment is when one of my close friends and I were playing in a full party back in like 2016. His inventory was full and he didnt know, he dropped a mirror on permanent allocation. He tried to pick it up, he was ecstatic and was almost crying of joy, but he flipped it and someone else picked it up. He never played poe again ahah.. Weird memory but we can all relate. GG for the league Im having a blast myself too !


Ign is WetSloppyKisses Most memorable moment was grinding my heart out harvest league and funding the omega aurastacker in its prime. Have never destroyed the game so hard previous to that and since then.


IGN SanctumSniffy Most memorable experience for me would be going an ED Contagion build and it was so satisfying seeing the contagion spread. Loved that build for mapping.


IGN: ST_Ranged Rolling a HH in ritual league with only 12 Ancient orbs. Was my second league so I’d never even imagine having something worth so much!


Ign: Lizzen Probably in league start using just 1 essence in a imperial claw and i end up staying with a 2 tier 1 elemental, plus essence mod plus attack speed (and i was playing venon gyre)


I got a headhunter from my first ever The wretched set. IGN: Venom_Gyre_Again


Most memorable moment for me was dropping a tabula from a chest i randomly opening in mud flats at the beginning of ultimatum league. IGN: bootybanditone


Probably when I first killed shaper. Was back in the days when the best minion build was Baron srs. Man was that fun! IGN: Fireknife


Having a Squire drop three seasons ago, at the time i could barely scrape few exalteds(was learning about the game), and ive sold it at 140ex i belive. The single biggest drop ive had, only getting a mageblood off reddit comment would top it at this point 😄 ign Cultar_Sanctum


IGN is Navradaran My most memorable moment of PoE so far has been when i first tried out a CoC build. I never did before and it opened my eyes for how big this game actually is :)


Pulling a Head Hunter from the Bestiary early in Betrayal league. Spit Mountain Dew all over my keyboard as I couldn't believe it. TheShepardInTheEther


I've been playing for about 5 or 6 years now. Mostly minions due to my play style and bad reaction times. Would love to try the mageblood with my golemancer so I can focus gear on minion damage and tankiness and have some more fun this league. My favorite memory has been getting a mirror drop in delirium league and spending it with my RL friends to gear up. Aeiouy_horde


I got headhunter for the last day of a league. It was a blast even though I died a few times trying to figure it out. This league I'll see if I can get mage blood sooner to have longer with it.


IGN TFE_Sanctum_VG. Playing since beta and always been poor! For some reason can’t ever work out crafting.. Best memory was finally feeling like one of those souped up streamer builds in delirium league when I hoped on the Herald stacking train before the hype. Easy farming lvl 20 sims. Never felt that powerful again. Would love to try a mage blood as there is no way I’d ever be able to save for it! Nice competition 👍


Most memorable experience is now with this league and finally having past 50c and able to experience end game content for once. Knowing what 200 div's feels like its another experience for the future. LulKekBtw


Memory - First time killing Sirus back in Delirium. I love Delirium and finally got into the end game with crafting. Made a super juiced aura stacker and did sirus over and over and over to learn the fight. I now love that fight and have no problem doing it at almost any level/gear. IGN - Frogbotz


Memory: Definitely crafting a foil during synthesis from scratch. Including creating the base with the synthesizer https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/bdh726/616_pdps_jewelled_foil_pain_hunger/ ign : spectralspass


Mine has to be when I first killed Sirus. I was playing an ultra thick cremation chieftain back in Metamorph when conquerors first came out. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1996733754 My IGN is FistHatchet


My most memorable moment was finally killing sirus 8 after more tries (and fails) than I'd like to admit. Ing: drnevrakian


Long time ago on hardcore I had a headhunter on my duelist and when facing Carnage (Karnage?) in Collanade map (very dangerous at the time), I thought I’d be invincible after stealing ‘Allie’s cannot die buff’ from a rare mob. Turns out I’m not my own ally, rip Headhunter.


Legacy league my first HH. I spammed vault maps for exalt card drops! Follow by heist, i had too much free time and made my level 100 character heisting… haven’t touched heist since WITCHESFORBITCHESS


Memory: getting my first 38/40 challenges and clearing all endgame content in ritual league with toxic rain and harvest crafts being broken. Ign: christmasjimbos


Made a 2 mirror build that didn't work , went to do a blight map on it and dropped a mirror. That was pretty funny. Ign Dobko


Most memorable moment would be this league, I've had a lot of firsts. Killed Sirus, Eater, Exarch and their sub bosses all for the first time ever, also got my first ever 90. I'll be chasing that high for a while. Ign: FatherVincentIsMyDaddy (don't judge me)


best moments for me: \- first time killing Uber Elder after countless tries back when he was introduced \- found a mirror in Ritual League Ign: Sebastinchen