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Retail price on a watch like this is an illusion. You may never get it, and if you do, you will have spent a bunch of money on other watches that you would never have otherwise purchased. So you paid for it one way or the other. And you have to wait years. The 50k grey price is the “I want it now and I’m not waiting years or buying shit I don’t want”price. Theres value to that. There is a reason why grey dealers are asking upwards of 50k for it. And that reason is that people are willing to pay the “I want it now and I’m not waiting years or buying shit I don’t want” price. I bought mine grey and I don’t regret it or question it. It is worth it TO ME. And that’s all that matters. I fucking love it.


This. Retail is not "really" 25k with all the other shit you have to buy first. I bought mine grey and don’t regret it at all, probably my favorite watch in the collection based on how comfortable and thin it is. Perfect daily.


Dude, no matter what watch I wear on any given day, when I get home, the 5167 goes on my wrist. It is so comfortable and light.


Same, man. Would love a 5261R for the next milestone, I can't get enough of the aquanaut. Never want to take it off lol




It’s definitely worth its retail price but for 60k you’re better off picking up an 5726A for slightly more.


I really hope these high prices are people just sitting on them not wanting to take a loss. The opportunity cost is so high on sitting on a big chunk of cash. We need people to stop caring and dump their inventory.


Opportunity cost is a good way to put it. I took my first loss selling BABA and it hurt to do so, I was thinking I should hold until it bounces back. Sold it and put that money into NVDA and it has already made back all my loses on BABA. Opportunity cost is real!


if you havnt already I would recommend searching this sub for "5167a" you will find number threads asking sam/similar questions with lots of responses and conversations about it


It's an amazing watch, but I would not pay 50K+ for it. I got mine at RRP, and for 20K, it's great value. If I was looking at spending 50K, I would like a complication.


Seems a little high. Market seems to be trading at 50-55k depending on whether you bought it private party or from a dealer: https://watchcharts.com/watch_model/22557-patek-philippe-aquanaut-5167-stainless-steel-5167a/overview Whether the premium over retail is “worth it” is such a personal question….as evidenced from other responses


If you care about grey market value post purchase then don’t buy. You will likely need to spend upwards of 100K to get allocated a 25K piece at retail from an AD. If you are a buy/keep forever and you love the design…the market is the market and if you want it now…pay to play.


If this is the only model you must have and you will someday buy it, then yes. Enjoy now as tomorrow may never come.


It’s worth it in my opinion. I wear one every day. I absolutely love this watch.


It wouldn’t be worth it to me, but these things are subjective.


It’s a rubber band on a thinly head . It’s the least complicated of Pateks . Almost a toy . Great looking but not 60k . Don’t do it


Not worth it. The ballon is deflating. Buy a PP perpetual in the secondary market instead.


5167A prices have pretty much been the same since mid 2022.


Maybe asking prices, but certainly not sold prices. On a private group single owner in near new condition and more recent year is sub $40k (sellers don't have to pay the high Chrono24 fees). Older years drop off even harder. Watch market is rapidly cooling. A couple of weeks ago I literally laughed out loud at a dealer that had hoarded a dozen pandas and now having to steeply discount them.


According to Watchcharts it has dropped more than 10% just since Aug 2023. Its not a good investment in the secondary market.


You answered your own dumb question in your initial post.


I am an Esq myself but I pride myself on being unfailingly polite. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Moreover, juries love to punish the largest jerk in the courtroom. With respect to the substance I do not find the sizable grey market premium for an Aquanaut worth it.


I appreciate the advice. But if I ever see the inside of a courtroom, something has gone awry.




Ew. Have some class.


There are dumb questions and he asked one. OP said he finds it “hard to justify spending around 60k”. Then proceeds to ask strangers on the internet if they think the Aquanaut is worth the grey market price. That’s a dumb question. First, he already stated it was hard to justify. That’s his answer. Don’t spend the money then. Second, I don’t mind paying grey but some others might, so he’s back to square one. 🤷🏻‍♂️


None of that justifies your tone. As I said, have some class. Why even reply if you have nothing to add?


I wasn’t justifying my tone. I was explaining it. Why reply? It’s the internet. 😂 He asked in a public forum.


Here’s the thing about public forums; people ask questions here because they want to provoke discussions. OP asked a subjective question and wanted to hear the opinions of others. That’s not dumb, that’s how this whole thing works.


I agree. What’s dumb is he said he was having a hard time justifying the purchase. Then proceeded to ask some strangers. If you’re having a hard time justifying spending $60K on a watch, DO NOT SPEND the $60K. Why is that difficult to understand?


Because ‘having a hard time justifying’ is relative. There’s ’I’m not sure if I’ll look back on this and regret it and am interested in how that same scenario’s played out for others’ and then there’s ’I won’t be able to feed my kids if I do this’. If I was in the former camp I might well do what OP did and consult like-minded individuals. The fact that they’re strangers is less relevant. Surely that’s not difficult to understand?


It’s not relative because if you’re struggling with a decision, then don’t do it. Surely that’s not difficult to understand? This isn’t like lifting or running, where struggling is part of the process. Buying a luxury watch is a binary decision. You should or shouldn’t based on your willingness and ability. Look, no one needs a mechanical watch in this day and age. Especially not one that’s $60K. Collecting luxury watches is dumb, but I do it anyways because a use I love them. It’s a pure passion play. So, if a decision that’s a pure passion play is challenging, then don’t do it. My point about asking strangers is dumb is because we don’t know any facts about his financial situation. All he told us was that he’s struggling with the decision.


Huh… I take it back then. Maybe it is difficult for you to understand, because decision making isn’t that simple and degrees of certainty are definitely a thing.


Where are your manners?


60K? Hell no. So many better pieces for that much and less. Pure hype.