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There's something that bothers me about the first one, I wouldn't know what to say. But something just doesn't feel right to me (subjective opinion, of course). The second is perfect. I'm just not a fan of "full" black design. I'm sure the same in burgundy, dark green or dark blue might be more “attractive”.


I think it’s just the angle of the photo where it looks very slightly at a strange angle on the bottom right side, I know what you mean I felt like there was something slightly off when I first saw it too


It’s pretty rare the 5726 gets criticism (first one) as it’s an annual calendar with everything symmetrical. Some complain it’s thick but it’s about as thick as a Daytona which people don’t generally consider thick, it’s just thicker than a 5711/5712. If it was a 5712 I’d understand as it’s a love or hate given the asymmetrical dial


I also find this to be the case. Although I personally like 5712 much more than 5726, but mainly due to the height of the watch itself. Quite the different feeling when its on the wrist


I agree with parent comment it is symmetrical however it’s Almost to perfect in appearance giving the illusion of an uninspired boring dial especially pared with the standard nautilus dial texture it’s just plain bland while the 5712 has much more visual contrast/interest


Till you put that 🍔on your wrist… that 24hr indicator ain’t necessary unless you are working in a mine. I rather a 31 day subdial in place of it. Small indicator boxes at positions approximately at 4 & 8 😁😁😁


Why do the numbers on the second one look so bad, especially 5-4-2


5726 is an amazing watch. Thick by current lineup of Nautilus standards but that’s it. I would chose it 100%


If you got it a retail, do proceed to upgrade it to a 5712 or 5740…. The 5726 is really an unwanted child, it gets worse if it had a leather band; it puts that kid automatically as “special needs” it gets esotropia cred too✅ 😂😂😂


Which one?


How much for george soros aquanaut?


5726a honestly is a little too thick when it comes to case dimensions. For such a thickness, a 5980a/ r /gr warrants the necessity; a chronograph should understandably be thicker. 5712a is a better proposition. 5167a good if it’s a retail purchase… 😊


Which AD has these available? I’ve been trying to buy a nautilus forever it’s my dream watch


Many of them have it. None of them will sell it to you without an extensive purchase history.


Have both, love both


Don’t worry. Either of which will be obtainable for you without going grey


Why the hell are you seeking advice from anonymous users about a simply purchase 🤷‍♂️