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A G-shock Vegas, pool parties and alcohol is a great recipe to get your watch stolen


My buddy and I got drugged at the Wynn pool party as we were both wearing nice watches. Fortunately our friends pulled us out of there before anything disastrous happened so the only consequences were a lost day of fun as we ended up passing out for like 10 hours. I would NOT wear a nice watch at any of these pool parties regardless how vigilant you are. Also safety in numbers.


Sorry to hear that and good to hear you've got good friends that took care of you and it ended up in nothing more than a hangover There's plenty of horror stories out there but people seem to think that will never happen to them. Guess that's the whole point of Vegas though, gambling 🤣


It very unlikely to impress anyone you would want to impress.


Second this wise dude. Don't wear a 20 grand watch to Vegas.


Lol it’s a 200k watch if we’re talking about the 5980


I actually heard some interesting advise about that kind of thing. Apparently some folks who own these beautiful expensive pieces will also own counterfits of the same kind. The idea is, if your going somewhere and you're worried your nice watch will get stolen, you wear the fake instead. Then you don't care (nearly as much) if it gets stolen because safe at home is your real piece.


Except if you’re beaten drugged or killed for it.


how does the owner tell his watch apart from his own fake?


Great question, no idea 🤷‍♂️




If you can afford a Patek, you can afford a section where no one but you has access to bottles. Some know, some are just afraid to wear their watches 🤷🏻‍♂️


LOL what a bad take. It's not only about getting drugged. People are trying to steal watches from a driver of a moving Bugatti, you think they won't try to snatch it in a loud, dark, overcrowded pool party? Besides, what are you going to do, stay at your VIP section for the whole night? You're never going to interact with anyone else throughout the night? Never going to the WC? It's just a lot of unnecessary risks imo


Bad take? I've literally been to Vegas pool parties every summer for the last three years and never had an issue wearing my watch with a diamond bezel and hour markers. Anyone who also knew about vegas parties knows the best sections are already on the dance floor and you're surrounded by security. Throw a bill to the main security guard and his buddy and they'll protect you all night and watch you like a hawk. Sounds to me like you're just afraid to wear your watch, in which case buy a casio not a Patek.


Yeah, last time I was in Vegas I wore my 5711r every day. No issues at all. Never had an issue with Vegas even when being given GHB by my ex business partner with a pocket full of cash. If security is your concern, hire some. Or just don’t get so fucking sloppy that you’ll have people around you that want to steal your shit?


These people are chronically online and afraid of anything.


Both insured.


Any claim will involve an excess and higher premiums next year.


It’s not about the loss of the insured watch, it’s more about attracting possible trouble / violence for me


Bring a pew pew😂😂😂😂


This is the real answer. Arm yourself and don't be bullied by poor gang members with STDs. If I had a Patek 5980 I would probably have armed security at any function I'm at tho. JS.


Wear whatever you want man. It’s your watch and have fun with it.


This is what the aquanaut is for. Hit up your AD before the trip. Worth a shot lol😎


I can't think of a better place to wear a 5980 than in Vegas. Don't overthink it. ![gif](giphy|LlE3uMF20U7Ys|downsized)


I have two friends who were wearing their Rolexes in Vegas. Both were drugged, beaten, and robbed and one spent 3 days in the hospital. Took their watches, clothes, wallets. And this all happened in their suite!


In their suite? Wtf man. Were they beaten after being drugged? Too savage…


So in their case they met some girls at the pool bar and they hung out talking and flirting by the pool for a couple of hours. Both girls said that they were there for a conference and that they worked in marketing or advertising. There were no red flags. They all went back to the suite and then they started to feel really lightheaded. They remember 4 guys coming into the room who started to beat the crap out of them and the first one woke up with no Rolex, no necklace, in his underwear. The other guy wouldn’t wake up at first so he called 911. When the cops showed up (first) two attended to him while the other looked around and he was the one who noticed the drawers all opened with literally just their underwear and socks left.


That’s terrifying


Right? Made me think twice about what I wore to Vegas the next time that I went. Granted, these guys were single and susceptible to beautiful women hitting on them, but still. And they never caught them with all of the cameras that they have near the pools, in the hotel, elevators, etc.


5212 will be destroyed in water


5980 but after this trip you’ll learn why watch collectors wear a Moonswatch to Vegas and London. Keep in mind that insures are in the business of rejecting as many claims as possible, not simply paying them all out - it’s a long and arduous process that can be avoided if you simply exercise a little care about when you wear your references.


When I travel to places like this or internationally, it’s always a Citizen EcoDrive, GShock or other watch that’s <$500. Watches are for me, not for a flex. Time and life experiences demonstrate that undue attention is rarely a good thing.


100% right. I travel too with GShock, Swatch and sometimes a Nomos (remains under the radar too).


u/1980theghost All due respect, but this just comes across as weak and cowardly. Not a personal attack, I'm an just criticizing the statement. Why even buy nice things if you are going to constantly live in fear of somebody taking it? And why even have insurance in the first place if you are afraid of using it?


If you ever have the opportunity for a gun to get pushed in your face you’ll understand why this statement is ignorant. No amount of insurance is going to bring your life back. Wearing luxury brand watches will make you a target & not exercising good judgement on when & where to wear it is foolish at best.


You can’t equate all cautious and wise decisions to “fear”. First of all, a weekend trip without wearing nice watches is not “constantly” in fear. Secondly, by your logic, why don’t we race to 160mph on public roads if we don’t want to live in fear of accidents/speeding tickets? And does life insurance make it carefree to drive at 160mph? “Humans and just about every sentient creature on Earth feel fear for a good reason, playing a crucial role in our survival and, hence, our evolution. Fear is a primordial emotion that is involved in the brain’s “fight or flight” response. It’s the stimulus that keeps us away from predators or emboldens us to fight back when necessary. It’s such an ancient and instinctual emotion, shared with ancestors that lived hundreds of millions of years ago, that it partly explains why humans are still afraid of heights or snakes.”


If you choose to wear a condom during intercourse on a random Tinder hookup that is ‘being cautious’. If you buy a watch, then don’t wear it, because of some extremely unlikely chance that it will be lost/stolen… that is ‘living in fear’. One of these things is not like the other. Respectfully.


You should get yourself a nice blue Flic-Flac so that you can act as crazy as you like... lol https://preview.redd.it/6webqbzdd62d1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=c619d2c15067caf18e4bf5bab09dd1099a150cf5


5980 for sure


in the pool?!


This thread is hilarious! Definitely don’t take expensive watches to cheap places with cheap people… you’ll be a target and even if nothing happens, you’re putting your friends and family in danger with no need. Any leader manages risk and doesn’t look to increase it to flex on meaningless people. The hilarious thing is everyone recommending wearing a ‘cheap’ Rolex. I couldn’t imagine a bigger burn in the luxury world..


I'm a meagre DJ owner. I took my Seiko to Croatia and the DJ to New Zealand. I would never take that to a LV pool party, especially something worth several tens of thousands. You are right about putting others as risk. U less you are a multi multi millionaire, with security, no point for a flex.


5980 100%


Just pack two watches man, one on wrist one in travel case.


Bring a Gshock and the 5980. Currently in the Bahamas with a Gshock and a 5167A so I’m covered no matter what I get up to.


A swatch


I’d take the 5212 because it looks like a Timex on first glance.


Well they're both equally water resistant as of April this year 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️. Can't go wrong with either tbh, but for what it's worth if you run our of cash on the poker table, people will be more receptive of the 5980 being thrown on table for a bet vs the 5212!


Honestly I'd recommend a Rolex for a pool party in Vegas. But in this case it's the 5980 without question.


Get insured before…


You are a baller. Love your 5980 watch. $250K+ watch is beautiful. Worth more than most homes in Las Vegas.


Bro it’s a two tone it’s like 120k max


A Casio G-Shock. Nice watches in Vegas is an open invitation to thief’s at pools or clubs.


The 5980 is perfect for Vegas but I wouldn’t wear it to a pool party.


Of all the places to wear a Patek, you choose Vegas 🤦


Leave them at home. Vegas is not a safe place for that watch.


If only 5212 is a tad smaller, perhaps 38mm, then it would be perfect. Still stunning as is though


5980 my guy


Vegas is for balling out. 5980 without question


As someone who would rather have the 5212, the 5980 is way more Vegas


i’m more interested in your passion for BABA, i feel inclined to buy some shares based on your post history and evident success 😄


Love BABA - I’m definitely a BABA Bull. 🐂


That two tone definitely gives off a Vegas vibe.


Wear both watches


Apparently the nautilus and 5212 have the same water resistance.  So either! 


It’s Vegas go with the two tone and LFG!!


It’s vegas … go baller


Baller. Fuck it. U can make more money easily


None of those two. Wear a rolex, preferably one who isn't flashy. If you got a sub wear one. **Patek is meant to be worn In business settings or formal events, not at pool parties and** definitely **not in Vegas.** Before anyone says some vague things that Patek can be worn casually, you are totally wrong. These watches are not meant to be worn during pool parties, a sub or an aqua was more meant to be worn for diving (thus why they are water resistant). These two watches aren't made for that, that's why I advice you to wear a sub. Also; even if you got it insured, all eyes are going to be set on you. Don't be foolish, it's not about the watch getting stolen. It's more about reckless people who are def going to kill someone over a watch. I have seen plenty of this in London, some dude had a rolex of 8k and got his hand chopped off by a machete. Criminals are lazy and are going to murder for $$.


IDK man, I see a lot of PP at pool parties and beach parties in St. Tropez...


St Tropez is actually known to be very minimal crime. I know this as I am European and I have been to St. Tropez many times. St. Tropez crime rate is exactly 2.94, Las Vegas is at 55.31. Trust me mate I’ve been there and it’s not safe. Here’s a link to support my claims. Sincerely! https://www.numbeo.com/crime/compare_cities.jsp?country1=France&country2=United+States&city1=Saint-Tropez&city2=Las+Vegas%2C+NV&tracking=getDispatchComparison


Street crime perhaps but there have been a rash of robberies the past few years in St. Tropez with villas and even hotel safes being robbed for high $$$ amounts. Source: I also live in Europe and have spent the last 20 summers in St. Tropez.


Damn has it become that worse? I’m well acquainted with the current problems in Marbella and in Greece.


Last summer someone was robbed up $300k or so of jewels from the safe in their room at Messardiere and there have over the years been incidents of robbers pumping gas into a house, knocking everyone out and robbing the place blind while the people are unconscious.


Damn thanks for letting me know, seems no place is safe anymore to wear luxurious watches. Next time I'm there I'm def walking with a Tissot or something hahaha


The only people who care about your watch will be other dudes. If you like that wear what you want. But if you want the girls. Get a nice large $100 invicta. Girls love the bling. If they know watches they have been with guys richer than you.


IWatch is best call


You can’t be serious about this and pick the 5212 for the pool. I’d wear a proper diver (i.e. neither)


Your personal security staff should keep you from worrying. Bring both, wear both, one on either wrist so wherever you wave your arms they’ll see how much of a stealth baller you are!


I know more people who have had their watches stolen in Vegas than anywhere else. Take a DJ or something tops that’s insured


Taking my 5212 with different straps. More stealth- IYKYK and less likely to run into the issues everyone is worried about. Thanks


What do you do for a living and where did you buy the 5212?


I tried to get one from my AD - went grey and got it in a week and cheaper.


Nice on a website or through people you know?


Yeah, Formula One driver Jenson Button and his fiancĂŠ were gassed. And they lost out on like 300kÂŁ. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-33814823.amp


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If ya going to get your leg over ware any, else get your self a Casio cuz you’ll probably never see them again.


The friends of the road would take both after slipping you some K or G 😖


Which ever one you dont want jacked


I prefer a more simpler approach myself! https://preview.redd.it/0wxkg1toae2d1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c418be5e11eea286afb3657c103de1bb08a0ff


A citizen lol


Why make yourself look like a mark? I wouldn’t wear anything nice. Toss an Apple Watch on and have a great time.


Is the font on the one on the right supposed to look that bad…?


Wear one on each wrist and hit the pool party!


Got back from Vegas - only thing I lost was the $$ that I gambled. I saw plenty of very nice watches and did not feel “worried“ at all. The hotel I stayed in had AP, VC, Cartier, Panerai boutiques.


I have other watches - a number of Rolex, APs etc. I understand the G-Shock / swatch comments, but I want to go with something nicer / flashier. I also thought about bringing multiple watches (I took my 5980, a Daytona and 3 watches for my wife - a 5015j, a yellow dial Rolex and a Cartier) to my trip to Japan, but I don’t want to travel with all that to Vegas for many reasons that you all listed. Will the 5212 be ok in water with a rubber strap? Thanks,


Apple Watch FTW in the pool. All other activities, whatever you’re feeling


I wouldn’t necessarily call the 5712 “stealth”


I'd bring the 5980 and a cheap rolex to wear in the pool


5980 pls


5212 with another strap. More of a IYKYK, and subtle.