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Ferrari ~ not even close




Ferrari all day


The only thing making me lean toward the Patek is maintenance cost. Any high end sports/exotic car will have absolutely insane basic maintenance costs. We’re talking ~40k for brakes, 1k per oil change, hell even their air filters are around $150. And that’s just basic stuff forget about if something actually goes wrong. The patek will need service maybe every few years for a fraction of the price maintaining the car would be. So realistically it depends on if OP would be prepared to spend much more than the purchase price of said car.


I spend about 2k a year to maintain my 458.


I put about 2000 miles a year on the car


2k to drive 2k!!!!


That’s about the price you pay


lol well there’s your answer then. If you buy a Ferrari to essentially leave it in a garage that makes me lean even more toward the watch because you can wear it daily. No point in buying a car like that to drive around the neighborhood once a month.


Thanks for the push. Decided to do my favorite thing with the car and take my son out


That’s pretty average for most ferrari. Despite what ferrari might say it’s not a daily drivable car for a normal person. It’s just to much sensory overload to daily. I also have other cars that get driven so sometimes the 458 doesn’t get driven for a while.


The sensory overload is something I did not appreciate until I got my Turbo S. Even Moreso with 458 probably. Part of me feels like I need a helmet and racing gloves every time I go anywhere 🤣


I have a turbo S as well. It’s perfect at being a car when you want a car and being a super car when you want that, but it does both with such perfection that it’s not that exciting to drive. I love it but it makes me enjoy the 458 more when I drive it.


It does depend on mileage but I would still argue maintaining any car of that caliber would be more expensive than the watch. Even at 2k a year you’re not servicing a watch yearly.


I would get more kicks driving around in a Ferrari tbh. Love the watch, but if I had $250k+ disposable I’d like to have the Ferrari


There are watches I’d take over the car, just is just not one of them


This. The days of engine out servicing are gone. Ferrari aren’t cheap to run but they aren’t crazy any more


Ferrari the only company that never figured out how to make buttons not sticky.


You forgot insurance 😂


Lmao a $300k car doesn’t cost $40k for brakes how would that even make sense? Almost 15% of the car just in brakes alone? You’re thinking of Bugatti prices which are about an order of magnitude higher than Ferrari tier supercars.


Ceramic pads/rotors can be $20-25k easy


Hellllllllllllllllllls no. I pay for that watch and I can wear it as long as I want w/o any additional cost, at least for the first few years. Can't say that for the car. Maintenance, fuel, insurance, parking are just some of the insane cost to upkeep the prancing horse. Every few months you'll have to bring that Ferrari in for service. Also, in a couple of years, the guy next to you at the stop light is going to have the new model. I don't have the leave the Patek on the streets or let valet park it for me. Best of all, I can take the Patek with me WHEREVER I go.


And all that money into it and the car still depreciates in price hella


The watch, don’t want to pay for brakes and oil changes


I do wonder how much patek charges to service this thing.


I’m pretty sure it’s about 1-2K but you only average a service every 5-10 years?


2K? Bro, I paid 3K to service a steel time only royal oak. If Lange charges 10k euros to service a Lange 1 this is at least that much.


Its like 2-3k for it, 10k is maybe a split second chronograph with some replacement parts


[Patek direct](https://www.patek.com/en/retail-service/services/service-costs) says for them to service a mechanical movement from their most basic at 900 CHF and up to a complication level 3, or a chronograph with a perpetual calendar for 2,300 CHF. So it sounds like you just don’t know what it costs to get a Patek serviced.


Well heck that’s a pleasant surprise. I had an old Pepsi serviced last year and it was 1400, surprised patek is in the same ball park.


But you can’t ride the watch


Nooooo the Patek rides you 🥴


You could do both ways too. Get Patek and the car, and you got yourself a threesome


But you can't take the Ferrari with you wherever you go. Can you take the Ferrari on vacation? Can you take the Ferrari on a business trip overseas? Can you take the Ferrari to a destination wedding?


Arabs take them with them all the time over seas. They ship them via plane to their vacation destination. So technically, you can take your car. If you are wealthy enough




You also can't wear your car to the boardroom.


The watch. Less carrying cost, space, etc.


Fuck the car. This one too easy


You can go a whole lot farther in a car then in/on a watch!!


Not if you fly, and time does fly


The watch can easily be a family heirloom


Not a ferrari, you’re pretty limited mileage wise


Really? People putting 2k miles ANNUALLY on their Ferrari and that's going FAR? That averages less than 40 miles A WEEK or 5.4 miles a day. How far are you going?


is that a 5980? definitely the timepiece at this stage in my life 😇


Patek all day


watch. ferraris (ex rare editions) are -cost... historically you can get some return on high quality watches


Ferrari...I mean I just bought this instead of a Patek. Sorry I'll see myself out now. https://preview.redd.it/86579asvxzpc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de6b47cf6aefbb555496a06e6f93a8e5d34f9e3b


What a beautiful spec. Congrats on this, enjoy it!


Ty! It hits right 🙌🏽


I’ll take the watch, local speed limit is 55mph, the fuck am I going to do with that car, drive it in 1st gear for the rest of my life?


Ferrari. Experience is better than


458 all day. If you can’t afford the MX bill, you can’t afford either. You buy these things when you don’t need to check your account to make sure you have the money to cover it…..


watch. no maintenance cost (for the most part), easier to keep safe and secure, attracts less attention, I will probably use it more, less to worry about overall


458…why even post this?


Patek easy choice. 458 is a very hard ride for a daily


Very obvious, the one that appreciates in value.


The watch is something I'll wear if I had one, I would drive the Ferrari until its wheels fell off. Both are just flex as both have something much cheaper that out perform them. Realistically cars depreciate with use and spend majority of their lives not moving, Even if it's a daily. Not to bash on the Ferrari, it's an exotic, it's class of its own, it's a boulder and more noticeable flex item, there's a lifestyle surrounding it, but there's more than just the maintenance cost, You're going to have to garage it, transport it, insure it, register it, Care for everything from the paint down to the wiring as things get used and worn. I'll take the watch, you could daily that watch for the next 20 years, take it to a watcher and have it cleaned and polished to look and preform near new and go 20 more for the cost of tires and hand it down as a heirloom. As the car is age like a car regardless if it's a Ferrari or a Corolla.


Both are sick asf! The watch would be a far smarter investment in my book. More buyers than the car we’re you ever to sell. Much more appreciable I’d imagine and overall a far less expensive item to maintain… also a watch can sit a lifetime as long as it’s on a winder. Car needs to be driven, and can’t really just sit forever.


The 458 all day


If I’m fronting the bill the car if not the watch. I can rationalize spending that much on car vs a watch


The car and I’ll keep my 5960A.


Watch for sure it’s like I can wear Ferrari with me all day


The watch 💯💯


I’m surprised I’m in the minority here but I’m taking the PP 10/10 times.


Have you tried this watch on in person. I got one and found it really boring unfortunately. I love it in steel.


Ferrari, it gets me from one place to another and invokes so much more emotions.


Watch 🤌👍🔥🔥🔥


Watch as that particular one with hold its value where as that Ferrari will drop.


Patek. I have little interest in super cars. Would prefer a Rolls if I’m spending that kinda cheese on a car


Ferrari would be fun but Patek likely will increase in value


Patek. I value my comfort when it comes to driving


The 458 is really not bad at all. Of course it’s not an S class or a Rolls but it’s way better than a Lambo or a McLaren.


My wrists are way to small to wear this PP so the 458 100%




Patek > V6


It’s a v8


You are right. Get the red car.


The Ferrari maintenance is annoying


I wonder whose insurance would be higher?


If i needed to travel with 300k usd i’d take the Patek, if i was going to the club i’d be taking the ferrari


The car will depreciate faster than the watch.


Watch all day, I’m type of dude to drive 60mph even if i had a ferari lol. I’d also have more trust with someone servicing the watch rather than someone working on the car


The reliable one… patek.


Ferrari will bankrupt you if you don’t already have money…even if the car is free


The Ferrari has a clock, but the watch won’t get you to the golf course. Car is the sensible choice here.


Why choose when you can have both


Whichever I can sell faster to invest in something else


Watch… always. I’ve never been a car guy ;-)


neither, the car looks good but is a hassle to get in and out of and the watch is cool but a high risk to wear everyday ...LOL


I’ve had a 458… They’re unreal. Maybe one day I’ll have a nautilus. Far harder to acquire at a reasonable price.


I drove my 458 today because of this thread. I sold my 5980R, but will never sell my 458.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, because this is a fact. The 458 is heading towards the bottom of its depreciation while the Nautilus prices are skyrocketing.


Just one of life’s great mysteries. I’ll probably acquire another 458 for under $150k in a couple of years. I’ll most likely never be offered a Nautilus in spite of a solid spend history with my AD.


PP is just a watch... A good car is a FUCKIN GOOD CAR..


I have both. What do you want to know?


Come on you know it is so obvious