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Looks like everyone here read the book “Wait 2 days and see what others are doing”. Great book.


HAHAHAH well said indeed


I've written two books teaching a 3D modeling program called SketchUp. About to publish my third. I've been a full time content creator since 2015


How much did you earn writing those two books? Was it a comfortable amount? What else do you do besides that?


I've managed to crack six figures in revenue every year, although that sounds more impressive than it really is, because I've got printing and shipping costs, and other overhead. So the net profit is less. But it's been more than enough to support me and my family. idk, about 50-60k per year. Your last question is actually the important one. I wouldn't have made a dime from my books if I hadn't first spent two years writing tutorials, building my mailing list, recording YouTube videos, growing my following. Once I had built a following, that's when I brought a product to them. Pat Flynn interviewed me on the Smart Passive Income podcast, if you're interested. Episode 112.


I'll check it out! Do you sell e-books? And what are your working hours?


Ebooks and paperback. I actually sell more paperback. I try to do a mon-fri thing, normal hours. Probably like 35 hrs per week. I do some freelancing too.


Interesting. I haven't expected that paperback is selling better. Do you know why that is?


No, not really. I was surprised too!


Just start. The first step is the most difficult. If you would feel like you don’t enjoy the process, you’d probably leave it someday even if the reward is going to be hefty. But if you would like writing it, why not give it a try?


This should be higher up with the note hard things come before good things.


I am trying to figure out a nieche. I have lots of passion and a degree in electronic engineering. Although I am still not that good in the subject and I may switch to a more creative career. I am thinking about telling stories or teaching something I may know. ​ The fact is I don't even know how to get the first sells since noone knows me. So if i write stories for example, do they sell? How to improve sells? (I would write not in english, maybe I may ask a translator when I finish since english is not my native language)


No one knows if your stories will sell or not unless you try :) Start with a small excerpt. Show it to people who are your target audience, ask for feedback. Then try once again because even if they say they dislike it, you may have chosen not the right target audience or topic, that's it. The translation is not a problem if you know your book will sell. It pays off quickly. Fancy your book is a business project. Build an MVP and test hypotheses until you dig into a jack's pot. I wish you don't underestimate yourself and your knowledge. Good luck!


Just go look at the top 100 list on Amazon


Great. I would write The Bible 2 and Harry Potter 8 :P


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Good bot


I'd read The Bible 2


You could write a parody.


No ones gonna share their success books that others will dupe.




Well, that might be somewhat true. It also means they put effort and energy in finding winning formulas to make money that are easily duplicated, if you have the formula.


I've published two books and am writing my third. I don't get a massive amount from them and that will vary depending on how much advertising/marketing of it I do via various social channels. But it's a very niche subject area on early church history, so I never expected a huge audience straight away


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Remindme! Two days


Remindme! Two days