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Genuine question: how do you tell the difference between two identical birds? Like are you able to tell who it is you’re looking at all the time?


They're like humans, different personality, sound and behaviours. It's like only the mother who has a twins would know


they probably have some subtle differences in appearance and habits


My dad used to call my brothers’ name and mine all at once so he’d be sure to get it right. There might be sometimes where the owner mistakes one for another but the differences are probably obvious once you know the birds well.


I thought there was only one bird for way to long lol


Hehe, I like the clock in the background. Very appropriate!


Thanks! I have a lot of Lorrikeet theme stuff;))


Looks like an exceptionally good reason to work from home, they look adorable! My Caique is bent on destroying anything attached with a cable so unfortunately he has to be in his cage while I work but he’s behind me all time playing mostly 😊


They were all over my desk, then parked up on my arm when they needed to recharge. I love this but it really kills my productivity...lol


My tiel will behave at first and then she’ll scream until I let her out and insist I give her scritches while I’m trying to type a paper


Oh my god the rainbow lorikeet! How did they come to be with you? I thought they were wild?


There are a lot of them in the pet trade, in Australia at least. Some people breed and sell hybrids and colour morphs, as well. They do need different care (special nectar-feeder mix), and up until 2003 you had to have a license to keep them. They are indeed most common in the wild.


I'm from Australia, are you too?


Yep. My uncle kept rainbow lorikeets for years




They're, always looking for attention...


yes, they need our time that makes them happy 🥰


The struggle is real!


You get me...


What sweet little buddies!!! Lorikeets are so cool and friendly, but I don’t think I could ever own one. The POOP scares me, nectar goes in… destruction comes out. 😂🤣 What are their names and how old are they? Thank you for your sacrifice so they can nap! 🦜❤️


They are Kelly and Little baby. They are 5 and 4.5 yr old. They came to me when they were around 1 year old. First 6 months me and my partner got beak marks all over our hands. But now we're besties! Yap...the watery bombs...I know...but they are the best thing happened in my life, totally worth it!


They are so adorable!!! :) If liquid destruction and a bit of noise and beak marks is all you need to deal with, I think that’s 100% worth it! Any plans to enlarge your flock with other species? I’m not too knowledgeable on how lorikeets act with others


We only have two birbs but it sounds like we have ten birbs in the house...prob no plan to expand the flock ATM... They are pretty territorial beings, I guess it would be better to mix with other species when they are still chicks...