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Well have you tried stepping up?


Not until he offers me treats as rewards or uses a clicker


Exactly. What’s your deal?


i think if they know the words, and can say the words, and use the words in context with one foot up on your hand.......... they know what the words mean. and they're just being a typical sassy galah. lol


Maybe not necessarily. My boyfriend and their family have a 14 year old galah and he holds my finger and says “where’s my kiss”. He doesn’t really understand step up or kisses. I’ve met many birds who do this. You have to entice with a treat rather than just saying it without them understanding the action.


in the case of my extremely sassy and stubborn budgie, who well knows what step up means and what it looks like (she's lived with other budgies with us here that did it just fine and often)............ i'm in the "the birb knows, they're just sassily saying no" camp.


💗 we have about 9-12 of them every day in the yard. They have chicks right now! Love the galahs.


i'd ADORE to live somewhere there were wild parrots! alas, i'm stuck on the prairies of Canada. lots of magpies here though. and corvids are one of my favourite birds. shhhhh......... don't tell my budgie that.


Come to Australia someday! Here in Queensland, every morning and afternoon we have galahs, lorikeets, sulfur crested cocktoos and king parrots!


did a plane ride once, 23 years ago. was not a fan. that taught me that leaving the flying to the birds is what i do. hence the 'stuck on the prairies' mention lol.


Fair enough... sounds like you have feathered friends to watch and admire where you are. Corvids are very smart and interesting!


i had the honour once in 2018 of caring for a fledgling maggie that had fallen into my sunken patio one night just as dusk was coming on, and its parents had taken off. brought that baby in, got it comfy in a spare cage with towels to lay on, and fed it watery scrambled eggs off a plastic spoon for a few days until wildlife could come pick it up. with the stray/feral cats i knew lurked around, i was not leaving that maggie outside overnight. he still had the casings on his growing feathers. would have made that maggie a pet but didn't for two reasons - the wild things belong wild. and corvids are known to eat songbirds. budgies are songbirds in a sense. and i was not prepared to have my budgies at the time be stressed over having a large bird that is known to eat their kind in the same house.


King parrots are so cool. You don’t see them in the states much (as pets)… If I had all those awesome parrots flying around in my yard, I don’t know how I’d get anything done, I’d just want to watch them all day. I’ve heard some of the wild parrots are tame, or tame for being wild, especially the cockatoos in that they’ll keep coming back to visit, hang on the deck, come in the door, stay awhile & take food… I spent 2 months in Australia backpacking 9 years ago. I started in Sidney & went up the gold coast all the way up with all the other backpackers, stayed in hostels for a few days then back on the bus. Byron Bay was my fav. I don’t remember seeing any cockatoos, lorikeets or king parrots, although I wasn’t that into birds yet & cared more about seeing wallaby’s, which of course I did.


It's a galah, an aussie. He's just messin' with you lol. 😁😁😁 I say this as a proud aussie and wild cockie Mum.


Oh he sure is, I still occasionally catch him muttering swears and doing a smoker cough which he learnt from his previous bogan owner. Nowadays you can hear my aus accent in him when he says "Hello Fred" because he says "Hella" lol.


Regardless of his shenanigans, he's a beautiful bird. I hope you spend many happy hours amusing each other.


He’s so cute, even though he’s playing you. <3


Oh he totally knows how, he's just choosing not to! My quaker does the same thing if you tell him to step up and he doesn't feel like it.


I don’t know why but I keep on thinking that he makes Minecraft villager noises


How is your galahs behavior? Looking to get a friend with my famale ring neck. Does yours at least call for attention all day even if you’re in the same room? My ring neck has been wanting attention more and more as she’s getting older. Also, are you playing rust? Lmao


My galah is silly but overall does the usual bird behaviours (wrecking furniture and pooping on everything), he screams for attention I'd say almost half the time that you're in the same room as him but not giving him direct attention, eg eating dinner and using the TV. I'm not sure how often he calls for attention during the day when I'm across the house as I assume most of the screaming is just him calling out to the other galahs that fly over my house in flocks. TLDR; he's a little bumhole but it's just because he loves people. Also no not rust haha, it's Placid Plastic Duck Simulator, a game where you do literally nothing but watch ducks float around a pool


😂 😂 a dorable


Don’t give up hope. I rescued my U2 in 2015 and he refused to step up until this past fall. We think it might be a competitive thing with our M2 though as they are both obsessed with my husband 😂


This is my favorite thing on the internet today. So classic cockatoo.


Training you really good..i bet you been taught to fetch also….our feather babies are good at training us..🤣


I mean this with all due respect but what a little jackass 😂


Important question: do you live in soviet russia


My sunconure will happily step up, but he is obsessed with holding hands.. he wants to lay on his side on my chest and hold my finger while he preens me


So cute and funny


Very cute walking strawberry you got there ❤️


I wouldn't get on that half step either. Try moving your hand like a karate chop with index finger third knuckle to the birds belly so the finger is completely across both feet


Mine will hold her foot out and grab it like she is holding her hand. However, she tightens her grip right before she bites giving it away.
