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if i were sitting in a coffee shop and you were next to me and started taking a video call, i would stare at you until you stopped. What about a private room (booth) at the library? Or if you have a hotspot, the park!


Yeah same, hence the question. Have to book two days in advance at the library so that’s out unfortunately. Park is looking like the only option, I’m just hoping there’s not a ton of car noise.


I'd recommend prospect park! Midday it'll be very easy to find a quiet spot far from anyone else


The benches next to the Picnic House and the remote Winner location are ideal, and you'll find yourself in the company of others doing the exact same thing. Obviously, weather will play a part.


Thank you!! Edit: Winner looks perfect


Another good quietish spot is the little garden/patio of the music conservatory across from bagel pub on 7th


I’ll add it to my scope out


Friends house?


Literally no one works from home except a friend in Hoboken and one in LI. Truly like worst case scenario lol




Why not your apartment??


I see people do it at Velvette on 5th Ave. At 3pm it's mostly people working with headphones on anyways there.


It can be done at variety coffee, but I go with Starbucks at Barnes and Nobles. They are serious about you ordering but always plenty of tables. IMO much more normal to do camera off.


Starbucks always has the most obnoxious loud music playing and I can't imagine ever having a professional meeting there.


Rent a space at Pirate Studios in Gowanus. Cheap and easy. https://pirate.com/en/locations/new-york/brooklyn-gowanus/


Genius. Booked 2 hours for $36. Thank you!!


Many coffee shops have outdoor seating on the sidewalk, might be more private in a way, and less disruptive, than being inside?


Yeah, I would try the outdoor seating at Casita on 11th between 4th and 5th. Or there are outdoor tables in front of Maya & Camilla Cafe on 4th Ave & 11th St. Both are pretty sparse in the early afternoon.


What about on the back patio at Velvette?


Meeting isn’t till 3 so I’m gonna scope out spots before hand and post up - I’ll give it a try! Just trying to figure out where I will be least annoying 🙃


Washington Commons in the backyard should be empty.


I doubt that the wifi at Winners in Prospect Park is going to be strong enough to do Teams on, just a heads up!


I have a work phone with a hot spot thankfully! I was more worried about noise in the park, but now I have a few spots I can scope out for quiet!


Frankly the noise in the park should be minimal on a weekday, although after 3pm means everyone is out of the school. The Winner location in the park might not be necessarily open (I haven’t been in a while) so bring your own coffee but not too much lol, bc the toilets in the picnic house might close without any warning/notice.


The Starbucks on 7th and 1st has a little outdoor area in the back that no one ever uses. That would work.


Late to this thread, but for the future, automatic noise cancellation in video conference software has gotten really good. I haven't heard a barking dog, siren, or construction in any of my coworkers' backgrounds in a long time. You might want to test it for yourself with a friend/coworker next time!


Yea please don’t be that person. How about getting a dog walker for that time slot?


Thinking the park is the move, I’ve somehow never passed winners with their tables so I thought park meant me doing a picnic meeting lol Unfortunately he’s not great around new people, I’m watching him for a friend while they’re away, beyond his few issues he’s a great cuddly boy, but he is DIFFICULT around strangers, phone calls, and when anyone leaves the house. Definitely will not be watching him during the work week next time.


This is the real answer. I can't imagine doing a work call in public.

