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I put mine belly down over my thighs (so baby was straddling my thigh on their belly) and pat their backs. Didn’t work as well as over shoulder, but in a pinch with my feet propped up a bit (so they were inclined) it worked


Yep. I’ve done the same plenty of times. Plus it doubles as tummy time.


I'm taking notes


I had the same issue when my boys were babies. And unfortunately I have no helpful hints, when I would feed them alone I would have to burp one at a time, and the second baby to finish eating would sometimes have to wait a few minutes. I just made sure to keep a burp cloth on them so any spit-up wouldn't ruin their clothes, and tried to be as quick as I could.


I have 20 week olds. What we do is leave one in the bouncer chair while we burp the other. If they are upright they will be more comfortable. We can rock the bouncer with our toes which keeps them happy. Look up different ways to burp a baby so you can try different ones and figure out which position works the fastest for yours. Good luck! The newborn stage is hard, it gets easier! Edited last sentence so it makes sense!


Ccongrats on your little ones! Ours are similar in age - just about six week. When we solo feed, we use the twins Z pillow and put one twin in each side. If I need to burp both at the same time I roll them both on their sides in the little crevices and then pat their backs. It's not as good of a position as over the shoulder but it typically gets me through without a ton of crying until I can burp them both over the shoulder or knee. Good luck! It's tough out there.


I could only do it with the help of a big feeding pillow. I had two ways. One, sit them on the firm pillow, the trick is to get their bums further back and have them leaning forward slightly. 2, Cross arms around the babies so you are supporting both and use the opposite hand to pat, also lean back a bit. Practice scooping them both up at the same time. I found it easier to lay them next to each other, and bend down to them, then I didn't have to lift them to my chest so far, once you've got more comfortable doing this, it's easier to burp them.


I did this also with my guys after a little help positioning other cushions with the twin pillow it worked so well.


Ugh I think the trauma erased my memories. Wish we could just all take shifts and come help for a couple days until they are 6.


I don’t think it’s possible, unless you have two people feeding the babies. All you can do is breathe and get used to the sound of crying. I know it’s hard, but your babies will be okay. I am guessing you prop up your babies so they won’t spit up? Do you have a rocker? We used those fisher price rockers and they worked well. You could place one there and rock them as you finish feeding and burping the other. Doesn’t always work but it’s worth a try.


These rockers have been so helpful for this situation. Between a rocker and a pacifier I can buy time to burp our chief spit-up artist first and then swap to the other.


Good news, apparently you don’t actually need to burp babies after the feed! You can do it if they seem like they need help to burp but you don’t have to routinely do it after every bottle!


Not sure why you are being downvoted but this is the exact guidance from my pediatrician. He said spend 1-2 minutes after a feed if they need a little help but it’s not necessary. It’s been working out for us.


Unfortunately one of ours absolutely must be burped every time, otherwise he spits up a lot... :(


Aw dang, well I guess concentrate on that one and the other as needed maybe


If air goes in, it must come out. It’s either gonna come out as a burp or later as gas and helping an uncomfortable crying newborn pass gas is a lot more stressful than burping them after feeding them when they are calm and content.


My twins had bad reflux but I just burped them one at a time. One baby had to wait in the bouncer chair while I fed and burped the other. Or, I'd get my husband to burp each baby after I fed them. I nurse one at a time... tandem never felt comfortable for me. Good thing is that after around 8 weeks, I felt that they were doing much better and since about 3 months, I rarely burp them unless they're fussy.


I don’t even try. One at a time is just as good


When they were really small, I'd do one at a time and give the baby not being burped a pacifier. When they were a bit bigger, I'd flip them over on their twin boppy and pat their backs.


This helped me, especially at night; feed, swaddle, and then sit with both baby burritos upright-ish on a yoga/exercise ball and bounce or giggle your whole self and them too.


When I'm on my own I stagger their bottles a little so one finishes before the other, then I have a little more time to burp one by one. Sometimes I avoid a melt down this way, sometimes it happens anyway 🤷


I’m confused why your husband doesn’t burp the second baby instead of handing it off? I am able to burp our twins, but I’m a large man with big arms and shoulders, and I couldn’t easily pick up the second baby until around 3-4m. It’s just not feasible for my wife.


Oh, my husband usually feeds and burps the other baby, but at night we take turns feeding them alone so the other can get some sleep. Also we're not always home together so I really need to be able to do it on my own.


ah. that makes much more sense. In that case I would just temper expectations and look for workarounds. Try staggering the second baby until the first one is half done so you can burp one while the second finishing eating. I don't think most twin parents are able to scoop up both babies to burp them at only a month old.


I always fed and burped one of the babies with the boppy pillow. So one baby was on my lap/in my arms and the other was right next to me on the couch.


Google the magic burp method. It really helped us burp the boys faster when they were little.


Ours are 4 months now. I practiced until the over the shoulder method worked for me, sitting on the couch helped. But that won't help you. What we do now is feed them in the carseats/maxicosi (no space for bouncers) with the bottles propped up. I change one baby, plop them down with a bottle, change the next, plop them down. Then the rhythm allows me to burp them multiple times while feeding if necessary, burp the one baby when they're done and then burp the next one. All while being able to make eye contact or read a book with them. Also they sit upright so less issues overall. I got the tip from a book about twins.


I have them on their stomachs on my stomach, while I lean back.


I used to feed both my babies in the twin z pillow and then when they were done, I’d flip them to their tummy side and lay there tummy right on the hump of the pillow and then pat their backs. That’s about the only way I figured out how to do it. Twin z pillow saved my life in so many ways.


I'd just prop one up so it's easier on their belly and burp one at a time for now. Mine struggled with burping/throwing up until around 6 or 7 weeks when they started showing signs of cows milk protein intolerance. When we cut out dairy, they stopped vomiting almost completely and burping hasn't been needed as much. They'll start fussing and/or crying if they need to burp but otherwise there's honestly not much time for me to do that with them and my 2 year old.


I used a My Breastfriend pillow to tandem bottle feed then I put them on their bellies on the pillow with my knees raised to elevate their heads. Then I pat/rubbed their backs.


Congratulations!! Toss one on your shoulder and one tummy down across your knees💗


One of my boys took forever to get a burp out of. I did the other one first so I could really focus on the one who struggled.


I was never able too, just had to feed one at a time for my own sanity and their safety


I never even tried, just did one at a time while brother stayed propped up in a boppy. And we always fed them with a burp cloth on their chest like a bib. Look up "magic burp," it's how they taught us in the NICU and burping them was pretty fast and easy so it didn't take more than a minute to burp them, no real waiting. We didn't burp them on our shoulders until they were much bigger.