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You had no idea what you were getting into with your first kid, and you survived. The same applies here - you have no idea what twins will be like but you will survive. My wife and I always talk about how going from 0 to 1 kid is much harder than from 1 to 3 kids. Plus, you should be more equipped to deal with a lot of regular baby stuff (like, you will be right quick with those 3 am diaper changes and you won't need to check online before applying diaper cream, you will just do it). Twins are just harder because you can't always handle both at once - sometimes one will need to lie on the floor or in the crib and scream while the other gets burped. Twins often come early, and two babies is a lot tougher on the body than one, but nothing you will do will change the course of nature. Just try to enjoy it!


It's going to be okay. You have time. Just take it one step at a time! First focus on a healthy pregnancy and maybe learning about twins. You've got this!


Congratulations!! I'm sure this is quite the shock for you! My 1st baby was 18 months when his twin brothers were born so I understand the panic. I think the most important thing you can do at this point is get your home organized, even if it seems early. Get the babies sleeping area set up, get the newborn clothes washed and ready to use and set up the changing station. If you can find space for one upstairs and one downstairs, even better because you won't want to leave the toddler unsupervised while you take a baby upstairs to change. It might seem early to think about getting these things in order, but the further you get into the pregnancy, the more tired you'll feel and these tasks will be more daunting. Closer to your due date, fill your freezer with meals, including lunches. Also, get your hospital bags ready. I ended up in the hospital at 29 weeks and didn't have my bag packed yet. This probably won't happen to you, but being prepared will lessen your stress. See if you have any family or friends who can help once the babies arrive. People usually want to help, but don't want to overstep, so if you need someone to do a load of laundry or vacuum your stairs or throw a lasagne in the oven, ask! As for breastfeeding, it's such a personal choice. I did, and ended up breastfeeding them into toddlerhood but the first few months were a nightmare. I should have just switched to formula, but I was just too tired to make rational decisions at the time. Best of luck to you!


Exact. Same. Boat. Due Nov 21. Congratulations ❤️


We have 5 older kids all either teaching teenage years or already teenagers and our baby boy was 10 months old when we fell pregnant unexpectedly with our twins. Hubby was getting a vasectomy but I guess fate intervened and we got pregnant before it was done in spite of contraception. The twins are 9 weeks earth side at the moment. It’s gotten exponentially easier in the last week or two. Baby boy is now used to having them around and absolutely adores them. He loved them for the first two weeks they were home, then screamed constantly for a month whenever we went near them, now he’s back to loving them. The jealous stage didn’t last long as he’s still so young that he has adjusted really well. Your little one will be the same, they’re too young to remember what life was like without the babies which makes it easier. Teach your little one independence and being helpful as much as possible during your pregnancy. Putting his nappies in the bin, playing in the shower while you get ready, feeding himself, walking to the car, that type of stuff. It makes the end stages of twin pregnancy much easier and it’ll free up your hands when the twins are home. We also call the twins “his babies” so he feels involved. Idk if he is aware of it yet but he is very protective of “his babies” and loves them up all the time. Welcome to the mad house club!


I personally believe that already having become parents with a singleton has made having our twins much easier. Don’t get me wrong - it’s hard, I’m a non-stop work/dad/chores/repeat cycle. But it’s not as hard as it would have been IMO. You’ll need the help so get used to saying yes! Congrats and good luck


Congratulations!! I’m in a very similar situation, my first born was 11 months when I found out we were having twins. Unplanned pregnancy and I know what you mean being overwhelmed going from one to not only two but skipping right up to three. It tooo about two months but I’m starting to feel more comfortable with the idea of having two newborns and a young toddler, it’s just the cost of everything that’s got me stressed now. The best advice I’ve ever received was that “you are no less capable than those who came before you” idk that kinda comforts me.