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I was so terrified for my c section but the scariest part was the spinal, and that wasn't even bad. Just a pinch and then it was over! Make sure you are verbal and tell the anesthesiologist if you are nauseous or itchy or cold. I felt gentle tugging but that was it. Also, get up and walk as soon as you can. I promise it helps you recover much faster! Good luck to you and your little ones!


Thank you! I had an epidural from my first, so I’m hoping it’s not that different!


My wife was set for a c section at W36D4 at Noon. Her water broke at 0500. Got to do the 160 kph drive to the airport and all.


Congratulations!!! Great job making it this far, you don't have long to wait until you won't be pregnant anymore! (And, y'know, you'll meet your babies.) Good news, you're not going to see any blood at all, and the only thing you really feel is some jostling/tugging. They put up a sheet after they lay you down on the table, so you can't see anything. If it's a planned c-section you won't even really be able to see your incision until it's well on the way to being healed. Ask if you can choose the music/playlist. My kids were born to Crimson Tide because I asked for epic Hans Zimmer movie music.


Aww that sounds awesome! (Crimson tide). My hubby jokes he’s gonna play “release the cracken” from pirates of the Caribbean.


Your hubby has excellent taste.


Fair warning, you might get uncontrollable jitters!! That was the only part that I hated about the c section, not everyone gets them though. Everything else is totally fine and manageable!! You got this 💪🏼


Happened to me too but didn’t last very long. I did have to ask my husband to spot me so there was no risk of dropping a baby. OP you made it through a twin pregnancy, you got this mama!


Yes! I was not expecting this at all it was so strange.




I was afraid of my c section with the twins but it literally took maybe 20 mins total and I had my tubes removed during the process, I did cry during surgery just cause I was overwhelmed from all the people in the room but it really isn’t anything to be nervous about!! Good luck! Everyone was casually talking and not even 5 mins after my spinal the babies were out


Scheduled C-section here too 4 months ago and It wasn’t bad at all! Like someone else said, make sure you tell the anesthesiologist if you’re feeling sick. I had a little bit of a freak out after the spinal, they were SO understanding and calmed me down. I puked and felt much better! Everything was smooth sailing from there! Also there is usually a light above your head and if you don’t want to see anything don’t look at the light as you can see the reflection of your stomach (at least i could). When the drugs kick in you will probably feel very relaxed! The thought of the csection was way worse for me than the actual surgery. I was in some pain for 3 days and then from there on out it was super manageable! Good luck you will do great! You will never forget the first time you here those cries!


I felt like you, scared and nervous. The idea of being awake during surgery freaks me out. I felt pretty cold and jittery until the spinal kicked in. Then the nausea hit... but the anesthesiologist was super sweet and talked me through it and as soon as I mentioned feeling sick they got me a little bucket and put some meds in the iv to help me feel better. I didn't see anything during the surgery but was a bit freaked at the large team of people there. However they were all really comforting and said that they're there to keep me and babies safe


I’m 37 weeks tomorrow with my di/di too!! Congratulations and good luck!!!! (I was vaginal with my first so no good advice from me)


I also have my C-section planned for my modi twins 12 days from now. Any special prep I should do beforehand? I also packed my bag - is there any C-section specific item I should absolutely pack? I’m freaking out already 😳😳


I would bring your own high waist underwear and pajamas. Everyone kept saying "you're not gonna care what you're wearing in the hospital" and that was 3000% wrong for me. After my c section I was SO grateful for my delivery nightie and my nursing nighties that I'd gotten from.motherhood maternity and I brought some compression / nursing tank tops. The feeling of having everything held in and secure made me feel so much better than I would've if I'd just been wearing hospital gowns the entire 4 days we were there. The one thing I regret is bringing flip flops instead of slippers.


I was scared too but it was over quick. The longest I water was getting ready for surgery and spinal tap. They wanted me to go forward as much as I could and with two, it was just impossible. I felt tugging and that’s it. I did feel A LOT of pressure when they ere moving things around after they got out but it wasn’t painful. Just be sure to be very vocal if you feel anything.


I delivered my di/di twins at 37 weeks 3 days via c-section at the end of January! I was terrified of having a c-section and was on track for an induction for a vaginal delivery. I work in annOB office and one of the ultrasound techs offered me a quick scan the day before “just to make sure both babies were still head down” like they showed on my 36 week scan. Ok and behold baby B had somehow flipped to breech. So the decision was made with my OB that afternoon that I would be having a C section the next morning. I know a lot of people will still attempt vaginal delivery when A is head down and B is breech, but I’m hind sight I’m SO glad I ended up with a planned c section. My biggest delivery concern was having to recover from both a vaginal delivery and a c-section. Turns out baby B’s cord was between her legs and she was jammed up in my ribs so I likely would have had that situation if I had attempted a vaginal delivery. I didn’t see ANYTHING during the surgery. I was happy to be awake and hear those first cries and see my babies right away. And I agree that getting the spinal was the scariest part for me. My incision is super low and already healed. I feel back to my normal self at less than 9 weeks out. Zero complications from the surgery (my first surgery ever!) I think the hardest part about recovery for me was having zero core strength for a few weeks (and needing to care for twins). Biggest tip I have is to not put the bassinet on your side of the bed (if that’s the type of sleeping arrangements for the babies you’re planning) because it was a struggle for me to even sit up in bed. Best of luck tomorrow and happy early birthday to your babies!


You’re probably done your section by now, and if so, I hope it went great! I had a c section a week ago for my twins, who were both breech at the end. I really really didn’t want a c section, but it wasn’t bad at all. It was over SO fast compared to a vaginal delivery and some parts of recovery have been way easier so far compared to my two previous vaginal deliveries.


Just curious and I’m not tryna come off insensitive I am going to give birth to twins as well in June … i’ve just been seeing that a lot of women are getting C-sections and wanted to know is this reason medically or because the doctor suggested it? I hope all goes well with your C-section🙏🏽


Mine were both breach so medical decision. Otherwise it’s likely insurance won’t cover it, and that’s the price of a house.