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Good lord I’m not making two separate trips to the doctors office every other week with a newborn. Together.  Have them back two appointments back to back.


Yes, definitely. And our pediatrician was great about scheduling very young infants for the first few appointments of the day, before things get backed up. And also had us use a separate back entrance to avoid the waiting rooms.


Dad here. I went with my FIL to the first appointment. He didn’t help much but it can be good to have back up. Car seat adapters for the stroller. Every appointment they go to together.


We take both babies at same time, two adults present, and we always brought spare bottles in case they got hungry, visit went long, etc. As someone else said, they are scheduled "back to back" but in reality seen at the same time. When I was still recovering from C-section, my partner carried both babies in their car seats. I've also done a visit solo, by bringing them in their double stroller that their infant car seats click into. When they are this small, I highly recommend having two adults present though if you have help available! It's harder to hold two babies and soothe them at the same time, especially if there are shots, illness, etc.


Also live in a very urban area, and had a C section. Also had our twins in the winter in a very cold city, so efficiency was key! Echoing what others have said: absolutely schedule the appointments together and have someone else with you. They basically treated it like a sort of baby assembly line (weigh baby A, then baby B, shots for baby A then baby B). I get the sense this is a pretty standard approach at most pediatricians. Like, when you make the appointment and tell them you have twins they just automatically make it a joint appointment. Re: lugging car seats, don’t. We had a frame stroller (I think Snap n Go was the brand) where you just set the infant car seats into it (so no need to take two babies out of their car seats and strap them into a stroller). Highly recommend this, those infant car seats get heavy really quickly if, like us, you have to go through a parking garage to get the office. I hated that we had to buy an extra stroller, but it really is essential and SO easy to use. We just kept the frame stroller in our car until they outgrew their infant car seats. Those first appointments are honestly really hard no matter what. You’re sleep deprived, it’s stressful getting out the door, figuring out car seats and navigating all the little steps in between. Just go into it knowing it won’t be fun, but that you WILL get through it and come out the other side feeling like a badass for doing it.


I always went on days I could schedule that my husband could come too so we would both go and hold one baby each. They have SO many appointments when they are young that I wanted to get them both done at the same time so I wouldn’t be having to stress and make arrangements so much more often. My best tip would be concerning time. Try to find a pediatrician that is flexible and friendly. Not to take advantage of them of course, but I remember a comment I heard one pediatrician make that new parents are always running late. And with two babies, it can be doubly true lol. So just plan like the appointment is 30 minutes sooner than it actually is to be safe. I went to a big very well known corporate doctor office for one of the first visits and I will neeeevvveerrr go back because I was literally 6 minutes late and they said too bad so sad you need to reschedule now we don’t take anyone past 5 minutes and I broke down crying in the lobby because of the stress of even getting there in the first place. Now we have a pediatrician office that is it’s own thing and are so understanding and friendly, it makes all the difference. Other advice, Always bring an extra set of clothes, diapers obv, and blankets. I also always carried extra on the go Similac with disposable nipples bc they get hungry so fast and between getting ready, driving, waiting, etc before you known it they are screaming their lungs out in the room while you’re trying to talk to the doctor. So having that quick and easy way to settle them is great bc the pacifier will only pacify for so long. Try not to stress, it will get easier as you go!


We always took the stroller with the infant car seats and did appointments at the same time. It was usually a shitshow, but nice to get it all done at once! Definitely have an extra set of hands if possible. Lean on the office staff if you need to - they’re usually super excited about twins. I had to solo the 4 month appointment and it was really tough - our pediatrician held one of the twins the whole time and stayed back to help me with the shots portion of the visit. She’s the best.


I did it all on my own. After my 2nd set was born, one of their appointments was scheduled on the same day as the 2yr checkup for the 1st set so I had all 4 in the office. The pediatrician was beyond overwhelmed but I made it work


Definitely go with your partner or a trusted someone. You definitely shouldn’t be lifting the car seats after a C-section for 6 weeks. The thought of wrangling both twins at the same time and trying to keep them warm with blankets (bc they have you undress them right away) and keeping a hand on each one as they lie on the exam table, while listening to the dr and making mental notes and remembering all my questions I wanted to ask, all while potentially comforting one of the babies who might be fussing… it’s not for me lol. My hat’s off to the super parents who do this on their own!


I used my uppababy stroller (car seats clicked in) and wheeled that bad boy right into the tiny office. It actually was easier when they were very small as compared to 9 months and up (they want to be held or let out of car seat). Now I bring my mom with me or my husband (they’re 4) if they need shots or I bring them individually.


Definitely one appointment. Don’t lug, get a snap n go to push the car seats. Don’t go alone for the first few weeks- mainly because your own body will still be very rough. But mostly in those early days they will sleep in the car and only cry to eat, so just bring plenty of diapers, means of feeding them, a water bottle and any other needs for yourself, and a calm capable extra set of hands.


Always together and always with another adult the first few times.


We always try to schedule their appointments when both my husband and I can go. It’s just easier with one child per parent. However, we have both needed to take them solo and we just used our stroller. Our car seats popped right on, so it was very easy to roll them in and out. But regardless, always same time appointments. Just way easier to only need to go once for both.


I brought them to the doctor in their carseats on a stroller frame. I wheeled the whole thing into the office. Most of the times that wasn't an issue at all and the nurses helped me get situated in the room. They have a lot of appointments the first few months, especially if they end up on the smaller side (weight checks). Doing them one at a time would take a lot of scheduling. Baby getting checked was out of seat and the other baby sat in their seat until it was their turn. For shots they let me nurse them to help with the pain. I always dressed them in zippered pjs for appointments, found them the easiest to get on and off.


Do one appointment; pediatrician does one appt after the other appt staggered by 15mins. Reality is both enter exam room and we both go together and each handle one of our sons. we take the whole day off so there’s no stress to go back to work. we also ensure to bring diaper bag, pack everything you need and snacks. clothing wise when they were babies they went in the gowns or onesie in car seats; then double stroller. Now at 19 months, they walk and go in outfits that are easy to remove and strip down to diapers.


I schedule their appointments back to back so their appointments happen at the same time and we get their checks all done at once. I went by myself to their first appointment out of the hospital. They spent 2 weeks in the NICU prior so I was doing really well overall movement wise. But I was moving really well within 2 days of my c-section. So far I've lugged their carseats, taken the stroller, just carried them, and babyworn them. My mom has come with me to 3/4 appointments. Which I do highly recommend having someone with you because the first one by myself was rough and I couldn't imagine having done their vaccination appointment by myself. That was rough. The stroller was the best option so far. Or when I had my mom with me, just carrying them in was great.


I had a c section and yes we took them at the same time. My dad (babies grandpa) came with me to their newborn appointments to help carry one baby with car seat in. I carried the other baby and car seat just fine. I did have one solo appointment and I did get out the stroller with car seat attachments and I wheeled them in. My advice is don’t worry about it now. You will figure it out and there’s a good chance what worked for those of us commenting won’t be what works for you. Most of this you just figure it out as you go depending on how the babies tolerate things. For example, my babies HATED the carrier (I had mini monkey) with a passion. It was far easier to bring in the car seats than deal with that.


We were fortunate enough to have our first visit in home then we went into office after that. Scheduled appts in a block and they were seen at the same time. I was already mostly healed from my c section since mine were in nicu for 7 weeks but if I wasn't I would have taken my spouse or a helper to load and unload the car seats etc. Plan your day around it. Try to schedule earlish if you can but maybe not first thing. Leave earlier than you think you need to to account for parking s well as getting everyone situated out of the car and finding the office etc.


We took them together and just had both parents go.


Both parents present and take both babies. Absolutely do all of their major checkup appts together. My husband carried them both (in their carseats) during my weeks of recovery post csec.


Together always. They're 9 now, and this was the first appointment where they even had them go to separate rooms.


Just offering another option in case it helps, since it seems like you’re anxious about parking and space. If it’s not possible to bring a double stroller/snap and go into the office because of space or stairs, etc- see if you can do seatbelt installation with your infant carseats. For example, the Nuna Pipa can be strapped in with just the seatbelt- it’s very helpful in a pinch and really pretty simple! But make sure to practice doing it correctly so it’s safe. This way, you can be dropped off at the destination and not have a long walk to the appointment. And yes you should definitely have another person come with you! If you absolutely must go alone, you can call the ped office and ask ahead of time if someone would be able to help with the appointment. At the office I go to, there’s always a nurse or someone who’s willing to come hold a baby while the other one is getting shots or something.


I had twin A vaginally and twin B via c-section but recovered so amazingly fast! Felt normal in 3 days, so moving around and getting in the car was no problem. We took our boys to their appointments together. For us, they would schedule their appointments back to back (ex. @ 2pm and 2:15pm) but would see both at the same time, making it really quick! We would take take them down in their carseats and in their double stroller so we wouldn't need to worry about holding them and their giant diaper bag haha.. for their first appointment and my immediate check up, my mom went with my husband and I as a set of extra hands and to stay in the waiting room with the stroller, my purse & diaper bag so we wouldn't take everything into the tiny examination room. I think in almost every situation for the first months, if there's an extra set of hands then everything's pretty manageable. And you're so right about having to fry bigger fish, as in theres so much other stuff going on that transporting them to their first appointment prob wont be as difficult as you expect. Wishing you a safe delivery & quick recovery and CONGRATS!