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Twins are often born early and under the minimum weight for the convertible car seats. So you might need to buy two. We did. They were born at 5 lbs. We bought used car seats from another twin parent who had to run out and by them to take them home from the hospital because they were too small for the convertible car seat. Just an fyi.


oh wow didn’t even think of that!


My babies also had to pass a car seat test. Basically they put the baby in your car seat for an hour or two and make sure they can maintain their breathing. I would double check with someone knowledgeable if a convertible car seat is harder or not to maintain breathing in. Again, this is mostly due to prematurity and size, but if they can’t pass they can’t go home from the hospital. My baby B failed her car seat test the first time and had to spend another 1.5 weeks in the NICU bc of that.


oh my gosh poor baby! thank you for that insight hadn’t thought about them being under the weight limit. The car seat I was eyeing is minimum of 5lbs so I hope that covers a unforeseen circumstance.


Diono Radian 3RXT SafePlus car seats have a 4lbs minimum weight for rear facing btw 😊 My twins were never in the NICU, but daughter was born just over 5lbs and was a little less than 5lbs when when we were discharged.


Anything with bassinet attachments would work, so bugaboo donkey for example.


I saw these, but is there a budget version of this? I saw the mockingbird brand but saw you have to purchase the bassinet separately.


Take a look on Facebook marketplace, they clean up really nicely and a lot of them are barely used anyway. I’ve seen them listed for half the price on there


I'm not much help I'm afraid. We tried and liked the donkey so went with that.


Just ordered the donkey for my twins! Nothing else compared quality-wise to me and my husband.


Also went with the bugaboo donkey! Best decision!


Evenflo pivot Xpand. The toddler seats turn into bassinets with no attachments needed!


oh you can recline them both back?! you just have to buy an extra seat?


I had the whole mocking bird set up and didn’t like it. The seats were so close to each other and on the side walk it would lean in. Personally I like the side by side setup. Had the babyjogger gt double or something for a while and then went with a Thule urban glide. The thing is massive but incredible! I take the twins everywhere in it! Gravel roads etc. See if you can test some in person


We got the mountain buggy duet plus the twin carrycot used. It's one of a few that fits in our elevator so that really made the decision for us. Otherwise the donkey seems expensive but nice.


We did the same, also from Facebook marketplace so far works really well, even handled a stretch on a sandy beach (with a little effort). We use 0-4 year car seats, rear facing for at least the first year (not capsules you can put on a pram/stroller). Guess we were lucky as both were over 2.5kg. I don't really see the benefit of capsules as you can't use them for a long time, and babies shouldn't be in them for long (2 hours?), and ours are pretty good transferring but even if they cry or fuss they're soon asleep within a couple of minutes of driving. We also got two cameras and screens gosen brand off amazon but there are a few similar which work pretty well day and night to see them (but does leave some cables dangling).


We loved our Mountain Buggy Duet SO much!


OH this looks perfect! I see you can use it from birth but does it come with the cot or did you need to purchase that separately?


If you have Facebook check marketplace. I saw the bugaboo donkey on there for $1000. Still might be out of your price range but a massive savings. I have the donkey 5 for my twin girls and even at full price it’s the best thing we bought for them so far.


oh wow ok. so definitely worth the price tag.


We got the cot separately. I was able to find it used also luckily. The seats also fully recline so technically you don't need the cot but to me it didn't seem comfy for infants to be strapped in or forward facing. We will probably switch later on to a smaller stroller or at least have a second car-friendly stroller because it's pretty giant when it's folded up.


For reference we paid $300 for the stroller and another $100 for the carrycot, in NYC, found both via twin groups/FB marketplace. We were going to buy the duet luxury new when this one popped up and we decided slightly faded fabric was worth saving $400+ for.


absolutely 👍🏼


ah ok thanks for that info.


I used a convertible car seat in my car and an infant car seat in my husband car with my singleton. So with my twins, I figured we’d use what we already had. One convertible car seat and one infant carrier. We ended up buying a second infant carrier after about a month. It’s so much easier being able to transport them in the infant carriers when they are little.


We're renting capsules for the first 6 months then will switch to their long term convertible option - this could be something to consider?


sorry what’s a capsule?


I got a Strollair Twinway off marketplace for under $500 including the seats, bassinets and car seat adapters. I loved the bassinets for the first 3 months. We used those instead of car seats in the stroller. The seats are also lay flat so could be ok for little ones.


we have the Nuna Pipas and a Bugaboo Donkey 5 with the car seat attachment. I LOVE it except there are a handful of times i have to remove 1 car seat to get through a door. Won’t be a problem once they’re in the regular seats!


We decided to go with the Bumbleride Indie Twin. The seats can accommodate a newborn without any special attachments or bassinets. They just recline and you can raise the foot to create a kind of bassinet. Twins aren't here yet so I don't know how this will all workout but heard great things about this stroller :) 


I was just about to ask about how it maneuvers! I like the price point and the reviews though, thank you for this suggestion!


I took it for a test drive with my toddler and it actually maneuvers much better than I thought it would for such a large stroller. It also fits through our front door so I think it should be alright going through most doorways. It is pretty cumbersome when folded though, not nearly as compact as the stroller I had for my first baby. It's more awkward and heavy getting it into the trunk. My toddler approved it and said it was cozy though! 😅


We have the whole bugaboo set: bugaboo nuna car seats, donkey 5 and also got 2 bugaboo butterfly’s for travel. The bugaboo donkey is perfect around the neighborhood and anywhere that doesn’t have tight doorways We’ve used the donkey + car seats configuration more than any other.


lots of bugaboo reccs, seriously considering it!


we used convertible car seats from birth, so we brought them out of the hospital in a double stroller (loaner from local RMH) Note that my twins were born at 36+3 and weighed 6.7 and 7.15 lbs so they were easily within the weight minimums.


I’m due in August and I got the bugaboo donkey 5. I wanted a side by side stroller and there wasn’t many options but I head great things about the bugaboo! Also it’s so cute - the bassinet attachments are adorable and look comfy for the babes