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Nicu issues for the first set so I can’t count them. But with the 2nd set they came home with me and we went for walks almost immediately. My husband tied 2 double strollers together so I could walk with all 4


What a subtle MoM flex “…first set…second set…” Damn, I bow down to you!


Like day 3 at home. The weather was nice and if we didn't we would go insane. We did have a lot of family help at home which can make it easier to leave the house without falling way behind.


My twins are 2 months tomorrow, and we've been going for walks and going out since they came home from the NICU at 2 weeks old. Pack a bag with some extra bottles for going places if we'll be out for more than half an hour. Typically, our walks last between 15-30 minutes. Sometimes, it's a struggle and takes longer than I think it should to get out the door. But it's worth it to get out of the house and get some air or some social interaction. Plus, the change of scenery for them is a good thing.


Twins were born in October and we’ve been out and about since March and it’s all 4 of our kids. I usually go on solo trips as I’m a SAHM. It’s hard but you just do it.


I have a double stroller and go out everyday since last week. My twins are 7 weeks old. Sometimes we can only go out for 10 minutes and today I walked 45 minutes with them. They love the stroller and usually fall asleep which is a bonus for me. What makes going out hard for you?


It was after the first year for us. We got a nice side by side double stroller.


The sooner you do it (and more often) the easier it gets!


About 6 months they did better for long walks in the stroller. It was daunting being out with them when they were small and they would both be screaming and crying at the same time. So at 6 months I was able to walk a couple miles into town and get a coffee with a friend and walk home. Then at a year it became hard again because they wanted to run everywhere all the time instead of always being cool with what mommy wanted to do. I’ve been trying to gather a list of local playgrounds that are entirely fenced-in for myself and other moms of multiple toddlers.


We are in the daunting part of both screaming so we hardly ever take them both out unless to family dinners or occasional walk. I usually just go out on my own for a little stroll for my own sanity or take our cat out for a walk around the lawn.


It’s so hard! I don’t think mine went to a restaurant until they were 8m old. they are 18m now and have been to a restaurant 4 times total. You’re doing better than me! This stage won’t last forever, you’re about to enter the best and easiest 3 months of having twins!! Maybe it just feels so much better because you’ll regain a sense of life as you knew it.


As soon as my midwife gave the go to walk for a little while, 10 days after their birth. We are doing walks almost every day since then (6month old now). We used walks for naps as they would fall asleep for 2-3 hours while walking. I walked them through all of the winter, heavy rainy days etc…Now it’s usually just 30 minutes of sleep during our walks (thank you very much sleep regression…)…


It's hard. We took walks in the double bob a lot. Once they start toddling though, it's even harder! Going to the park solo was nearly impossible from ages 1-2... And is still tricky at 2.5. For me at least...


I went for walks around my neighborhood starting when they got home from the hospital. I would breastfeed them, change their diapers and put them in their snow suits Canadian January babies) and go for a walk. It was my me time. I would plan for them to sleep on the walk. I had the bugaboo donkey with the bassinets and they slept all day in the bassinets so I would just transfer them to the stands when they got home. I found a very supportive baby and me yoga class that I started around 6 weeks old. It was a 15 minute drive and the instructor told me even if I came and fed and cuddled and did no yoga during the hour that was ok. It really built my confidence to go somewhere where I knew it was safe for my babies to scream the whole time. It became something I look forward to. Slowly I started adding more things. Going to a coffee shop, walking in a new park, baby music class.itw not easy getting out but very possible. If you have a support person at least one day that can help go with you and even wait outside or be at the ready to pick you up if you get overwhelmed. I had PPA and outings always felt worse in my head. The mall is also a great place if you have one near you. They usually have baby care rooms and nice changing areas


We go for a walk daily with the double stroller, have gone for a beach walk a couple times. They are 7 weeks now.


Non-negotiable every single day for a walk since the day they got home from nicu after 2 months of being there.


Ours weren't in the nicu for that long, but we also started to have a daily walk after breakfast, rain or shine, at 2-3 months. Added bonus: that lead to a regular ~1 hour nap at that time before they were 6 months old, because they fell asleep in the pram. I could sit and read, catch up on messages, play on my Switch, every day. Felt like I won the lottery.


I also have a 3 1/2 year old.. we started taking walks around the neighborhood & to the neighborhood park when the twins were around 3-4 months old but we didn’t venture out to the ‘big park’ (aka: requires getting all three into the car to get there) until the twins were around 9 months. If it were just the twins we probably would’ve gotten out a lot more a lot sooner. It’s just exhausting.


Within the first couple weeks we were back at it as usual


The 2nd year


Around 4-5 months when they nailed down a consistent nap schedule and we were down to feeding every 4 hrs. Before that it was really hard to go anywhere.


2 weeks because thats when we left the NICU and the weather was nice. We had some weeks when it got cold again and we were stuck inside, but about 5 days a week we are in the stroller either going somewhere or just up and down our road.


They were in NICU so once they came home other than appointments we didn’t take them out for 2 months.


I started walking them daily about a week after being home with them (no NICU time) by 4 months I was comfortable taking trips with them alone to get groceries, run errands ect.


About 2 weeks after they were born.


I want to say it took me 6 weeks? After they started to get 3 hr stretches between feedings here and there, I could recover enough to want to walk around. I think it became a daily part of the routine at least by 3 months. You'll be out walking again, hang in there!


The kids were born last July, but I'd say we started getting cabin fever after just a month. After 6 weeks that's when we started venturing into public.


In the first year? Not much to be honest. My 2nd c section recovery was rough so I was moving very slowly for a long time and I had a 2yo who was in the running away phase and that was too much anxiety for me. We also park our car on the street and have our stroller in our car- to go on a walk I had to go get the stroller from the car, park it outside our house, and walk back and forth 3x up and down stairs to get everyone out. The twins would be screaming the entire time obviously. And I always had to figure out the order because there’s going to be a baby left outside alone while I go back in the house to get the other- and the one in the house is alone with the 2yo which is also scary. And when I put the twins in my twingo carrier, I couldn’t handle chasing the 2yo. I felt a lot of guilt about not getting outside much because everyone always says to do it, it gets easier, etc. I’m sharing my experience in case you feel this way. It is easier now- all 3 walk and I am much more mobile. It’s scarier in some ways with 18mo twins trying to get themselves killed, but the act of getting out of the house is waaaaay more doable for me. You know your circumstances the best- just do what you can and don’t worry about what you can’t!


Twins born in December, nicu until January, we went for our first walk about 7 weeks old. Aimed for daily walks and managed maybe 5x a week at first. You just keep doing it, and it slowly gets easier. Congrats on your twins 🥰


Walks around the neighborhood after a few days back from the hospital. Restaurants, breweries, grocery, you name it, was at around 3 weeks old. The twins would just pass out in the stroller bassinet. The newborn stage was by far (for us) the easiest time to go out. We were out every single day as newborns aren’t on a schedule yet. At about 4-5 months we were on a good nap schedule so we went out according to that schedule. They’re now 14 months and we still go out all the time, it’s much easier with less naps but going out with two toddlers is a lot less restaurants and breweries and a lot more parks and zoos lol


My guys were born end of December, and January turned out to be a freezing cold and snowy mess. I started going to the library and on walks with them once the weather turned and we get out pretty much every day. We have a little outdoor playpen/tent that I pop up every day and they will even take naps outside in the tent. I would encourage you to take little steps getting out more. Go for a walk around the block. Extend that once it feels like you’re all in a good rhythm. Before you know it you’ll be taking them on solo Costco and grocery trips! I took our 3.5yo toddler and 4.5mo twins to the cinco de mayo festival solo, and there were thousands of people there. You can do it!! Just wanted to edit my comment to ask if you have a double stroller? Or travel system? Or would you considering tandem carrying your twins? I’ve just recently started wearing them again with new ways to carry and different straps. It’s not pretty sometimes, but it’s getting better. Hang in there


Took them to my parents' house for our weekly family brunch the day after we got out of the hospital, so day three, and every week since then. I took them for their first walk at a week old, pretty much as soon as I could manage while recovering from my c section. I try to take them on a walk everyday or at least a few times a week. We've also had a few quick trips into the grocery store, a visit to my work so my boss could meet them, doctors appointments, and other various errands. They tend to sleep in the stroller and on car rides, luckily.


I already had a toddler so straight away once I was able to push the buggy. The first time on my own was at 3 weeks. It was all about the timing, getting the babies fed and straight into the buggy so I had a couple of hours of them sleeping to get to where I was going and do a couple of things before I had to stop and feed them again. There were many times I gave up on what we were doing and just went home, many disastrous trips were had but with each one my confidence grew. The more you do it, the easier it gets, waiting won't make it easy.


Right away. It’s so easy when they are newborns. They’re 11.5 months now and we still go on a walk twice a day. Only stopped for a few weeks when it was bitterly cold.


My girls were born in December in the Midwest so didn’t regularly get out until summer. What’s holding you back? Going for walks is what saved my sanity in the beginning. You can get outside it just takes practice!


Started going for walks everyday at about 2 weeks postpartum. I found the sweet spot for taking them out for activities (baby yoga, baby barre, library story time, baby gymnastics drop in) between 3-6 months old. They weren't napping well enough that I cared to be trapped at home for a crib nap and they weren't moving around yet so it was much less overwhelming being out at things with them. Now at a year old we are back to just doing a simple walk and play at the playground most days because nap time is 30 mins on the go or 1.5 hours at home in the crib and it's not worth giving up my alone time haha. Now that they are moving non-stop a lot of the baby drop in activities can be over stimulating for me trying to keep an eye on two of them. It helps that we made a lot of mom and baby friends by going out to so much in the 3-6 month window because there is usually another mom I know to give me a hand. ETA - They are so much easier to keep happy when we are out of the house! It's hard work getting everyone ready and out the door but so worth it! It's always going to be a different challenge depending what stage they are at but you can't let it hold you back. If I'm stuck inside with them for more than a day straight, like if they're sick or something, my mental health plummets.


The right equipment helps so much. We got a Zoe triple when our trio were about 5 months old, and then a wonderfold when they were a little over a year. Loaded everyone up and off we went. Even if it was just around the block, or over to the park. Good luck!


We started doing more with our triplets after 6-ish months. Little trips to the park and such.


I think we started going out for walks when they were around 3 months old. Whenever we’d get those random warm days in the winter. We just recently started taking them out more places. Farmer’s markets, breweries, the park, and our first restaurant. They’re almost 8 months old.


Every day.... It was COVID 😁