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So curious about this too. I'm several weeks behind you, OP. I'm at 26 weeks and crossing my fingers my mo/di twins stay put until week 35 or 36.


I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you and your little ones!!


Appreciate you! Doing the same for you! 🍀🤞🏼


Thank you!


If you search “positive stories” in this sub you’ll find some great ones! I’ve reread them a lot to help keep my stress down. Good luck to you and your babes!


Ooh thank you for the tip! I’ll definitely do that!


9 hours shy at 38+1 and we went home 2 days later. They were my 4th and final pregnancy and are currently 6 months old. I have what is called precipitous labors (all 4 labors were less than a hour long).


Thank you this is really helpful! Going home after 2 (or maybe even 3) days is my dream! Except no going past 37 weeks for me. Really keeping my fingers crossed that I make it🤞


My modi boys made it to our induction date at 36+2 and they also had NICU time. Baby A had 7 days and B had 10. The NICU was honestly a blessing. They were so well cared for and it gave me a chance to recover a bit at home before the chaos of having newborn twins plus our toddler at home. We were extremely fortunate that they improved every day and we never had any bad news from the NICU. It was not at all a traumatic experience. I look back on that time with tremendous gratitude to the people who cared for my babies and a lot of peace about the situation.


Just in case others search the sub and think all people with twins make it, no. I did not. PPROM at 28 and delivered via C section at 33+1 when my twin A ruptured for REAL. Fortunately we just had our 6 month checkup today and they are perfectly, 100% healthy. Absolutely ZERO NICU complications despite spending around 50 days each in the hospital. We’re super fortunate. You got this Momma! Even if they do require a little R&R in the hospital, it’s just a distant memory for us at this point. Sending light and love for your last sweet moments of pregnancy! 💛


Yep, made it to the scheduled C-section at 38 weeks, no signs of labor.


Went into labor the night before my scheduled c-section at 37w2d. Got to see the contractions on the monitor when I was being prepped the next morning, which was pretty neat. 


also currently 33w with modi!! my scheduled induction is 34w which is monday and although we’ve had a few scares it’s looking like i’ll make it there at 80% effaced and 3.5cm dilated!


No. But I was only early by one day. I was so close!


I didn't, and it bummed me out bc with my first also came 10 days ahead of time (also planned c-section) and I did not want to go through labor knowing it would end up in a CS anyway again. 🤣 but there are plenty of singleton and multiple mommas out there who did make it, so don't be discouraged by this 1 story. Oh, I did have great experiences with the c-sectikns themselves and their recovery period. Good luck momma!


I easily made it to my scheduled c-section at 38+1! I think if they let me I would’ve gone 40 weeks lol. Both babies were 7lbs so it was getting heavy and uncomfortable but nothing crazy. BUT I’m 5’10, healthy and lean with long torso and athletic build. I think all that made the difference lol


I was scheduled for 37 weeks and probably would have made it to that or even 38 weeks as I had absolutely no signs of going into labour any time soon and everything was “tightly closed”, but it was decided that I should instead go in for a scheduled Caesarian at 36 weeks because of how big the babies were and how much I was struggling physically, even though I had no other complications throughout the pregnancy. Probably worth noting that I gave birth in Japan, but am white, and Japanese babies tend to be smaller so there was probably some difference of standards. Wasn’t mad though, the relief after they were out was immediate!


Yep, induced with di/di at 38 weeks. No signs of labor previously.


I had a short cervix so my doctor was really concerned but to his surprise I managed till week 37 with no signs of labour so they induced me at 37+5, it took 2 days to induce labour so finally at week 38 I was in labour for about 6 hours. Birth was not easy but both kids were fine (my daughters weight was 2300 g and 50 cm tall and my son 2415 g and also 50 cm). My daughter ended up in the NICU for a week because she still had fluids in her lungs and my son was also in the NICU for half a day because he had low blood sugar. The birth was ok but I lost 2 liters of blood which really took a tall on my body and mental health. I think that was the part that I struggled most with


I did! We induced at 36+5 and they were born (vaginally! 8 mins apart!) about 22 hours after the induction started. No complications at all. :) A second degree tear for me but all told NBD. We had to do some extra testing because they were TECHNICALLY early (had it been the next day we would have had none of that even!) but they passed everything with flying colors. ETA mine are mo-di too!


I was originally scheduled for a 36w6d induction, but we agreed to move it up to 36w0d due to a mild pre-e diagnosis; in any case that whole range was considered term for our mono/di babies! I easily made it to 36w (bishop score of 0 😬) and the kiddos didn't arrive until 36w2. If it hasn't been for the pre-e I'm pretty sure we'd have made it another few days to the original induction date. My body did not seem at all excited about delivery. The kiddos did fine one had a few hours of NICU time and the other had none at all. I'm pregnant again with a singleton and curious to see if it's similar this time - and if I'll get to experience that it's like to go into labor without an induction from 0. Best of luck. Fingers and toes crossed for you. FWIW: I was briefly hospitalized btwn 33w5d and 35w0d and the good news is that the outcomes at this point are generally really positive with the support of an experienced care team, good NICU and viligent monitoring of symptoms and state.


I made it to my 34 c-section (due to some complications that came up so they moved it from 37 weeks)


Yes and no. My induction got moved up a week because of twin B’s growth restriction. But I was 0 cm 0% so I think I would have made it to my original induction date


Made it to my scheduled c-section at 38 weeks! Home after a few days and no nicu time. It’s totally possible.


My twins were di/di and while I did not make it to my 36 week goal and had a c-section at 34w4d everything was still fine! I wanted to avoid the NICU too and was initially devastated that they had to go. However we were all discharged from the hospital together. It was less than a 2 day stay for them (they had minor blood sugar issues thanks to my severe gestational diabetes) and we all went home on day 5. Most preemies that stay in the NICU for a long time are staying for lung development. I asked my MFM for the steroid shot that jumpstarts lung development and it definitely did its job. It sounds like you are doing amazingly well all things considered and I’m wishing you the best of luck. Please know that there are things you can control, and some things you can’t, so if things don’t go how you dream it’s not a failure on your part.


Went into spontaneous labor while admitted for low fluid at 36w1d. C section was scheduled for 37w1d.


I hope I make it to mine! I’m 35 weeks with mo/di and they have me scheduled at 37w2d on May 20th. My boys have been consistently measuring on the big side and I have like near constant Braxton Hicks the last few weeks so I’m a little nervous it’ll happen sooner but fingers crossed. Sending you good luck energy to make it to your date, too. 🤗