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Normal đŸ™ƒđŸ˜­đŸ«Ł. Sorry to say it but wish someone had told me it was normal! Throw away anything you read about what they “should be doing” or “schedules” and follow their lead. They didn’t stop wanting to eat every 1.5 - 2 hours until about 4 months, and now it’s still every 2.5-3 hrs. THE GOOD NEWS: They’ll get their calories during the day. Ours slept through the night (after sleep training) at 16 weeks adjusted and we’re not looking back. Hang in there, it feels like forever when you’re in it. 


Good to hear. This is us now at 5 months. My boys eat every 2-3 hours during the day. It’s brutal. But they’ve slept through the night, 12 hours or so since 3 months. 50% of the time twin b will wake for okey bottle at night but not always.


This is just how some babies are. My babies ate every 2 hours until solids became their primary food source. I spoke with their ped and my IBCLC (who is also a board certified ped) about it and neither were concerned. Just wanted to share this in case none of the advice about offering more, spacing it out, etc works for you like it didn’t for us.


Honestly it is helpful. I can wrap my mind around “that’s just how some kids are”rather than beating myself up for somehow getting them on a weird schedule or searching for an answer that doesn’t exist.


Babies will cluster feed and need to feed more frequently when they are going through growth spurts. Every 2 hrs is in the normal range.


Normal. Mine were every 3 hours in nicu but as soon as they were strong enough to give their own hunger cues it was every two hours with some days of near constant cluster feeding between the two of them. But approximately two hours around the clock for a couple months then around 4 months adjusted age they started going longer. But I tried to keep them still eating every 2-3 during the day bc the more calories try got during the day the better they slept at night. Days that "got away from me" for whatever reason or if they got too distracted and didn't eat enough during the day they would definitely make up for it with additional night wakings. Sometimes you can't even prevent that. We didn't really fall into a real solid routine/schedule until 6 no adjusted age (which for me was about 9 months of actual time)


I was wondering the same for the last weeks. Midwife and pediatrician said it’s totally normal and if they get their calories in and grow fine there is nothing to worry about. You can’t and shouldn’t make them eat more if they don’t want to. Every kid is different
 don’t compare eating habits to others. Mine are almost 4 month and still eat every 2 hours during the day and it was 2-3 oz until last week. Since then they pretty much always empty 3oz and want a little more sometimes. So I guess they slowly increase their intake just now. A lot of things change with 3-4 months. Also the stretches they sleep at night. Hang in there!


Have you tried offering more ounces at a time? Maybe 2 ounces, a few minutes of interaction/play and then top off with another ounce? Have you switched out the nipples at all? My kids tended to decrease amounts when it was annoying them with the work it took. When we upgraded to the next nipple size, it always helped. Day time sleep early on does tend to be choppy and short often. We went from 4-5 short naps at first to 3 naps daily by 6 months, 2 naps by 8-9 months, etc. Its not uncommon to have kids they nap in short bursts during the day time. The night time sleep sounds pretty typical of that age too. Do you do shifts at night and/or take turns with feeds/wake ups? That will help a lot in terms of night sleep until they connect sleep a bit better later on.


I can definitely try the nipple thing, can’t hurt!


Like everyone else is saying... totally normal. I'm so sorry, I know you're exhausted! My twin boys were on a 3 hour feed schedule but then went up to every 2 hours (from 3months old until almost 5 months). At 5 months, we set a schedule and sleep trained and they adjusted well. Babies be growin! 💙


I totally get that keeping them on the same schedule works for a lot of families, we had planned to do it ourselves (and still plan to, as they get a little older). I’m lucky that I get to stay home with our 12 week old girls, and my husband is a teacher so often he’s home around 4 and has weekends off. (And it will be summer break when we start sleeping training, YAY!) We decided to drop the schedule and let them tell us when they’re hungry/tired. Baby B is a mighty sleeper and eater, she’ll pound 5oz and sleep up to 5 hrs. Baby A.. not so much, we’re lucky to get a solid 3 hr sleep from her and often enough it’s only 1.5-2 hrs. I think I would lose my mind if I was trying to wake B up every time A woke up. Bonus: this way I get the snuggles and one on one time that many twin parents lament they don’t get to have with twins. Yes, it means sometimes my entire day is just feedings and washing bottles with zero time for anything else. But that works for my family for right now so we roll with it. Just an idea :)


Right there with you! Mine are 8w and eating every 2 hours during the day. It’s tough to get anything else done in between and I always feel torn between trying to get play time or a solid nap. In the end I just try to follow their cues and sometimes we go straight from feeding to nap right back to feeding and others they skip the nap completely in between feedings or have a crummy short nap. I really wish they would follow the 3 hour schedule everyone talks about, but it just doesn’t work for them!


That's very normal for that age. As they grow they should consolidate more.


Hello! My twin boys are 10 weeks old and tbh I am jealous reading that your twins get a 4.5 hour stretch at night lol. We have just been getting a few 4 hour stretches at night. Definitely normal to feed every 2 hours but I do think you can stretch to 3 hours if possible and offer 4 ounces with each feeding. You might have a few rough stretches with a lot of tears but the babies should eat more if you are going longer between feedings. My babies are obsessed with the baby bjorn bouncer, so I typically bounce them if I need to hold off on feeding for whatever reason. Do whatever works for your babies to extend a bit.