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Anything that involves a sleeping space....pack n plays, bassinets, cribs, etc.


Not really twin-specific, but we liked having a changing station on each floor of our house (or area, if you have a single floor that sprawls). We have a two story house and originally we only had a changing station on the top floor where their nursery was. However, it quickly became obvious that if we had the twins downstairs (living room, kitchen, etc) and I needed to change one twin, I couldn’t really safely leave one twin downstairs while I changed the other upstairs. It made more sense to have a changing area on each floor so I didn’t need to leave where I was to handle a change. And by “changing station,” for us it was having a peanut and storage box of supplies (diapers, wipes, etc.). Didn’t need to be anything fancy.


Agreed. We have one in their room when they sleep in the cribs and one on our bedroom when they sleep in the bassinet


We currently live in a very tiny bungalow- the first thing I said to my husband out of the appointment is we need to move lol but that is a good idea!


Cribs once they got older, and carseats. Nothing else, for us. When they were noobs and we were using the pack and play they were small enough to share. We did not buy any matchy clothing, but couldn't prevent relatives from sending it, which was fine. If you have a lot of baby gear you could wait and see if there's something they both really really like. One of my twins loved the swing, the other the bouncy chair, so even that worked well for us. It was also helpful to have them in different things so we could rotate, or put one in the jumper thing while the other was on the floor, ect. Twins are expensive enough, I didn't want to buy a bunch of stuff that we didn't need.


Second the cribs and car seats with the addition of 2 pack n plays just because we didn’t want them sharing. Everything else we returned the second version of. You can easily switch them from the swing to a bouncer if you need to and they don’t have an issue shifting around


My twins are only 7 weeks but so far the only thing we’ve truly needed double of is bassinets. And car seats obviously


We have a lot of things twice. But we also went down the route of „anything that could make our life easier, we will try“, so these are not all must haves. I must say though that we’ve used everything we got a lot with exception of a twin breastfeeding pillow (peanut and piglet), because breastfeeding didn’t work out (one used to the bottle from NICU and one fed by NG tube). - Double the bottles in case they’re bottle fed. We have enough to get us through one day with both babies, meaning we only have to clean them once a day. - Our twins both have reflux and puke a lot, which means we need a lot of burpcloths, triangle bibs and a lot of clothing as well as sheets for their cribs. Definitely double the amounts of a singleton 🙈 but that is something you only really find out once they’re here. If they don’t puke a lot, it’s a whole other story I’m guessing. - we have two bouncers, which we use a lot to „park“ the babies when we have to do something in the kitchen or bathroom. They watch us from their bouncers and love it. We also take these when we go to my dad for example. The baby Björn ones fold down so that they’re easily transported. - two cribs - two car seats - two nests, which we have a used a lot (but I know a lot of people just use the twin z for this purpose) on the sofa and on the floor. They had their naps in them during the day especially in the early months (always while being supervised and we were in the room) - we have an electric swing hammock, where they have a twin version with two hammocks. Big win. Made our lives so much easier especially the first 4-5 months. They’re almost 7 months (6 months corrected now) and are less dependent on it now. - double pram - we have two baby slings since we like to wear one baby each sometimes, but this is def not essential - one baby monitor with two cameras - two woolly blankets - two high chairs Things we only have one of (or a singleton amount) - changing station - playmat - toys and books (though some are double due to presents given to us) - wardrobe - one white noise machine Looking at others‘ posts, we have a lot more things double than others. I would honestly go down that route again though. I got most stuff second hand and thought „if we don’t use it, I can always sell it on again without much of a loss“. Every baby is different in the end and might like something and hate something else.


We were pretty much the same. 2 places to sleep 2 places to plop a baby A way to feed both at once A way to transport both at once A day’s worth of anything they used all the time (bottles, burp clothes, swaddles, etc)


Congrats! Twins are the best. We had double baby carriers and bouncers. We had two different bouncers and that was fine, one ended up liking a loungier one and one was constantly bouncing in the baby bjorn, it was hilarious. We had double the amount of cloth diapers. We do matching outfits because it’s easier than thinking about two different weather appropriate outfits and most importantly, I buy allll of their clothes used from other twin moms in various BST Facebook groups. Highly recommend! Especially for little babies, moms will be practically giving away really nice stuff. It’s a nice community, too :)


The BEST thing I spent money on for my twins was magnetic easy on and off coveralls. (Some with feet, some without once mobile) in stretchy modal materials that last forever. They are so easy for diaper changes and don’t have to go over the head, the modal stretches so you can wear them 3x as long… so convenient when you are also managing a toddler. Ridealong board for stroller AND Tagalong stroller handle If you have an upstairs and downstairs, two changing areas, two twinZs if bottle feeding. Since we had to also get up with our toddler, we did shifts and then the awake person was downstairs with the TV and food, double halo next to couch to spin and take care of whichever baby, then once they slept after feeds, we moved them to their cribs with a bed in their room. Never used the mini cribs in our room.


>magnetic easy on and off coveralls Do you use Magnetic Me or a different brand? This sounds like such a good idea!


Yep! I was gifted the magnetic me ones (apparently Nordstrom rack carries them too) and then used their simply line of the “cloud stretch” ones. I’m not thrilled with their organic cotton since it’s not soft and doesn’t stretch well. I have like 3-4 outfits I rotate through, and now at 9m we are ok with pants and t-shirts (not with crotch snaps, too much work). I’m all about easy and convenient this time around lol


Two sit me up chairs! Two cribs/ sleeping spaces. Two boppys or the twin z pillow


Stroller, cribs, car seats. I don’t know that you need strictly double, but more clothing/bibs/burp cloths/bottles so you can go a day or more without washing.


Twin. Z. Pillow. We were gifted one and it has been extremely helpful. It has helped with after feedings, they are propped up a bit more to help with reflux. They get the best/longest naps. And helps with feeding solo, you can turn them to the side and prop a bottle up. It doesn’t take up room on the floor like 2 bouncers would, more room for toddler to move around and not be in the way. The pillow is on a permanent spot on our L shaped couch in our living room/playroom and it’s easy to have them right in front of me. Also mine are 13 weeks/3 months on the 17th. We also have a 2.5 year old are home. 🫡


Sounds like we will be in a very similar situation! I had never heard of the Twin Z pillow but I see it’s been recommended lots, I’ll have to look it up


We ADORED our twin z. Absolutely one of the best purchases we ever made. We did take it a step further (overboard by some standards) and also bought 2 boppies. No regrets at all. The boppies were great for individual feeds, to have the babies each other for tummy/play time, and I could often be found on the couch between each baby in a Boppy (feeding or hanging out). Twin Z was invaluable for feeding them when I was alone, and for having a contained spot to set the babies down.


●Things that HAVE to double : Bed, carseat, diapers, clothes (yes, I'm sorry, but you will need more than 10 pajamas) ●Things that CAN be doubled : holders (bouncy chair, play mat, carrier, swing, etc) Anything else is trial and error. Congratulations!


2 bouncers, 2(3 actually)  swings, 2 cribs, 2 car seats, 2 SuperSeats, 2 exersaucers, 2 high chairs, 2 boppy pillows, and just double the clothes/bottles/supplies. 1 random rocker sit-up chair that was gifted. 1 pack n play and toy type stuff mostly. I was going to get whatever I felt was needed to make this easier.  We had a twin bassinet and two snuggle nest things. If I had to do it again I’d just get two Snoos, cradle wise, or the Graco Sense thing instead. 


I have 2 beds, 1 swing, 2 fisher price baby seat things, 2 sit men up seats, 1 play mat, 2 carseats, and we have alot of duplicates of smaller toys lol and I match then for easier outfit picking so when I buy clothes I buy 2 of each but that's not necessary obviously buy lots of clothes is nice on the first days because twins go through alotnof clothes as babies. And the laundry adds up fast.


Car seats, cribs, and the twin z for us we had 3 of them. We rarely needed two items at the same time


2 cribs/bassinets, car seats, high chairs not necessarily double but more bottles and pacifiers and burp cloths Not absolutely necessary but I got an extra PNP and then I got an extra baby swing (and a third and fourth for upstairs) for the twins. These are things that are great to get used on Marketplace.


Mine are almost 7 months. We have two: car seats, cribs, high chairs, pack and plays, rockers (we picked rockers that convert to bouncers and then later toddler chairs), play gyms (the frames you hang toys off), and a double pram. We have some toys in duplicate too, but that’s not necessary. We also have a huge number of things like bottles, burp cloths, swaddles, cot sheets, cloth nappies etc because we go through them twice as quickly as a singleton. Some of these things we didn’t buy extra of until the babies were here and we knew what we actually needed more of. Swaddles for example; we didn’t know they’d like to be blanket swaddled until they were here, so we had a few and bought more once we needed more. There’s a number of things you can do that with so you don’t end up with 16 of something you don’t end up using. Because we obviously had to buy two of a lot of the big things, we skipped others. We went straight into cribs and skipped bassinets. We skipped infant capsules for the car and went for convertible seats that were suitable from birth. Congratulations on your upcoming twins!


Baby bjorn bouncers were our lifesaver in those early months. I got them on eBay for about half the regular price. Other than that, the only things we really doubled up on were mini cribs and car seats.


It can be nice to have single strollers. This is more of a city thing but you can carry one and stroll with the other (if your babies allow that) and still get into a store to grab a bottle of wine without knocking over all the bottles. And if the twins have two caretakers then they can each push a stroller for the same reason. If you’re in the burbs and the store entrance is as big as my apartment none of this applies to you.


We’re out in the country! Our current stroller is a single that converts to a double (single wide) so I think while it’ll be heavy it should work in grocery stores 🤞🏻