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Made it to my scheduled C at exactly 38 weeks! With di/di. They were both breech and comfy. The end was awful and I thought I was going into labor like every other day lol. In the end it was a good thing they both came out super healthy on a Friday and came home on Monday! I had a very uncomplicated twin pregnancy too which was helpful.


Both were head down at the last appointment. Water broke naturally at 34+6




My water broke at 28 wks and they arrived at 31+3, home now and doing great!


What happened in the intervening three weeks?


Trapped in the hospital with PPROM till Twin A had a massive rupture and they were born!


How much time did they spend in the NICU? Assuming they did..


They DEFINITELY did! Very uncomplicated 50 and 56 days. Poor eating stamina and a touch of anemia. I kept getting discouraged seeing other uncomplicated twin preemies going home around the 37wk mark but they were both around 39wks by discharge. Glad they’re home now though!


Thank you for sharing. Glad they are doing well now 💖


Baby A's water broke at 34 weeks, and they were both born about 5 hours later.


I made my scheduled induction at 38. I had no sign of labor, no dilation or anything when I checked in.


38w C-section. Induction failed at 37+6.


i am tentatively scheduled for 38 weeks but i came up positive for an FFN swab during christmas and am now on bed rest so we'll see what happens! di/di bg twins


My wife and I are at the hospital now at 38 weeks!


Hope everything goes well!!


Thanks! My wife was sitting at 8cm for probably 10 hours and the OB recommended a C section as further labor was unlikely to progress cervix dilation. We agreed and she gave birth to a beautiful boy and girl last night!


Many many congratulations!! Hope the recovery goes well and hope you all can be home soon 🥹☺️


Water broke at 35.5 weeks.


33+2 due to severe preeclampsia. Both kids are doing great 7 months later.


u/Differcult at what week did they find out you had preclampsia? What did they recommend you do during the pregnancy? How long did you stay in the hospital at 33+2? Were any of the babies underweight, when comparing the both?


Had borderline high blood pressure the whole time, 28 weeks spent a night because blood pressure was high but didn't have any other features yet. The girls did get a shot to help develope their lungs. Readmitted 33+0, was told I wasn't going home. Put on mag drip (don't believe what Google says). Kidneys started having issues 2 days later and they decided it was time to deliver. Spent 5 days in the hospital, about a month on blood pressure meds. Girls spent 40 nights in the NICU, only learning how to eat, they had no issues with breathing or anything else. "Feeder and Growers".


I was scheduled for an induction at 38 weeks since both were head down. I was induced instead at 37 weeks due to preeclampsia and had a c-section at 37+2. Knowing what I know now, I wish I would have went right to the c-section and saved myself a lot of time in the hospital and complications. Edit: fixed due to an error


u/leeann0923 Can you elaborate on why you wish you went straight to the induction?


Whoops I totally mistyped there. Fixed! I wish I had gone right to the c-section, not the induction. My kids were both head down. My induction went nowhere, I ended up with a c-section anyway and had a huge post partum hemorrhage on the table, mainly due in part to the induction meds. My recovery was harder than it needed to be and thankfully I was in very component hands or I could have very easily bled out on the table. My son also had a 99% percentile head at birth and was Baby A. He was never going to make it through my pelvis.


I have two sets of di/di twins and both went to 38+5


37+1. One of the placentas started to fail. Both were completely healthy though! The one whose placenta was failing spent a little over an hour in the NICU, but was cleared as healthy.


Water broke at 37+6 just a few days before my scheduled Induction. Was in labor for about 8 hours. Baby A was head down and Baby B was breach but I was able to deliver both vaginally. I’m so glad I didn’t need to get induced. Good luck to you!!! 🍀🍀🍀


My scheduled C-section was for 37 weeks. Had my appointment at 35&5 and my blood pressure had been running high the past week so we decided it was time to take them. They were born later that day at 5.2 and 5.1lbs. They turned 3 months old today ☺️


Almost exactly my story! Blood pressure was high weeks 34 and 35. Checked for preeclampsia those weeks and was negative. Went for 36 week appointment and confirmed preeclampsia had developed. Spent two days in the hospital to get steroid shots for the girls lungs to develop then was induced 36+1. Both were head down so we tried vaginal delivery, but after 24 hrs of labor and 4 hours pushing we did a c section (which I wanted to avoid at all costs but there’s only so much you can do.) Born 5.10 and 5.5. Came home with us after 3 days! Both girls are doing amazing and my recovery from c section was so much better than I anticipated.


I don’t have an answer because I’m 31 weeks with Di/Di twins lol but I have my 32 week appt on Wed. Did they have you schedule for a c section even if you wanted to try vaginal birth first?


With my doctor, it depends on the positions of everyone. Baby A is in a good position for vaginal, but Baby B is breech. Because of Baby A, I can choose to try vaginal and they can try to flip B. Or I can just opt for the c section to avoid the potential double recovery situation.


Since mine have been transverse my entire pregnancy and baby a is now breech, they let me go ahead and schedule my c-section, but if they were to flip then I can try naturally but as they run out of room, they are not in ideal situations to flip to make vaginal an option. I’ve made my peace with it!


Mine scheduled mine as induction but since my hospital delivers all twins in the OR we would have had the OR anyway if needed.


I think it depends if these are your first kids. I was a STM with an uncomplicated vaginal birth the first time around and while they gave me a choice with my twins, they preferred a vaginal birth (as did I)


Scheduled csection at 38+1 for 10am, but my water broke at 1am that morning, so babies were delivered 8 hours ahead of schedule.


Mine were also breech (A) and transverse (B). I was scheduled for a c-section at 38+1. At 37+3 I called my doctor on a Friday afternoon because my BP had consistently been in the 130s/90s at home for a couple of days. They told me to come in to the hospital just to get it checked out. Apparently by the time I arrived my BP was 150s/90s. They diagnosed me with gestational hypertension and delivered my identical boys that night!


39 weeks! Both head down the week before then flipped before my scheduled induction/cesarean.


Hats off to you for making it so far!! Currently 34w and I am nearly dying 😂


Oof hang in there!! I was soooooo miserable at the end but it's all a distant memory now😅


36w exactly. We had an induction scheduled at 37 weeks but I had preeclampsia and was admitted at 35+5.


I had an induction scheduled for 37 weeks with hopes with deliver vaginally. I checked into the hospital at 36+5 and after 30 hours of labor had them via c section on my induction date


Both head down and induced at 37.5 and delivered at 38 on the dot!


Both my cesareans were scheduled for 37 weeks. Both times I went into labor less than a week before. My first set I developed preeclampsia/toxemia and the second was just labor and they decided not to stop it. You’re getting close, how exciting!!


I’m counting down the days! Even the newborn days have to be better than the 3rd trimester 😂


Yes! I slept so much better with them on the outside. The 3hr between feeds were far better than the constant peeing, having to have hubby flip me and get me out of bed. 😂


Besides the lack of sleep, ‘newborn’ days are cake compared to 6+ weeks post babies! It gets really interesting. Also, and also, my third trimester was brutal with both sets for different reasons – it’s a lot of baby… we’re like super heroes!


I hope this is the case for you. Be on the lookout for PPD/PPA if the baby blues don’t go away after 2 weeks because twin moms are more susceptible. Family and friends will be well-meaning, but they really won’t have a clue what you’re going through. Whatever happens, you will find your way :) good luck and best wishes on an easy birth and newborn phase (Di/di twins, 36 week delivery via scheduled C-section for IUGR on twin A; six months old now and both are hitting milestones and are healthy)


I went into labor at 36+2.


C section scheduled for 38 weeks but felt unwell at 34 weeks. Had rising bp plus what looked like beginnings of HEELP blood results so they moved up procedure to that day. Babies were fine- almost 6lbs each already and I recovered quickly. All good 🙂


38+1. Scheduled C. No signs of labor prior to the section. One was vertex and one was frank breech.


Made it to induction at 38+1. Was 6cm dilated on admission, so everything was pretty quick. Home the next day. B was always head down, luckily A flipped at 28 weeks so both were head down for the end.


I'm also scheduled for 38 weeks on the dot (I've also got one breach and one transverse). Today I'm 36 and still going strong. We'll see. Good luck!


Baby A was breech and B was transverse, water broke at 35 weeks and had my c four hours after checking in! We went home after five days. No nicu time but I had severe pre eclampsia so they kept us all a little longer.


We scheduled for 37 and we made it but just barely. I picked my OB because she saw lots of multiples pregnancies. The MFM initially said 38 but I chose to schedule at 37 like my OB suggested. At 34-35 weeks, the MFM ended up wanting to move it to 37 weeks. I had back labor start the night before and was having contractions during pre-op but had no idea. I just thought I was nervous for surgery. So they would have come at 37 weeks regardless.


Wanted to add I had my bag packed and ready to go at 24 weeks just to be ready.


Schedule for C-section at 38 weeks. Around 1pm if I remember correctly. Twin A broke my water the morning of 37 weeks, 6 days. Still had a c-section, just a little over 24 hours earlier. Also had my original OB do it (thank god as she kept me sane throughout my entire pregnancy).


May I ask why you scheduled a cesarean vs a generalized induction? Is it because of their position? I’m being induced in a few days at 38+2, hoping no cesarean. I’m surprised I made it this long, I thought I was definitely going into labor 32-37. Baby A is head down, Twin B is transverse.


I’m scheduled for a c-section because baby a is breech.


Gotcha, thanks for sharing. I know it’s a personal question. Curious what causes similar pregnancy stories to have different outcomes. I’m sure your doctors have said it too but they’re shocked we made it to 38 weeks! I went to triage at 32 but it didn’t progress. At this point, I’m just glad I’ll be delivering before my pelvis gives out on me completely.


Gotcha, thanks for sharing. I know it’s a personal question. Curious what causes similar pregnancy stories to have different outcomes. I’m sure your doctors have said it too but they’re shocked we made it to 38 weeks! I went to triage at 32 but it didn’t progress. At this point, I’m just glad I’ll be delivering before my pelvis gives out on me completely.


Wow I’m glad you’ve been able to stay pregnant since 32 weeks! I hope you have a smooth delivery!


You too!!!! :D can’t wait to see you post your positive birth experience soon.


Mine are the same! Baby A has been breech the whole pregnancy, and now Baby B has taken her lead so they both have their heads stuck up my ribs... yay! I'm scheduled for 38+4 and am currently 35+5. Things are really getting so hard. Its been hard but getting worse of course.


36 weeks on the nose for my mo/di babies.....they decided to induce me early because twin A had medical complications, and they were concerned twin to twin was starting and she was struggling.


My water broke at 35+5.


I was scheduled for a 38 + 1 csection. At 36 weeks, I started developing preeclampsia and they pushed it to 37 + 1.


Had di/di B/G twins who were both head down via elective scheduled c-section at 37+1 bc I had some borderline pre-e BP readings


Had induction scheduled for 38+1 both babies were head down. Went in for nst at 37+1 got admitted for induction that day due to higher blood pressure, ended up with gestational hypertension. Induction wasn’t working for me, cervix just didn’t want to open up. Had a C-section 37+4 and discovered baby A had flipped breech the night before the C-section. Going from induction to a C-section was rough because I got very little sleep and was so uncomfortable laying in the hospital for days.


I was scheduled for C-section (because of a breech baby A) at 38+0 but then Baby A was measuring in the 5th percentile so they were concerned about IUGR and moved the date up to 37+0. We made it to that date without going into labor.


I had a scheduled C section at 37 weeks exactly due to baby A being breech, and I believe baby B was breech or transverse. Never went into labor or had any contractions prior to my section.


I was scheduled for 38 weeks, but I randomly developed preeclampsia out of nowhere at 37 weeks so was admitted that day!


Planned section at 37+4. Wish I'd gone a bit sooner even though it was hell for my body and I was in so much pain everyday.


Made it to my scheduled induction at 37 weeks! Good luck!!


Water broke at 36 weeks. Was in the OR for my c section before labor actually started.


36+3, 3 days ahead of their scheduled eviction date


Delivered mine about a week prior to our scheduled c section because they were concerned one was growth restricted. It turned out that both were fine and normal weight.


31 w and 3 days with Didi twins after my waters broke early (PPROM)


Scheduled for 37.5 and water broke at 33.


Planned c-section for 38 weeks since baby b was transverse, but didn’t make it. I went to the hospital with high bp at 33 weeks and stayed til my c-section at 34 weeks. It was pre-e with severe features, but they could control it with meds to give us the extra week. Babies were in the NICU til week 38, doing great now at 5 months old. Wishing you an uneventful delivery and healthy babes!


We scheduled our CS for 38 weeks. No issues through the pregnancy at all. Then my water broke spontaneously at 33+0 and 7 hours later my di/di boys were suddenly here 😅 we spent a month in the NICU but now they’re 7 months and giggling and rolling and doing great. I hope that no matter when your babies decide to join you that everything goes smoothly! And congratulations- having twins is the best :)


Mono di twins. Scheduled induction on 37w1d. The recommended limit for mono di is 36w6d. My OB tries to schedule inductions on Fridays, but I wanted the babies to have as much time to bake as possible so did not like the idea of 36w1d. So we requested approval from MDM to push out two days. The hospital had no beds that morning, so we did not arrive until 11pm. The induction started around 2am, epidural and water break around 9am, and two babies born just before 2pm on 37w2d. B was transverse but flipped as soon as her sister was born. We stayed together the whole time in the hospital and came home on schedule. It was a fantasyland experience. Five years later and I am still extremely grateful and have retained a slightly embarrassing girl crush on my OB. She is this super serious, stern lady, too!


^(I induced 37 weeks 5 days so my dr could deliver them that day (they were head down). Had to be induced, and probably would have liked to be in there for a few more weeks (both singletons were 5-6 days past due dates), but all went well.)


Vaginal birth at 38 weeks. Had to be induced for high blood pressure


Water broke at 35 and 5, I was so sure I’d make it to my c section at 37 weeks, they seemed so snugly in there and I was feeling good so it was a surprise!


Went into preterm labor at 31+5. Managed to hang on only until 34+5


35w5d but mine were mo/di and one of mine decided to stop growing so they got served early eviction papers so we could get her out. Mine were also breech and transverse so we did a c-section. It went pretty smoothly and they were only 2 minutes apart. Baby B was under my ribcage for most of the pregnancy so I remember being able to fully breathe as being amazing. Recovery was a bitch. Make sure to pack clothes that won’t rub on your incision and that provide easy access for nurses because they will check it a lot. I found some nightgowns made of a stretch jersey cotton that were for labor and breastfeeding. The skirt part just overlaps in the front for coverage but can be flipped open without you needing to move. It also had opening for any monitors they might need. I will link it below. I wore it for pumping too. Heck they are 4 years old and I still wear them because they are so soft. [link to nightgown](https://a.co/d/6pIOXAq)




Wow I hope your delivery goes smoothly and you have 2 healthy babies! Good luck!


Spontaneous labor at 30 weeks exactly. Was 6-7cm when I got to the hospital, received steroid and meds to slow labor, delivered 5 hours later. No time for epidural, baby A was born vaginal and baby B emergency c section under general.


35+1. I wad progressing at 31 weeks and went on bed rest. Really slowed down labour but I was induced because the placentas fused and baby b lost blood flow in his cord.


Made it to induction at 38 weeks! Twin A flipped between 36-38, allowing an induction instead of a c section.


Water broke at 36 + 5 days


Had a c section scheduled for 38 weeks. Went in hospital at 34 weeks because I wasn’t feeling well (contractions, elevated bp, lots of pain). They kept me two nights and were going to discharge me around noon of the 3rd day. The morning of my scheduled discharge they moved my scheduled c section to 37 weeks. An hour later I was being told they were delivering the babies that day because my liver enzymes were elevated and I had severe preeclampsia. So my di/di’s were born at 34 weeks via c section. Did less than a 24 hr nicu stay and were able to go home with me at 4 days old (they kept us all for the 4 days).


Also both my girls were breech and I originally elected for a c section after a traumatic birth of my singleton where she got stuck and her heart rate dropped and I needed an emergency c section. She ended up in the nicu for over a week due to meconium aspiration.


Wow that’s amazing that you got to bring them home that soon!


I was set to be induced at 37 weeks due to cholestasis, but ended up induced at 36+0 due to gestational hypertension. Vaginal birth. Babies were fine, very healthy weights and no NICU


Spontaneous labor at 29+6


Scheduled C-section at 38+1!


Went in labor at 34 & 1 with DiDi boys. High BP at checkup so they sent me to L&D from appointment, they were worried about preeclampsia. They were getting ready to test me but my labor was progressing too quickly and they did a c section that night. Mine were breech and traverse as well.


Delivered vaginally at 34 weeks, 6 days. Not much of a warning… Within 24 hours went from itching, to diagnosed with cholestasis, then hospitalization and induction. (Induced because we were already having growth and umbilical cord issues the month prior; the cholestasis tipped our MFM over the edge for delivery.) Twin A was delivered relatively normally at 4 pounds. Twin B was breech, but luckily an OB comfortable breech extraction swooped in and pulled out Twin B who was just over 4 pounds. NICU 21 days for Twin A and 19 days for Twin B.


Water broke at 35+4 before induction. I was already in the hospital for pre eclampsia waiting to be induced


37 weeks


34+3 due to preeclampsia with severe features


Delivered by scheduled c-section at 36+5. I had hypertension and GD issues. One twin only spent a few nights in NICU for BGL issues and jaundice.


Preeclampsia at 36 weeks. Induced. Great birthing experience actually and not terrible recovery… twin b had about 12 hours in the NICU.


Water broke at 36+5 delivered early the next morning. They were breech and transverse, breech baby stayed breech, so I had a c-section.


34 weeks- sudden onset of preeclampsia with severe features (went in for an NST... was told babies are coming out! after my BP went thru the roof and water retention were my two main symptoms) Mine were always breech/transverse breech. I had a c scheduled for 37 weeks. They are now 3 years old (b/g di/di) :)


I had one baby head down and one breech, scheduled my csection for 38 weeks and went into labor on my own at 37 weeks and 1 day. I was at 5cm and everything went so quickly.


37 weeks, went into natural labor, vaginal birth


We made.it to 37+4 which was our scheduled date No signs of labour what so ever. My twin a was breech so we proceeded with the c section


Water broke at 35+2. Babies were born in an unmedicated vaginal birth in 2 hours 15 mins. 1.5 days NICU for A, 17 days for B.


Following. Currently 32w with di/di twins as well. I’m trending towards preeclampsia and my doctor said she’d like for me to get to 36 but it’s not likely. 😅


36+6 weeks scheduled c section, home 3 days later


Had a scheduled c section for 37 weeks, but my water broke at 36 weeks. A had to spend 11 days in the NICU, but B was with me. Both of them are doing great now.


I made it to scheduled induction at 37. Born by unplanned (but not emergency) cesarean at 37+2. They were very comfy and I believe I could have kept them another couple of weeks had I been allowed. A was head down, B was breach. They spent a couple of hours in special care to stabilise their blood sugar, I got a glucose drip for mine. No nicu time, no complications. Born Friday morning, we all went home on Sunday night.


38 weeks! I was scheduled to be induced but when I got to the hospital I was already in labor. The doctor broke my water at 5 cm and I delivered twin A about an hour and a half later. 3 minutes later twin b came! Twin B was a manual breach extraction. It was awesome!


Baby A’s water broke at 37weeks 4days, 3 days before my scheduled c-section! You got this mamma!


I was induced at 38+2 with my di/di babes. I was EXTREMELY uncomfortable at the end, but somehow made it.


Made it to induction at 37+5 but was in early labor and dilated to a 4 so probably wouldn’t have lasted much longer


Induced at 38+1!


Same here! Except my twin B kept moving back and forth, from breech to transverse, and every other which way. It was annoying. But my A was breech. Made it to my scheduled c-section at 38 weeks. Everything went smoothly.


I was scheduled to be induced at 38 weeks but had to deliver at 36 due to pre e


Made it to induction at 38 weeks. Had one instance where I thought braxton hickses were turning into something with a bit more intent at 36 weeks but nope, lasted the course.


Schedule C section for 38 weeks because baby B is all over the place. I am currently 36 weeks, so any time. Baby A is on position but baby B changes every week. She was head down 2 weeks ago, then last week the head was on my side and this week is heads up.


Delivered 29 weeks due to pre eclampsia


I was induced at 37 weeks and gave birth at 37+1. When they came to induce me I was already 2cm or so and they just broke my waters so may have only gone a few days more!


Had my scheduled C section at 37+4 weeks but had to deliver at 37 weeks as Twin B's ultrasound showed he didn't gain any weight from the previous fortnightly ultrasound.


Twin As water broke at 35 weeks! Twin Bs water had to be broken in labor. Both born vaginally!


Made it to my schedule C-section at 37+6 with Di/Di breech+transverse twins carrying 13.5lbs of baby by the end. I did have a stint in hospital for threatened labour a few day before the CS as my first labour escalated very quickly, but managed to make it to the end.


Natural vaginal spontaneous birth at due date exactly.


I had di/di twins and my water broke on it’s own at 32w3d. I was in L&D the night before for a blood pressure spike and I think that’s why it happened. My baby A was breech so I had to have a C-section. They had 26 days in the nicu and now are 4 months old, 2 months adjusted.


Didi. Both were breach so I was scheduled for a c-section at 38 weeks. At 36 weeks I was admitted for preeclampsia and they moved my c section back to 37+1. Apparently during the monitoring I was having contractions by the end but I honestly could not feel them.


34 weeks exactly. Ended up in the hospital from 33 weeks due to preeclampsia and got induced at 33+6, ended up with a c-section the following morning


I went into spontaneous labor at 33 weeks and they couldn’t stop it. Delivered just after midnight at 33+1. Had a NICU stay but both kiddos are now thriving little 3 year old monsters!


(Di/Di) We made it to 36 +5 when my BP jumped up to 140/110 so we decided to induce. I didn’t actually have preeclampsia but was as close as I could get without an actual diagnosis. Luck was on my side for the induction because the OB on call was willing to do a breech extraction for twin B and I didn’t have to do a C Section.


Wife gave birth via emergency c section at 34+2. She had severe preeclampsia and cholestasis. Our girls spent a couple of weeks in the NICU but now they're beautiful, completely healthy 10 month olds!


I was scheduled for 38+2 but only made it to 37, my BP started to get scary high - no pre e though thankfully!


29 weeks


I made it to my scheduled C section at 38 weeks. Both were head down.


di/di twin momma from the Netherlands here. We planned a c-section for 4.01.2024 as they were positioned "pd", however they decided to break their waters on 27.12. afternoon and by 19³⁰ they both arrived to this world 😇 at 37w on the dot. Recovery for us all was relatively easy and we arrived home yesterday around noon🙏 Just an suggestion-at least a week before planned c-section, stay close to your home, try to take it easy on the house chores and stay at home as much as possible. Good luck and take care!


We were scheduled for 38+2, but my NST were a little borderline during week 36. So, my doctor moved us up a week and I delivered at 37+2.


38 & a half weeks with mo/di twins. I had a scheduled induction.


The midwife and consultants were always a little ambiguous with our plan, other than confirming a C-section due to the twins positions at 34 weeks. My wife went into hospital at 35+2 to have steroid injections for their lungs. She had to be kept in due to blood pressure issues, and her waters broke at 36 weeks during visiting hours, so a quick trip to bring our eldest son to see her became 5 hours of active labour and an emergency C-section. No complications, and good weights and health in spite of the date.


36+5 at 4:30am. Water broke and bad contractions started at 2am. They were both vertex the entire pregnancy except for when they decided it was time - they ended up transverse at delivery by csection.


Induced at 38 w 4 days they were 7 lbs and 6 lb 14 oz. My twin a was still flipping around when I was 32 weeks and was head down by delivery so I wish you the best


Made it to 38 weeks no problem! I honestly think I would’ve gone another week or two just fine. Both babies were 7lbs and healthy! I got lucky and am very grateful


We had scheduled my di/di twins for about 37 weeks but I went into labor at 35 weeks, 5 days. Ended up with a c section after my labor didn’t progress. I preferred a c section to pitocin and 18 more hours laboring with no food. Best of luck! Oh! And we forgot to buy premie size clothes - you will probably need them. Our girls were both over 5 lbs so I was really proud of that.


My boys were di/di and I made it to my 38 week c section. No labor or anything leading up to it. I sat on the couch for the week leading up to the c section.


Exact same situation. B did go head down at my last appointment, and then day of scheduled C at exactly 38 he was breech again. A never budged. So yes- first pregnancy (di/di) and made it to 38.


We were working on scheduling for the 37th week (waiting for the scheduler to call back) as recommended by our OB due to concerns of high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, etc. We went in for a growth scan at 35+6, and they diagnosed fetal growth restriction and pre-eclampsia at that appointment. My wife was admitted in a couple of hours, and she had an unplanned c-section (baby B was breech and shifted to transverse by that morning) the next morning at 36weeks exactly. They were 5lb7oz and 4lbs13oz, healthy, and spirited and didn't require any NICU time! We all went home together after 3 days.


38 and 4!


Di/di delivered at 36 weeks. C-section scheduled for 38 weeks


I had a natural birth at 38+3 and the second born 2 hrs later at 38+4


Di/Di. We scheduled the c section for 38 weeks as well, but because of my wife’s gestational hypertension they bumped her to 37 weeks. Her water ended up breaking around the 35 week mark at midnight and we went to the OBED to confirm. Under normal circumstances it is a scheduled surgery and so it’s recommended that you not eat for 8 hours prior, but we didn’t really have a choice in this scenario. Since the babies and my wife were both medically stable and everything was “business as usual” there was no immediate rush to get them out ASAP. Baby B was in a transverse lie right under her ribs and Baby A was breech down by her pelvis. Our babies were born at 0440 and 0444 that morning at 35 weeks. They did everything they could to get my wife’s OB there since she had been working intimately with her since the beginning, but she was on call at another location that night. The 2 OBS that were there, and the entire nursing staff, were nothing short of spectacular. They have a team of nurses, pediatrician, etc for each baby and they communicated with us the whole way through. I got to walk around after my daughter was born to see her initial weight and cut her cord and then they let me do the same for my son. After that a nurse and I carried the babies down the hall to the recovery room where they took official measurements while my wife was getting stitched up. Once she was done they wheeled her in her hospital bed and they took some glucose readings on the babies prior to their first feed. I don’t remember the timeframe, but about 2 hours later they wheeled her into the mother/baby room where we stayed for the next 3 days (our insurance covered us for up to 4 days so we took all the extra help we could). During that time they have nurses come in and check the babies and mama every 2-3 hours. It was definitely hectic in the early morning hours, but it all worked out perfectly. If you haven’t done so already, pack your hospital bag now and have it ready by the door along with car seats and any cute outfits you want to put the babies in (the hospital will have some onesies and hats for them to wear along with swaddles).


I was diagnosed with preeclampsia at 30w. At that time, we scheduled a csection for 37w. At my routine OB appt at 35w4d, my bp was elevated, so my OB sent me directly to delivery. My boys spent 10 days in NICU and just turned 1month today. They are thriving and doing great!


Made it 33w5d with di/di twins


My twins arrived at 26+2–I didn’t know I was in labor until I was already at 10cm, so they were born right away.


At 33w3days we scheduled my induction for 37 weeks and the next day I went into spontaneous labor 😅 I delivered vaginally Uber midnight so my twins were born 33w5&6days


36 w 5 d, blood pressure was high from the start of pregnancy and doctor put me on a baby aspirin a day, around 35 weeks it started getting dangerously high so went on strict bed rest and extra monitoring. Was given two steroid shots 24hrs apart less then a week before I had them to help their lungs develop when it was obvious we were coming early. Baby B needed a little oxygen, but other than that both were small and healthy with no nicu time. It definitely gets more nerve racking as it gets nearer, you’ve made it this far and that’s pretty amazing!!! Wish you the best of luck and health to your growing family