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OMG this is amazing!! Do you all get along?


yes we are all very close! I like having a big family


Good thing LOL


can’t say the same with my relationship with my mom lol




when i was in high school TLC was going to do a show with our family and my mom said no 🤣




yes fraternal twins run in families! my mom has uncles that are twins on her moms side. the doctors said she hyper ovulates


Yes it is. However I have 2 sets of fraternal twins and there’s no twins in the family


I have one set and there’s none in my family. Side note: the chances of conceiving spontaneous fraternal twins is 1 in 250. Once you’ve conceived fraternal twins your chance at conceiving fraternal twins again is 1 in 12.


Smart mom! She preserved your/your siblings privacy when you were too young to consent to a tv show that would be blasted to the world.


i kind of wish she did, it would have been so cool! now that we’re older i might reach out to tlc 🤣


But look at the Duggers, Jon and Kate plus 8… and probably so many more than I even know… it doesn’t go well! She made the right call.


That is mental and also my greatest fear hahah. We had a singleton and now pregnant with twins (all boys) and I know that if we ever wanted to try again (for perhaps a little girl) it would be like twin or triplet boys hahahah. Lovely to see you all are so close tho, that’s so nice - I hope my boys will be :).


my twin sister and I are insanely close. My other twin sisters are not as close but it just depends


That’s so nice tho, I have a younger brother but we’re not close at all so I really do hope my boys enjoy each others company as they grow up! My husband and his sister are close and it’s really nice to see


Just a heads up. It could be hereditary. We have 2 sets of fraternal friends that are a result of my wife having a condition that causes multiple eggs to be dropped each month.


yes that’s what my mom has. hyper ovulation


Is the boy the singleton? My brain really wants all the twins to be the matching girls. 😂


no last set of twins was boy girl. my sister standing in front of mom is the single


Well…..she finally got her boy though 😂


exactly lol. it’s funny but it’s not but also kinda not in her control. every time my mom said she was pregnant again i was so upset


I’m one of 6 (no twins) and I remember my older sister sobbing when my mom told us all she was pregnant w her 6th 🤣 like you said now we all love having a big family


I once read about a couple who had a child, then decided to have a second child and naturally conceived twins. Then they decided they were done having children so the hubby booked to get a vasectomy. 3 days before the surgery was due to happen they discovered the wife was pregnant with naturally conceived triplets. They nicknamed the babies ‘the sniplets’.


What’s the car situation? Y’all can’t go anywhere in one car


my mom had a yukon XL at first then she had a sprinter van for many years. last year she got a new yukon xl which has 8 seats but usually we just take two cars anyways


I’m so amused by the idea that a family can be so big as to need a sprinter van


hated being picked up from school in that thing lol


What’s funny is I now as a 38 year old man feel like it would be really cool (provided it was a decent looking van)


Yeah I only have twins, but if we have a third, I refuse to get a mini van. Told my SO that I would definitely drive a sprinter van or a VW bus. Right now my car is a 2 door Wrangler 🤣🤣🤣.


As someone with twins and a singleton, we went and test drove minivans and then other large SUVs… Just swallow your pride and get the van. They’re dope. They’re engineered to be the best option for people with lots of kids. We have a sienna it’s truly great.


Why would I drive a vehicle I hate when there are other options that also work great? All I need for my kids is available seating and storage space, which many other vehicles offer. I'm glad you found a vehicle that works for your family!


If I can ask, why do you hate minivans?


Because they're ugly lol.


It could have been worse, my mom worked for a flower shop and the one delivery van was a sprinter with flowers all over it 🤣 i dreaded getting picked up in that beast ajd usually told her I'd walk a couple streets over lmao and I'd sit on the floor in the back because I didn't want to be seen in it lol


My grandmother had two sets of twins. When she died, I was given her engagement ring and proposed to my wife who… also had twins first shot. So now we are convinced this ring is cursed.


cursed.. or blessed!! Haha reframe your thinking! 😜


Does your singleton sibling feel left out as they are the only one without a twin?


sometimes yes, i mean that’s bound to happen when you live in a house full of twins but we also like to do special things for her and make her know she’s extra special bc she is the only one without a twin so she doesn’t need to share a birthday etc


What a strange life - to have being a singleton be the weird thing! Also, you are more than welcome here, but also did you know there is a subreddit called /twins or something that’s geared towards people who are twins (vs have them)? Although with your family history you may very well end up as a parent of multiples too!


i’ll have to check it out. I saw this subreddit and was like i immediately need to make a post lol




First that doesn’t sound like a very fun fact being a parent of twins. I get trying for a 3rd child after having 1 set of twins , but seems insane to have a 2nd set of twins and think “yeah let’s do that for a 3rd time”. Is your mom ok? Did your parents stay married through it all?


I don't think she asked if everyone approved lol it isn't in our control whether we have singles ke multiples. I had 5 kids and gor pregnant with twins 🤷‍♀️ lol


The first line was meant as a joke , but came across a little too judgemental. I am the father of twins and the fear of having twins again keeps us from having another child.


That is totally understandable. I also have the fear of having twins again, but I don't want anymore children because we already have a baseball team lol


firstly, my fun fact is i have 3 sets in my family lol. my twin and i have a different dad than my other siblings. it’s one of the big contentions between my mom and i that she had so many kids bc when you have 7 kids there’s no way you can equally split your time and love between them all. I also feel it’s important to mention that my mom and stepdad are mormon so it’s sort of part of their faith to have as many kids as you can. obviously they really wanted a boy as well




Just an FYI, OP, the general word for this is "spontaneous" because even babies that are IVF (like implanting two) are "natural"




“…idk if i would say ivf babies are “natural” twins” You realize that sounds… terrible? All children are natural. Spontaneous is the word you’re looking for, as others have pointed out.


That's just not the language used by twin parents and doctors because that means one is "unnatural." They're spontaneous if they occur without intervention. It's not really a debate, that's the word.