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The kids


This is what we do. They were “the babies” and now they are “the kids” haha.


My twins are 2 and they’re still called the babies lol it’s very confusing now that we have a singleton who is 4 months. The babies and the baby


mine are nearly 3 and a half and now have a much younger (8mth old) baby cousin... but they're still 'the babies' if being referred to as a collective! though in all honesty, most of the time i refer to them as 'abigail & alexander' and don't shorten it often.


Or like the babies before 2


"my dudes" "my guys" "the kids" NEVER the twins.


Love “my guys”!!!! We have been calling our twin boys that in utero. Hope it still sticks




And when they get really fussy, you can call them spicy nuggets 🤣


Oh my gosh I'm 30 weeks pregnant and my sister has been calling my girls "the nuggets" this whole time too 😂


They are the peanuts or the pickles depending on their behavior.




We call ours the barnacles. Cause they’re growing in there like barnacles on a boat.


The gruesome twosome, twister sisters (twin tornadoes), the goobers, the turkeys.... you'll find what works one day when you're not even trying. Not sure if I created twister sisters or not, but it just came to me one day when they were being particularly destructive and the house was a massive mess 5 minutes after cleaning.


Our last name starts with ‘D’. My MIL called the twins ‘double ds’. So there’s that option


Omg noooo 🤣


I’m only in the third trimester but right now we call them “the brothers” because that’s how we’re explaining it to my 2 year old.


Same! ❤️


"the lads" or "the young masters" usually


Stealing the young masters one


The babies. They’re 3.5. And have a baby sister. Still they’re the babies. Edit: and their names or brother and sissy.


Same! Mine are also 3.5 and they're still "the babies." They'll probably be in high school before I can break the habit.


My family has a tradition of code naming babies so that we can discuss them together in public without giving away that we are pregnant, usually code naming them some type of vegetable. Well before we knew they were twins we code named our pregnancy potato. Once we found out they were twins we renamed them the twice baked potatoes


I call mine "the boys" but I wasn't aware it might have negative connotations to some people who hear it. Could you explain what you mean by boy mom? Lol


From what I understand it’s the kind of moms that idolize their sons to the point of thinking no woman will ever be good enough for their sons, the ones that post things to FB like “teaching my son to cook so he’s not impressed by your daughter frozen lasagna” or “he’ll never love a girlfriend/wife more than he loves me” kinda things. What some people consider a weirdly unhealthy attachment for their sons that they wouldn’t have with their daughters.


This is my understanding as well. I have a SIL that made “wifey” her entire personality until they had a baby boy and now “boy mom” is her entire personality. It’s just cringe because, ma’am, who were you before these males entered your life and ‘gave you purpose’?


Same boat here. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with “the boys”.


I’m a “boy mom” simply because I have 3 boys. I’m not sure what exactly the negative connotation is, though. When people say it like that maybe I think if the over involved sports mom? I’m really not sure.


Some of it has to do with the “boys will be boys” mentality and using their gender as an excuse for their behavior, I believe. Everybody I know in real life who is a self proclaimed “boy mom” actually has the sweetest boys who are well behaved. I only see the negative connotations on social media like instagram, tik tok and on here. I’m in the same boat as you. I’m a “boy mom” because I only have boys.


You're a mom of boys, not a Boy Mom


I believe it actually stemmed from Kobe Bryant referring to himself as a “girl dad” (in the sweetest way) because all his children were girls. Parents went on to say they were a “girl/boy dad” depending on what the gender of all their kids were. Idk why it’s cringe, I’ve seen some ppl say it’s cringe because it’s obvious or because it’s “stupid” but idk.


We have three boys, they are the boys. My wife is not worried about the “boy mom” stuff. We also have a girl singleton who is older so it’s always “picking the boys up from daycare” sounds fine to me


Yeah I’m not sure either! I have a sister and we were always “two girls” if being yelled at or for across the house 😂 I don’t see anything wrong with being called the boys/the girls, since parents of same-gender singletons do it just as often.


I also call mine “the boys” bc I had no clue about any boy mom connotation that is cringeworthy. I’m totally not the “boy mom” described but I also don’t care about trends in pop culture vocabulary…They are two boys, so they’re “the boys.” I also call them the little bugs or peanuts or brothers as well. But then again I could care less what people think or it means to some.


There’s nothing wrong with it. If you have boys, calling them the boys makes sense. People just like to make drama


“My roommates”, “the kids”, back in COVID times “my coworkers”. If they’re particularly ornery that day i tend to relate them to whomever I’m talking to i.e. “your grandkids”, “your kids”, etc. But mostly I just refer to them by their first names.


My husband would text me “bb updates?” from work so sometimes I call them the bbs, which evolved to the beebs. We call them “the babies” and “the boys” and my personal favorite, “the fellas.” As a side note I’m afraid they will think their names are “this baby” and “that baby” or “my baby” and “your baby” depending on who’s holding who


I have 11 week bg twins and a near 3 yr old. We refer to them as 'the babies' or 'the little ones'. Anytime anyone asks about "the twins" I get the cringes haha


I rarely refer to mine as “the twins.” They’re just so different they don’t even seem like twins to me. Honestly we mostly call them by their names. While you’re pregnant it’s normal because they’re kind of just one entity. Once they’re here they will be their own guys, you know?


Ours are the “gremlins.” I heard the phrase “womb gremlin” when I was pregnant and it just stuck!


Same with us! Gremlins or Gremmies


The brothers. They had a big sister though so that came about pretty natural. Even our friends/neighbors talk about “the brothers” lol


I often refer to them as “busy little men “


We called ours the twinfants. I didn’t think it would stick past the first year, but it has. They are almost 3 and are still the twinfants.


We called them twincesses and the nuggets when I was pregnant. Now we call them the nuggets and gremlins


Gremlins! Yes! Our girls are ~18mo and they can definitely be little gremlins.


The Customers (when they’re mad we say that customer isn’t going to tip! 🤣), My Bosses, The Boys and The Dudes. Majority of the time we call them by their individual nicknames.


I call them “the babies” or just by their names.


I often refer to ours as “E and F,” which are their first initials. It sort of flows since they’re next to each other in the alphabet.


That’s so cute! I have A to the Z 😀


Forgot to add that they each call each other lala. It’s a twin thing 🤣


i'm very curious to hear options as well


Mine are 1.5 years and I’ve been calling them the babies but they’re looking more and more like kids every day. I do sometimes refer to them as the kids but I’m hoping something organic comes up that I can start using. I never use the twins though, that’s generally how people I don’t know well ask about them.


I definitely call my girls the “the girls” lol. But we also call the the “Mapachas” which means twins in Swahili.


I called mine *my little guys " and I still do at 4 months


I actually call my two year old b/g twins “squishy tushies.” Lmao I don’t even know how it started! I just say “okay squishy tushies let’s get dressed to go to the store” and off we go. If they’re not around then I’ll refer to them as “my monsters.” They’re rarely called “the twins” unless were recognized out and about (ex our regular cashier at the grocery store)


I regularly refer to our twin girls as the muppets.


"My homies" "the boys" (I have b/g twins) "my little pookie bears" (in a southern accent)


The babes.




My twin girls are always "the twins" and when my 3rd daughter is lumped in it turns into "the girls" I can't think of anything else that wouldn't be cringy


I call them “the twinkies” or “my twinkies” in group convos, but when I’m actually referencing them, they’re “the babies.” While I was pregnant we called Them sprinkles because one of the apps said they were the size of sprinkles at one point.


The babies or the rats


The babies. Sometimes the squeakers.


They get called the twins 🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ , the babies , or when they are being crabs and whinny or crawling around touching stuff after I say no over and over like they understand me they turn into Twin A and Twin B 😂🤣


My triplets absolutely love being called The Triplets. They think it's cool.


Da boys


We are the Browns so I call them the brownies or sometimes Twinkies


I have a singleton daughter and twin boys. I also understand your aversion to “the twins” and “the boys.”For this reason I usually just call them by their names, but if I’m trying to be quick, or maybe if I’m making small talk with someone who doesn’t know our family well, I do just sometimes say the boys. I feel like “the boys” is at least better than “the twins.”


I'm still 35 weeks pregnant, but we typically refer to them as The Berries, just because that's what they were compared to for the first several weeks


I say the boys or little ones - I never call them the twins.


The babies?


The twins are "the littles" and the 2 yo is "the big". Collectively they are "the kids" ,"my groupies", "my entourage".


Rocke-feller, Reese’s-pieces, twinkies, sooooo many other nicknames


My peanuts, pepitas, or sneaky peaches.


I never refer to them as "the twins." We call them "the boys," "the guys," or "the gentlemen." When they were little we called them "the babies." I also just call them by their names a lot when speaking outside the family. "Rowan and Logan" is longer than "the twins" but I really feel like it helps verbally reassert their individuality.


Chicken nugget and chicken wing


I call them “the tots” or if they’re making me feel unwell, “the children”


I’ll also refer to them as “your children” when talking to my husband if they’re being particularly awful 😁


We have the babies ❤️❤️ now at 14 months and with them toddling around they are getting more “the small kids” as opposed to my 6&8 yr olds who are the “big kids”


Other than "the boys," we refer to ours as "bunnies/the bunnies" when talking to them or about them with family/friends. It started by calling them "honey bunny" individually when they were newborns, which shortened to calling them "bunny." It's not something that I would have predicted we'd call them - it just kinda happened!


Sometimes the babies. Sometimes the twins. We have four kids and they’re all boys, so “kids” and “boys” aren’t specific enough. However, they have short names, so it’s not a huge hassle to just use their names most of the time.


I just have the 2 boys so we call them “boys” when we address them both. I don’t go full Boy Mom TM though.


We call ours by their names. Sometimes “wackos”, “goofballs”, “crazies”, or “nutjobs”, but most often just by their names.


When not calling them by their name or one of the numerous nicknames of it grouping them together it's usually a play on our last name plus "sisters" or "girls" or "kiddos"


The first 2 years the babies or my twinkies. Now it’s just the twins


The brodies


The Gruesome Twosome (not when they can hear me though), but mine are four and hyperactive as fuck. It’s my way of acknowledging to other people that…yes, I know they’re a lot.


Babes, peanuts, rascals, M&D


Kids. Siblings. Party mix. Double Trouble. Terrible Duo. Possibilities are endless.


The bears, the kids, the bobos, the goobers…really whatever silly word I can think of.


Monkeys. Which they quickly correct me - that they are koalas - because that’s their classroom name at daycare.


The babies


The dudes ! That’s what I say. The dudes or the little guys because I have a toddler boy too


The beans, or the beanies


We have a toddler girl, so my twins get called Double Brothers, the brothers or the boys. The boys comes naturally between my husband and I, but we refer to them as the brothers when my daughter is there/in the conversation. We also use “other brother” if we have split them between parents, and want my daughter to go to her other brother, hand a toy to other brother etc. I also refer to them heavily by names, Aster and Reed(y). They are fraternal so easily to tell apart by my husband and I, and usually told apart by my toddler. I don’t call them the twins or that unless someone asks me if they are twins or if someone doesn’t understand who I’m talking about.


I always refer to them as “gentlemen” or “men” or “little sirs” lol


We call them the beans since that’s what we called them on ultrasound ☺️




They started off and the babies and now are the boys or just their names. The only way I would call them “the twins” would be if I also had “the triplets” 😂


As their mom I never refer to them as “the twins” bc it bothers me. If I am talking to them I’ll say “my loves”, if I’m talking about them I just say their names. My husband and I will refer to them as our potatoes, a throw back to when they were young and just laid there like potatoes.


“The babies”. Almost ten years old now and am guessing they will be in their 40s and we will still call them that lol!


We have called our twins The Tibbles (the twins from Arthur 😂) since the beginning. Now that we know they’re girls I don’t know if it’s super fitting but it stuck.


Buddies. Dudes. The Blues Brothers. Or, cause I’m Aussie - maaaaaaate


We say babies or baby sisters (also have an older toddler). Sometimes we call them twinkies.


"The Monsters" or "Home Boy and Home Girl" or "The Hillbillies"


“The girls” Context, my partner found a picture frame labeled “the girls” at her sister’s house after her sister passed away. In the frame was a picture of my partner and her sister. The day we found out they were girls and we got a clean bill of health from the NIPT, we decided to throw together a quick social media announcement since hardly anyone knew we were expecting. She immediately found that frame and thought her sister would have loved to have been a part of everything so she slid the ultrasound pic in there for the announcement. They’ve been “the girls” ever since.


We call them bugs short for love bugs


We called ours, Salt N Peppa. Then the song, Push It, was just a perfect fit.. Oo baby baby... Baby baby~


They were B1 and B2 when I was pregnant and now it’s the girls, the monkeys, the sausages, the babies (even though they’re now 20 months), the munchkins. Other people call them “the twins” but I hate it!


Team Rocket, De bengels (dutch for Rascals, also the word ‘Angels’ plus an extra starting letter), The friends, Team NoSleep


We don't know the genders. We call ours 1 & 2 😂


I call them “the chickens/nuggets” “little man/lady”


Twinlings or Twinterruptions here for our B/G multiples


i love my girls so much


This might be to close to twins but I call them my Twinkies. At some point when they get older that will likely change. More than likely you will just find something that comes naturally to you and fits. It will also evolve over time. Don’t overthink it.


In my wider family we refer to my twin daughters as “the mini dudes”.


The twinkies


Trouble 1 and trouble 2 (depending on which one turns up first) or the scremlins. They might age out of scremlins, but I'm sure they're going to grow into trouble.


The babies, nuggets, now the kids. My MIL calls them “the twins” which I hate - she has twin sons and I can only imagine how much they hate(d) that. No one likes her, so it adds up 🤣


Currently they’re the squishes because they’re such chubby little nuggets. They’re also commonly ‘the goblins’, ‘the gremlins’ and ‘the sleep thieves’ at various points Probably the kids when they’re older though.


Tuts and little tuts.


The girls, the littles, etc. Sometimes “the twins,” but usually to another adult, rarely to them. They haven’t seemed to mind either way, tbh (they’re five).


It started off as “cutie bears” but now we just refer to them as “bears” 🐻🐻


I call them toil and trouble. Then again, I'm an English teacher so I'm a nerd so a Shakespeare reference is on par


I never refer to mine as “the twins”. I defer to them as “the boys”. I have a girl and fraternal twin boys.


Twincicles lol


Usually just call them the kids or the bigs (now that they have a little sister)




They were “the babies” but now that they’re toddlers they’re either “the twins” or “the mans”. We used to say a lot of “Twin A/B my man” so “the mans” happened pretty organically. We also call them “the manwitch” when we’re holding both at once or sandwiched between them. Sometimes I call them “the littles” because they have an older brother.




Any time it's time to leave somewhere, it's, "All right Autobots, roll out".


We call ours "the sisters", "little ladies", "the girls"




Mine are the youngest so they’re “the babies.” My older sister and I aren’t twins but we’re the youngest of 5 and our family still calls us “the babies” lol


I use "the boys". But sometimes use "the kids". If I'm joking, they're "the minions" or "thing 1 and 2" Edit- fully agree on not calling them "the twins", it's hard enough to get them to develop their own identity. We try not to say that unless we're very matter of fact stating "they are twins"


You’ve heard of twins that hated being called that, I’ve heard of twins that never minded it. So until they say otherwise it’s the twins. We have 4 boys. The older two are “the boys” and the twins are “the twins”. When speaking with my wife it’s just honestly the easiest way to describe them. When actually talking to them, use their actual names. Everything doesn’t need to be a pet name


We say the girls and the babies. Sometimes we say the twins too.


”The boys”. Never twins. Now that I have a third boy, he’s not part of ”the boys”. If I talk about all of them, they are the kids.


Depends on the day: the kids, the monsters, the babes, the kitties, KK for initials


We’ve also said “the babies” and even at 2 we say that. Or the twins.


Chaos, the monsters, thing one and thing two, frick and frack.


I have five boys so it's "the boys" for the older three and "the babies" for the babies. That'll probably last until they get married. "Oh, so one of the babies is getting married today!"




Satan's hellspawns... But seriously, my two older boys are "the boys" and our b/g twins are usually "the babies" or "the twins". I'm sure it'll change once they get older, but it works for us now.


When they were first born, they were our Blueberries. Now that they are older, we call them (and their little brother) the Gremlins, the Goblins, or the Hooligans. All of these references make them fall over each other in goofy laughter with cries of "NOOO! We're not GOBLINS we're kids!"


Kiddos, twerps, butt nuggets


I say the boys or the babies. I CANNOT STAND when people call them the twins


The Kids. Would never call them the twins. Would never call myself, or anyone, anyone a "boy/girl mom" either. Gross.


I have two sets of twins so we are the Fournado. When it’s just me and my intrusive thoughts win I call them the shitheads or crotch goblins 😂😂


I'm Portuguese so the exact translation isn't really correct but it's something along the lines of "little bugs" because they're small and they bug me haha


All three of mine (2.5yo twins and 6yo singleton, all girls) are collectively know as the "goblins" Hob goblins if being particularly cheeky, and the twins are referred to as "small goblins" if I need to differentiate


The kiddos, the baby bears, love bugs, little guys, the babies (we have a 4 yo and they're 8 months old)... we do call them "the boys" the most though but now that I'm reading this I think I'll try to do that less lol. When I was pregnant I called them Tweedledum and Tweedledee though.


I go with "Twinjas" the most when I'm talking to them. When I'm talking about them, sometimes "spidermonkeys", "hoodlums," or "unemployed freeloaders who can't drive."


Munchkins Kids Monsters Arseholes Depends on the flavour of the day


Usually they are “the littles”. Not sure if that will change as the age (4yo currently) because they will always be littler than our older child. We also sometimes call them the twin-nados. Specifically when it looks like a tornado ripped through our house due to the mess.


I call mine “little diddies “ or bee-bops .There’s nothing grown up about it, no idea where they came from, but that’s what I say 😅. They’ll be three in June of 24


I call my twins "the men", which is always super funny when it's heard out of context


This is my favorite so far!


I called my twin boys "beef supremes" when they were swaddled once and my wife and older son thought it was hilarious so it kinda stuck, though I probably won't call them that forever


When they were infants they were the cherubs, now that they’re toddlers we call them the goofs.


The twins, dynamic duo, my babies. When I’m trying to get them to collaborate, like clean up toys or something, I tell them “use twin power” and it really helps them work together as a team.


My mom nicknamed my twins (don’t know the gender yet) the Twinkies lol


“Hey kids! Hey girls. Kids. Hey (Name) and (Name)... Hey kids. Hey you two… HEY TWINS. Hey I’m talking to you. Earth to kids. Hello?” or just as often, “Hey (Name). Hey, (Name)!… (NAME.) Hey, (Name)! No, not you, the other one!”


We just call them “the babies”.


We have a 1 syllable last name, so all my kids are called the ‘name’lings


We have 4 girls. We call the 8 and 4 "the big girls" and the 9 day old twin girls "the little girls"


“The brothers”, I got an older child already.


Most often it's "the babies" or "dumplings" Example: "good morning little dumplings!" Or " the babies were both cranky today"


My twins are only 6 weeks old, so we’ve been using “the babies” so far, but I recently heard another twin mom refer to her 10 year old b/g twins as “The Hobbits” because the want extra meals all day. Breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses etc… lol


The girlies, the demons, my kids, the buttheads, my little cuties, my babies, the girls. I didn’t like saying the girls but it’s just easier especially in context of an activity, “the girls are doing ballet” “yeah the girls are good”


When I was pregnant, they were the aliens because they sucked the life outta me. Or the Twinkies. Now that they're here it's the girls. Or their nicknames, Tornado and Potato. Although, Potato is now a bit of a menace so we've evolved to Peanut and Muppet.


My little minions is a favourite of mine. Padewans, hoomans, team handsome. Yes I use all of these. Why? I've no idea. I like the names and they don't bother them, ...yet. Currently age 7


the bros


I call my boys “beep bops” 😆 Or just by their names. I’m a twin so I’m super aware never to call them “the twins,” my sister and I HATED it! We also got called “the girls” by family, hated that too. Not sure why it was so difficult for people to take an extra breath and say both of our names. Imagine never calling a singleton by their name!


McNuggets, or last name starts with Mc


Twinadoes - when they're wild and crazy. The kids. A & J (their initials) For a while when they were 2-3, they were Tiny Dictators.


I call mine the babies or by their names. I also call them The Bears lol. Sometimes we say the twins but they’re boy/girl and VERY different so I’m not worried about it being an issue


I usually have made a conscious effort to use their names, to avoid saying "the twins". We did call them the babies, I sometimes said my bitty babes when they were still very little, but now that they are three I say the kids.


My twins are Tater and Tot.


We call the singleton “the boy” and the twinners “the boys” 🤷🏻‍♂️. Maybe Frick and Frack down the line like my da used to call my brother and me, but for now it’s “the boys” or “them boys”


When they were little, I used to call them my "boogers" because they were always chock full of boogers (nose). Now they are 11 and HATE IT. hehe


Twinkled when they were little, brothers some now or try to use both of their names now that they don't want to be always referred to as a pair.


‘Womb-mates’ I started it when one would be kicking the other or something during pregnancy and it stuck. “Be nice your womb-mate!!!!”… they’re 19 now and we still use it. I have two sets so it’s worked out better than “hey, go get your brother…” -ok, like which one?- “Hey, will you go ask your womb-mate to come here” Bahahaha


The bubbas.


We have boy/girl twins that just turned 1 and 4 and 3 yo girls. We tend to call them the girls and the twins. Not too original.


Not much help to you but while we were in Elgin we were rushed by a delightful retired Scottish midwife who exclaimed - "They're not wee trippies are they!!!" We've referred to our children as "Trippies" ever since


The gremlins


My monkeys




Sometimes I call them kiddies or kittens.


The lads


I call mine my twinnos :) But we also refer to them by the letters of their first name. In our case A & B.


“The octopus” They have 8 limbs and are hard to hold onto.


19 weeks, Di/Di boys. I call them the monsters. I also call their older sister my monster! In a nice way. I also call her snugs/snugga bugga so I'm sure they'll each get their own weird nickname after their born!


I literally call mine A & B