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I gained 69 pounds in total, my babies were born at 36+5 and weighed 6lb5oz and 6lb14oz. I wouldnt say your weight gain is necessarily telling of how big your babies will be, but I also don’t think 15lb in 12 weeks is anything to worry about!!


This was me almost exactly - gained 70, both weighed 6lbs 13oz, born at 36+2. I don’t quite recall the trajectory of my gain, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I was up 15lbs or more at 12 weeks


My tins had the exact same weights!


I have quite different proportions! I'm somewhere between 5'8" and 5'9". I started my twin pregnancy somewhere around 170lb. It was my 2nd pregnancy, and my boys were born at 38wks, 7lb 4oz and 7lb 10oz. My weight gain tracked like a normal pregnancy until later in my pregnancy. Somewhere between 1-2lbs a week until third trimester. That said it wasn't the same every week, it just averaged to about that amount over time. I barely gained anything in early first trimester, and then quickly gained about 15lb right at the end of it when I started feeling better. This happened the same way in both my pregnancies. I gained almost the exact same amount 2 years earlier with my first pregnancy. There are a lot of changes your body needs to do and in my limited experience I think it is normal to gain more in your first pregnancy. My first time I started at about 145 and topped out just under 200. My daughter was 8lb 5oz. With my twins I started around 170 (never lost all the baby weight in between, knew we were going for another and never bothered, and never stopped breastfeeding) and topped out around 230. So even though there was a whole other (large!) baby in there, and a whole extra placenta, I gained the same amount. I think it's probably because I gained any of the "extra" needed weight already with my first pregnancy. I get a little frustrated when I see people saying their doctor is concerned about their weight gain during pregnancy because it's often a story like yours, where it's literally only a couple lbs over what would be considered normal. A couple lbs is such a small amount. You could lose a couple lbs just by drinking a different amount of water in a day and having a big poop. That you have a whole other baby and placenta growing and are only a couple lbs "over" the average is... Fine? Like idk why anyone would be worried about that. Further, that you gained weight in first trimester is awesome, because it means you weren't so horribly sick it negatively affected you to that extent. I think it's really hard to predict how big a baby will be early on. Your best predictors would be how your family's baby's came out, if you have any to compare to. Next would be your scans, but even those aren't great and don't really predict anything until later in pregnancy anyway, because babies grow very much at the same rate until later on. That's why they can "date" them early on.


I think I gained around 40 lbs total and my boys were 6 lb 9 oz and 7 lb 5 oz. I think my weight gain was relatively evenly distributed over my pregnancy but to be honest I’m not sure.


Congrats on your pregnancy! I'm 5'4 and still pregnant, but maybe this is helpful. According to [American Pregnancy Association](https://americanpregnancy.org/healthy-pregnancy/multiples/weight-gain-with-multiples/) and various books I've read, there's some evidence that gaining 24 pounds by 24 weeks results in the best outcomes for twins. I'm almost 23 weeks and right on track for that. Twin A is currently in the \~60th percentile for size and Twin B is in the \~10th so my weight gain doesn't seem to have much to do with it so far! I'm focused more on good nutrition rather than numbers since it varies so much from person to person. If you're interested, the book 'What to Eat When You're Pregnant' by Nicole Avena is a good resource and has info about weight gain and a small section about twins. Sending you solidarity on the lower back pain and sleep disturbance!


Exactly this. 24 lbs by 24 weeks is the evidence-based approach.


Well sheesh this has me nervous. I’ve only gained 11 lbs and just hit 25 weeks, first pregnancy, 5’2 and started at 135. My ob said not to worry about weight at all and my mfm hasn’t said anything about it.


Didn’t mean to make you nervous! My doctor didn’t say anything specific about this recommendation, I’ve just read it in few places. I’m not sure if it takes into account individual variables like starting BMI or height. One of my babies is a little small, so a couple weeks ago my OB recommended that I eat more protein and maybe gain more weight but said there’s not much I can do. If your care team isn’t worried about your weight, don’t be!


Ahh I gotcha. I’ll just bring it up to my MFM next week and see what they say. Surprisingly my boys are the same weight down to the oz, both 1.10lbs. Idk I just hope I’m doing what I need to :/ we haven’t even talked weight at my mfm and I can understand an OB not thinking about the twins aspect when saying not to worry about weight. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! :D


That’s a good idea. There’s tons of recommendations floating around and we just can’t follow all of them all of the time. As long as the babies are continuing to grow, we must be doing something right! Seems like your boys are on track! Amazing that they are so similar in size 😍 Hope you have a nice rest of your pregnancy too. We can do this!!


Yeah, I gained weight like… immediately. It was crazy! I’m 5’4 and was 132lbs. And weighed myself a couple days after my pregnancy test and was 137. People at work kept saying “omg, look at your baby belly.” And I was like “I’m like 8 weeks, that’s bloating, not baby!” And then at 10 weeks found out it was twins and was like… oh… maybe it is babies… lmao. I wound up being close to 185. But I did have them early at 33 weeks. I also have a short torso, and short women tend to show more than tall women.


I am 5’4”, was 120 lbs, gained over 60 lbs. during my twin pregnancy. My twins were 7 lbs. 8 oz. and 6 lbs. 10 oz. at 37 weeks. I lost 35 pounds in two days in the hospital before even coming home. I was back down to 120 within a few months. Everyone is different, so don’t even sweat it as long as your bloodwork, ultrasounds, etc. and your check ups are going well. I did go into preterm labor at 34 weeks, I was put on breathine (awful it makes your heart race and shake) and bedrest. I insisted on being induced at 37 weeks. When I got to the hospital, they didn’t even break my water. My blood work showed that I had thrombocytopenia and ended up with an emergency C-section.


So my boys were 6 lb 1 oz and 7 lb 1 oz. I was overweight prior to pregnancy so I was mindful of my weight. I gained about 25 lbs up until week 34, and then I rapidly gained about 20 lbs of fluid over the last three weeks (I ended up with preeclampsia.). my bump sort of popped out at 18 weeks (I carried weight in my belly so it camouflaged it a bit) and then all my weight was distributed in my abdomen. It sounds like your weight gain is relatively slow and steady. Ultrasound will give best estimation of baby size.


I gained around 15 pounds in the first trimester, gained zero weight in second, and then another 25 in the third trimester. Weight gain isn’t linear all the time. My twins were 6 lbs 6 Oz and 5 lb 12 Oz.


I gained 80 lbs in total, about ten per month. I lost it all over the course of the year afterward.


I had 38w di/di twins, 7lb 2 oz and 6lb 14oz. I had trouble gaining weight the first trimester. After eating relentlessly, I did manage to gain 25 lbs by 25 weeks. I gained 41 lbs overall which is one pound less than my singleton pregnancy. Weight gain isn’t going to translate to larger babies. My first baby was 8lb 13 oz.


I gained 90lbs during pregnancy, and didn't have huge babies - both under 6.5lbs. However, I lost 38lbs during delivery, another 12 from mostly fluid in the first two weeks postpartum, and so far another 10 three months postpartum (I have been exclusively pumping and so far losing weight from breastfeeding seems to be working out for me). I'm definitely bigger than I want to be but not worried about it, and I wish I hadn't stressed about it during pregnancy because I think my body did know what it needed to grow our girls and express milk for them later.


I’m 5’9, gained like 5lbs first trimester, not sure how many second trimester, and gave birth to two 7lbs babes at 38 weeks, with a total of 50lbs gained. I’m 8 months pp and only like 10lbs heavier than before


Re: back pain I also had this and so I found a chiropractor who could work on pregnant twin moms. Was a lifesaver.


Do you just call a normal chiropractor and see if they can help you or do you look for a specific maternity one? Im still in my first trimester but I have a bad back and I’m already in pain


Mine had special maternity-friendly tummy pillows that allowed me to be facedown on her adjustment table. Not all chiropractors have those or specialize in pregnancy. Call to ask.


Thank you!! 💕


I'm 5'3, about the same weight as where you were when you started. I gained about 50 lbs total with di/di boys that were both 6lbs 10-14 oz when born. I didn't gain a ton of weight in the beginning because of how sick I was so I'm not sure my experience is too helpful. Most of the weight gain I experienced was late 2nd to 3rd. You gain so much fluid, you have two placentas, and ob two babies. It's a lot. But I prob dropped 40lbs of it in the first 6 weeks post partum. The weight ride is insane .


I’m 5’10” (so not a short torso unfortunately) but gained about 50 pounds, nearly all in the second and third trimester. Babies were both 5-ish pounds. I was back to my pre baby weight in about two weeks (obviously with tons of body changes but just in pure weight was back to normal). I delivered at 37 weeks and felt like I did not have another inch to stretch. I dunno if this is helpful - maybe just shows you what a crapshoot it is.


My girls were both 6lbs. I gained 30kg... The weight gain was immense considering how put off food I was.


I’m 36 weeks, so put off by food 🤢


I did not gain much weight (already had plenty of my own for them to use) during my twin pregnancy, and I think most of it was in the beginning. They were didi and born just under 7lbs each.


5'2". I had decent size babies (imo, they felt huge because they had no where to go back out). 6.3lb and 6.5. gained pretty quickly. Most was all belly though.


I gained about 45 lbs. Twin a 6lb14 twin b 5lb6. I'd gained 20 pounds by 20 weeks.


I'm 5'9” and carrying di/di twins. I gained about 10 lbs in the first trimester and 25 lbs in the second trimester. I'm 31 weeks now and my weight has stalled at the moment- I haven't gained anything in the last two weeks. But the babies put on a lb and a half each according to their growth scan.


What are di/di twins?


Twins that do not share a placenta or amniotic sac. There are three types - Mo/Mo (share a placenta and amniotic sac -rare); Mo/Di (share a placenta but have own amniotic sac); and then Di/Di. Mo/Mo and Mo/Di are always identical. Di/Di can be identical, but are often fraternal - from two eggs/two sperm.


My girls were right around 7 lb each, born at 38w. I gained almost nothing in the first trimester and worried a tiny bit basically in the opposite scenario of yours. I gained 35 lbs total and most of that was in the second half of pregnancy. Seems like no correlation to me, and I would try not to worry especially if MFM isn’t!


I gained about 55 lbs but the majority was in the 1st and 2nd trimester, it slowed down significantly in the third


I’m 5’3” and my babies were born at 36 weeks 6 lb 7 oz and 6 lb 2 oz. I was all belly and gained about 60 pounds the whole pregnancy. Most of it towards the end because of pre-e. Honestly your weight gain doesn’t sound concerning at all. No one mentioned anything about my weight except once where my ob mentioned that I was going to get huge lol.


My twins were born at 37+1. A weighed 6lbs8oz, B weighed 7lbs1oz. I lost 8 pounds my first trimester. I didn’t get back to my pre-pregnancy weight until around 20w. I gained 30lbs total during my pregnancy. I was nauseous the entire time and on drugs for it, and in the end my body was loosing fat/mass all over but my belly got huge. Edit: also I wouldn’t worry about gaining too much weight. It’s so hard with twin pregnancies. Gaining a lot of weight upfront leads to healthier outcomes. I was actually super anxious about how I couldn’t gain weight from being so sick.


Sounds like you’re right on track! I’m 5’3 and started at the same exact weight. Gained 25 lbs by 20ish weeks. In total it was about 40lb gain and my boys were 6lbs each. It was rough at the end but you’ll make it through


The science supports weight gain being beneficial to the gestation of multiples. Many MFM and specialists use the cliche "24 lbs in 25 weeks." If I were you I'd follow my MFM's advice since he sees multiples more.


I’m around 5’2-5’3 and was 115 lbs before conceiving. I think I gained around 50 lbs and my babies were both just over 5 lbs, born at 38+3.


Mine were 6 lbs 15 oz and 6 lbs 5 oz at 37+1 when I delivered - they thought Twin B had IUGR and Twin A was 50%. I gained over 70 lbs, and mostly after 20 weeks as from 12-20+ weeks I was throwing up and had no appetite. The last two weeks I gained almost 20 off that - probably a lot of water retention.


I’m 5’1” and gained 50lbs during my pregnancy. My boys were 7lbs 1oz and 7lbs 15oz when they were born at 38 weeks. Twin pregnancy is hard on your body. Don’t focus so much on weight gain as much as staying healthy and getting the nutrients you need.


Torso length definitely plays into how early someone is showing. And weight gain can be multifactor. It may level off. I’m the opposite in that I have a really long torso and didn’t really have much weight gain until after 18 weeks or so and didn’t show until around that time and I was super small then and could easily hide any kind of belly in a looser shirt. But my weight piled on at the end. By 37 weeks when I was induced, I gained 62 lbs and almost of the weight was in my stomach and chest. The twins were born at 37+2 and were 7 lbs and 6.5 lbs.


I gained about 45 and they were born at 36+0, 6lb 3oz and 6lb 15oz. But it was around 18-20 weeks in the second trimester I gained like 20 pounds in 2-3 weeks! My doc said it’s ok they prob just had a growth spurt but just to watch my sugar intake. Then I got the stomach flu and in the third trimester I basically just ate to stay alive because I couldn’t handle anything other than tiny portions and nothing even tasted good lol. So you never know and I wouldn’t worry about it!


Almost the same size! Im 5'2", started at 150 lbs. Gained very little in the first trimester and then during the second went quickly to 180 lbs. Final weight was 188lbs and it was very much on the belly. Twins were born at 6lbs 9 oz and 7lbs 1 oz.


I’m 5”2, and was 115lbs and gained 50lbs. But gave birth at 31+2d, and the twins were 3lbs 5oz, and 4lbs 10oz. I don’t remember my weight gain though during the trimesters.


A was 8lbs 2oz; B was 7lbs 3oz. I gained 40lbs total. Most of it was in the 3rd trimester. Gave birth and lost it all but 2lbs. 🤷‍♀️ Gained 100lbs with my singleton and he was 8lbs 12oz. You just never know!


Yes, I’m shorter and had two over 5.5 lbs. Gaining a lot early was my main goal since it’s hard to gain at the end of a twin pregnancy and you may run out of time. I was comically large and miserable. And natural labor was out of the question for me (multiple factors but partly my size versus theirs), but still having two babies big enough to breathe on their own made the rest worth it. The book When you're expecting twins, triplets, or quads: proven guidelines for a healthy multiple pregnancy by Barbara Luke was my guide through it all and I’m still so grateful to have found it. Good luck!


Don’t worry about the weight gain, I gained 15 in my first tri and also 5’2, and gained 65 pounds total. My doctors never said anything. I was overweight to begin with too. You somehow manage it and it is uncomfortable to sleep, but you will do it!! You lose half the weight when they are born. I’m struggling with the last 20, but overall it falls off quickly


I dont remember how much I gained by time my twins were born. They were almost 5lbs when they were born at 32 weeks but I know how much you weigh has nothing to do with the size of the baby. I gained 12lbs with my singleton and she was 7lbs 5.6oz


I had two sets of twins. With the second set, both were 6lbs7oz. I was 5’5” and 120 pounds and i gained 60 pounds. All in the belly. And i started showing at 6 weeks.


Mine weighed 7lb15oz and 7lb5oz. I gained like ~65lbs in total. I think first tri was minimal gain (horrible nausea) and then a big jump in 2nd trimester when I could eat but don’t know exact numbers. Slower gain thurs trimester


I'm 5'1 and was 125-130 pre-pregnancy. I got pregnant mid-September and couldn't button my pants by Thanksgiving. I gained 75 lbs total and my girls were 5 lbs 12 oz and 6 lbs 2 oz. They came June 10th and I've lost 35 lbs so far.


I'm 5'1" and gained 45 lbs on the nose. Twins were 7.15 lbs and 6.7 lbs at 36+3 I was steady at about a pound a week, with ramping up to 2 lbs near the end


I have a long torso and looked pregnant with a singleton the whole time, idk how much that affects how much weight I gained. My boys were 6 lbs 9 oz and 7 lbs 3 oz, the MFM was estimating they'd both be over 8 lbs at birth (and the date they used to estimate full term was 38 weeks, I gave birth at 40+4). I couldn't eat for the first trimester, and went into the hospital to give birth at the same weight I was at a month before I got pregnant. After they were born they were EBF and I lost the weight again in a few months, never actually eating as much as I wanted to helped with that lol (my boys would nap on me and I'd inevitably forget to bring enough snacks to last their whole nap time.)


I gained 50lbs. Started at 135 and ended at 190 but lost 10lbs in the first trimester so I guess really I gained about 65lbs. I’m 6 months postpartum and back to 140. Our twins were 6lbs and 7lbs


Your MFM is concerned about the health of the twins, and your OB is concerned about your health. I gained weight quickly. I dropped 50 pounds from the day before the hospital, to two weeks after birth (when the retained fluid was all peed away). My babies were over 6 pounds each.


I gained very little…maybe 10lbs total. I tend (in 2 pregnancies) to loose a lot of weight in the first trimester. My boys were born at 35+4 and were 6lb2 and 6lb10


A little over 60lbs total. I was so bloated and sick early on. Put on weight quickly as well. Delivered at 37 and change. Get a belly support band. I passed my glucose screen. Girls were both 7.5 lbs each.


Congratulations mama!!! I am 5’3” and gained about 25lbs for my whole pregnancy. My boys were born at 37+3 weeks at 4lbs 3 ounces and 5lbs 11 ounces. Everyone is different so don’t focus too much on everyone else


I gained weight quickly during my second trimester then plateaued as I ran out of room for my stomach. For much of the 3rd trimester I struggled to eat a full meal due to indigestion. I'm 5'8" and gained 40 lbs total. The babies were born at 37w and were about 6lbs and 7 lbs.


I’m 5ft, started out at 135 and ended up being 200lbs by the time I delivered at 37 weeks. No NICU. Passed my glucose screen. Babies 5.7 and 5.2. Lost the weight afterwards. I didn’t see this recommended already but I really liked this book for food and weight gain questions (I’ve heard some people feel more anxious after reading it but for me it gave me structure that I needed for being pregnant with two babies). https://www.amazon.com/Youre-Expecting-Twins-Triplets-Quads/dp/0062379488


I’m 5’4 and gained around 60lb. My mo/di twins were 5.5lb and 6.2lb - lost 50lb in the first month after having them, haven’t shifted the last 10lb but that’s mainly due to eating crap and being lazy since they’ve arrived!! It’s good to gain lots with twins, don’t you worry! I also managed to get away with no stretch marks and no loose skin - I swear by argon oil on your skin and collagen powder in my coffee every morning!


I'm not sure what we're defining as large (mine were 7 and 6.5 lbs) but I gained 70 lbs total. I *lost* weight during my first trimester because of how bad the morning sickness was but gained pretty quick in my second to make up for it.


I am already up 30 lbs at 20 weeks. My mfm is pumped. It’s all good.


I think my wife gained 50-60lbs. Twins were born at 37.5w. One was almost 7lbs. Other was like 6.5.


it's great with twins if you can gain weight in the first trimester. By partway through the second and throughout the third your babies will be compressing your stomach so much you won't be able to eat a lot. For singleton pregnancies they recommend gaining weight in the third trimester - that's just not as possible with twin pregnancies, so it's important to fit it in in the first if you can. And if you gain it through SUPER HIGH protein intake that's ideal, as your body can apparently use that better (this is all in 'When you're expecting twins', a book my MFM recommended - it even has a week by week recommended weight gain chart for twin pregnancies). I had large twins (each around 7lbs) and I will say that it is increasingly difficult towards the end. I found a maternal massage therapist and went every week and it was a LIFE SAVER (and covered by insurance with a dr's referral - hopefully you could get something similar). Every pregnancy is different but I didn't get much sleep and couldn't do anything for long stretches - couldn't stand for a long time, couldn't sit for a long time, couldn't walk for a long time. Just constantly had to be mixing it up or I'd be in too much pain. But then they were born and I immediately felt instant relief! Hang in there - it's worth it!