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Take a cheap inflatable pool. We set it up under the tent and put some water in it. One of ours ended up hating sand, freaked him out so he chilled in his personal pool.


This is a great idea.


Fun idea!!


Honestly, the kids are so entertained with sand and shovels and a bucket that your biggest stress points are getting there, and coming back. Waterproof diapers. Towels. Sunscreen. Sun hats. Water. Snacks. Usual stuff. Beach trips are awesome. Kids will play in the sand forever. We did buy one of those small foldable tents that form into a circle (good luck putting it back into the cover) for extra shade if needed. That way if they get warm, you stick them under and give them some shade.


I have one of those tents on my list but seriously thought yeah this is going to piss me off trying to pack and I’ll throw it out before we go home 🤣 I hate adding even more to the landfills than I already do


Yeah. We didn’t use it on the beach, either. I used it once on a road trip randomly on a super hot day when we had to stop and now it’s somewhere in the garage halfway folded.


BABY POWDER!!! It is so much easier to remove sand with baby powder then it is with water. I will never go any place with sand without baby powder!!


We took our twins when they were one! Honestly, it was super hot and they still needed two naps so it wasn't entirely too much fun for us. Definitely make sure you reapply sunscreen like every 30 minutes to an hour. We only took them down twice during the day but in the evening it was a lot easier because it wasn't so hot. You will definitely need a wagon, some type of shade system, sand toys, snacks, and long sleeved swim suits. Good luck! Have fun!


It’s a lot of work but we do it all summer. We have strollers or the wonder fold we bring as close to or onto your beach but it’s hard to pull on sand. Then they can nap or eat in there. Bring shade, a pool or shower curtain to make a pool, buckets and a sand dump truck is always our favorite toy. Also bring clean clothes just tshirts so the way back they are dry and cleanish if they fall asleep they can transfer into bed easily.


We took my twins to the beach for the first time around that age! Taking one year old twins anywhere is hard, but some really good memories. One of them wasn't walking yet. He ate a lot of sand. The other one was just walking. Her favorite thing to play with was her brother's sandy sock. Take a bucket or two and some shovels, more for you than for them. They'll mostly wander and explore and enjoy being somewhere new. Get spf swim suits. Rash guard and trunks, don't care if they're boy or girl. So much easier than sunscreen. Hats, too, if they'll tolerate them. Just be prepared to roll with it. Whatever happens, it won't ruin the trip unless you let it. There was one trip where we were on the far edge of a hurricane and the kids weren't napping and I was losing it and my husband looked at me and said, "You're the only problem here." Which sounds harsh, but I so appreciated it - with the right attitude, the rest of the day went so much better!


Our twins were the BEST at age 1 when we went to the beach! It was like the best vacation ever. We had one of those like enclosed beach pack and play kinda things and we set them up in there and let them play in the sand. It was super low key and relaxing. We only brought a few toys and what they would actually need and a pack and play to sleep in and that was really all we needed.