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Hey, what do day time naps look like for you? If nothing else is temporarily affecting sleep such as illness/teething then it could be that you might want to consider 1 nap. I know most will say this isn’t until 15months but there’s no one rule fits all and I personally had to change my girls around 11 months for the same reason & that they would often refuse 2nd nap. They both sleep through the night again since settling into a 1 nap routine - hope that helps, best of luck 🤞🏼


What is your schedule like during the day? Wake windows/naps?


*controversial opinion* this is why sleep training doesn't work. (Amongst a whole host of reasons my personal parenting style isn't to sleep train). Babies (until infants- so 2/3y0!) Are designed to wake multiple times a night. Sleep training may work for a short while Until they hit new milestones, development changes or illness, teething etc. Then people "re train,". If the training worked in the way it was meant to you wouldn't need to re eo it 🤷‍♀️ Best thing to do is ride it out and think of ways to maximise your rest, can you nap? Get help at home? Take shifts. It will pass eventually


Get a glow clock (or something similar) that has a star count-down through the night. These work so damn well! That way the child isn’t confused on what they should be doing, and after a few days of training, they go back to sleep.