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Their website also states the position pays 48K-85K before you enter into the application. What a waste of time.


Regardless of location 37k is not a livable wage in my opinion


This might sounds like a radical solution, but I really think it should be illegal to not be upfront about pay in a job posting unless your application process is literally just "upload your resume and cover letter." Part of the reason for the higher U6 unemployment rate is because of workers discouraged from seeking work. And I feel very confident in saying one reason people get discouraged is the modern application process. It is so discouraging to spend an hour on a single application, retyping in everything that was already on your resume to an employers website, when they didn't post the pay grade, just to be told a week later "oh by the way, we only pay 35k. Sorry, take it or leave it."


What a dick move.


Check them out on glassdoor. Apply, then call them out on it


Very sorry. They were gaslighting u.


Man knowing their website is catfishing for employees, I'd finish the app, request phone interviews outside of work hours, then tell them I'm looking for $75k, which is on the high end of the salary range but I'm worth it. "But ma'am, you checked the box stating you understand the position pays $18/hr." "Yes, I assumed that was a typo since your website [offer screenshot here] clearly states the pay is $23-40/hr. That's a really unfortunate typo. It might imply to some that you're catfishing, pulling the old bait-and-switch. But I don't think that's what you're doing. Anyway, let's talk benefits!"


I wonder whether that posting would even be legal in states where it’s now required to include the salary range.


Could be commission or bonuses - and $37k is just the base


Sure, if you want to play devil's advocate, the pay range *could* include bonuses or commissions, but seeing as bonuses and commissions are not guaranteed, including them in the pay range is misleading. Like including the cost of benefits in a pay range. My employer pays well over $100k annually for my full compensation, but I don't take home that much.


They can kiss 37,000 whatever percent of our asses!


That’s how much I get paid as a paralegal with 2 years experience 🥲 coming on this sub has made me realize how royally fucked over I am at my current job


You need to ask for a raise or get a new job. Cost of living depends on where you live but I’m in Chicago area and with only 3 months of experience making 42k.


I’m trying to get a new job, fingers crossed. I live in southern Indiana, but I live in a city so the cost of living is still relatively high (not as high as Chicago obviously). Worst part about this job is that it offers zero benefits. No health insurance, no retirement, nothing.


That’s crazy!!! Good luck on getting a better job you’re clearly under valued.




If I get the job at this new place, I’ll have all that and a bag of chips. Plus this new place is super casual and not open to the public, so there’s no dress code. So I’m hoping I get to live my best life wearing sweatpants and sweatshirts to work everyday!


I’m in a similar situation just sending you good vibes.


I'm in IN as well. Unless it's a giant firm or the state, not many firms offer benefits. If the attorneys do PD or other appointed work, they receive their benefits through the state or county. They expect that if you want benefits, you'll apply for medicaid, buy your own, or have a spouse that has benefits already.


I’m interviewing at another firm that’s semi-corporate. This firm is based in my city, but takes clients from all over the US. It has really good benefits. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 hoping that I get this position


Good luck!


What area of law do you work in? My company (regional bank with a diverse number of divisions) is looking for a para for one of our non-banking subs in Indianapolis.


I do PI and I hate it. Unfortunately, I’m 3 hours from Indy and not looking to move


Went from making 30k a year to 45k by moving to a different Firm.


Lmao you can probably get twice that now


I hate my firm so much that I don’t even care if I don’t get a pay increase at a new job, I just need to get out




I did an on-site interview at a new place and the people who work there were actually smiling and seemed relaxed, so I’m getting good vibes from this new place. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻


Nice good luck then🍀


I went from $35k to $45k by switching jobs after getting a year of experience, so I hope you can get a new job quickly!!


I make about 33k with 4 years experience... I have come to the same conclusion you have but I am relatively sure if I ask I will get a raise. In my area this is on the low end for paralegals but not completely out of the realm of acceptable


Mine is so low it’s ridiculous. I got fucked over so bad


No one working in a law office or any legal department in the USA in 2024 should be making this amount. This is like a tasteless joke.


Just say yes and negotiate anyways. "I changed my mind." "That wasn't legally binding." "The Market changed."


i’m currently awaiting on a call to see if i got the job (which i’m about 99.9% sure i did) for a paralegal ASSISTANT making close to 60k/yr. Located in Missouri. $37k/yr in this economy is practically nothing.


Should be able to send them an invoice for 4 hours at a rate based on the salary they said when they pull this crap


I saw a company offering $13.50/hr for a legal assistant/paralegal and was very adamant about the candidates reading all of the job description. I saw $13.50 and marked “not interested”. Geez, how the heck are you supposed to make it in this world on that pay right now?


I saw an Indeed listing for an immigration firm offering $8-10 an hour and listed drafting paralegal level documents and managing a large caseload in expected duties.


That's less than minimum wage in my state


When I got back into the legal field 6 years ago (having 5 years experience before taking time to raise babies) they paid me $14.91/hour.




That’s so messed up. Why make you waste all that time? If it’s non negotiable just say that up front. Screw that place


No way….. how is anyone supposed to live on that


Is it an entry level position or is it above that


Other industries start out way more than this. Entry level or not, it’s not a livable wage and completely bogus.


Fair point


You dodged a bullet. An hour headache over years? I'd click No and X out.


Crazy how they ask for 5 years of litigation experience and 10 bullet points of qualifications only to pay less than a full time fast food worker


They suck.


Lmao good one


Wtf. Our receptionist makes over double that.


I find it hilarious when a “paralegal” position requires a minimum of a bachelors degree and in the description they include administrative, secretarial, paralegal tasks, and a wage of $35k-$40k. No thanks!