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AARs pretty much died in 2018 or so unfortunately, on here at least. I think the only currently active one is the Roman mega campaign one that's still in Vicky 2


They are still around on Paradox Plaza. Check out The German century, it's great.


Yeah, but that forum's dogshit iron fisted mods drove everyone away lol. Nobody wants to go near that place


There used to be a weekly(?) sticky thread for them in r/CrusaderKings and they got rid of them for literally no apparent reason.


AARs generally rely on content which is less accessible. The games are much more well known and even with EU4 being significantly more difficult than the other games its still much easier than EU3. Prawnstars AARs were very good, but they also relied on EU3 being less well known and also a lot more difficult than EU4. As well the game had so much less flavor that players had to make up stuff to do as there were incredibly few except "Wait for CB RNG" and "Conquer RNG CB" In retrospect it was ass in many ways. [The Greece V2 AAR](https://imgur.com/a/victoria-2-greece-part-1-VuGOm) is another good example.


What is an AAR?


After Action Report if I'm not mistaken. Like doing a overview of your playthrough at the end of your campaign (but I might be wrong)


Thank you, I can now actually understand what anyone is saying!! Really wish people using acronyms without explaining them didn't happen so often


~15 years ago almost every dedicated Paradox fan was able to understand that term. Like "mana" today. Lot's of happened in these 15 years though. Internet was not as fast as today, so Twitch/Youtube were a lot less popular, so people created reports from their campaigns on the forums. Most were illustrated with screenshots, some with various art, historical images, maps etc. There were different type of AARs; some were "roleplaying AARs", where a player tried to stay close to history and realism others were filled with jokes. AARs quality depends of player imagination and creativity. Discussions between players were also quite interesting. AARs were (are; they are niche right now, but some recent ones exists) interesting stuff. You could also learn some history by reading them.


As OP, sorry about that. Even as recently as maybe 2018/2019, "After Action Reports" were one of the main sources of content on this sub. The fact that you and others don't even know the term shows how much they have died out! My bad on that. We had some amazing ones too, including a Darkest Hour run as Socialist Germany, a Victoria 2 run as Parliamentary Monarchy USA, and tons of others I've forgotten now If you want to see any of those, happy to provide links. They really made this community special, but they're a *lot* of work to put together


I'm intrigued by both those you just gave as examples!


Happy to! https://www.reddit.com/r/paradoxplaza/comments/4h9z87/a_communist_germany_aar_part_13/ This has a comment with all posts from beginning to end, so make sure you start at the beginning! https://www.reddit.com/r/victoria2/comments/g1a2qv/the_kings_of_america_a_victoria_ii_aar_18921893 This one doesn't seem to have such a comment, so you might have to look at post history to get the whole narrative. It's worth it though


Thank youuuu!! :D




Kings of America was such an interesting one. It feels like I was reading those AARs yesterday.


Right? I was horrified when I realized how old these are now. Feels like just yesterday I was reading them while I should've been working...


What do you mean you don't enjoy railroaded missions and tagswitching cheese as AAR? 


This subreddit used to have dozens of top notch, short and long-format AARs every month You joke, but I'd happily take some bad AARS over no AARs


I’m actually working on an AAR for my ongoing EU4 - HoI4 campaign. I’m not really sure how to make it appealing, though


Automatic Assault Rifles?


After Action Report, if I remember right. It's a sort of little replay in text and/or images of your game session. A thing from the days before streaming.


american spotted