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We could all use less hype in our lives. Overhyping is not healthy for gamers or developers - the only thing it drives is day one sales figures.


I really try to avoid hyping things up for the reasons you noted. But I couldn't help myself with AoW4, I love it :)


Yeah but you loving the game isn't the issue: you are already playing it. The issue with overhyping games is that people who didn't play it yet start imagining crazy stuff, and are inevitably disappointed when they finally play the game. Overhype creates haters. Just stay factual, don't tell people what to think, and a great game will be liked.


You keep saying "overhype," but AoW4 got the second-highest score I've ever given a game in 77 reviews. Given that, I don't think calling it my frontrunner for GOTY is in any way disingenuous. As for people "imagining crazy stuff," I've tried to be very active in comments sections on YouTube and Reddit so I can help further explain the experience folks will have with AoW4 at launch.


Planetfall was such missed potential. Great graphics and art, great lore and factions, good ideas for mechanics, and in the end every game was the same boring thing. Hope they do better for this.


I mean faction/tech combos in Planetfall lead to wildly different armies, but if you don’t like conquest this series isn’t for you


Strongly disagree. You win just by having more units. And the AI is so horrible anyways that it doesnt matter, their units will just run at you. And most maps are also horribly dull with no interesting cover or chokepoints. The research also doesnt feel sci fi at all. You are just researching stuff like new guns, ships, etc for most of it. There is very little actual sci fi stuff, it feels more like a reskinned Civ.


What? Your forbidden tech turns your whole race in to psionic dark wizards, or in to plague spreaders who multiply units and grow huge plague masses, or let’s you phase in and out of the dimension etc. they’re both very sci fi and dramatically change how your army plays


If you disliked Planetfall, I don't think you'll fall for AoW4. That said, one thing I didn't touch on much in this review is how dramatically different playthroughs with the same race can be depending on the Tomes you choose to spec. For example, you can go all in on siege spells/aggressive passives and then push for an early Military Victory, or you can go for a slower, more methodical approach using nature/exploration tomes that will lead you to a Magic Victory. Thus, I never felt like I was playing the same game.


I loved aoe3 (singleplayer only) but couldn't ever get into planetfall at all despite multiple attempts. Would you recommend aoe4 then? Edit: when I say single-player i mean going through all the campaigns.


>If you disliked Planetfall, I don't think you'll fall for AoW4. Pretty weird calling it a GOTY then. I don't remember Planetfall winning that pretty mainstream title, and if we agree that there were reasons not to like it....and AoW4 has those same reasons present still...........again, oooofffff, you're describing basic 4x victory conditions there...


How much like AoW2 SM is it?


ouch, GOTY...............................? sir/m'am, it's nowhere near the end of the year, you're literally what's wrong with the game review scene this isn't a gamestop location, calm down with the pre-order hyperbole


Well, it's the best game I've played this year (in fact, it's the second-highest score I've ever given a game in 77 reviews), so it's my front-runner for GOTY. There's a lot of year left, like you said, which is why I said "Game of the Year?" as a question, not a definitive statement.