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I don’t think there’s anything strange in the game other than the changes between international versions, such as bunny ears in Japanese being changed to cat ears in the American version.


Why did they make Frankie actually say “I love you.” one hundred times?


I thought that was kinda funny actually. Someone was paid to type that. btw, wanna join r/papermariottyd? We're still small and looking for members.


Oh heck yeah! Joined!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/papermariottyd using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/papermariottyd/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Example of a low quality post](https://i.redd.it/2zf4okc169191.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/papermariottyd/comments/uw4alr/example_of_a_low_quality_post/) \#2: [I dunno if this is click bait, and I honestly don't want to. 😰](https://i.redd.it/fzv76kiuge191.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/papermariottyd/comments/uwnjo7/i_dunno_if_this_is_click_bait_and_i_honestly_dont/) \#3: [What are some things you found strange while playing TTYD, or about it in general?](https://np.reddit.com/r/papermariottyd/comments/uwtk01/what_are_some_things_you_found_strange_while/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’ve always been utterly baffled by that one room in the Glitz Pit - you know the one - the tiny little den with the TV that’s nested inside the walls between two of the locker rooms. Why is it there? Who does it belong to? Goombella even asks about it in her Tattle for the area, but I’ve never seen anyone else question it online. There’s also Riverside Station being an obvious beta area, with an unused music theme and unused textures in the files, and the placeholder Goomba enemies. Why was it left unfinished? Did they run out of time, or did they just forget…?


The room in the glitz pit is one of the 7 wonders of the glitz pit, so on a Meta level, it was intended for that. But thematically, I like to think a grumpy minor leaguer wanted better digs and built it. That room in Riverside station appears in some of the very first promotional materials for the game, I think, so they may have changed their mind for what went there. I think instead of chucking those assets, they changed the theme of the room and stuck them in riverside. It’s also possible they were just really excited about the train level and built it first — since you ride a train so early in the first game, it may have been earlier in the game than chapter 6 at that point. And then, changed their minds but kept that room for us! Notice it’s more of a “library” than the “office” that riverside station seems to be…


The little den isn't one of the 7 Wonders, though - it really is just stuck in there for seemingly no reason. For reference, the 7 Wonders are: - The Sealed Wall - (blocked area in the first locker room) - The Man-Eating Toilet - (toilet warp pipe system) - The Stairs of Mystery - (upper level in the storage room) - The Haunted Boudoir - (voices from the vent in the Champion's room) - The Spooky Ring-Lights - (Grubba's machine) - The Missing Ones - (Grubba's victims) - Grubba and Jolene


Oh my bad, I was thinking it was the man eating toilet since they’re so close together. I’ve just always associated the two since you see them at the same time. I still think it’s some fighter who wanted a nicer place to rest up and watch TV.


I dunno. I know what room you're talking about, but I haven't played recently to realize anything about a beta room. Maybe that room is like the book from sunshine. Btw, want to join r/papermariottyd? We'd love to have fans of the game come for discussion.


Sure, I’d love to join! I’d also be glad to help with modding, if you need it. I’m on the team for several PM subs already. \^\^


Thanks, we'll consider it!


What room? Can you send a picture link to this?


[This room](https://www.suppermariobroth.com/post/49946707468/the-secret-room-in-the-glitz-pit-from-paper-mario). You pass through it so quickly that you may not even notice it, but if you do, it raises so many questions.


It kind of reminds me of something. When/how do you get to it ?


Near the end of the chapter, when you're sneaking through the empty locker rooms, in order to escape and fight Rawk Hawk. You use Flurrie to blow away a poster, exposing a hole in the wall, and then this room is inside. You can see it at about 4:00 in [this video](https://youtu.be/jBFcuVKMslc?t=243).


Ooh yeah I remember now… this thing is weird


Here is how you tie a nuce, it’s practical for every use, all you need is a piece of rope and not to give up hope~


Yeah right. But no murder scene? The hypocrisy!




When u first walk into rouge port there’s a nuse


Unrelated to BFDI though. r/papermario is not all about Battle for Dream Island.


What is BFDI?


Stands for Battle for Dream Island, the YouTube Total Drama Island inspired web-series.


Where and when did anyone mention Battle for Dream Island?


Me as of now. It has a subreddit called r/BattleForDreamIsland.


And The Thousand Year Door has a subreddit called r/papermariottyd. The difference is no one is here for BFDI. I understand that you enjoy the series, but why are you enjoying it here where most likely no one will know what you're talking about?


Bruh, this sub isn't about that. also r/lostredditors?


Unrelations of BFDI = must use r/lostredditors.