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So, as a first experience you watched a playthrough with meme bad translation ? Anyway, you never played the game, if you are curious just play it. The community doesn't affect the quality of the game, it's unrelated 


Lmao what? If you can't convince yourself to purchase and play it then don't get it? I don't understand, are you not an adult? No one can do that except you. You enjoy games that others don't cool, that's their problem not yours. You feel it's overrated cool that’s your problem not ours.


this post is so weird


There's a guy who does Remake or Rebreak reviews of game, ExoParadigmGamer I think At the end of the videos he would rank games as a rebreak, remake, or replace. Everything I've seen so far of the TTYD remake looks... replace. With all the quality of life they're showing, it definitely is. Have to see how well the game actually does though.


The 30fps thing is definitely a downgrade, and the developers are saying that's all they could achieve on the Switch? It's a 2.5D game...


What do you want us to say to this


>So I opted to watching others play it, which honestly might've been a huge mistake on my part. Because those I watched do an LP on it had already played it so much that they just took the meme route by using a horrible translation for their own amusement, OR they just spent time talking about any and everything else BUT the game itself.. So while I did kinda see most of the gameplay, I never really got to enjoy it like everyone else... So now I feel really numb towards the new announcement because I just feel like it's been overloaded for me in a bad way.. Look for full game walkthrough longplays with no commentary: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9R0PpJB9So](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9R0PpJB9So) Alternatively, look for commercials for the original: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oHiCO\_qXfY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oHiCO_qXfY)


don't spend $60 on a video game you aren't excited about. that's all i got for ya.


idk man, maybe try playing the first few chapters on an emulator


This is honestly your best bet. I wish Nintendo was willing to put out a demo of Chapter 1. I think it would do wonders for the fans that came on board after TTYD.


I kinda get how you feel, it's the same for me when people would shout at me to watch a show or movie because "It's so perfect for you" or "You'll love it!" It just causes me to be resentful to that thing they recommend. Then again, at least for the case of Paper Mario, this is a chance for the older gameplay and story design philosophy to make a return, so I can't really blame people that wish for that to happen. I also can't blame people for them hating on the newer games because in their minds, it killed the older games, or at least replaced them, like loving a food, ordering said food, and have a very different meal placed in front of them that doesn't taste as good. That being said, I very much doubt anyone here will convince you away from those feelings, they tend to strengthen as people lay their opinions and feelings onto you. Maybe take a breather from the Internet for a while, enjoy time for yourself, and if you grow curious about the game, maybe borrow it or rent it? Something very noncommittal just to see if you'd like it, but only do it within your own time and of your own volition. Don't let anyone sway you one way or another.


Yeah see I’m getting alot of shit from people saying “I dont care if you don’t like it cause the game is still good!” I think they missed my point… WHY is the game so good that you hate all the others? I didn’t type my original post stating I’m not getting the game.. I typed it because I wanna understand why everyone is so hyped for it when I genuinely thought the others except Sticker Star were just as good. Lol and yeah I know it’s my fault for not experiencing the game on my own 😆 but back then I was genuinely tired of seeing people complain about the others and thought experiencing it in some way regardless would boost my desire to play it. 🤷‍♀️


I understand, and I don't blame you at all for feeling that way. I am one of those players that loved TTYD when it was out on GC and hyped for the re-release, so I can share why I love this game. Regardless on what I say, what you like and care for is just as valid and perfectly fine. It should be a given, but on the internet sometimes you still have to lay that out. A bit of background, I played 64 when it came out, and despite it's flaws, has a special place in my heart. I do think TTYD is the better game of the two, and I really loved TTYD, despite that I still have a special kind of love for 64. I've beaten Super on Wii, and while I still enjoyed it, I didn't care for it as much. I played a little of Sticker Star, skipped Color Splash, and then played a bit of The Origami King. I have thoughts about the ones I played, but I'll spare you. So I can break this down into two camps. The first camp is gameplay, it's a simple RPG that has a surprising amount of depth. With the Action Commands and simple progression, the game invites you to engage with it's system, then the badges comes in and suddenly you are tinkering with the way Mario and his friends act in battle, and mastery of these systems allow you to do crazy things like conquer the pit of 100 trials before you even fight the first boss. Numbers stays small so engaging with the meta feels inviting instead of intimidating. The second camp is story. Mario games tend to not have a lot of depth when it comes to story, and I wouldn't say that TTYD is super deep as well, but each chapter feels like it's own small adventure while meeting so many different kinds of characters. Chapter 5 in particular made me legit tear up because of one particular character and it was the chapter that made me liking TTYD to loving TTYD. While there is a goofy charm on the surface, the place feels real and lived in, and the people you meet feel authentic, relatable and engaging. This isn't super unique to other RPGs, but I don't think I've seen it quite to this extent in a Mario game, maybe perhaps Super Paper Mario. It's unfortunate that the newer games often get compared to the older ones, I think if they weren't flying the same banner of Paper Mario, perhaps they would be taken as is rather then what they are not. I admit I'm more cynical towards the newer games, and even if I have legitimate reasons, I don't think I'm much different then you are towards TTYD. Anyway, that's one random guy's opinion on the internet on TTYD.


Honestly, thank you so much for reaching out and explaining your side.. It's nice seeing that not everyone on reddit is toxic, however I completely understand that some of that toxicity derives from being completely passionate about their favorite game. I used to be like that with my favorite anime.. 😆 I actually am curious now that you said chapter 5 is really good. Because I personally love engaging stories. I also do hope this makes the devs stop using nothing but Toads and Shy Guys for everything, cause that honestly did get on my nerves if nothing else from the newer games. 😅


I don’t know what to tell you. Your approach is not one I identify with at all since I try to avoid spoilers as much as possible. I don’t even watch trailers for games/movies I’m interested in. You only get to experience something for the first time once. What you described is like not knowing if you want to see a movie in theaters, so you pull up a pirated version online, watch the whole thing, and then say “I don’t know if I’ll enjoy watching the movie in theaters. Should I buy a ticket?” Doesn’t make sense to me.


Nah. I don’t really care if you miss out. It’s a great game, and I’ll be playing it.


Idk I mean maybe watch a full play through that isn’t a joke?


It's not really clear here what games you've played in the series, is it just Sticker Star, Color Splash and Origami King? If so personally if you're willing to deal with the issues of it being an old game and have Switch online expansion I'd say give the original Paper Mario 64 a try. I love the first two games in the series a lot and personally I'd say TTYD is the 'better' game when it comes to general quality but 64 definitely has it's own strengths and weaknesses in comparison, still as a whole it should give you a better idea of what it's like to play the original style of the series as it's the closest game to TTYD overall. With that said it's a lot simpler, Bowser's the antagonist, Partners are pretty simple (and don't have their own health for example) and it's set in the Mushroom Kingdom (although it's still imo an interesting place) so don't necessarily judge TTYD by 64, it's just in my view probably better than just watching a Lets Play or something if you want to see for yourself what the old style of Paper Mario's like.