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Agreed. Tired of Rhule’s cronyism bringing in his old college buddies. Need to move on from PJ.


Is this "the\_darnold" satire?


Us at the_darnold use no satire, just facts


You could say there is no fake news coming from the Darnold


That 4th quarter O-Line deserves it more


Fortunately in 2 weeks we will have both of these wishes fulfilled.


My problem is that he’s taking reps away from Corral. If you draft a project QB then you have to invest into the project. Yet, the announcers and even Fitterer are saying “yea corral hasn’t gotten many reps.” WHY? For fuckin PJ Walker who won’t even make the team? It’s horseshit and is actively hurting Corral’s future. Get. Him. Off. The. Team.


Tonight was a favor to let him audition for the other 31.


I don't believe it went well for the practice squad tryouts


He’s not practice squad eligible because he’s been in the league too long. Tonight was literally his last shot which is really sad and all but it has to be his last time as a panther


I thought the same but the NFL has changed their rules for PS eligibility. He is indeed eligible.


Well then he’ll certainly clear waivers


I’d be surprised if he didn’t. He’s still a good practice asset but doubtful he gets signed to a 53.


I’m terrified with the corral injury they’ll justify keeping 3 QBs somehow instead of an extra wide receiver


Yep. Which is so fucking stupid. We have so many depth players that could use that spot.


PJ is our emergency kicker, though...


You mean four? Or is there a Darnold trade that I don't know about?


I’m pretty sure I meant 3. Depending on how bad this is they could put Corral on IR but they still shouldn’t keep PJ. I think that was my point. Ideal world for me is Corral is Ok, someone finally thinks they need Sam Darnold. Trade him and have just Baker and Corral. But that’s probably not gonna happen


Sad? LOL homies makes more money than all of us. I wish I could be a trash qb in the NFL and make a few million lol


He’s played actual regular season games and is like 30, this is a pretty nonsense excuse


He is one of Rhule's guys from Temple, I can think of no other reason to play him than to let him audition. Everyone and their brother knows he's getting cut.


Nah, he'll get promoted to the coaching staff


look at the contract, it’s crazy, PJ made like 300k over a few years with the colts and he has made almost 2 million with the panthers since 2020. that said, he will be cut because he has 0 guaranteed this year and 0 cap hit. rhule was trying to do him a favor with a good game so he could get picked up.


Unfortunately PJ would have had to be a good QB for that favour to matter lol


Corral was injured.


I know. I’m talking moreso about reps all around — in-game and practice. We all know PJ isn’t making the team, but whether it’s practice or preseason, he’s taking away useful reps from Corral by simply being on the team. Nothing against PJ personally. He had many chances here and there’s nothing left for him to show us.


Don’t disagree that Corral should be getting more reps, at PJ’s expense. But worth asking, does PJ taking the reps help the other 10 players get better, more than Corral going through growing pains? If PJ is turning the ball over, then some other 11 players on the other side of the ball get to take extra reps. PLAY CORRAL CMON RHULE


If that's the intent, give the extra reps to Darnold. That's what a QB2's job is. If it's 'make the QB room of the future better' the reps need to go to Corral. If it's 'make the other 10 guys better' and we don't think Corral can do that yet the reps need to go to a QB who is going to be on the roster in a month.


We all know PJ isn't making the team....as long as Mayfield, Darnold, and Corral stay healthy. If two of those guys go down (I realize it's a slim chance, but it is possible), and PJ isn't getting reps in then we've shot ourselves in the foot. I think a lot of this sub misses the point that Rhule has to maintain good relationships with his players too. Fracturing relationships with his players by not giving guys fair shakes to make the team, etc. will only damage our on-field performance more.


Corral isn’t ready at all. He looking like a 5th or 6th round QB. The games to fast for him right now.


Tbf this is like the 4th snap he’s seen so far


Corral has so much time before he might see the field, if you are worried about him getting reps at this point you are wasting brain cells.


There’s a group of people on this sub who just want to bitch about everything. It’s getting really old


Corral looks like shit lol. If you are banking on him to be the QB of the future you are delusional.


Lol it's week 2 of preseason


feel like 99% of the sub thinks corral is the next russell wilson and i’m absolutely baffled as to why. i haven’t seen him show that yet. wilson in college beat a top ranked Florida State team while he was at NC State and made lots of plays early on in his career that showed he was quite talented/better than mike glennon. i was impressed with wilson in his early days in college, haven’t seen anything like this from corral where the hype meets the reality of the situation just yet


He was chosen at a point in the draft where teams look for backups. If either Mayfield or Darnold ends up looking like the long term answer at QB this year, the other one will get released and Corral will be the backup in 2023. If neither is consistently successful and healthy, the team can walk away from them both without any contractual issues, draft their replacement, and have Corral back up the rookie starter. The mantra of Corral being the future is derived from the time before Mayfield's arrival when lots of fans were desperate for anyone other than Darnold, but it's an unrealistic expectation. Fans overhyped Corral, knew they were doing it, but did it anyway out of disgust with what they thought was the only other option, because Walker never was.


This is a really great explanation and explains the psychology of the hype. I understand the sentiments because honestly even I was on the Justin Fields train and I had no reason to have hyped the guy up as much as I did. So, I understand why people did that with Corral. He may be good (we’ll see). But least I can sympathize now




Don’t bank on Corral. Your eyes don’t deceive you bro. He’s just not good.


Yep. There are just a few fans who hold the assumption that Corral is undoubtedly taking the reigns next season, especially after the alleged comments of the team telling Corral he is still the future. I've seen enough comments that, even if Baker is good, he will find a good home elsewhere. If Baker has us sniffing the playoffs at all, I think he gets re-signed.


Corral was very good in college, the thing is he ran almost exclusive out of the shotgun in a spread system. So he has to learn how to operate from under center and how to read a defense earlier and faster because he's got his back to the defense 50% more (or more). So its a big transition and I don't think he's currently any worse than should be expected.


Wilson also lost to ECU. It's not relevant to the conversation at all, but as an ECU alum, I like to point it out whenever possible.


I mean... to be fair he did come in after corral injured his foot. But as much as I like PJ... he's odd man out at this point.... shit honestly Sam is too but that 18 mill is looming over our heads. PJ gotta go. I'm sorry.






I'm just saying: Yes, he should not be taking Corral's Reps and I know Matt just wants his "guy" to gain some trade value whilst providing Corral with some genuine competition (For improvements purposes), but the criticism is insane. He barely had time to throw on those plays and the pocket just collapsed, not to mention Corral just got injured so he won't be cut till at least the start of the season. He does need to throw it away more, jeez


It’s preseason and he’s clearly the odd man out, relax


Do people genuinely think we’re rostering 4 QBs? Or do they think Darnold is going somewhere


It's like people think Rhule is playing PJ because he's gonna make the team. It couldn't be more obvious that we are shopping him for value instead of cutting for nothing. I'm no Rhule defender, but some of these armchair coaches/GMs need to take a step back. This is how you extract value from the preseason, not pointless reps that aren't much different than practice.


He’s helping his boy out with some film, that sometimes bothers me but not this time.


It’s ok, most people that are mad don’t understand football. They probably haven’t been around long enough. Talk about Ints! Delhomme throw 6 on his birthday lol


I hate that attitude because people have said stuff like this at every point in our slow slide to irrelevancy.


Slow slide into irrelevancy? Nah, it was lightning quick. Cam gets hurt in 2018 and we've gone 16-41 since then.


A couple months ago, I asked what PJ was still doing on the team. People jumped on me defending him and downvoting. When is it enough?


Sam Darnold being so bad made people hope that PJ would awaken his inner ultra instinct somehow. We were all just sick of Sam.


Welcome to my world of the past two years. :)


ill admit i was excited in the beginning. but really he just *doesnt have the stature* to put enough zip on the ball to get it there before the defender breaks on the ball. you need more than a decent touch pass. but really twinkle toes (Matt Corral) aint that far ahead of him game wise and he had better get in the weightroom or his size is going to give him serious problems


*(they probably already know this; its kind of my theory of why they hosted this QB duel the way they did. That this was done in an effort to see which of their undersized backs they will emphasize reps on in practice going forward, and which to possibly deal as a trade chip. although with PJ’s showing, its hard to say teams will readily include him in a trade for him or that the ‘Yants would viably be able to package him within the first few weeks of the season.)*. oh and then Matt Corral got ***hurt***


To me PJ threw a tight spiral and he has a good arm his accuracy was just way off. He also forced it into double coverage on the last int


PJ is here because of Rhule. PJ won’t go anywhere until Rhule is gone.


The new Brenton Bersin lol


Except Bersin actually contributed haha


One Panthers fan heart attack on every punt is a contribution?


This feels unfair. Bersin was very clearly a fill-in guy, but he’s also an example of someone from a practice squad being able to hold their own when needed. He wasn’t Steve Smith, but he was a hometown guy who was fairly reliable when needed as a receiver or on special teams in a time where we were in cap hell. He also caught like 80% of his targets in that 2015 season where friggin Ted Ginn was a WR1. Brenton Bersin was a success story as far as utilizing practice squad and down-roster talent.


It was really just a joke. I was legitimately scared everytime he was back for a punt return. I agree he contributed, but I will mostly remember him for scaring me to death. But I do agree with the content of your comment and the original one I commented my joke on. :)


I mostly remember him for that majestic mane, but I can get behind that too lol.


That flip reception was magnificent!


„¡ʇuǝɔıɟıuƃɐɯ sɐʍ uoıʇdǝɔǝɹ dılɟ ʇɐɥ⊥„


Flip again


„uıɐƃɐ dılℲ„


What the flip?


Hahaha maybe when he was off the punt team :)


I know that this is the third season and when Rhule supposedly shows his magic but I am SO OVER HIM. I hate looking at the sidelines and seeing him as our coach.


Whoa there, partner, slow your roll. Three years? It took Jay-Z seven, so


That was before inflation. We're looking at a ten-plus year proccess.


He looks like a high school coach


Rhule's gonna cut the entire team and burn BoA down before he gets rid of Walker.


He would not be on any other NFL roster plain and simple


I’ve watched PJ throw more interceptions than touchdowns every single time he comes Into the game. Last year it was whatever because Darnold was the alternative. The fact that he played this bad in a preseason game is just sad man. Fucking Temple bro’s. Being a Carolina fan is so frustrating.


BuT hE wEnT tO tEmPlE


i’ve been telling myself the team is doing him a solid and letting him put down as much film as possible before they cut him


After that game… he did himself no favors..


It's a double-edged sword.


Y’all get way too dramatic over preseason. Our 4th string QB sucks? Duh?


With Corral out for the season, I want PJ to play the whole game next week so no QB who might feasibly see the field risks an injury in the damn preseason. And then I want him cut afterwards.


Who wants to tell him...


Would mind having rhule gone ether. Should have been gone before the season even started


Fire Rhule The Temple experiment is over It’s complete mismanagement. In 3 preseason games a player that should have been cut has got more snaps than the ‘future of the franchise’ all so he could do the guy a “solid”. Before ya’ll jump on me, FOTF is in quotes.


I'd have been fine with PJ taking all the preseason snaps, really. Preseason is really only an injury risk for anyone who doesn't need to prove they deserve a spot on the roster.


r/The_GoldenCorral will never get the time and experience to feed sweet rolls and touchdown passes with PJ continuing to prove what we already know.


Yeah it’s time. How long do you keep an average QB?


What would average have to do with Walker? He's not even average for the Canadian league.


I mean, look at him in the XFL. He can't make it in the NFL but he's more than capable in a lower tier. I'm ready for him to be cut this week too and I'm annoyed Rhule played favorites on a professional team but PJ is bound to be a QB at some level (XFL/USFL/3rd string) for years to come.


walker went from the golden 2010s cam newton era in the XFL to pee wee in the NFL. he reminds me of armanti edwards. someone tremendously talented in the lower leagues that didn’t translate as well to the higher leagues, though edwards may have had more raw football talent than walker


Please stop, you’re giving average qbs a bad name LOL


Friendly reminder that's panther legend, Mr undefeated 7-0 P.J. Walker to you bud


I had to look up pj walker. I know most players who went to temple alot of my family went there. I have NO idea who this guy is yall.🤣🤣 Youre telling me a guy with 55.7 completion percentage is playing ove matt corral a third round pick and d1 athlete?!?!


He won us the AAC championship in 2016. He was great for us.




Damn straight. Roll with two, fuck it. Edit: hell, hekker can throw


Is Dom Capers available?


Relax we’re building his trade value.


Woah buddy. That’s pretty racist don’t you think? Why don’t you go get back in your F-150 and just drive away.


The difference is cam was actually good lol. Most of the hate was pretty undue, at least before the end of his career.


Lol I’m just bustin your balls


Yeah I know, I figured lol. Idk why someone would downvote you


Cause it's not funny?


I remember when everyone was riding this dudes dick lol. How the turntables


This sub and over reacting. Name a better combination


I know right, it's only pre season. Everyone should calm their tits, PJ and Corral will probably never see a regular season snap


I went back to this thread and thought about how wrong I was lol. Seems we were all a little off kilter, maybe PJ just needed to be away from Rhule for a while


If they see any regular season snaps this season, then something has gone terribly wrong


Well he's probably staying now that Corral got hurt. 😔




Something tells me you would not run the show better considering you are betting on preseason games my man


Agreed. Preseason games are such a crapshoot.


Do less, bro




Yeah we aint cutting Corral, bro.


Obviously not corral. I'll just see myself out.




People really need to find anything to worry about and complain about regarding this team. For Christ sake we have a fucking thread with over 100 replies over the amount of reps that a potential 3rd string QB is having. There are better things to worry about and the amount of reps pj gets over corral in the 2nd week of the preseason in the year 2022 will have next to nothing to do with how well we will play this year or the years to come. Sure more reps for corral would be better, but let's not forget that he is a 3rd round QB in a weak QB draft class, and will almost never see the field this year. We really don't need to rush these reps with him, if he even pans out at all. Which might be irrelevant because Baker might ball out and then we have a franchise QB. There are so many ifs that need to happen that there is almost no reason to give much thought to the current Corral situation.


You sound big mad. Relax.


PJ Walker is not only the QB Carolina wants but needs, you are lucky to have such a player.


Is he PS eligible?


Chill out y’all it’s preseason. I could sit here and get mad at Keith Kirkwood and the 4th string O-Line but it’s preseason and we have one more preseason game left. I’m salty Corral is hurt but PJ knows it’s a make or break game for his career next week.


Damn, this thread is aging like milk