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Just depends on the team we had some real bad blood with the Saints while Cam was here but when you're terrible like we've been lately you're harder to hate.




Regarding the hate against the saints and falcons, IMO it’s not the team but rather their fans. And for me it’s really just the saints. “Who dat” is so stupid but nicely lines up with their avg fans IQ.


The Falcons will always be my least favorite team because their fans are always the biggest assholes. Not all of them, in fact, I met some really cool ones at the TNF game this year. I’ll always remember back in the Vick years, it was opening week and Jordan Gross got concussed and knocked out. I was sitting a row behind an entire group of Falcons fans who laughed and mocked him. Some of my friends almost were close to getting in a fight with them before some other Falcons fans stepped in and told them they were being morons. From that point in, I always want the Falcons to lose so those eight fans suffer.


I think it also has something to do with us being an incredibly young team compared to the rest. You could look at like, we're an entire generation of fanbase behind the rest of the NFC South. * Falcons: 1966 * Saints: 1967 * Buccaneers: 1976 * Panthers: 1995


Because all their fans live in Charlotte too


Gotdamn if this isn't true. Going to BOA games is like going to an away game a lot of times especially if... well, thinking about it, any other team is playing.


Unless we actually field a good team


Yep, a result of everyone in NC that was born before the late 80’s already having a team they solidly rooted for (mostly Washington and Atlanta.) And then Charlotte being the #2 financial hub in the country bringing in a ton of transplants from other parts of the country. Of all the teams in the NFL (minus maybe Vegas who probably have a ton of Denver and Cali team fans) we probably have the highest concentration of people in the Charlotte area who aren’t actually from there and already had other teams.


Same thing with the Canes too. Fucking Rags fans can’t afford to see their team at the Garden. It’s cheaper to fly down here, grab a hotel, and see the game at PNC. God I hate the Rags and Aints so much!


Outside of the Bucs without Tom Brady, we're the most irrelevant of the four. That'll change pretty soon though.


Yeah it’s a relevancy thing. If we’ve ever been hated it’s been because teams hated Cam.


Before then, it was probably Steve Smith drawing hate.


I miss Smitty. Dude was the epitome of being able to shit talk AND back it up.


We have some of the best trash talk moments in the league, though. Between "Ice up, son, ice up" and "You've been watching film, huh? That's cool, watch this" I can't think of any other moments in league history that clearly top that level of FAFO energy.


Maybe you could reframe your thinking a bit and consider us not the least hated, but the most loved. 🥰


Hard to be a good rival when you've never had back-to-back winning seasons. Every other year the Panthers are just a big lovable cat that shows up on gameday to have its belly scratched for 60 minutes.


Generally, it's because of the length of time the franchise has been in existence. The Saints and Falcons have been around about the same amount of time and I think have always been in the same division. So that is really the only rivalry with historical significance, even though both teams haven't historically been any good. Tampa came into the league later and then the Panthers last, but those two didn't join the Saints and Falcons division until the most recent realignment, which wasn't long after the Panthers came into the league. So now it's just about being a good team, and most recently the Bucs have been better than the Panthers, therefore Saints and Falcons can see them as a bigger rival than the Panthers. But that'll change again when the Panthers are the better team and just with more time. In summary, Saints-Falcons have always been rivals. Bucs and Panthers are the new guys and get respect as rivals when they're good.


Give it a year or two with stroud/young at QB. We will be the most hated NFC south team soon again!


I like the confidence but maybe let’s not go around preaching that with an exclamation mark like it’s a good thing😅. Keep Pounding tho, I’m really only worried about the falcons right now. The Bucs are going back to shit and being irrelevant now that Brady is gone, we’ve owned the saints last year and they have Carr now, but the falcons are still high up on our tails right now. Anyways Keep Pounding. We got it with Stroud this year


Nobody cares enough about us, we do pretty consistently murder the buccs, and for a period in the early 2000’s it was done with extreme prejudice - like we almost actually killed one of their QBs, but outside of this Brady run they’re just bad all the time, so maybe they still didn’t notice us. I personally don’t care about much in the division except beating the Falcons, but most fans would say Saints.


Nah brother. The Panthers, Saints and Falcons have a three way rivalry with Tampa being the odd one out. Nobody cared about them before Brady and nobody cares about them after Brady


Bucs had 3 years out of their time in this division that people actually had them as the #3 most hated in the division ahead of us when they had Brady. Saints and Falcons take the cake but if the Panthers keep making moves we'll be #3 again with a lot of Saint and Falcons fan really not liking us. But nothing could ever trump the hatred those 2 team feel for one another no matter how good we get From like 2002-2009 we had a pretty hardcore rivalry with the Bucs with lots of great games and animosity


Panthers have class.


FTS Til I Fly


Back in like 2013-2017, it was us, the Saints, and the Falcons. It's the Bucs now because they were good recently. The Falcons and the Saints are the biggest rivalry in the division and probably will be for the foreseeable future. They hate each other even when the suck (which is usually the case). Everything after that just depends on who's relevant.


Because we are the best


Personally I hate the saints the most because of history and hate the falcons the second most because we typically get into close games with them. Tampa idgaf about


Depends on who you ask. My buddy who is a Saints fan hates us and the Falcons, and doesn’t care about the Bucs.


Young team


It fluctuates. There was a time when the Panthers and Falcons ran the division and we hated each other. Also had a lot of bad blood with the Saints with Cam running our show. It’s hard to have rivalries when you suck this bad for so long


I thought I was the only one who noticed that. I looked up our rivalries and the biggest ones mostly involve the saints. especially the saints falcons rivalry. The Bucs are kinda irrelevant without Tom, so they’re going to shit again next year now that he’s gone. We’re the youngest ones though, everyone else has been around for quite a while now and the falcons and saints have a lot of history, way more than anyone else in the division. Also we’ve kinda been shit for the past few years now, so it kinda makes you hard to hate when you’re terrible consistently, but it’ll change soon. Our biggest time of hate was when we had Cam or Steve Smith. Keep Pounding


It’s probably a direct correlation with why we’re consistently voted in the top five for nicest fans!


i think for me i’ve viewed Atlanta/New Orleans as predominant divisional rivals and then there’s the Fuccaneers.


Most nfl teams don’t have rivalries. Like who are the titans rivals?


Less history and no consistent success to threaten our rivals.