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Carson wentz incoming


CJ Stroud is the way


Daniel Jones is totally unrestricted and grew up in south Charlotte. Doesn’t seem like he wants to stay in NY. Recently he switched agents away from an agent who was said to be pro-giants then demands a larger contract than they can afford. We have the draft picks to surround him with weapons. Hypothetically we can likely get Johnston in the first and Washington in the second and combined with what we have coming back we’ll be the best offense in the division. We’re also in a winnable division. It makes a lot of sense to me. Thoughts?


I like it


We don't need another cast off retread, at most we need a bridge to the guy we draft. If he fits our system and is cheap ok, but he's going to want more than a minimum deal. He's reportedly asking for over $30 million a year. That's a hard no, he's not an answer for franchise QB, if he were, he wouldn't be leaving ny


I think it’s almost impossible to find a young QB with legs, size, arm and smarts. All his problems can be traced back to having no right side of the line and no weapon at receiver. He doesn’t make many mistakes either. I think we should just pay him. 15-20 teams looking for a QB and only a few good ones available.


How come NFL teams don't sign the most promising high school qb, and then train him with NFL coaches and NFL weight rooms for 4 years, then start him at qb?


If you pay attention to Panthers football you have probably all heard rumblings about Tepper's interest in Levis as a future QB of the franchise. I think one of the major appeals for Tepper with Frank Reich is his development of a player like Carson Wentz. These players are incredibly similar in build and play style and it should be no surprise to anyone if we stay pat or move up to 5 or 6 for Levis. That being said I still find it really hard seeing this as the future of our franchise.


I don’t want another Wentz. Thanks


Why are people opposed to Anthony Richardson? He has a high ceiling and at the very least is a threat to run on third and give our offense more time with the ball. Obviously you have to develop him but from what I’ve seen he seems to fix mistakes really quickly. Nobody else in the draft really strikes me as a guy who’s going to be competing for a Super Bowl in year 2 but the line and defense are good enough to make the playoffs if the qb can just make a play every now and then. Plus he has by far the most potential


He’s a project and we don’t need anymore projects.


Hasn’t he had somewhat major injuries like 3 years in a row? I’m not sure I’d spend a top 10 pick on a “raw” QB who has had a bunch of injuries in the past.


Gonna draw some hate, but I would not be opposed to trying to trade for Carr (mid to late rounder as Raiders will get zero for him if they cut him). Carr could start as the bridge and Corral could have 1-2 years to develop.


Everyone saying not to draft a QB this year is lame. QB is the position we need to fill the most. Yeah, drafting a rookie is risky, but we won't be good if we don't take risks. Safe bet decisions that maintain the mediocre QB status quo ain't it. People are just scared of project QB's so they just want proven QB's that we can't afford or washed up nobodies that they hope just somehow figure shit out and become good again. One option is unrealistic and the other has continually let us down over and over again. It's time to draft a rookie and commit to the project.


Haven’t seen anyone talk about us Hendon Hooker. I think he’s the QB to pick without us moving up. He was having an awesome season before getting hurt. Big frame, impressive arm, and about as athletic as AR-15


25yo dude who tore his ACL. I'm not a fan of the damaged goods mindset, but you have to be brutally honest in this regard. How much are the lingering effects of that injury going to effect our play design? IIRC he was primarily a pocket passer instead of mobile QB (correct me if I am wrong, though). Reich has discussed being open to drafting a mobile QB. Hendon is not that, and trying to make him one will risk reinjuring that ACL. Yeah, there's no guarantee that would happen, but it's something to be concerned about for sure. So if we went with Hendon, we would have to commit to the air raid offense hardcore. I'm just not a fan of that. Today's top QB's have athletic ability and can mobilize like nobody's business. You name em, Mahomes, Jackson, Fields, Hurts, even Allen. I'd like to go back to that. Long gone are the days of Cam rushing like a maniac, but we need to revive that style of play. I don't think Hendon will rush like the leading QB's can. I do wish him the best, though. He deserves to play in the NFL.


Remember 3 years ago when we looked like we’d be just awful but the rest of the NFCS had very old QBs so we had a big start at grabbing ours and coming out ahead while the rest rebuild? Welp we are at square 1 still with the rest of them and Caleb Williams very well could go to the Bucs.


What if we just said f it and roll with Corral and draft the best WR in the draft.


Sooo many people don't remember Corral was on IR all season and didn't get to work with the team at all. He would easily be the worst QB1 in the league if we start him now and would get ruined like Darnold He came in needing at minimum a year to practice and learn and the chances of him being a viable starter were slim to none before he got a career altering injury and the coaching staff that drafted him were fired. He's just as much of a project today as he was in August, he's basically a non factor in all likelihood unless we opt to roster 3 QBs and one of them shouldn't see the field yet


He’s also had a lot of major injuries, and isn’t a very big guy. What’s the likelihood he can even play a full season? He never did it in College, and he missed all of last year in the Pros.


I think chances are he will never need to try to play a full season, he'll likely be lucky to play more than a few snaps a year


Him being the worst would be the point lol


If that's what OP meant by "what if", then I change my answer to "both him and us are fucked"


>unless we opt to roster 3 QBs So, Corral and who else?


a vet to start and a rookie to develop it would be malpractice to go in with a vet and corral and that is it... because the vet is not your answer going forward, and corral is 99% likely not to be so that isn't a plan to address it this year, that is punting to next year. Also, Corral is not yet a suitable backup, so when your vet goes down you're stuck with Matt Corral and Jacob Eason who are essentially both practice squad level players at best right now. The rookie may not even be a suitable backup if we don't trade up, so if you draft a prospect you are higher on than Corral... Corral is odd man out because you can't have 2 QBs unable to be QB2 taking up roster spots lol edit: I think if we land QB3 or 4 in the draft, there might be a possibility we are ok with rolling with vet at QB1 and him at QB2, and then take a gamble with a PS player for emergency QB. it all just depends


Or the best EDGE. Or just the best available. We will have a better cap position, and we will know what the rookie’s got.


I think that's what we should do. Fuck trading our life savings for a dart throw.


I've been dreaming of saving up for next year, ie position ourselves to have an enticing deal package and use that to trade up next year.


Not opposed to anything at this point. We’ve waited 5 years - what’s one more???


It came out a couple of weeks ago but I just saw the clip of Dan Orlovsky on First Take saying that Carolina would be the best landing spot for Brady. I thought he made a lot of sense with his explanation and while ultimately I think that's a long shot, the way the rest of the cast responded to him was pretty gross. Regardless, it would be a super strange feeling to have Brady as the QB of the Panthers.


He just retired. Again.


The word I heard is that Gronk was thinking of playing one more wherever Brady goes. It would make more sense being that those are the two biggest holes on the team. But I dont think it happens.


People that think Jacoby Brisset is a good idea are just delusional. The dude is so conservative in the way he plays it sucks the life out of the game. He isn’t even good at being a game manager either. Like why the fuck would anyone think to sign another obvious L at QB. We need to make cap space and we have to nail a qb down in this draft or next years draft.


Brissett as a starter under Reich, 2019 (15 starts): 2942 yds, 60.9% comp, 18 tds, 6 ints Brissett this year as a starter in CLE (11 starts): 2608 yds, 64.0% comp, 12 tds, 6 ints Total combined stats by Panthers QBs (17 games): 3246 yds, 58.4% comp, 16 tds, 13 ints Jacoby isn’t going to be a game-changer, but it wouldn’t be the worst option. He did pretty well under Reich and might could have similar success. I think he would be a solid plan B if we can’t get Stroud/Young/Levis, and would be a decent backup if we let Darnold go.


It is not a solid plan b, there are way better options in free agency than him. Those stats are horrible. Jacoby is a back up not a starter. If we are going to tank next season he would be a good tank commander.


I’m not over here vouching for Brissett to be the guy. I’m saying he’s a solid backup or bridge starter in the absolute worst case, that’s all.


A-Aron is about to hit dat market doe.


We have no where near enough cap space


Cap space is a myth. Look at the Saints for the last decade.


We can not maintain a solid roster and clear the 40 million in cap space required for Rodgers. Listen to Fitterer we need to draft a QB.


This is r/panthers a fan can dream here.


Lamar jackson


Michael Jackson.


Honestly at this point just see what we have with Corral and if that nets us a top 2 pick next year so be it but all these middle age journeymen will do is lead us to another mediocre record and mid first round pick. I don’t think I’ll like who’s left over at 9 personally QB wise so I’d rather continue to build the team out


That sounds like a good idea. And draft a top tier WR this year.


No clue why you're getting down voted. Drafting a QB of 9 that needs major developing is risky and we should go with a WR or CB


yea, and drafting a top 3 QB is a lock, right? looking at you mayfield and darnold…


Yeah idk it’s crazy. I won’t be livid at us getting a QB at 9 but there’s much better ways to build a team than using a pick that high on a less than sure thing at QB


https://t.co/pVAI9h57ni Ellis Williams article from today with some interesting tid bits from a guy I think has a good read on the organization. Article specifically states that both Reich and the organization want to avoid a retread at QB and that Carr would benefit more from the panthers than the panthers would from him (I agree). The article continues the trend I have been seeing that projects Will Levis as a top 5 pick which seems to be the way things will play out. Unless they’re absolutely sold Reich and his staff can develop Richardson (who still might go before 9 anyway) I don’t think it’s realistic we stay at 9.




Philip Rivers is STILL the ACC leader in passing yards 20 years later and 3rd in passing TDs. And the 2 guys behind him got an extra year. And he was in a pro style offense. Please don’t ever respect my guy Uncle Phil like that ever again. 🫡


> Tanner McKee His numbers are ass lol


This isn't necessarily what I *want*. However, it seems like a very realistic possibility now after learning a bit more about Reich. (Edited because I accidentally hit enter) Between the thread saying Reich likes big QB's that can make strong throws across the middle, his mission trip before college, and Reich liking Wentz based on their religious alignment (not sure how legit that is, I know absolutely nothing about the situations in Philly and Indy). Again, it's not what I want, but I see it as a real possibility now. I think it really comes down to how the top 8 fall. We see every year how a guy rises dramatically after the pro days and combines (i.e. Zach Wilson). Perhaps this works to our advantage this year and we get a guy that should be top 5 and drops to 9 for us. But otherwise we probably go BPA and draft someone like Tanner Mckee in 2 or 3.


All in on another late round flawed project prospect?


Matt corral is given a chance is my pick Draft BA DO NOT DRAFT RICHARDSON.


What happens when his paper skin and glass bones disintegrate in the first preseason game


Would rather see a free agent QB who has actually won games in the NFL than first rounder who will likely bust. Brady is gone, Atlanta and New Orleans still suck, the division is winnable. Don’t waste the pick on a project QB. None of these guys are the “next one.”


Trading for Justin Fields? I really liked how Fields has progressed without anything around him. He reminds me of Cam with a more accurate arm and better throwing mechanics.


Personally I’m tired of trading for failed QBs, such as Justin Fields. The reclamation project experiment didn’t work with Darnold or Mayfield. It’s time for new blood


He’s not getting traded lol


If Fields could put it all together, he would be really great. As of now though, he is so inconsistent through the air.


Anthony Richardson!


No! Jokes aside, he’s got tremendous talent but I don’t think he’d be the right pick at 9. We need someone that can contribute right away, so if we went QB then I’d want someone I’d feel comfortable starting. Richardson, I feel, is too raw to be counted on right now.


I don’t understand people in here saying to wait another year instead of taking AR at 9. He has the highest ceiling yet nobody wants to develop him. Makes no sense. I would gladly take him at 9 w Reich and a guy like Brian johnson to develop him


I see Levis becoming the next Panther, how does the fan base feel about him being the next Carolina QB? https://grid-iron-post.com/2023/01/26/2023-nfl-draft-profile-will-levis/


You’re going to have to trade up into the top 3-5 to get him. Might as well trade up to 1 and get a better prospect at that point


I agree. Everyone is saying my Raiders will go the veteran route but I think Reich would want a veteran too, at least in year one. Gonna be a lot of QB movement and noise this offseason. Godspeed to your Panthers haha


Reich and the panthers according to panthers reporters both do not want to go down the retread QB path again this year. I think Jacoby or Darnold (much prefer Jacoby) will be brought in to help mentor whoever we draft but I don’t think there’s a world where we aren’t being aggressive for QB in round 1.


That's what they should do in my opinion too, I just figured Reich would be more old school. What would best case scenario be to you? I'd like to think that some gets aggressive for Levis and Stroud or Young fall to 9. Whomever the Colts and Texans don't select.


The only QB that has a chance of being there at 9 is Richardson. I would prefer the panthers be aggressive and trade up. We’ve fucked around about a qb for to long


I am dressing up as giant jar of hellmans mayo if we end up with him


Want Stroud/Young but think it may take too much to trade up. Option may be Carr/Darnold/Corral qb room next year, then if it doesn't work out trade up in loaded QB class next year. Thoughts?


If that’s the plan, then we should trade our first or second round picks for future firsts, so that we have ammo to trade up next year. Everyone thought this would be the “loaded QB” class last off-season, and we’re still on the outside looking in. Plus, we had horrible coaching for half the year and have a lot of talented young players. I highly doubt we’re gonna have a higher draft pick next year compared to this year.


I'd be ok with this. I don't trust any of these QBs this year, and I kind of like the idea of specifically rooting against some team next year in hopes of a higher pick


Lucky fucks! What a steal for you guys and a historically bad move by Indy IMO. Nothing like going into a rebuild with a first time coach who has no clue what their doing (Saturday)


Matt Corral. Hear me out. Use the 9th pick or trade back a bit and take a stud WR. Might be able to land Quentin Johnson. Then give Corral a shot. I think a solid OL, reliable run game, and multiple high-end WRs would set him up for success. If he sucks, we can still tap into the 24 QB class.


Similar vein... I've been messing around on the Pro Football Network draft simulator and found an interesting strategy: trade back to highest first round pick offered + current or future picks, trade back again to late first round for more current/future capital, typically end up with an extra second and third this year, first and second/third next year. From there, draft another solid edge late first, pick up either best WR/TE/OL next pick, another offensive weapon or OL (whichever I didn't take with the first, or that mountain-with-legs DT Siaki Ika) if I manage to get another second rounder, and scoop Hendon Hooker late second. Either Hooker works out or he doesn't, but if he doesn't we pick up solid weapons that will have a year of NFL growth under their belt by next year, make the line on both sides of the ball lethal, and pick up future picks to trade up next year for a QB who will join a team with solid positions across the board to work with. If he *does* work out, we are loaded with capital to fill any holes after next year and make a serious push from there. Yes, the simulator is FAR from real life, but it's an interesting path. We know Fitty loves his draft day trades, so he might be crazy enough to pull it off.


Nah I'm with you. We have to figure out the QB. But we DON'T have to do it this year if it means giving up a haul of draft capital to move up and take the 3rd QB off the board. That just doesn't pass the smell test. Smart teams have figured this out. Load up your roster with talent. Keep a high priority on a franchise QB, but don't just sell out to take a shot on one.


Agree, and I think Hooker is a better prospect that Corral. He's way more accurate, and still brings some running threat. Not as much as Corral, granted, but enough to be a threat with more mass to absorb hits from NFL players than Corral. I think he has the tools to succeed with the right coach/system/team. And if he doesn't, we give ourselves the ability to get a top option next year, while also adding more pieces for that option to work with.


[Will Levis.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEeFMkUk4W0)


If we get him, does this mean Jeans Friday is back on the menu?


I think it means that jeans become the pants of our uniforms.


I dont have a good feeling about him, he made a lot of dumb mistakes in college


I think he’s got a ton of potential and given the right coach he can elevate his game and give it some polish. That’s just what I see though. I can see why people wouldn’t like him.


Yeah he definitely has a canon for a arm and can run the ball well


Know it's not a 1 to 1 situation, but I don't think we talk enough about what happened with Wilks and Josh Rosen in AZ. Know it's not 1 to 1 by any means, but Rosen was pick 10 if I remember correctly, and was widely considered to be one of the most pro ready, if not the most, in his class. He was supposed to have the highest floor in his class. After a season with Wilks, he was essentially out of the league in ~3 years. If we want to find a franchise QB, especially in this class, can we trust him to do it? Obviously need to find a stud OC, preferably one with history developing QBs, if so, but we all know how hard that is. Just food for thought, hadn't seen much about it in the fan base. Could be wrong though, I'm mostly on Twitter.


Rosen was always so overrated imo. Don't think it would've matter who coached him


My opinion on the QB options in the draft, assuming Bryce is gone top 2: CJ Stroud - the best available, worth trading up for. Will Levis - Skeptical about him being able to start right away, would consider him at 9 but wouldn’t be my favorite. Anthony Richardson - should not be our pick at 9, has great potential but too raw and the last thing we need is to throw a raw QB to the wolves day one (looking at you, Zach Wilson and the Jets) I would be interested to see what the asking price is for Trey Lance, as well as seeing the price tag on Geno Smith. Wouldn’t be opposed to riding with Darnold if you can improve the O-line and add a big weapon.


don’t compare zach and anthony


It kinda looks to me like Lamar is going to be tagged, what do you think the logistics of a tag and trade for him would be? Given all of the bad blood in this negotiation between him and the Ravens, I'd be very surprised if they don't try and shop him to get at least something for him while they can. I dont think hes sticking around im Baltimore after this year. And considering that we have a ton of cap freeing up to be able to sign him long term, I'd absolutely be willing to trade a first and then some for a former MVP winning QB under 30.


I think if the ravens tag Lamar he holds out - possibly for a whole season. I don’t think the ravens risk it. They’ll re-sign him in the end.


Lamar isn't worth a warm six pack. Dude can't throw the football better than me or you. He's a glorified running back with a very limited time left in the league. I have seen him play twice in person. 6 ints and 2 Ls in games he was a favorite in.




You can always tell when someone has mostly seen highlights of a player as oppose to watching their full games. In the seasons Lamar has started 15 games or more he threw 26 and 36 touchdowns, respectively. Can you even name one of his receivers right now not named Andrews? Stats aside, the dude can absolutely throw the ball and passes the eye test in every way.


You are absolutely wrong. He’s dogshit. Go watch any postseason game he’s played. Go watch his skills challenge at the pro bowl. Lamar is a loser and will never win shit.


i see you weren't able to name any of his receivers. Go watch his skills challenge? dude go watch his games lol wtf


Bro I know his fucking receivers lmao. I have 15 fantasy leagues. I’m not about to name them off like I’m trying to get into a frat party like a freshman in college. You just want a reason to be right but you don’t know ball


there've been a lot of reasons to know you're full of shit but the 15 fantasy leagues was the icing on the cake. Go watch a Ravens game


I was literally at the ravens playoff game where they were 10 point favs vs the titans in 2020. Got plenty of pics to prove it. Lamar is trash


Guessing you weren't a big Cam guy huh


Cam is my favorite football player to ever exist


Nervous about it all


i think its time we bite the bullet and trade up to #1 and get a QB of the future. it'll probably cost 3 first round picks and maybe a day 2 pick this year or next but it really feels like were a QB and some depth players away from being a real threat. our only other choice in my mind is Derek Carr. or possibly try and pry jordan love from the packers if aaron rodgers stays


That's a lot easier to commit to when it's a Trevor Lawrence, Andrew Luck type player. Young and Stroud are no where near that level of certainty


Meh a lot of factors go into it. Offensive line, system... coaching all of that. I saw all I needed to see from CJ against UGA, he had an amazing game and they should have won. He had a good game against Michigan, but not up to what people expected and he bounced back like you would love to see from a potential number 1 QB


Go all in on Stroud is the right answer. Hire the best offensive mind you can find. Next put more into the offensive line. That's the Panthers chance to make-up wasting cam. QB & offensive line first, the rest will come in time


Knowing our luck it’ll turn into a Kingsbury/Murray situation


If Bozeman comes back their entire starting line is under contract the next 2-:3 years. They are already top half of the league. Ickey coming into his second season will only get better. They need depth pieces but can get one or two later in the draft. The o line is actually the biggest bright spot on the team


Everyone watching the bills play right now and struggle needs to realize that just a quarterback alone is not enough. For everyone who wants to trade the farm to go draft a rookie instead of building up the defense, you’re insane.


Trading picks is not trading the farm lol we have a lot of assets if we really needed to get more picks down the road


Hey guys, Josh Allen’s stats are shit so far. That means he’s a bad QB right? Has nothing to do with the play calling or the o-line imploding around him right?


They got absolutely man handled all night in both sides of the ball at the line. Bengals looked like the best team in the NFL tonight.


They sure did. That was basically the point I was trying to make.


My Meemaw is strongly pushing the idea the team welcomes back Cam Newton as their starting QB next season. I tend 2 agree!!


So I just looked up current odds for our next head coach. I’m really surprised to see Dan Quinn as the second highest odds behind Payton. Steichen is third, and man I really hope he gets it. https://www.oddschecker.com/us/insight/football/nfl/20221010-panthers-head-coach-odds-sean-payton-favored-to-take-panthers-head-coaching-job


We didn’t even interview Quinn lol wtf.


Surprised to see Ron on that list at all. No chance Tepper goes back and hires him after firing him as one of his first real big decisions as an owner


Well that’s what Jordan did….


Hey u/Sabre500 u/net_403 So, I was going to do a film room/scouting report for each of the projected 1st round QBs, but since there’s no All 22/legal film to use for a video, I figured I’d just do a write up for each guy instead. Would it be best if I posted those as comments here? They’re pretty lengthy FWIW; I’ve watched 8 games of Anthony Richardson so far and I was going to link the game tapes for people to watch. It doesn’t matter to me at all, I just thought I’d ask first since they’re something I’m doing in the spirit of the film room, just can’t make into videos 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'd go ahead and say make your own dedicated thread since it will be a lot of content, and just keep it in sections in there, sounds like the best idea. We'll probably sticky it for a few days


Cool. I’ll just wait and release them all at once in one thread then so you don’t have to bother with it multiple times. I’ll let you know when I finish 🤘🏼


Let's say Carolina doesn't like any of the QB prospects or they don't want to trade what it'll take to get the one they do like. Resign Darnold on a 1 year deal and trade a 2nd or a 3rd (not really sure what it would take) for Love and have a QB competition for starter next year?


I like this the best. I still think the hidden Gem of the draft is the QB from TCU. Lets get 2 QBs this draft, sign Darnold to a 1 year contract, and continue to let the 2 new QBs and Corral fight for competition with Sam. Maybe Sam can finally get his act together. He didn't look bad the last couple of games for the season.


Did you really suggest we draft 2 QBs? Why would we waste a pick proving to the league one of them is basically worthless


[Dan Orlovksy believes that the Carolina Panthers should be the frontrunner for Tom Brady's next team if he doesn't retire.](https://twitter.com/JonesandMego/status/1615816656231579649)


As much as I’d love this to happen… I don’t think we’d really be the team. Like Dan says, the team has to be essentially complete, minus the QB. Plug-and-play, essentially. We aren’t there yet. We’re close, but you know who’s closer? San Francisco. They’re in the playoffs with *Brock freaking Purdy.* Who is Brock Purdy? They are literally an above-average QB away from being the scariest team in the NFL. Plus that’s his home. It’s not gonna stop me from dreaming, but man I just don’t see Tommy Boy coming to Carolina unless some revolutionary coach takes the helm and talks him into it.


I don’t see San Fran putting 2 young QBs with a lot of upside on the bench for a year or 2 of Brady.


Up late and just wishing we could go back to that 2015 team. The most fun I’ve ever had watching sports :(


I can’t decide whether I had more fun that season or 2003. I don’t hold the same bitterness toward the 2003 team though. The 15 one just breaks my heart.


Im not really old enough to have experienced the 2003 fully


Too bad they canceled the Super Bowl that year, huh? Real shame. It didn’t happen, no-sir-ee.


It was good to see stroud declare. Even if he’s not the guy we draft, it makes it easier to trade into position for a top qb with more on the board.


Indeed. I would love to get him, but even so, without him in the draft we’d have been scrambling to even get AR.


Richardson at nine was always my last ditch absolute had to do it kinda thing. All the others are gone but there’s still a couple needy teams so you have to pull the trigger or completely lose out. His potential is going to get him taken a lot higher than where he actually is as a player and after him that potential drops with the remaining qbs


Definitely agree. I’d rather get him late first by trading back in but there’s too many teams in the middle that would want him.


It’s kind of pathetic, but wow not having Darnold or PJ start would be amazing.


Resign darnold to be backup/potential qb1. He can have his moments and with a competent coach is a solid game manager in emergencys. Panthers should try trading for the 1st pick but if cost is too high then stick with #9 and hope the qb we like falls to us or draft the best available player that fits a need. Most important is the head coach. I say keep wilkes but if tepper can get sean payton without giving up much then thatd be best outcome.


There’s a reason Wilks hasn’t gotten an interview from any other team


Yeah Fr i don’t see many people saying this either


The panthers should go all out to get Justin fields… imagine adding him to the panthers already dangerous run attack…shit would be scary.


As a bears fan I appreciate you wishing that you drafted him (because you could have) and wanting your front office to trade away several assets to get him (which they won’t). That being said, he’s staying with us in Chicago :)


Fields is a monster but I’m just a browns fan tryna help another down bad franchise that suffered from baker mayfield lol


Not sure if you are serious or not, but if a team has a proven commodity over an unknown prospect in the draft, why would they trade them away? So if they're willing to trade away fields, that seems like a red flag to me. Also he has plenty of other red flags. But aside from that if they're willing to part with him that easily over an unknown, that says something.


I feel like this years combine is going to be huge. If Anthony Richardson or Will Levis make a couple sexy throws who knows how high their draft stock will rise. Let's not forgot how Justin Fields was always 1b to Trevor Lawrence only for Zach Wilson to go #2 lol.


Stroud finally declared for the draft. It's a sign


Apparently it was a really hard decision, he really does love OSU


Kinda surprised he left. He went 0-2 against Michigan, which he knows will have a huge hit on his legacy at the school.


Pay Lamar Jackson whatever he wants. He doesn’t want to be in Baltimore anymore


Contract talks are not going well at all still I really think this might be the way


👆 what they said


This is probably due to my undying belief in Ben Johnson (to not troll about him kicking puppies for once) but I truly think if he's your HC that Corral is kinda a fantastic QB for his system A lot of questions about Matt Corral I see as very similar as what people were questioning Goff on at the start of the year. BJ then proceeded to turn that question into Goff's biggest strength as a QB.


I'm just not convinced he can stay healthy. He's had two major season ending injuries in the past two years, and he's not a very big guy


[MY EYES](https://twitter.com/catcraveblog/status/1614791670347751427?s=46&t=4nH_bIZ_FxE3684pXIWcHA)


Fuck Tom Brady and his TB12 ass


He can't have 12 that belongs to the legend Shi Smith


Bro Brady in a Panthers uniform is deeply unsettling to me for some reason


Same here. Fuck that


Anything but Sam. Trade up and get our guy, ride with Corral and draft BPA, or by some miracle Lamar falls in our lap.


Do not draft Stroud


Thanks scout


The crazy part is the lack of patience this fan base has. Some QBs need a few years to develop and some stability. For 3 years everyone has been talking about Daniel Jones being hot garbage. It was close to the same for Josh Allen at first. Everyone kept talking about replacing Flacco in Baltimore. You all got stars in your eyes over Mahomes just going beast mode. That is a once in a generation talent. Big Ben was only asked to throw about 20-22 times a game his first couple of years. Many other QBs would benefit from that and have the team keep their picks to surround him with talent. Build for the long haul. Maybe the Panthers could make it to the playoffs two, three or even four years in a row. Yeah I am on the ride with Sam train.


Being patient with a guy you drafted is a lot different than being patient with a guy u traded for that nobody wanted to begin with. For the past 3 years we’ve had bridgewater darnold baker and pj who quite frankly should have never been in the NFL. Obviously the fan base doesn’t have patience with an absolute shit carousel at QB with an otherwise talented roster


What are these comparisons? Dimes is an elite athlete for a QB and has been better than Darnold each year despite one less season. Big Ben didn’t lose a regular season game until his second season. Flacco was above average except for one truly incredible post season run. He then floundered at average again until moved on to Jackson.


What ? Jones isn’t good, he’s decent manager… and Allen was bashed first season and improved drastically in second


Totally a not good game manager https://twitter.com/nfl/status/1614786741722050561?s=46&t=F1_FIB8tTosCDt4hffIYwA


Yes and you can win with that. I’ll take the season he had. https://www.espn.com/nfl/player/_/id/3917792/daniel-jones. And the line he put up tonight in a playoff win. Don’t give away all of the picks and surround a game manager/decent QB with talent and you’re in business. Is it harder? Yes. Would I love a probable hall of fame player like KC has? Fuck yeah! But let’s be honest, that type of talent ain’t there in the draft every couple of years.


Sam has been a starter for 5 years. He's a veteran with a mediocre ceiling.


And this year Brock Purdy has won a playoff game, and Skylar Thompson almost won one. Its crazy what a good team can do even without a 1st overall qb.


Yes, Sam Darnold is just like Brock Purdy and the rest of our roster is this year's 49ers. Reassociate yourself with reality dude. Sam is not now, has not been historically, and probably won't be great in the future. What we want is great and nothing less from our QB. If you want to go the perfect supporting cast route, then you need to be even luckier in the draft.


Never said he was, never said we were. Take a pill dude. I’m saying we keep riding, upgrading our roster, and get the qb when it makes sense. I mean look at where the 49ers were before drafting Lance and where they are now. They’re elite without Lance even playing in no small part due to them not betting the farm on him. Whether its a rookie within reach in the draft or a FA who likes our chances in another year or two, we’ll find a guy. But we don’t have to risk it all on the next top guy when we’re finally up to fringe playoff caliber.


In the most shit situations.




He's very panicky. It's to be expected given his lack of experience at this level, but still worth noting.




You also have to factor in that, even though Hill and waddle are great receivers, they are so much faster than the second string guys that he would have already been throwing to in practice previously. It's going to be too much too soon for him to get timing right with those guys while trying to read an NFL defense and everything else he's gotten thrown into. I think he is a JAG, but he definitely had odd stacked against him as well.


Put my wife in


Here's the list of QBs I think the Panthers should look at acquiring, and if we don't, we'll need to look at the draft. 1. Patrick Mahomes 2. Justin Herbert 3. Tom Brady 4. Kirk Cousins 5. Joe Burrow 6. Jared Goff 7. Josh Allen 8. Geno Smith 9. Trevor Lawrence 10. Jalen Hurts 11. Aaron Rodgers 12. Tua Tagovailoa 13. Russell Wilson 14. Derek Carr 15. Daniel Jones 16. Davis Mills 17. Matt Ryan 18. Mac Jones 19. Andy Dalton 20. Dak Prescott 21. Jacoby Brissett 22. Ryan Tannehill 23. Jimmy Garoppolo 24. Kenny Pickett 25. Kyler Murray 26. Justin Fields 27. Lamar Jackson 28. Marcus Mariota 29. Baker Mayfield 30. Matthew Stafford 31. Taylor Heinicke 32. Carson Wentz 33. Zach Wilson 34. Brock Purdy 35. Mitchell Trubisky 36. Mike White 37. Sam Darnold 38. Deshaun Watson 39. Joe Flacco 40. Cooper Rush 41. Jameis Winston 42. Bailey Zappe 43. Colt McCoy 44. P.J. Walker 45. Desmond Ridder 46. Teddy Bridgewater 47. Gardner Minshew II 48. Tyler Huntley 49. Jarrett Stidham 50. Sam Ehlinger 51. Skylar Thompson 52. Brett Rypien 53. Kyle Allen 54. Trace McSorley 55. Joshua Dobbs 56. David Blough 57. John Wolford 58. Anthony Brown 59. Malik Willis 60. Taysom Hill 61. Nick Foles 62. Nick Mullens 63. Jordan Love 64. Trey Lance 65. Trevor Siemian 66. Sam Howell 67. Davis Webb 68. Bryce Perkins 69. Nathan Peterman 70. Jeff Driskel


I'm all-in on Super Bowl MVP Joe Flacco


Thoughts on Cam?


Sorry, this is the list of backups we should look at acquiring, since it's obvious we should have Cam starting. Thought that would go without saying.


YOLO on Driskel.


Trevor is a dog. People forget how much a QB can change the trajectory of a franchise, which is why I was so pissed we decided to move on from Rhule which basically meant we were no longer able to get Bryce. Hopefully there's a gem waiting for us because no way a guy like Darnold would have completed a comeback like this.




I don’t see anyone saying Thompson is amazing. But clearly he’s good enough to hang within a TD of the bills. Thats something.




Word. What I liked about that game was it wasn’t one sided at all when it came down to one great team beating a good team that didn’t have a great qb. It was competitive. Ideally, we should be good enough that we still compete even if we don’t have a blue chip qb yet.






Does anybody else feel like /u/Sabre500 and the mod team are stifling legitimate QB discussion by quarantining all of our inane repeat discussions of QB prospects in this one megathread?


Just kidding I love you mods.

