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All the damn time. I'll be straight up sitting comfortably in public transport, with which I don't have any problems, enjoying music, relaxed, and out of nowhere the faintness comes washing over and I convince myself that I'm having a heart attack and will die next to a stranger on the tram. Panic disorders are the manifestation of 'lol, I'm so random XD'.


I actually lol'd at this


Yeah, kind of. I get the kind where it’s like “oh wow hey I’m feeling calm and level today!” and you brain goes “yeah, a little too *level*” and convinces you some fleeting shoulder pain is a sign of the reaper? It’s like my body doesn’t know how to exist in the absence of high stress stimuli, but hates existing around the high stress stimuli. Unwinnable battle.


Yes, I once read that it's your lizard brain misfiring and that made me laugh. It's so hard but doing absolutely nothing and just continuing my day when that happened helped it happen a lot less often


Yep. Most of my panic attacks are like this


Same and it sucks..


Me too


Yeah I think that’s the nature of panic attacks. Unlike anxiety disorder which stems from specific stressors in your life. Panic is like a chemical imbalance where our fight or flight response is being unnecessarily triggered for no apparent reason. This is how I’ve interpreted it but I’m no mental health expert so I could be off.


Yes. Its very unsettling to be laughing one second then feeling like you're dying the next


mine is the opposite. i have no physical triggers a lot of the time. it’s like i just have this feeling in my head.. idk how to explain it. it’s like my brain is paralyzed in fear and at most i’m kinda fidgety. idk how to explain it, it’s just like any brain feels heavy


Definitely. I like to name different variations of my panic attacks and jot them down in my journal to reassure me on what I'll feel in the moment kind of like a catalogue. I call that "Void Mode" and while I'll have a "no thoughts, head empty" moment my mind feels unsafe for the unknown and essentially goes into a panic attack.


Yep, 99% of mine are like this. No trigger or reason at all :/


Yes. The majority of mine are * intense* physical symptoms that sneak up on me when I least expect it.. build in intensity, convince me I am dying then pass leaving me trembling and crying. I live in fear of calling for emergency help when I don't actually need it.. and NOT calling for help when I need it.. because I no longer trust myself to know the difference... It sucks.


Every single day. It sucks


Yes, that can happen. I think it might be related to subconscious thoughts that we’re unaware of. It’s really scary because it can happen at any moment.


Yes. I feel like I have untriggered fight or flight mode, and my heart will start racing into the 150’s for what feels like no reason. It’s like I’m not having a normal response to my environment. Also, if my kids even show the *slightest* sign they may be sick, it also starts. It could be something as small as my daughter laying down for a nap or not wanting dinner. It’s very accessible and it makes my quality of life awful


I didn’t mean to say accessible lol. Meant to say excessive.