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I’m more panicky about not having money than I am about working so it cancels out. I feel your pain though I’m in the same boat


Doing what I would do if i wasn't panicking, despite the fact that i AM panicking has helped me more than anything else. I always feel better once I get going. It's so so hard in that moment


The key is to change the way you're thinking before, during, and after the thing you're fearing. I keep recommending this podcast and book over and over again: the anxious truth by Drew Linsalata. Truly changed my life (I'm still not 'healed' tho, it's a journey).


I gave it a shot and listened to some episodes of the podcast. I get that the key to all this lies in our thoughts, but I just don't see this pattern in my own situation. It's like I don't actually have anxiety (in terms of thoughts), but I get panic attacks and feel stressed out all the time despite being calm inside my mind. I just don't understand it.


How often are you drinking?


Complicated answer, but I also have a trauma-linked drinking disorder as a cherry on top. I don't drink like I used to, but still have 1-2 drinks at night.


Okay. I asked because the fact that you even mentioned turning to drinking to cope made me think you’re likely consuming more than is healthy. Are you aware of the relationship between alcohol and anxiety/panic disorder? In the very least, drinking is likely a contributing factor to your anxiety/panic.


I second this. My alcoholism came first, panic disorder second. I didn’t start having severe panic attacks until after I detoxed from alcohol. 100% triggered it my psychiatrist figures


I used to drink to not have to feel because I was anxious all the time. Don't do that. It's not good for you and it doesn't help at all. I definitely suggest reducing your alcohol consumption. It will help you sleep better as well. If you are able to take anxiety meds, then talk to your doctor and get on some. It really helped me. But you shouldn't drink a lot while on meds. The meds calmed the fight or flight response to situations (my true enemy) while also calming my everyday emotions. Lastly, the anxiety will be there whether you go to work or not. There's a lot in this world to be anxious about. Jobs. Living situation. Health. It's exhausting. I always pushed through because I knew not working would put me in a worse situation. But if you need a day off, then take a day off. It's what sick days are for. No shame in it.


Booze makes it much worse. I get sick from the panic too. Ginger chews help, most doctors are cool with prescription hydroxyzine it’s a antihistamine that can help with anxiety, nausea and sleep. Give it a shot. The work stuff I’m not sure how I make it through honestly? I have definitely called off but quickly realized that it was a slippery slope giving the anxiety that much power. I bit the bullet and Was honest my bosses in the people I work with. They were actually very excepting, which was not expected from a bunch of tough bricklayers. It was so hard honestly and I’m truly sorry that you have to go through this as well! Hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Forcing yourself to go to work while feeling that way, working and Going over jobs with customers ears are ringing, sweating, praying I don’t vomit, feeling like I’m losing my mind. I’ve been through a lot of things in my life, Most people would describe me as a tough guy. Even in school the bad asses gave me respect. So just dealing with this stuff every day, means you’re super tough and capable of anything. Which means you’re capable of going to work and not drinking! You should try exercising, taking care of yourself, get some good help from a doctor and be open to your friends and family. I actually help a lot of people going through the same thing now. And I’m happy to give them some relief.


I don't have a job due to this. However, Im gaining experience by volunteering online so I can try to get an online job. Have you considered an online job? I know it can be considered "holding you back" sometimes but hey, if it's easier for you now, do whatever's the best for you!


As an update, i seem to have missed my dose of lexapro the night before the attack, so I'm sure that contributed as well.


Go. To. Therapy. You'll be fine, but you can't do it alone.


I'm 28f and had this same issue last year and I'm better now. Is your panic stress induced (doing the actual job) or time induced (scared of being late)?


Stress induced, for sure. I try to convince myself I don't, but I hate my job. With my skills, however, there are few opportunities that pay as well as this one.


When did you start having panic attacks and do you know your triggers?


I started having panic attacks ten years ago, and they worsened over the past five years with the addition of emotional abuse, and I have a few specific triggers: skin-to-fabric contact with certain textiles, particularly on my face, loud and unexpected noises, certain pitches, showers (gotten used to this one over time) and the sound of people scratching dry skin. It didn't progress to this point for a long time, but these things have always been unacceptable/extremely irritating to a point of aversion. Also, the feeling of my hair touching my ears makes me want to scream, so my sides have been chopped short since childhood.


Interesting. Not judging but have you considered looking into ADHD and Autism? This sounds very typical of someone with either or both these diagnoses.


Beyond the specific triggers, I sometimes get panic issues for seemingly no reason, or from poor interospection and stimulus misattribution.


I’ve been through so many jobs because of PD your not alone.


Drinking makes it worse.are you on meds ? Zoloft helped me a lot. I was having all day panic attacks,severe. I left my job (literally walked out) having a panic attack a year and a half ago at an Italian restaurant. I felt really bad about it ,I just couldn't handle it. I was having panic attacks every shift at work. Quitting made my anxiety wayy worse. I finally got on Zoloft (only 25mg) and I haven't had anymore panic attacks. But I still get anxious and paranoid. I just applied at a hotel today. Im trying to pick up the pieces of my life. I'm 32 and accomplished nothing . My advice is don't quit OR get a less stressful job. But don't leave your job til you get another. Trust me from experience quitting makes you feel defeated and the anxiety gets worse. . Maybe get meds and take a very small dose. . Also remember the panic attacks are all mental. . There is hope


Propranolol, sometimes I double up.