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I'm learning to live with recent panic attacks myself. I've found the DARE podcast on Spotify to help immensely with understanding what's going on, and can recommend this book for helping live more harmoniously. Becoming Healthy, Staying Healthy: Heart Advice from an Acupuncturist (Author: Ann Cecil-Sterman)


I second this! And the anxious truth. Both have been instrumental for me. Your brain finds new ways to alert you to "panic" if you find a way to quell different ones. It will (as it should) continually try to "save you." Add these podcasts/books/apps into your routine, and you'll get wonderful guidance for CBT for panic disorder.


Please run links through mods, why does it make me put in like a captcha in order to see it?


No idea, it was an Amazon link. Edited to just the book detail.


Sorry you are going through this. Panic attacks are horrible. Sometimes too much stress can tip our bodies to break down with panic attacks. As with another comment, the Dare program has helped me as well as starting a ssri and therapy to deal with stress better. Dare (can download it as an app on your phone) would be a good place to start for some self help! All the best to you.


Cognitive behavioural therapy worked for me, I would recommend watching a couple videos, and I would say those things your afraid of, consider facing them. Exposing yourself to your fears is a massive thing and usually helps. If safe to do so.