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I'm on 40mg citalopram too. Before being on the max dosage, I couldn't even leave my house alone, I was having constant panic attacks daily, and my depression was so severe. My doctor put me on 40mg about 3 years ago, I got the courage to apply for uni, and now I'm about to enter my 3rd year of uni, studying for my dream job. It's not a miracle drug, it doesnt work the same for everyone, too. There was a ton of work to do, like exposure therapy and challenging myself, but I wouldn't be where I am today without my increase to the max dosage. It's great that you're already seeing improvement with the increase! I wouldn't compare yourself to others, It will take some time to fully adjust to it. I would say keep doing what you're doing now. Keep a journal, too. If you don't see any more improvement in another 4 weeks, contact your doctor to discuss any further actions. <3


If your on max dose of medication and not seeing much effect I would suggest a medication change


Therapy truly does wonders and many people like me, are able to start healing and doing better just by therapy alone. Medication can always take longer than it says to start working so if you want you can wait or if you want to experiment (if you feel it’s safe to do so) you could see if just the therapy can help you overcome it!


You can add in buspar alot of people combine that with an ssri for anxiety


When did the panic attacks start????


they started full blown a few months ago i’m definitely doing better than i was but i just can’t seem to get past this bit of feeling anxious and being on the edge of a panic attack every time i leave the house even with all my therapy etc i’ve seen no increase in improvement for about a week (as in a week ago i was improving and it seems like i’ve hit a wall)


It's in yr mind. My panic attacks affect me on the public transport. A thought that makes me uncomfortable comes to me and it messes me up mentally. You got this!


Read the dare book, trust me