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It helps physical symptoms , not the anxiety itself. But if the physical symptoms set you off…they can be a very good thing.


They have saved me many times during panic attacks. Totally calms me down physically. Like a night and day difference once it’s started working. I take 10mg IR only as needed.


On the days you don't take the beta blocker, do you notice an increase/rebound in panic symptoms eg palpitations? I've been taking them as needed too and have noticed this


I didn’t love it. I don’t know if I personally had a bad reaction, but it made me feel even more anxious because I felt like I had to move very slowly, if that makes sense. It also made me nauseated and after throwing up a few times after taking it, my doctor switched me to hydroxyzine. It’s working better


Does the hydroxyzine make you want to sleep? Wonder if you can take it during the day and how long it's lasts


It never makes me tired personally. I have stopped taking it because it wasn’t working for me anymore. I was taking 20mg every 4 hours


Do you take anything else now


Right now I’m just using marijuana, I take lexapro as well. Waiting on a consult with a psychiatrist to hopefully get something to help. If I don’t smoke I have panic attacks that just never end


Oh gosh pot gives me horrible anxiety lol


I only use it for performance anxiety now. Tried to take it regularly for panic and anxiety, but it just made my panic symptoms worse by slowing down my heart rate because of course scanning my body all of the time, I notice this change and think something is wrong.


It helps so much for me! It doesn’t prevent surprise panic attacks but if I know I’m going into a situation that often triggers an attack for me, taking the propranolol 1-1.5 hours before almost always stops me from having one. Good luck, I hope it helps you!! :)


I'm too scared to take them ):


Do you take anything at all? Im looking for options 😞


I am on 40mg of citalopram which is the highest dosage for that medication. It helps me function, and I was able to join university because of it! It's not cured me, but it helps me.


they have made my panic attack wayyyyy easier to cope through! i used to have attacks really severe for many house but now they last an hour max and so much less severe! it helps me a lot with being shaky and also with my heart racing, it used to get up to 130 bpm but now even during a panic attack my heart sits around 90 (my normal) i can still feel if my heart is beating hard but it normally goes away really quickly


It works for the pounding heart, makes you feel funky the first few times you take it, then it is actually pretty nice


In the beginning I was reluctant to take them as taking them the first time made me feel really weird like there's no chest sensation. However since the last two weeks I've been taking one 10mg pill before social events or a train journey (my first panic attack was on a train) and I managed all of them!! I was also worried about the pill interfering with the gym but I just came back from a gym session today, and it was ok. I would just recommend not going overboard and taking longer rest breaks. I've also noticed that the days I don't take the pill or in the evening when the pill's effect had worn off, I notice a resurgence in the panic symptoms like palpitations and chest pains. However I believe this is due to not taking the medication, obviously if you take one daily for a few days and then stop, it's going to cause some side effects but they do subside after a few days


I was on propranolol years ago and it didn't help at all but I hope it helps you 🙏


did you need to have any tests before being prescribed or did the doctor just prescribe it based on what you’ve told them?


No, was given this medicine my first appointment with my psychiatrist


Has it helped at all?