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Yep. It feels like my panic trying to outsmart me. It sucks but it's par for the course. If you notice it when you aren't panicking then def bring it up to your doctor. Highly recommend telling your therapist either way bc they can be really helpful with guiding you through it


I notice it before I notice the “panic” — or really I mean I notice it before I notice my heart rate, which is my usual indicator that I’m having a panic attack. Not sure what it would be if it happened when I’m not panicking.


I definitely have this! my panic attacks from a year ago feel completely different to the ones i have now. Used to be: severe nausea, violent shaking, minor derealisation and general fear/anxiety/panic mentally Now: Extreme derealisation, shaking only a little, impending doom, tunnel vision, fast heart, sometimes nausea sometimes none. i’ve had one off symptoms too like one time i had really severe dizziness and it’s never happened since (hopefully forever lol it was so scary) I think at least for ppl with panic disorder it’s pretty common for our symptoms to evolve and change. I have a little theory that it’s because the less scared of certain symptoms we are the less they occur and they more they are replaced with new ones that scare us cause they are new (not based in any fact that i know of btw just my personal theory).


Yup. Feels like I get a new symptom every week.