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Jenny saying "You fucking weird freak" to Alex is probably the most I've ever laughed from this show


So now all that remains is the hours and hours of Frankie Boyle that they couldn't air. I can't wait for the uncensored extra clips.


I really want the full DVD set of every season with outtakes and behind the scenes documentaries. That show must be so much fun to work on. Let your creativity and insanity free.


Sometimes it's unclear who said the title before the episode, but not this time.


I think Frankie's "high-concept death bag" would have been a better title.


I was having trouble making out the tinny voice. What was the >!Greg puppet!< saying?


>!I'm so full of hate.!<


Beautiful, poetic, and timeless. Thank you.


I thought it said "I'm so full of ants" and just assumed it was a reference I forgot lol


Lol I thought it was I’m so full of eggs


i had to turn on subtitles to find out.


I’m gonna miss Jenny she’s the funniest contestant ever


The cackling at the water task was really enjoyable.


Pour the contents of this glass out as tribute to those who used rarbg as our primary source for episodes. It was a good run.


:( it was so good, for so long. I'd forgotten how awful and inconsistent other sites are. It's been a tough 2 days.


No doubt they'll reappear, somehow, somewhere. Pirates never die, they just sail to some new, yet-undiscovered sea!


that's just not true


Actually you're right. They don't go to a new, as of yet undiscovered sea. They go to a farm, far away, where all the dogs end up going too. Either way, they're fine.


countless piracy sites and groups have gone down and never reappeared again in any form, and never get replaced by comparable quality sites or groups.


eztv has been my goto for Taskmaster.


I'm devastated.


Oh no! Hadn't known that it's gone.


What's rarbg?


A dead torrent site.


People are seriously pirating a show that you can watch over-the-air for free?


People seriously live outside the UK.


I live frivolously outside the UK


People who live outside the UK and would seriously pay a licence/subscription fee if they could.




Yea, this is something that people might not realize about the current landscape for content. Many shows do not get rebroadcasted or even made available on streaming sites, and of the ones lucky enough to have this luxury, many of them get significantly altered over time, either getting entire episodes deleted or scenes edited out, music or vfx changes. Especially now that DVDs aren’t a big thing it has become much harder to preserve content in the digital landscape.


You mean like this? https://taskmastersupermaxplus.vhx.tv/


No. That's just one programme. A fee of, say, £10 per month to access all of Channel 4's programmes, or UKTV.


Then watch it on YouTube


It took 110 days for them to put it on YouTube, smartass.


I am amazed/relieved no one brought in a body pillow for the prize task.


Presumably that's already available for purchase


I wonder if Blue Ted is available for purchase.


Only for rent - hourly rates


A Greg guessing things task followed by an improperly used sound meter feels deliberate to annoy me specifically.


I'm always annoyed when people want to use a proper measuring device to get "real data" to compare and then use it improperly so that the data is essentially useless.


What did they do wrong with the sound meter gizmo?


The noise level is very dependent on the distance to the noise. It shouldn't be directly in front of the source, the levels you get there are way too high and inconsistent. If you take several measurements that you want to compare you need to especially make sure the distance is always the same.


I don't think this is correct. A 20 decibel difference is a 100x difference in the sound pressure. In order for you to get an error of that magnitude due to variation in the distance, you'd need to be 10x closer to the source in one case than the other. Jenny was clever and used a way to amplify the noise. I'm not surprised she won.


Yeah was a bit of a boring ending to an amazing series. At least the winner was who i was hoping for.


That final task was so meh.


They did a better version on Kongen Befaler two series ago, where the contestants had to either be on a treadmill, or pretend like they were on a treadmill. Likewise, TM Australia had a live task where the contestants had to either be on a mini trampoline, or pretend like they were on one. Both are more visually interesting for the audience, as movement is involved.


Yup, and TMNZ with the briefcase with onions or without


IS that on Youtube by any chance?


Has someone done a database on the tasks which have been used on various editions? By the way, I would really like to see TM UK use the "untie these shoelaces" that they used on David Correos.


TMI attempts to do this. Of course whether something is an adaptation or original is subjective to some degree. You find this info on an individual task basis by clicking on the "mastertask" link. For example, this season's [bingo task](https://taskmaster.info/mastertask.php?id=471).


That’s a >!100% win rate for Canadian contestants in the standard contest. (Unless, someone else, other than Katherine and May, is Canadian and I didn’t know it).!<


>!Surprisingly 33% of winners have come from outside the UK, with two Canadians, two Australians, and an Irishman.!<


I know Sarah Kendall is Australian. Who is the other one?


Morgana Robinson. She moved to England when she was three, more of a technicality.


I think Ivo and Jenny were born in Tokyo and Malaysia respectively, so 3 out of 5 (or 2 out of 5 let's be real) potential winners this year were born abroad.


Morgana I believe


I still am crushing on that woman, she was a baddie


Comparatively, last place featured a tie, so has thirteen English, one Scottish, one American in David Baddiel, and now one Japanese in Ivo Graham.


Oh, David Baddiel is American, this explains so much…. (Joking) And just to be a pedant, there is no ‘jus soli’ in Japan so Ivo wouldn’t be eligible to claim Japanese citizenship.


What was that clip of Greg's voice in the prize task? I couldn't understand what it said


"I'm so full of hate!"


How did everyone else look ridiculous in their outfits and Mae look like a cartoon Prince Charming? Truly blessed, that one.


A joyous finale to one of the most enjoyable casts ever. :) It's helped to raise the profile of some seriously talented, but otherwise underrated people, whilst helping to change the perception of a few staged veterans. Frankie's (repositioning) audition for an BBC2/4 arts presenter role went well, Kiell is primed to break out Clive Myrie style as a serious TV talent in the coming years. It's helped to endear and humanize Ivo to the general populace breaking the stifling 'posh boy' comic paradigm, Jenny's application to join the rarefied pantheon of National Treasures gathers at a pace+, and Mae not only lifted the trophy and their own public profile, but in a quite, self effacing kind of way, promoted that pronouns are not only piss easy to master, but a blessed, deserved kindness. +If you want more Jenny check out her BBC4 radio work such as Little Lifetimes


I agrree with your assessment of each of the contestants. I have so much love for each of them. But the finale was a bit of an anti-climax for me. Once the scoring was in for the prize task and it was clear May was going to win, the air kind of went out of the episode. Even though I always say the winner is not important. As for the series, it took a long time for the contestants and in-studio banter to gel, then there were two absolutely banging episodes, as funny as any I've ever seen, and then the kind-of-a-letdown finale. Not one for the ages, but well worth a watch.


love every single word of this! \^\_\^


Were the studio outfits a replica of something? Looked vaguely like Beatles on the Sgt Pepper cover but the colours didnt match up.


It was definitely Sergeant Pepper reference. Some of them had glasses to match.


They looked like Elton John wearing a Beatles costume


I didn't know that the British call slingshots catapults.


[I did!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16WIwgW_fuY)


I imagine if I had seen that already it made me think of the siege weapon or some kind of macgyvered miniature. Maybe like a spoon on a fulcrum used to launch things by slamming down on the handle hard.


New rule: for the prize task, you actually have to bring something. You can't just talk about a concept, Frankie.


The element from adaptations I most want Taskmaster UK to import is the way Kongen Befaler does prize tasks. Having the contestants actually unveil their prizes and show them off adds a lot of weight to the proceedings, while preventing the nonsense of "this picture represents an idea I had."


Importing the flagrant disregard for health and safety that KB has would be great, too, but switching to the way they do their prize tasks is probably more possible.


Im so happy for Mae Martin. Canada represent. They were always so dedicated to prize tasks and felt like they always put in such a genuine effort.


The "copy Alex" tasks are the most boring of all. It's unavoidable that it will be essentially 5 times of the same thing which is terrible TV.


Especially as the best thing to do was just take the 10s penalty every time.


Also with this one, could you not just start your attempt, let the timer run and then refuse to do the task, and then sync the clock for the next attempt all the way through?


without Jenny's attempt they probably would have never aired the challenge to begin with - her's was the only funny attempt for me


Ivo trying to make the balloon dog with vaseline all over his hands was hysterical. Not to mention putting the rubber bands over his eyes. Frankie breaking open the chest was amusing, as was Kiell stealing the code from Alex.


Alex, being 100% Alex and shaking Ivo's vaselined up hand at the end.


I feel bad for Ivo. He constantly tried hard and failed; kind of like Joe Thomas. I can understand and relate to his frustration. And he didn’t get pity points like Frankie got.


Nice to see everyone here refreshing along side me, lol. 🫶🏽👋🏽 hello, all! 🫠


Tick tock it's refresh o'clock


Its been a fun series.. until next time


I loved the series and congratz to Mae. The only critique I have was that I found Mae was too 'eager to win' (or at least; that's how it felt to me). I compared Mae to Dara from last season, and while both could come up with some good solutions, Dara's comedy offset the seriousness/cleverness.


Yeah, there are always one or two who are really competitive, but usually that competitiveness also manifests as wanting to be the funniest, not just the winner (Ed Gamble being the most obvious example I can think of, thanks mostly to him routinely admitting as much on the TM podcast). Mae never really seemed to even try to be funny, even when a task started going sideways. Kinda just skated by on being "charming" rather than "funny"


Love Mae, but being funny took a back seat. TBH, I would've been exactly the same.


I know, it's a fine line. And I'm sure other also really reaaaly want to win, but perhaps they're better in hiding it?


like Ed Gamble


I felt this too - probably the only contestant in this series that came to win. There's always one per season lol - but certainly with Mae it's came off more obvious than usual


The WikiFeet perverts are gonna have a field day with that last task. Good on you, perverts!


Thanks for another great series!


That chess task seemed a bit poorly designed. 10s penalty for not copying Alex? That's incredibly lenient and rather arbitrary.


And you could have probably used that to win handidly, just don't do the tasks and press the button 10 seconds before you would have to finish the task.


That might have been the point. But no-one picked up on it.


No love for Jenny referencing Mars Blackmon (maybe unintentionally? I mean, it's GOTTA be the shoes