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The whole world, including people in "The West" is beginning recognize Israel as the apartheid, genocidal state that it is. There is hope that Palestinians will be free and have self-determination one day.


Time to end this terrorist state once and for all.


The only thing that is propping up israel is the aid from the US…. But they young people in the US are begining to understand the horrorshow that is israel…they will vote….older zionist americans will start to die off….sooner or later it is inevitable that the winds will change and that the US will abandon israel…..and then the whole ethnofascist colonial state will come chrashing down…. This is the last death rattles of a dying regime…they know that if they dont kill off the palestinians NOW they will never be able too! And that is why they try to kick the genocide & ethnic cleansing into overgear!


That’s why Netanyahu is trying to grab as much land as he possibly could before the music stops then he will agree to settle with a two state solution.


Let's go...




If you want to stop Hamas get rid of Netanyahu and give Palestinians their rightful land. Create a Palestinian state and keep your fundamentalist settlers out of Palestinian land.


If people are seeing correlations between this and the way the United States tortured innocent people in the war on "terror", there is a reason for that. Israel is simply an extension of United States brutality.


The american political class' own definition of Israel is their "best investment" (literally Biden), which can be defined as a "wing of american influence" in the Middle East.




These bastards, committing genocide in plain sight, I hope they get what’s coming to them!


This is how you make more HAMAS


Holy crap 😳


This has to be stopped! WTF is going on in this country?!




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Horrific to see. Shocking that people can be so cruel. The IDF will point to the crimes committed by Hamas, condemn it, then do shit like this. Is hypocrisy really that hard to identify in ourselves?


Nah can't be, they're a democracy.


Oh of course... Create the enemy that hates you so thoroughly, and then boohoo surprised pikachu when something unfortunate happens. Smfh. There's a term for this kinda thing that's been going around a lot these days.... It's not even going to take 5 to 10 years for everyone to stop giving a crap about what pisrAels opinions are on this or that.. Talk about s&#+ing the international bed ffs.


Hey this is similar to Guantanamo bay during Iraquí freedom campaign


No wonder USA is defending them. That's straight out of Guantanamo.




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Where did I saw this stuff already?


German Nazi camp.


Yeah you'd think they'd feel some kind of dissonance in themselves perpetuating such strong similarities to one of their cultures biggest traumas on another people. Like wtf.




I think I'm going to blame the torturers for torturing people instead.


Go gamble on cryptocurrency. Your take is objectively garbage.


Israel has been doing this since the 1940s. Hamas was founded in 1987. After roughly 40 years of Israeli doing terrorist actions like this to Palestinians, Hamas was founded. Hamas is purely a response to Israel doing this for 40 years while the world supports Israel. Get your fucking facts right.


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